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Riley Patterson

Honors U.S. History Block 2

Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

U.S. History Portfolio Project

Riley Patterson
Coach Tilton
Block 2

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 1A Social
SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th

Explain relationships with Native Americans such as Powhatan, Bacons Rebellion,

Describe the settlement of New England; include religious reasons, relations with Native
Americans (e.g., King Phillips War), religious tensions that led to the founding of Rhode Island,
the half-way covenant, Salem Witch Trials
SSUSH2 The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America

Describe growth of the African population, and African-American culture


Identify Benjamin Franklin as a symbol of social mobility and individualism.


Explain the significance of the Great Awakening.

SSUSH3 The student will explain the primary causes of the American Revolution.
Explain colonial response to such British actions as the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp
Act, and the Intolerable Acts as seen in Sons and Daughters of Liberty and Committees of
Explain the importance of Thomas Paines Common Sense to the movement for
America had many social influences. Unlike the Puritans in Plymouth, other colonies had bad
relations with the Native Americans. Jamestown was often attacked by Native Americans and
eventually a war broke out between the colonists and the Indians. Chief Powhatan led the
Indians and his daughter, Pocahontas, was captured by the English and went on to marry John
Rolfe. Also in New England, a rebellion organized by Metacom, or King Phillip, known as the
King Phillips War occurred. It resulted in the loss of Indian land and many Indians fled to the
French colony of Canada. The Indians would later on help the French in the French and Indian
War. Rhode Island was founded by people who were more tolerant of other religions. The
Puritans believed that God punished those who tolerated choice in religion and the sent anyone
who thought otherwise to Rhode Island such as Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson. The
Church was also having problems with membership so they offered half memberships, the halfway covenant, to newer generations. People could become full members by pubic affirmation
and would receive voting benefits. England imposed taxes such as the Stamp and the
Intolerable Acts. This prompted people to form organizations such as the Sons and Daughters
of Liberty and Committees of Correspondence to decide on ways to fight back, like the
Boston Tea Party. Thomas Paines Common Sense motivated the people to revolutionize by
giving them clear reasons as to why the colonies should be free from British rule.

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
John Rolfe
King Phillips War
French and Indian War
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Half-Way Covenant
Stamp Acts
Intolerable Acts
Sons of Liberty
Daughters of Liberty
Committees of Correspondence
Boston Tea Party
Thomas Paine
Common Sense

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 1A Political
SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th
a. Explain the development of the House of Burgesses
b. Describe the establishment of town meetings and development of a legislature, and the
loss of Massachusetts charter
c. Explain the settlement of Pennsylvania
SSUSH3 The student will explain the primary causes of the American Revolution.
a. Explain how the end of Anglo-French imperial competition as seen in the French and
Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris laid the groundwork for the American
Early governments paved the way for modern government. The House of Burgesses was the first
representative colonial body in colonial America and began a strong tradition of legislatures in
America. It was established in Jamestown by the Virginia Company led by John Smith. Male
landowners over the age of 17 voted for two Burgesses to represent their settlement. King James
distrusted the House of Burgesses which is one of the reasons he revoked Jamestowns charter
which turned it into a royal colony. The Puritans, or Pilgrims/Separatists, disagreed with the
Church of England and were persecuted by the King. They sought refuge in North America in
1620 but were blown off course from Virginia and landed in Plymouth Rock. Outside the
jurisdiction of the Virginia Company, the settlers agreed to form their own government and obey
its laws by signing the Mayflower Compact. Another religious group, the Quakers, founded
Pennsylvania, named after William Penn, which was debt paid to Penn by King Charles II. The
French and Indian War between Britain and the French, aided by the Native Americans, was
ended by the Treaty of Paris of 1763 which gave the British claims of land past the Appalachian
Mountains to the Mississippi River. This would have given more land for the colonists to settle
on had it not been for the Proclamation of 1763 which prohibited colonists from settling on that
land. This infuriated the colonists which was one of the causes of the American Revolution.
House of Burgesses


Treaty of Paris 1763

Virginia Company

Mayflower Compact

Proclamation of 1763

John Smith


Royal Colony

William Penn


French and Indian War

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 1A Economic

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
SSUSH1 The student will describe European settlement in North America during the 17th
a. Explain Virginias development; include the Virginia Company, tobacco cultivation, and
the development of slavery.
c. Explain the development of the mid-Atlantic colonies; include the Dutch settlement of
New Amsterdam and subsequent English takeover,
d. Explain the reasons for French settlement of Quebec.
e. Analyze the impact of location and place on colonial settlement, transportation, and
economic development; include the southern, middle, and New England colonies.
SSUSH2 The student will trace the ways that the economy and society of British North America
a. Explain the development of mercantilism and the trans-Atlantic trade.
b. Describe the Middle Passage,
Economies helped form America as we know it. The Virginia Company, a joint stock company
from England, founded the colony of Jamestown in 1607 to look for gold. Jamestown faced
many hardships like disease and attacks by Native Americans. The colony wasnt making any
profit until John Rolfe brought tobacco, which having it was punishable by death, and it became
the staple crop of that region. To maintain all the tobacco that was growing, the colonists needed
lots of labor which is where the dependence on slavery began. Slaves were brought from Africa
after they were traded for weapons and other goods from England. The goods were made from
resources from the colonies; this was all part of the Triangle Slave Trade. The trip from Africa
to the New World was called the middle passage which was a gruesome two month trip where
10% of those travelling died. Modern-day New York was founded by the Dutch who called it
New Amsterdam at the time. When the British realized how prosperous New Amsterdam they
took it over and it became New York, named after Duke of York. The French settled in Quebec
for the abundance of fish, transportation routes on the St. Lawrence River, farming land, and they
could get a lot of fur for the fur trade. England didnt want the colonies to trade with other
countries so they imposed the Navigation Acts. This act of mercantilism gave England a lot of
profit at the expense of the colonies.
Virginia Company

Staple Crop

Joint Stock Company Triangle Slave Trade/ Middle Passage

John Rolfe

New Amsterdam

Unit 1B Economic

Navigation Acts

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption
and implementation of the United States Constitution.
c. Explain the issue of slavery
SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and
the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.
b. Describe Jeffersons diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the
territorys exploration by Lewis and Clark.
Along with the new government, the economy started taking shape. In the south, people wanted
slaves to count as people for the purpose in representation but not taxes. In the north, they didnt
think that was fair so as a compromise they agreed that 3/5 of the slave population would be
counted for representation and taxes. This was known as the 3/5 Compromise and it is stated in
the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson sparked some controversy when he bought Frances
territory in America for $15 million, some of it public funds, which was less than three cents an
acre. This was the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and it nearly doubled Americas size. Jefferson
then sent Lewis and Clark to map the newly gained land. Alexander Hamilton was Americas
first Secretary of Treasury. Hamilton had an economic plan for the country which included a
National Bank, a tax on Whiskey (led to the Whiskey Rebellion), and a protective tariff which
protected American businesses. The protective tariff protected only U.S. businesses but not
agriculture and this was because Hamilton was a Federalist and they favored manufacturing
over agriculture, which the Anti-Federalists favored.
3/5 Compromise
Thomas Jefferson
Alexander Hamilton

