January Newsletter 2016

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Students in grade 2 will investigate the stages of the water cycle, including evaporation
condensation, precipitation and collection.
Students in grade 3 will continue to investigate the characteristics of plants. This month students
will plant quick-growing seeds to observe growth.

Social Studies
Students in grade 2 will identify some different groups in their community (e.g., various religious
and ethnocultural groups), and describe some of the ways in which they contribute to diversity in
Canada (e.g., different languages, foods, music, clothing, holidays; ethnic neighborhoods with
specialized shops and restaurants).
Students in grade 3 will describe some major connections between features of the natural
environment of a region and the type of land use and/or the type of community that is
established in that region. In addition, students will describe some major connections between
features of the natural environment and the type of employment that is available in a region,
with reference to two or more municipal regions in Ontario.

This month, students reading levels are being assessed using the GB+ program. This is the
second formal reading assessment being conducted this school year.
Students have been engaging in rehearsed and spontaneous spoken interactions, on familiar
topics related to matters of personal interest or daily routines. Students have been practicing
speaking with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and accurate pronunciation, using familiar
words and expressions. Students have been engaging in dialogue, following a model, with a
partner and/or small group. Students have chosen a partner as well as a topic (e.g., inviting a
friend to a birthday party), and have prepared a dialogue. This month, students will present their
dialogues to the class.

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