Test I. Multiple Choice

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Second Periodical Test

Computer Education I
SY 2012-2013
Name: ___________________________
Year & Section: _______ Date:

Test I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is seen at the bottom part of the window and displays document information
such as current page, total number of words, location of insertion point, and
a. Formatting Toolbar
b. Menu Bar
c. Status Bar
d. Standard Toolbar
2. Allows control on how the document is seen by the user.
a. Ruler
b. Scroll Bar
c. Taskpane
d. View Buttons
3. Is at the topmost part of the window and displays the title of the document.
a. Ruler
b. Scroll Bar
c. Taskpane
d. View Buttons
4. Dictates the specific area where text where appear once the user starts typing.
a. Document Window
b. Insertion Point
c. Cursor
d. Page
5. Contains commands such as opening, saving, printing or creating new documents.
a. Formatting Toolbar
b. Menu Bar
c. Status Bar
d. Standard Toolbar

Test II. Identification.

A. Parts. Write the name of the part at the space provided

B. Identify the Icons. Write the name of the icon at the space provided











Test III. Enumeration (You may Use the Back page if need be)
A. Give 10 Shortcut Keystrokes that does not move the insertion point or select a
text. Each with a Description of its functions.

B. Give 3 Mouse actions that can be used in the Selection Area

(Except arrow keys) Each with a Description of its functions. 2pts each

C. Give 3 Shortcut Keystrokes in moving the Insertion Point. Each with a

Description of its functions. 2pts each

D. Give 4 Shortcut Keystrokes in selecting or Highlighting text. Each with a

Description of its functions. 2pts each

^_^ Good Luck and God Bless ^_^

May the Odds be in your Favor

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