Unit 1B Political

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
SSUSH4 The student will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects of the
American Revolution.
b. Explain the reason for and significance of the French alliance and foreign assistance and
the roles of Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette.
c. Analyze George Washington as a military leader; include the creation of a professional
military and the life of a common soldier, and describe the significance of the crossing of
the Delaware River and Valley Forge.
d. Explain the role of geography at the Battle of Yorktown, the role of Lord Cornwallis, and
the Treaty of Paris, 1783.
SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption
and implementation of the United States Constitution.
a. Explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation and Daniel Shays Rebellion
led to a call for a stronger central government.
b. Evaluate the major arguments of the anti-Federalists and Federalists during the debate on
ratification of the Constitution as put forth in The Federalist concerning form of
government, factions, checks and balances, and the power of the executive, including the
roles of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.
c. Explain the key features of the Constitution, specifically the Great Compromise,
separation of powers (influence of Montesquieu), limited government,
e. Explain the importance of the Presidencies of George Washington and John Adams;
include the Whiskey Rebellion, non-intervention in Europe, and the development of
political parties (Alexander Hamilton).
SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and
the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.
c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the wars significance on the development
of a national identity.
America was becoming their own country and with it came political responsibilities. America
gained its independence from Britain with help from France. This was declared in the
Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin helped convince France to join our side but
what really sealed the deal was the American victory at Saratoga. Marquis de Lafayette helped
train American troops in the revolution. George Washington was named the commander of the
Continental Army at the Second Continental Congress. He was a great leader and led the army
to many victories like when he crossed the Delaware to surprise attack the Hessians. Washington
and his army then spent the winter in Valley Forge retraining. Washington was named President
of America at the Constitutional Convention after there was a need for a strong central
government because of the weak Articles of Confederation and Shays Rebellion. The Articles
gave states more power than the government and Shays Rebellion resulted in the need for a
stronger economy. Federalists and Anti-Federalists opposed each other over how the
government should be run and it led to many compromises between the two like the Bill of

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Rights. These compromises are included in the Constitution. The major causes of the War of
1812 were the seizing of merchant ships, impressment, the British supplying Native Americans,
and America trying to take Canada. The war resulted in American victory and created a strong
sense of nationalism.
Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Franklin
Marquis de Lafayette
George Washington
Second Continental Congress
Valley Forge
Constitutional Convention
Articles of Confederation
Shays Rebellion
Bill of Rights
War of 1812

Unit 1B Social

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
SSUSH4 The student will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects of the
American Revolution.
a. Explain the language, organization, and intellectual sources of the Declaration of
Independence; include the writing of John Locke and Montesquieu and the role of Thomas
SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption
and implementation of the United States Constitution.
d. Analyze how the Bill of Rights serves as a protector of individual and states rights.
SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and
the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.
a. Explain the Northwest Ordinances importance in the westward migration of Americans,
and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states.
The people played a big part in the creation of new governments. The Declaration of
Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson who was appointed to do so at the Second
Continental Congress in 1775. The Declarations purpose was to declare that the colonies were
free from British control and to explain and justify the reasons why they deserve their liberty.
The Declaration was split into three parts: the theory of government, a list of grievances against
the king, and a formal resolution declaring independence. Some of the ideas Jefferson used in the
Declaration were taken from a philosopher named John Locke. Lockes Social Contract Theory
stated that people have to give up some rights to be protected. Locke also says everyone is born
with the right of life, liberty, and property which Jefferson changed to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness in the Declaration. Locke states that governments only have power with the
consent of the governed and if the government violates the peoples rights then the people have
the power to abolish the government. The Bill of Rights protected the peoples rights by clearly
stating what rights the people had. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 stated that in the
Northwest Territory that America gained after the Revolution slavery was abolished, one plot of
land was required for public education, and that once a settlement reached 60,000 people, it
could become a state.
Thomas Jefferson

Bill of Rights

Second Continental Congress

Northwest Ordinance 1787

John Locke

Unit 2A Economic

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and
the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.
a. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the
development of the nations infrastructure.
SSUSH7 Students will explain the process of economic growth, its regional and national impact
in the first half of the 19th century, and the different responses to it.
a. Explain the impact of the Industrial Revolution as seen in Eli Whitneys invention of the
cotton gin and his development of interchangeable parts for muskets.
Economics in this time period gave way to new achievements because of the Industrial
Revolution. People were beginning to head west which created a need for easier and more
efficient transportation. Roads were built and were taken care for by creating turnpikes to
generate revenue to manage upkeep. Another way money was obtained for roads was through the
American System. Whenever bodies of water had to be crossed, people used makeshift rafts to
float to their destination. This prompted the invention of the steamboat by Robert Fulton which
allowed them to travel upstream as well as downstream and much quicker than before. To make
the transport of goods from inland to a body of water easier, canals were built. The most famous
canal of the time was the Erie Canal that stretched from Lake Erie to the Hudson River. New
York City grew as the biggest city in the United States because of its flourishing harbors and its
commercial activities. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which made picking the seeds from
the cotton faster. This caused a greater need for slaves because, now, more cotton could be
harvested and sent to the north for manufacturing. Whitney also introduced the idea of having
interchangeable parts for muskets because usually if a musket part broke, the weapon would
have to be thrown away and replaced. This idea meant that the north could manufacture more
parts and have just one person focus on individual job.
National Road
Erie Canal
Industrial Revolution
Interchangeable Parts
Tariff of 1816
Cotton Gin
American System
Santa Fe Trail

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
California Gold Rush
Gadsden Purchase
Eli Whitney
Samuel Slater
Robert Fulton
Francis Cabot Lowell

Unit 2A Social

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
SSUSH7 Students will explain the process of economic growth, its regional and national impact
in the first half of the 19th century, and the different responses to it.
b. Describe the westward growth of the United States; include the emerging concept of
Manifest Destiny.
c. Describe reform movements, specifically temperance, abolitionism, and public school.
d. Explain womens efforts to gain suffrage; include Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Seneca
Falls Conference.
e. Explain expanding suffrage, the rise of popular political culture, and the development of
American nationalism.
SSUSH8 The student will explain the relationship between growing north-south divisions and
westward expansion.
a. Explain how slavery became a significant issue in American politics; include the slave
rebellion of Nat Turner and the rise of abolitionism (William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick
Douglass, and the Grimke sisters).
b. Explain the Missouri Compromise and the issue of slavery in western states and
Social issues were big part of this time period. After the U.S. gained land from the Louisiana
Purchase and the War of 1812, people began settling in the west. A major factor that contributed
to this expansion was Manifest Destiny which was a belief that it was the peoples God given
right to settle in the west. The temperance movement, in which women played a big part, was
to try to get people to drink less alcohol. The abolitionist movement tried to abolish slavery in
the new states. The public school reform wanted it to be required that all children go to school.
During the Womens Movement women wanted to be treated equal so at the Seneca Falls
Convention, organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, women adopted the Declaration of
Sentiments which included womens suffrage. After the War of 1812, people had a strong sense
of nationalism for their country. As new states were formed, the issue of whether that state
should be a slave or free state. William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, the Grimke
sisters, and more contributed to the growing abolitionist movement. The Missouri Compromise
temporarily solved the issue of slavery in America by making every new state above the 3630
parallel a free state and give every state below the parallel the choice of slavery with the
exception of Missouri. This lasted until the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.
Trail of Tears

