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He would become a myth, he would become a legend that would be told for centuries to come.

Beginning of Chapter 2
The plan for freedom crashed, their hopes were like people that fell from the top of the world, to the middle of the
earth, they were so close, but not close enough. But that is what they thought before the incident. They were
completely terrified, they remembered what had happened to a slave that tried to escape, hes gone now.
What do we have here Alan, questioned the companion of the Master,
Slaves escaping, I cannot wait until we leave, then I dont have to deal with these idiots, the master said as
if he drank pond water.
That must be the Francis from the letter, thought Seth, Then the guards advanced on them and raised both of their
swords high up and Seth and Ten waited for the inevitable.
The blow never came, then Ten saw his friend, glowing? And then, a circle of fire, formed at Seths feet, a large plume
of the fire rose slowly and then shot up into the air, dozens of people from the country saw the beam of flame.
Everyone woke not expecting that here was a huge beam fire outside about to destroy everything in front of it. Then
to make the flames look like nothing, the beam cleared, and in place was not Tens friend, but a huge serpent dragon,
the body was orange and red with flames, its head was large as the house of the Masters, the fires that plumed from
the neck of the dragon were burning bright, its eyes were white and bleak, it flew up and revealed its long body of
fiery scales, there was a large repeating ridge down its back, altogether it was terrifying. Everyone, fell when Seths
form was revealed, the guards made a useless attempt to kill the dragon, but it had no effect, the dragon roared and
its roar broke the silence of the night, it breathed flames and covered the guards that, attempted to damage the
dragon, what was left of them was ashes. Nothing could be more terrifying, the orange and red dragon transformed,
orange became dark, and red became black, and the white eyes were now blood red. The dragon changed into the
new form as quick as when Ten thought of a plan. And the ridges of the red dragon was like fur rising in the wind it
was completely dark almost pitch black. Plumes that were ablaze changed into geysers of shadow. The change was
instant and it roared again and everything in front of him was destroyed, like a twister, the fields were obliterated,
along with the house, and the Master and the Francis character, was blown away, they shot all the way out of view,
what happened was unknown at that moment. Then the dark dragon turned its head, its face full of anger and pain. It
flew around causing chaos to the already destroyed wasteland, smashing the cliffs far away, ripping the ground apart,
intent on destruction. Then before Ten could be struck down by his dragon friend, the dark shadowy dragons body
dissipated, fading away and parts drifting away like smoke, then the body of Seth fell in his human form, he fell down,
and it happened to land on top of Ten, he had few seconds to look at the unconscious and possibly dead Seth that
crashed on top of him.
(That was to give you a better understanding of what is going on, hes a dragon, this was only the beginning of
chapter 2, chapter 3 is in a different setting)
Chapter 3
Seth went back to exploring the house, for a few seconds. For a rich family this was a small house. So with
nothing to do, he went back to the garden and he began to count grass...again, this had started to become a thing to
do when Seth was bored. What number was he at again, he remembered seven million, five hundred thousand sixty
seven, two hundred thirty one. He didnt know why he was doing this, he just did, because if he is this dedicated to
counting blades of grass, he should have a reason. But he doesnt, he was just bored. It was at the point wer he had
counted every blade of grass in the back, that was what he thought at least, he forgot about the other part of the yard,
it was nine hundred twenty four billion sixty four million, twenty six thousand five hundred sixty four and two. Ten was
still very asleep. Maybe Ten had some ideas, so Seth shook Ten awake. Well he tried to shake him awake, Ten was
so far in dream world that he didnt want to wake up, then again, he had received dozens of blows to him on stairs
yesterday, and to him the grass was very comfy. On the fields they slept on bare hard ground. So with even more
effort, Seth was at the point of clawing his friend to wake up. Ten had had better wakings, but to have his friend
scratching him, it has to be important right? That is until he heard,
Im bored, Seth said in a monotone voice,
Just count more blades of grass and let me sleep, he shouted annoyed
But I counted it all, Seth shouted, Ten stopped from falling asleep, when he heard that, he paused for a
You counted every blade of grass in the back of this house,
all Ten could do was go back to sleep with an open mouth.
Then Seth looked up at the ever rising sun, in its blaze of glory, it tried to blind him but it had no effect, maybe from
the fact that he was a dragon, or not. He heard footsteps going down the stair. But what could anyone have done to