Abolitionist Movement

Second Great Awakening


Temperance Movement

Seneca Falls Convention

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Manifest Destiny


Public School Reform

Womens Movement

Nat Turners Rebellion



Mountain Men

Lowell Girls

Oregon Trail

Labor Union



Hudson River School


Fugitive Slave Act


Declaration of Sentiments

Utopian Community

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Henry David Thoreau
Horace Mann
Samuel F. B. Morse
Susan B. Anthony
Grimke Sisters
Joseph Smith
Neal Dow
Lucretia Mott
Dorothea Dix
William Lloyd Garrison
Frederick Douglass
Nat Turner
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Sojourner Truth

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 2A Political
SSUSH6 The student will analyze the impact of territorial expansion and population growth and
the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation.

Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.

SSUSH7 Students will explain the process of economic growth, its regional and national impact
in the first half of the 19th century, and the different responses to it.

Explain Jacksonian Democracy,

SSUSH8 The student will explain the relationship between growing north-south divisions and
westward expansion.

Describe the Nullification Crisis and the emergence of states rights ideology; include the
role of John C. Calhoun and development of sectionalism.
Describe the war with Mexico and the Wilmot Proviso.
Explain how the Compromise of 1850 arose out of territorial expansion and population

As America expanded, politics became more important. President James Monroe issued a
statement saying that no European power was to colonize anymore in the western hemisphere
and if they did, America would see it as a violation of safety. This was known as the Monroe
Doctrine. After Andrew Jackson lost the election of 1824, he campaigned for his election in
1828 and called his supporters Democrats. The period of Jacksons presidency and his effect on
other people was known as Jacksonian Democracy. Some of the things Jackson did include
issuing the spoils system, removed Native Americans with the Indian Removal Act, used force
to stop the Nullification Crisis, and vetoed the charter for 2nd National Bank causing the Bank
War. The Whigs formed as an opposition to Jacksons ideals. The Nullification Crisis was when
South Carolina exercised their power to nullify a tariff, the Tariff of Abominations, within their
state boundaries. John C. Calhoun, the senator of South Carolina, was the one who nullified the
tariff. The war with Mexico was caused by land disputes over the annexation of the Lone Star
Republic. The war was ended by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848. The Wilmot Proviso
was a proposed law that banned slavery in the lands gained from the war and was a cause of
sectionalism. The Compromise of 1850 solved the problems of slavery in lands gained from the
Mexican-American War, added California as a free state, and gave the people the choice of
slavery in Utah and New Mexico territories.
Adams-Onis Treaty
Monroe Doctrine
Spoils System

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Indian Removal Act
Jacksonian Democracy
Missouri Compromise
Nullification Crisis
Mexican American War
Wilmot Proviso
American System
Lone Star Republic
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Tariff of Abominations
Marbury v Madison
Henry Clay
Andrew Jackson
John Marshall
Daniel Webster
John C. Calhoun
John Quincy Adams

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 2B Social
SSUSH9 The student will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the causes,
course, and consequences of the Civil War.
a. Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the failure of popular sovereignty, Dred Scott case,
and John Browns Raid.
e. Describe the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation.
SSUSH10 The student will identify legal, political, and social dimensions of Reconstruction.
b. Explain efforts to redistribute land in the South among the former slaves and provide
advanced education (Morehouse College) and describe the role of the Freedmens
c. Describe the significance of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.
d. Explain Black Codes, the Ku Klux Klan, and other forms of resistance to racial equality
during Reconstruction.
With slaves getting their freedom and issues with states rights, some social changes came into
play. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 repealed the Missouri Compromise and gave people in
the Kansas and Nebraska territories popular sovereignty over the choice of slavery in that
territory. This caused a problem because pro-slavery and anti-slavery people rushed to Kansas to
vote on the choice of slavery. There were violent confrontations between the two groups and this
was known as Bleeding Kansas. The Dred Scott v. Sanford Case ruled that no African
Americans had citizenship and therefore had no rights under the Constitution. John Browns raid
on Harpers Ferry was a failed attempt to start a slave revolt by giving slaves weapons from an
arsenal. The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the Confederate states during the Civil
War but not the border states that remained in the Union. Lincoln was afraid that if he abolished
slavery in the border states, they would secede. After the Civil War, the Freedmans Bureau
helped former slaves transition into freedom by providing food, jobs, education like Morehouse
College, etc. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in America in 1865, the 14th Amendment
gave everyone born in America citizenship regardless of race in 1868, and the 15th Amendment
sad that no one could be denied the right to vote based on race in 1870. Some southern states put
in place Black Codes to restrict black freedoms during Reconstruction. The KKK used terror
and violence to control freed slaves.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Popular Sovereignty
Dred Scott v. Sanford

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Emancipation Proclamation 1863
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Black Codes
Freedmens Bureau
Morehouse College
Ku Klux Klan
Bleeding Kansas
Underground Railroad
Harpers Ferry
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Dred Scott
John Brown
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Stephen Douglas

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 2B Political
SSUSH9 The student will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the causes,
course, and consequences of the Civil War.
b. Describe President Lincolns efforts to preserve the Union as seen in his second inaugural
address and the Gettysburg speech and in his use of emergency powers, such as his
decision to suspend habeas corpus.
c. Describe the roles of Ulysses Grant, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, William T.
Sherman, and Jefferson Davis.
d. Explain the importance of Fort Sumter, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and the Battle
for Atlanta and the impact of geography on these battles.
SSUSH10 The student will identify legal, political, and social dimensions of Reconstruction.
a. Compare and contrast Presidential Reconstruction with Radical Republican
e. Explain the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in relationship to Reconstruction
f. Analyze how the presidential election of 1876 and the subsequent compromise of 1877
marked the end of Reconstruction.
Unit 2B was heavily political because of the war and the governments actions. Abraham
Lincoln didnt consider the Confederacy as seceded. Lincolns Gettysburg Address and
Second Inaugural Address showed that he considered the nation undivided and that it could
never be divided. Lincolns suspension of Habeas Corpus played an important role in the
preservation of the Union because it allowed Copperheads, southern sympathizers in the North,
to be arrested so they werent a threat to the Union. Ulysses S. Grant was the general of the
Union army while Robert E. Lee was the general of the Confederate army. Stonewall Jackson
won the first battle of the Civil War at Bull Run. William T. Sherman led his March to the Sea
which resulted in the capture of Savannah. Jefferson Davis was the President of the
Confederacy. Fort Sumter was the opening shots of the War, Antietam was the single bloodiest
day in the war and gave Lincoln the victory he needed to issue the Emancipation Proclamation,
Vicksburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi, Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle in
American history, and the Battle for Atlanta was part of Shermans March to the Sea.
Presidential Reconstruction showed mercy on the Confederacy while Radical Republican
Reconstruction didnt. Andrew Johnsons impeachment was important because Johnson had
been ignoring government laws during Reconstruction and so Congress unsuccessfully
impeached him. The Compromise of 1877 ended the conflict of the Election of 1876 and
removed troops from the south which subsequently ended Reconstruction.
States Rights

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

John C. Calhoun


Ulysses S. Grant

Gettysburg Address

Robert E. Lee

Habeas Corpus

Stonewall Jackson

Presidential Reconstruction

William T. Sherman


Jefferson Davis

Radical Republican

Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnsons Impeachment

Andrew Johnson

1876 Presidential Election

Fort Sumter

Compromise of 1877


Lincolns Second Inaugural Address 1865


Know Nothings


Anaconda Plan

Battle for Atlanta

Republican Party


Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 2B Economic
SSUSH9 The student will identify key events, issues, and individuals relating to the causes,
course, and consequences of the Civil War.

Explain the importance of the growing economic disparity between the North and the
South through an examination of population, functioning railroads, and industrial output.

Economics played a big part in the Civil War. There was a growing gap between the industrial
north and the agricultural south. The Union had a bigger population because people would go to
the major cities to work in factories. More people meant more soldiers to fight in the war. The
Confederates would have a higher number of soldiers but at the time, slaves only counted for
taxing and representation and couldnt serve in the military. The invention of railroads and trains
meant supplies and troops could be quickly transported from one point to another. The Union had
over two times more miles of railroad track than the Confederacy. The Union produced more
goods overall than the Confederacy including textiles, weapons, iron, etc. This was because the
South produced more cotton than anything else and because of the separation between the two
regions, by the end of the Civil War, the Norths textile industry will have suffered. The south
also believed that foreign countries would help them but the Unions blockade of ports was one
way this was prevented. After the Civil War, when former slaves were looking for jobs, new
types of farming emerged. These new types were called tenant farming and sharecropping and
they were when a farmer would allow tenants to work on their land for a share of the profits.

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Also during the Reconstruction, carpetbaggers would come from the north and take advantage
of the poor whites and former slaves for economic gain.
Tenant Farming

Unit 3A Economic
SSUSH11 The student will describe the economic, social, and geographic impact of the growth
of big business and technological innovations after Reconstruction.
a. Explain the impact of the railroads on other industries, such as steel, and on the
organization of big business.
b. Describe the impact of the railroads in the development of the West; include the
transcontinental railroad,
c. Identify John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company and the rise of trusts and
The rise of industrialization owes it success to the Robber Barons or Captains of Industry of
the time. Cornelius Vanderbilts railroads helped other industries, such as oil and steel, grow.
Andrew Carnegies steel industry was mass producing steel, thanks to the Bessemer process,
to be used for tracks and John D. Rockefellers oil was being used to power the trains. The
Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1869 and connected the east and west coasts of
America. Farmers would move west to buy land and the crops they grew would be sent east. The
most known oil company of the time was Standard Oil Company founded by John D.
Rockefeller. Rockefellers Standard Oil Company became a monopoly in the oil industry owning

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
more than 90% of the industry. The way he came to control that much of the oil industry is
because he created trusts. These trusts of multiple entrepreneurs including Rockefeller came
together with their money and bought other oil companies. Rockefellers trust was broken up
after Ida Tarbell exposed Rockefellers wrongdoings and the Sherman Antitrust Act limited
monopolies in industry.

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Block 2
Robber Baron
Bessemer Process
Mass Production
Horizontal Integration
Vertical Integration
New South
Land Grants
Protective Tariff
Captains of Industry
John Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Sherman Antitrust Act

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Block 2

Unit 3A Social
SSUSH11 The student will describe the economic, social, and geographic impact of the growth
of big business and technological innovations after Reconstruction.
b. Describe the use of Chinese labor.
d. Describe the inventions of Thomas Edison; include the electric light bulb, motion
pictures, and the phonograph, and their impact on American life
SSUSH12 The student will analyze important consequences of American industrial growth.
a. Describe Ellis Island, the change in immigrants origins to southern and eastern Europe
and the impact of this change on urban America.
b. Identify the American Federation of Labor and Samuel Gompers.
c. Describe the growth of the western population and its impact on Native Americans with
reference to Sitting Bull and Wounded Knee.
SSUSH13 The student will identify major efforts to reform American society and politics in the
Progressive Era.
a. Explain Upton Sinclairs The Jungle and federal oversight of the meatpacking industry.
b. Identify Jane Addams and Hull House and describe the role of women in reform
c. Describe the rise of Jim Crow, Plessy v. Ferguson, and the emergence of the NAACP.
d. Explain Ida Tarbells role as a muckraker.
e. Describe the conservation movement and the development of national parks and forests;
include the role of Theodore Roosevelt.
SSUSH14 The student will explain Americas evolving relationship with the world at the turn of
the twentieth century.

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Block 2
a. Explain the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and anti-Asian immigration sentiment on the
west coast.
This period was filled with change due to immigration, inventions, reforms, and labor unions.
During the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, Chinese workers were preferred over
white workers because they took lower wages. This led to anti-Asian immigrant sentiment and
the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 which prohibited further immigration from China. Thomas
Edisons invention of the lightbulb, phonograph, and motion picture cameras greatly improved
peoples quality of life. Immigrants entered America through Ellis Island where they were
screened for health. These immigrants would take industry jobs because they couldnt afford to
move west. The American Federation of Labor was founded by Samuel Gompers and their
goal was to get better wages and other improvements for skilled workers. As people moved west,
Native Americans were once again moved from their lands. Sitting Bull, a Sioux leader, tried to
fight back which led to a Native American massacre at Wounded Knee and was the last armed
conflict between Natives and Americans. Upton Sinclair and Ida Tarbell were muckrakers
during this time. Sinclair wrote The Jungle which exposed the conditions of the meatpacking
industry which led to the Meat Inspection Act. Ida Tarbell exposed Rockefellers industry and
got his trust broken up. Blacks were harshly discriminated through Jim Crow Laws and Plessy v
Fergusons ruling of separate but equal facilities. The NAACP was formed to help blacks.
Theodore Roosevelts conservation movement set aside land so natural resources were used up.

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Portfolio Project
Social Darwinism
Jim Crow Laws
Settlement House
18th Amendment
19th Amendment
Ellis Island
Motion Picture Camera
American Federation of Labor
Hull House
Company Town
Collective Bargaining
Knights of Labor
Angel Island
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
Melting Pot
Mass Transit
Gilded Age

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Portfolio Project
Mass Culture
Homestead Act
Grandfather Clause
Suspension Bridge
Time Zones
Gospel of Wealth
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Progressive Party

Unit 3A Political
SSUSH12 The student will analyze important consequences of American industrial growth.

Describe the 1894 Pullman strike as an example of industrial unrest.

SSUSH13 The student will identify major efforts to reform American society and politics in the
Progressive Era.

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Portfolio Project
e Describe the significance of progressive reforms such as the initiative, recall, and
referendum; direct election of senators;
The period after Reconstruction had a strong political impact. When the Pullman Railcar Factory
in Chicago fired almost half of its workforce and lowered wages for the remaining workers, the
workers went on strike. This was known as the Pullman Strike of 1894. Railroad travel west of
Chicago was stopped as a result of the workers striking and the strike even became violent. The
government was convinced by leaders of the railroad industry to call the situation illegal and
President Cleveland sent in the army to end the strike. This showed the people that the
government was on the side of big businesses. One of the many reform movements of the
Progressive Era was government reform. This movement included initiative, recall,
referendum, and the direct election of Senators. Initiative gives the people the ability to propose
a new law. Recall allows people to petition to have a government official removed from office.
Referendum is when a law passed by the legislature can be approved or vetoes by the people.
The 17th Amendment allows for the direct election of senators by the people.
Direct Primary
Dawes Act
Populist Party
Square Deal
Pullman Strike

Unit 3B Social
SSUSH15 The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in World War I.
b. Explain the domestic impact of World War I, as reflected by the origins of the Great
Migration, the Espionage Act,
d. Describe passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, establishing Prohibition, and the
Nineteenth Amendment, establishing woman suffrage.

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SSUSH16 The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I.
a. Explain how rising communism and socialism in the United States led to the Red Scare
and immigrant restriction.
The people of America were affected by worldwide as well as national issues. The Selective
Service Act took 2.8 million Americans overseas to fight in WWI which left just as many jobs
back home that needed to be filled. Looking for a way to escape the Jim Crow south, AfricanAmericans migrated to the north in what was known as the Great Migration. The Espionage
Act made it so that anyone involved in disloyal or treasonous activities would be fined and
imprisoned. The eighteenth amendment prohibited the manufacture, selling, and transport of
alcohol. This didnt stop the people from making their own and selling it at illegal saloons. The
nineteenth amendment gave women the right to vote, something women had been fighting for a
long time. Communism was having a growing effect in the world and socialism was introduced
to America making people fear of a communist takeover of America. This was called the Red
Scare and led to raids on suspected communists called the Palmer Raids. Two men who were
accused of being communists were named Sacco and Vanzetti and their case may not have been
fair due to prejudice.

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Portfolio Project
Yellow Press
Moral Diplomacy
Espionage Act
Great Migration
Red Scare
Palmer Raids
Progressivism/ Progressive Party
Social Darwinism
Urban League
Anti-Defamation League
Rough Riders
Conscientious Objectors
Sacco and Vanzetti
William R. Hearst

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Unit 3B Political
SSUSH14 The student will explain Americas evolving relationship with the world at the turn of
the twentieth century.
b. Describe the Spanish-American War, the war in the Philippines.
c. Explain U.S. involvement in Latin America, as reflected by the Roosevelt Corollary to
the Monroe Doctrine.
SSUSH15 The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in World War I.
a. Describe the movement from U.S. neutrality to engagement in World War I, with
reference to unrestricted submarine warfare.

Explain Wilsons Fourteen Points and the proposed League of Nations

Americas involvement in the world increased during this time. The Spanish American War was
caused by the failed revolution of the Cubans against the Spanish, the sinking of the USS Maine,
and yellow journalism. The war was very short and was ended by the Treaty of Paris. After the
U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish in the Philippines, the Philippines became a U.S. territory. That
caused the Philippine-American War which lasted three years. America saw Latin America as a
place to expand trade. President Roosevelt established the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
Doctrine saying that the U.S. had a right to intervene in Latin America. President Wilson wanted
America to remain neutral at the beginning of WWI but when German U-boats sunk the
Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note was intercepted, President Wilson declared war. Wilsons
plan for peace after the war was called the Fourteen Points. These points included freedom of

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Portfolio Project
the seas, free trade, self-determination, and a proposed League of Nations. In the Treaty of
Versailles, the League of Nations was created but the U.S. didnt join because it was rejected by

Square Deal

William H. Taft

Boxer Rebellion

Treaty of Paris

George Dewey

Big Stick Diplomacy

Spheres of Influence

Francis Ferdinand

Roosevelt Corollary

Great White Fleet

Henry Cabot Lodge



Alfred T. Mahan


Zimmerman Note

Johns Pershing

League of Nations


Matthew Perry


Fourteen Points

Vladimir Lenin

Central Powers

Platt Amendment

Warren G. Harding

Selective Service Act

Teddy Roosevelt

Treaty of Versailles

Woodrow Wilson

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Unit 3B Economic
SSUSH14 The student will explain Americas evolving relationship with the world at the turn of
the twentieth century.

Describe the debate over American expansionism.

Explain the creation of the Panama Canal.

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SSUSH15 The student will analyze the origins and impact of U.S. involvement in World War I.

Explain socialist Eugene Debs.

The economy played a big part in world affairs during the time of WWI. Imperialism was
debated over. One strong argument for imperialism was its economic benefits for America.
America had created a surplus of goods but no one was buying anything so America looked for
overseas markets and found them in Europe in Japan. Also, America created extractive
economies in the countries controlled. To find a quicker way to ship these goods to countries to
other side of America, America built the Panama Canal. The canal dropped the distance from
New York to San Francisco drastically. Socialism became a controversial topic during this time.
Socialism means an equal distribution of wealth among everyone. Eugene Debs was the
candidate for president for the Socialist Party of America and advocated for a socialist America.
People opposed socialism because it threatened the individual right to private wealth. When the
U.S. entered WWI, the government regulated the economy. The government controlled what
farmers planted, what industries produced, and how supplies were going to be moved.
Open Door Policy
Dollar Diplomacy
Panama Canal
Hepburn Act
Extractive Economy

Unit 4A Economic
SSUSH17 The student will analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.
a. Describe the causes, including overproduction, underconsumption, and stock market
speculation that led to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.

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SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelts New Deal as a response to the
depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need.
c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal.
The change from a booming economy to the Great Depression had is causes and effects. After
the mobilization caused by WWI, the economy was booming. Mass production meant more
goods and lesser prices. On example of that is the mass production of the model T. People
needed a way to buy stuff without needing to have all the money then and there. This led to the
creation of buying on margin, or credit, where the buyer would place 10% of the items price
when they got it and would pay the rest over time. The 20s were also a period of a Bull Market
where stock prices rose. People were making a lot of money because all companies were doing
well in this economy. By the end of the 20s, there was underconsumption and overproduction.
These two things and stock speculation, when people would by stock hoping it would do well,
led to the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Credit was also a big cause because when people bought
on credit and didnt have the money to pay the rest, theyd get a loan from the bank but then
people couldnt pay the loans back. When the stock market crashed people rushed to the banks to
get their money but since no one could pay their loans, there wasnt any money. The following
period was known as the Great Depression. One of the changes made to fix the economy was the
Social Security Act. It gave retirees money they needed.
Mass Production
Bull Market
Buying on Margin
Great Depression
Black Tuesday
Trickle-down economics
New Deal
Second New Deal

Unit 4A Social
SSUSH16 The student will identify key developments in the aftermath of WW I.
b. Identify Henry Ford, mass production, and the automobile.
c. Describe the impact of radio and the movies.

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Portfolio Project
d. Describe modern forms of cultural expression; include Louis Armstrong and the origins
of jazz, Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Irving Berlin, and Tin Pan Alley.
SSUSH17 The student will analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.
b. Explain the impact of the drought in the creation of the Dust Bowl.
c. Explain the social and political impact of widespread unemployment that resulted in
developments such as Hoovervilles.
SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelts New Deal as a response to the
depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need.
b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism.
d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and womens activism.
Social life changed immensely from a booming economy to the Great Depression. Henry Ford
discovered the assembly line to be an efficient way to mass produce cars resulting in a lower
price of the car, known as the Model T. Radio and movies became the top forms of
entertainment. Radios allowed people to get the news and listen to fireside chats. People went to
the movies to escape the dreary life of the depression with one of the most famous movies being
The Wizard of Oz. The Harlem Renaissance was a time where African-Americans expressed
themselves through poetry and music. Louis Armstrong was a popular trumpet player during the
jazz era. Langston Hughes was a popular poet during this time as well. Irving Berlin was a
song writer from Tin Pan Alley where the produced music. The farmers were the first affected by
the depression with Dust Bowl which the escaped by moving west. When the depression hit the
cities, people lived in shantytowns called Hoovervilles. The Wagner Act made collective
bargaining legal as well as creating unions to protect workers rights. Franklin Roosevelts wife,
Eleanor, became a womens activist. Since FDR couldnt do too much because of his polio,
Eleanor often did his work for him and oftentimes included her input into his work.
Model T


Harlem Renaissance




Bread Line

Bonus Army


Lost Generation

Dust Bowl

Fireside Chats

Scopes Trial



Social Security Act

Collective Bargaining
The Wizard of Oz
Henry Ford
Eleanor Roosevelt
A Philip Randolph

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Portfolio Project
Marcus Garvey
Louis Armstrong
Claude McKay
Zora Neale Hurston
Charlie Chaplin
Babe Ruth
Charles Lindbergh
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
Sigmund Freud
Bessie Smith
Langston Hughes
John Steinbeck

Unit 4A Political
SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelts New Deal as a response to the
depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need.

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Portfolio Project
a Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an
effort to control the environment.
e Identify the political challenges to Roosevelts domestic and international leadership;
include the role of Huey Long, the court packing bill, and the Neutrality Act.
The government played a part in the cause and solution of the Great Depression. The government
had required farmers to produce more to feed troops overseas during WWI. When the war ended,
farmers were still producing a surplus but couldnt sell it causing them to go into debt. President
Herbert Hoovers first response to the depression was to do nothing. He thought the depression
was just part of the business cycle. Since Hoover believed the government should stay out of the
economy, he didnt do much to help the people. He focused on localism and trickle-down
economics to help the people. Then, in 1932, Franklin Roosevelt became president. Roosevelt
believed the economy should have government intervention when it calls for it. Roosevelts 1st
Hundred Days passed 15 bills part of the 1st New Deal which focused on relief, recovery, and
reform. To create jobs, Roosevelt created the Tennessee Valley Authority which built dams to
create power for rural areas in the south. The biggest critic of the New Deal was Huey Long, a
Louisiana Senator. When the New Deal didnt pass at first, Roosevelt tried to expand the
Supreme Court in his court packing bill which didnt pass. Roosevelt also passed the Neutrality
Act of 1939 to make it illegal to sell arms to nations at war during WWII. However, there was
the cash and carry policy that allowed countries to obtain arms by paying in cash and carrying
the arms on their ships.
Teapot Dome Scandal

Black Cabinet

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Wagner Act

Dawes Plan

Welfare State

Quota System

Neutrality Act of 1939


Herbert Hoover

Volstead Act

Franklin Roosevelt


Huey Long


Calvin Coolidge

Court Packing

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Unit 4B Social
SSUSH19 The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of
World War II, especially the growth of the federal government.
a. Explain A. Philip Randolphs proposed March on Washington, D.C., and President
Franklin D. Roosevelts response.
b. Explain the internment of Japanese- Americans, German-Americans, and ItalianAmericans.
d. Describe rationing and the role of women in war industries.
SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the
United States.
b. Explain the impact of the new communist regime in China and the outbreak of the
Korean War and how these events contributed to the rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy.
WWII had a big impact on the Americans social lives. A. Philip Randolph proposed a march on
Washington to protest discrimination in the workplace and in the military. The march was
expected to draw over 100,000 protesters. President Franklin Roosevelt, in an attempt to stop the
march, issued Executive Order 8802 which desegregated the armed forces and established the
Fair Employment Practices Committee. After Pearl Harbor, America had a distrust of JapaneseAmericans. This led to Roosevelts issuing of Executive Order 9066 which relocated JapaneseAmericans from the west coast to internment camps where they were held so there was no
chance of them being spies. Germans and Italians were also placed in internment camps. The war
called for rationing of gas and food. People were given books with coupons for certain foods.
Since men were off at war, women took their jobs in industries. This led to greater womens
rights in the future. The new communist regime of China and the Korean War led to a fear of
communism takeover of America. A senator named Joseph McCarthy became well known
because he accused people in the government of being spies but since he couldnt provide
evidence, the U.S. Senate eventually censored him. This led to the use of the term

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Portfolio Project
Executive Order 8802
Internment of Japanese-Americans
Nuremberg Laws
Hollywood Ten
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Eleanor Roosevelt

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Portfolio Project

Unit 4B Political
SSUSH19 The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of
World War II, especially the growth of the federal government.
b. Explain the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
c. Explain major events; include the Battle of Midway, D-Day, and the fall of Berlin.
e. Describe the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos and the scientific, economic, and military
implications of developing the atomic bomb.
f. Compare the geographic locations of the European Theater and the Pacific Theater and
the difficulties the U.S. faced in delivering weapons, food, and medical supplies to
SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the
United States.
a. Describe U.S. commitment to Europe, the Truman Doctrine, and the origins and
implications of the containment policy.
b. Explain the impact of the new communist regime in China and the outbreak of the
Korean War
c. Explain the role of geography on the U.S. containment policy, the Korean War, the Bay of
Pigs, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Vietnam War.
SSUSH21 The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic
growth on the United States, 1945-1975.
d. Describe the impact of competition with the USSR as evidenced by the launch of Sputnik
I and President Eisenhowers actions.
Following the Great Depression, the U.S. got into WWII which was followed by the Cold War.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor hoping to destroy Americas naval fleet so the U.S.
couldnt stop Japan from taking over the Pacific but they failed in destroying all of the navy. The
Battle of Midway was a turning point in the war where the U.S. cracked a Japanese code in
which Japan had planned an attack. This battle turned America onto the offensive side. D-Day
was when Allied troops landed in Normandy and began the liberation of West Europe from Nazi

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Portfolio Project
control. The fall of Berlin was when Berlin came under control of allied powers. The Manhattan
Project mainly took place in Los Alamos and the plan was to create an atomic bomb, which was
used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war. The Truman Doctrine stated that America
would help any country struggling against communism and was a part of Americas
containment policy. Mao Zedong founded the Peoples Republic of China, a communist state.
Korea was split at 38th parallel with the north aided by the Soviet Union and the south aided by
America. The north invaded the south and the Korean War began. The space race began when the
Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 into space. Eisenhower then put more money into math and
science programs to keep America advanced.
Neutrality Act of 1939


Manhattan Project

Warsaw Pact

Island Hopping

Mao Zedong


38th Parallel

Los Alamos

Arms Race

Allied Powers


Axis Powers

Eisenhower Doctrine

Atom Bomb

Red Scare

Truman Doctrine



Battle of the Bulge


Fall of Berlin

Unconditional Surrender

Pearl Harbor

Tuskegee Airmen


Yalta Conference

Iwo Jima and Okinawa

United Nations

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Geneva Convention

Franklin Roosevelt

Satellite State

A Philip Randolph

Cold War

Adolf Hitler

Iron Curtain

Joseph Stalin


Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Harry Truman

Douglas MacArthur

Benito Mussolini

George S. Patton

Winston Churchill
Hideki Tojo


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Unit 4B Economic
SSUSH19 The student will identify the origins, major developments, and the domestic impact of
World War II, especially the growth of the federal government.

Explain major events; include the lend-lease program

Describe war mobilization, war-time conversion

SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the
United States.

Describe the creation of the Marshall Plan

WWII had an effect on how the economy operated. The cash-carry program was working fine
but then Great Britain ran out of money but instead of cutting Great Britain off, America created
the lend-lease program. This program lent supplies to allied countries until it was time for the
supplies to return or they were destroyed. The plan was originally meant for Great Britain but by
the end of the war France, China, and the Soviet Union were involved in the program. The war
called for a mobilization of industry to produce supplies and for rationing which meant people
were spending less. Factories started producing military supplies regardless of what they
produced before. This was known as war-time conversion. After the war, America lent money to
Europe to help rebuild. This was known as the Marshall Plan, or European Recovery Program,
and it ended up giving what was $13 billion at the time to Europe. The plans goal was to remove
trade barriers, rebuild, and modernize European industry to make Europe prosperous again.
Lend-Lease Program
Marshall Plan

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Unit 5A Political
SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the
United States.
a. Describe the Cuban Revolution, the Bay of Pigs, and the Cuban missile crisis.
b. Describe the Vietnam War, the Tet Offensive
c. Explain the role of geography on the U.S. containment policy, the Korean War, the Bay of
Pigs, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Vietnam War.
SSUSH21 The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic
growth on the United States, 1945-1975.
a. Describe the baby boom and its impact as shown by the Interstate Highway Act.
d. Describe the impact of competition with the USSR as evidenced by the launch of Sputnik
I and President Eisenhowers actions.
WWII is over but the communism is still a worldwide threat. In Cuba, Fidel Castro led a
successful revolution against the government. America tried to keep good relations at first but
when Cuba began to accept aid from the Soviet Union, Cuba was seen as a threat. The Bay of
Pigs was the plan to overthrow Castro. The plan used Cuban exiles and was a failure. When the
Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba aimed at the U.S, the U.S. demanded removal of the missiles.
This was known as the Cuban Missile Crisis and resulted in a naval blockade of Cuba. The
Vietnam War was a war between North and South Vietnam. The U.S. aided the south and fought
against the north as well as the Vietcong. The Vietcong launched attacks on the south called the
Tet offensive. In fear of an attack on America, America built 41,000 miles of highways under the
Interstate Highway Act. The act provided evacuation routes in the case of an attack and also
allowed quick transport of military supplies across the country. America believed they were the
most advanced country but that changed when the USSR launched Sputnik I into space. This
prompted Eisenhower to put more money into science and math programs. This launching is said
to have sparked the space race.
Domino Theory
Bay of Pigs
Tet Offensive
Interstate Highway Act

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Vietnam War
Cuban Missile Crisis
24th Amendment
Democratic National Convention
Information Industries
Urban Renewal
De Jure Segregation
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Robert Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Nikita Khrushchev
Barry Goldwater
Richard M. Nixon
Fidel Castro
John F. Kennedy
Henry Kissinger

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Unit 5A Economic
SSUSH23 The student will describe and assess the impact of political developments between
1945 and 1970.

Explain Lyndon Johnsons Great Society; include the establishment of Medicare.

Lyndon B. Johnsons Great Society heavily involved the economy. Lyndon B. Johnson had a
vision for America to end poverty and racial discrimination. His plan was called LBJs Great
Society. Johnson wanted to improve healthcare, education, and consumer and environmental
protection. To improve healthcare, Johnson created Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare was plan
to provide healthcare for the elderly who couldnt afford other healthcare. Medicaid was a plan
to provide healthcare to the poor and disable who couldnt afford healthcare. To improve
education, Johnson provided money to schools in poor communities including Indian, Mexican,
and inner city schools. Rachel Carsons Silent Spring criticized the use of fertilizers and
chemicals in nature. To help the environment, Johnson passed the Water Quality Act which
improved water and air standards. Ralph Naders Unsafe at Any Speed attacked the lack of safety
in the automobile industry. To help this issue, Johnson passed the National Traffic and Motor
Safety Act which established safety standards for the automobile industries to follow.
Johnsons Great Society
Fair Deal
Franchise Business
Multinational Corporations

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Unit 5A Social
SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the
United States.

Describe the growing opposition to the war

SSUSH21 The student will explain the impact of technological development and economic
growth on the United States, 1945-1975.

Describe the baby boom and its impact as shown by Levittown

Describe the impact television has had on American culture; include the presidential
debates (Kennedy/Nixon, 1960) and news coverage of the Civil Rights Movement.
Analyze the impact of technology on American life; include the development of the
personal computer and the expanded use of air conditioning

SSUSH22 The student will identify dimensions of the Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1970.
a. Explain the importance of President Trumans order to integrate the U.S. military and the federal
b. Identify Jackie Robinson and the integration of baseball.
c. Explain Brown v. Board of Education and efforts to resist the decision.
d. Describe the significance of Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail and his I
Have a Dream Speech.
e. Describe the causes and consequences of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of

SSUSH23 The student will describe and assess the impact of political developments between
1945 and 1970.

Describe the Warren Court and the expansion of individual rights as seen in the Miranda

c. Describe the social and political turmoil of 1968; include the assassinations of Martin
Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, and the events surrounding the Democratic National
SSUSH24 The student will analyze the impact of social change movements and organizations of
the 1960s.
a. Describe the National Organization of Women and the origins and goals of the modern
womens movement.
b. Analyze the anti-Vietnam War movement.
Analyze Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers movement.

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Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
e. Explain the importance of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring and the resulting developments;
include Earth Day, the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the modern
environmental movement.
f. Describe the rise of the conservative movement as seen in the presidential candidacy of
Barry Goldwater (1964) and the election of Richard M. Nixon (1968).
The time period is marked by a great change in the peoples lives and civil rights played a huge
part in that. People opposed the war because they thought it wasnt Americas war to fight. After
WWII the baby boom mean people needed cheap places to live, which prompted a man named
William Levitt to build Levittowns. The 1960 televised debates between Nixon and JFK
greatly changed the way an election worked. Trumans order to integrate the military and the
government was a big step in gaining civil rights. Brown v Board of education overturned
Plessy v Fergusons ruling of separate but equal. MLK was a huge leader for the gaining of
civil rights as shown in his I Have a Dream speech and his Letter from a Birmingham jail.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 signed by LBJ banned discrimination based on a race and gender.
Warren Court increased individual rights through their cases and one prominent case was the
Miranda v Arizona from which we now have our Miranda rights. MLK and JFK were
assassinated in 1968 and violent protests happened at the Democratic National Convention the
same year. NOW helped work towards womans rights. Cesar Chavez created the UFW which
unionized farmers to protect them. Rachel Carsons Silent Spring talked about the harming of
the environment and prompted the government to create the EPA and also Earth Day. Barry
Goldwater was a conservative candidate for presidency but America wasnt ready until Nixon
became president in 1968.

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Baby Boom
1960 Kennedy Nixon Debate
Air Conditioning
Personal Computer
Rock and Roll
Warren Court
National Organization of Women
United Farm Workers
Silent Spring
Conservative Movement
Miranda v Arizona
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Freedom Ride
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Black Power
Black Panthers
Taft-Hartley Act
Nuclear Family

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Inner City
De Facto Segregation
Brown v Board of Education
Letters from a Birmingham Jail
March on Washington
Generation Gap
Equal Right Amendment
Freedom Summer
Roe v Wade
Students for a Democratic Society
Kent State University
Martin Luther King
Rachel Carson
Rosa Parks
Thurgood Marshall
James Meredith
Malcolm X
Jackie Robinson
Cesar Chavez
Earl Warren
Gloria Steinem
Medgar Evers

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Unit 5B Political
SSUSH25 The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.
a. Describe President Richard M. Nixons opening of China, his resignation due to the
Watergate scandal, and the Presidency of Gerald Ford.
c. Explain the Carter administrations efforts in the Middle East; include the Camp David
Accords, his response to the 1979 Iranian Revolution, and the Iranian hostage crisis.
d. Describe domestic and international events of Ronald Reagans presidency; include the
Iran-contra scandal, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
e. Explain the relationship between Congress and President Bill Clinton; include his
impeachment and acquittal.
f. Analyze the 2000 presidential election and its outcome, emphasizing the role of the
Electoral College.
g. Analyze the response of President George W. Bush to the attacks of September 11, 2001,
on the United States, the war against terrorism, and the subsequent American
interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq.
From the 60s to now, it is very political heavy with presidents dealing with national and
international issues. Nixon believed recognizing China as a communist state would benefit the
U.S. This led to China inviting the American ping pong team to China showing that they were
willing to talk. Nixon was caught involved in a scandal where the republicans had bugged the
Democratic Partys HQ, known as Watergate. Nixon resigned before he could be impeached.
Before he resigned, he appointed Gerald Ford to vice president and when Nixon resigned, Ford

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
became president. Ford was the only president to never receive a single vote. Carters Camp
David Accords made peace between Israel and Egypt and is known to be Carters only success.
The Iranian revolution put a new Shah in power and Carter invited the old Shah to America. Iran
demanded he be returned but America refused so the Iranians held hostages from the American
embassy for 444 days. The Iran-Contra affair was when Reagan helped support the Contras in
Nicaragua by selling arms to Iran. Also during Reagans presidency, the fall of the Soviet Union.
Bill Clinton lied to congress about having an affair with an intern which led to his impeachment
and acquittal. The 2000 election of Bush v Gore was solved by recounts in Florida because the
Electoral College couldnt get a clear vote.
Silent majority
Southern strategy
25th Amendment
Executive Privilege
Helsinki Accords
Camp David Accords
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Iran-Contra Affair
Bush v Gore
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Operation Enduring Freedom
Strategic Defense Initiative
Operation Desert Storm
Contract with America
Department of Homeland Security

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Patriot Act
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
Sandra Day OConnor
George H W Bush
William Jefferson Clinton
George W Bush

Unit 5B Economic
SSUSH25 The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.
d. Describe domestic and international events of Ronald Reagans presidency; include
e. Explain the relationship between Congress and President Bill Clinton; include the North
American Free Trade Agreement
Economics during this time played a big part both nationally and internationally. During Gerald
Fords presidency, America had its worst economy since the depression. This time was marked
by a period of stagflation. Stagflation is a period of slow economic growth with high
unemployment (stagnation) and a rise in prices (inflation). Reagans policy of Reaganomics, or
supply-side economics was Reagans theory to help the economy. The theory included lowering
taxes so families had more expendable income which they would then spend. That would, in
turn, boost industry so the industries hire more people so more people are making money and the
cycle repeats. Reagans Economic Recovery Act of 1981 was his way of lowering taxes. Taxes
were lowered 25% over the course of three years. President Clinton believed in free trade so he
created NAFTA. NAFTA is a treaty between Canada, America, and Mexico that removes trade
barriers between the countries. NAFTA is seen as controversial because many Americans lost
jobs to Mexico when the treaty was signed into effect.

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project
Supply-side Economics
Savings and Loans Crisis

Unit 5B Social
SSUSH25 The student will describe changes in national politics since 1968.

Describe changing attitudes toward government,

Explain the impact of Supreme Court decisions on ideas about civil liberties and civil
rights; include such decisions as Roe v. Wade (1973) and the Bakke decision on
affirmative action.

The social aspect of this time period was greatly impacted by government actions. People started
having a growing mistrust of the government during this time. The Pentagon Papers revealed
how the government had misled the people about U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The Watergate
scandal furthered that mistrust. When Ford became president, he pardoned Nixon of any crimes
from the Watergate scandal which led many people to believe he was corrupt. The Iranian
hostage Crisis made people angry at Carter because he didnt seem to be doing anything about
the situation. When George H. W. Bush led America into the Persian Gulf War, his approval
skyrocketed. The Roe v Wade trial gave women the right to choose to have an abortion,
therefore, extending the rights of the people. This decision angered Christian fundamentalists
but was strongly supported by the feminist movement. The Bakke decision came about when a
man was rejected from a school and then he sued because the school had set aside a certain
number of seats for people of color to be accepted. The Bakke decision made affirmative action
legal but made racial quotas illegal. The decision also said that when looking at applications, race
can only be used as a bonus factor.

Riley Patterson
Honors U.S. History Block 2
Coach Tilton
Portfolio Project

Affirmative Action
Conservative movement
Christian fundamentalist
New Right
Moral Majority
Al Qaeda
No Child Left Behind
Bob Woodward
Carl Bernstein
Sadam Hussein
Nelson Mandela

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