save him from pure boredom. Both Cait and Teth had come down from the stairs. They probably were going to make
food for the morning meal. So he kept looking up into the sky with no thought.
Teth had just woken from his very comfortable sleep to help his wife make breakfast and then he was of to work. But
he planned to take the boys to the palace library, it was a beautiful place, Wren loves to visit there and read for hours
upon end. He wanted to figure out how a boy could be a dragon, maybe Ten was delusional, but maybe he wasnt.
After all, he had heard that out of all the other fields, one just disappeared. And stranger, there was a large amount of
reports of a plume of fire that shot into the sky. It was from all over the land not just Scia. It might be linked to this
dragon, after all in his description Ten had mentioned a fire plume. His wife made the breakfast and the aroma of
toast spread all out throughout the house. She was very good at making toast, it was perfect on each side when she
made it, adding butter to it with a knife made the small even better.
Go call the boys she said to her husband.
Teth went out over to the backyard and called to Seth, he was staring up into the sky.
Breakfast! he yelled, Seth snapped out of his trance and he tried to wake his friend.
I dont have anything to do for you to do! he yelled, he thought that Seth was still bored,
It is breakfast time! his eyes popped awake and he dashed from the yard to the table. Seth looked in and
saw that Ten was already sitting. Seth made his way over and he looked at the different food on the table, it smelled
good, so it must be good. He quickly ate it and found him having seconds, then thirds. Cait was a great cook.
After all of the bread that Seth ate, breakfast was over. Teth did not want to wait, he needed answers now. so right
after the boys had finished Teth asked them to come along to the library.
Boys, we are going to the library, he said,
Whats that? Seth asked,
A place with a lot of books and a person that might be able to answer your dragon problem.
Okay then, after that they, reluctantly exited the house, whatever this library was they arent that happy to
go, and they stepped forth into the world.
The place out side was huge, it looked like it was bigger then the fields, the buildings were made out of stone and
there was distance in between each building. They were all larger than the house that was on the fields. The whole
place was majestic, there was a small place in the distance. It looked like a house when it had points sticking out of it
into the sky. Seth and Ten followed Teth towards that structure. Far away it looked tiny but the closer they got, the
bigger it was. They had finally arrived, it was incredibly large now that they were up close. To get in there was a large
set of stairs, Seth looked over at his friend, Ten was terrified obviously, over the amount of two days, Ten had
developed a fear of stairs, and this was not helping.
Can I stay out here, asked Ten with a trembling voice,
Why, asked Teth, he did not notice the fear that was in Tens eye.
No reason,
But you need to tell the description of the story you told us,
Seth knows it, he remembers.
Seth was going to protest, but this was the sake of his friend, so he shut his mouth before he could say anything,
Alright, you can stay out here, but if anyone asks you to follow them, dont, if they attack, run,
Alright said Ten with a sigh of relief, then Teth went into the large house, Seth followed, and Ten stayed
behind. Seth was following Teth inside the large structure. It was large and looked regal, the golden key that was part
of their escape plan before, that gold was plastered everywhere. It looked as if it was made of gold. Teth walked down
a huge corridor and turned left after two large doors. Inside was dozens upon dozens of books on shelves, and there
was a man that was very pale, he stood in the center of the large room next to a desk, it looked like he had not seen
the outside for years.
Hello Malcolm, said Teth,
Hello is who is this what would you like? Malcolm spoke very fast as if time was running out for him,
This is Seth, and we have a problem,
he signaled Seth to speak but Seth actually doesnt know how to explain,
I dont know, Ten lied, he guessed.
Why, he asked
I cant tell, he would not mention to anyone about Tens fear of stairs,
Malcolm, you have to come with us outside. he shook his head in confusion, if he didnt want to tell then so
be it, but one more thing he would punch one of them,
Outside? You mean leave the palace, he was trembling about the thought of, outside, he had not seen the
outside for a long time.
Yes, outside, he sounded mildly annoyed,
he followed Teth and Seth outside, but the second he got there, he screamed,
Ahh, Theres a glowing orb in the sky, we are all going to die, aggghh, he kept shouting like a lunatic until
Teth stopped him from embarrassing himself even more

Oh, he stood up from his kneeling position. He had never expected it to be so bright. Ten was still at the
same spot where Teth left him, staring at the pale man that was screaming at the sun.
not to mention that there was also a large flock of people staring,
Ten explain the story to him, and next time just follow us, Teth pointed at the man, Ten had a questioning
eye towards the man, hesitantly, Ten explained the whole thing, just like when he explained it to Teth, Cait, and Wren.
And he got the same reaction as them, he was surprised and he bolted back into his library and grabbed a few books
manuscripts, and more about dragons. He needed to know this, this could be a legend! Then he was already outside
with a mountain of books in his hand. He immediately dropped all of them and he gleefully searched through all of
them. Tens description, was not of a western dragon but an eastern, so he found the legend.
The prophecy was in another language, but Malcolm knows it, in fact he knows a lot of languages, but what
it said ws something about a journey east, and a shadow, but then the words faded away before he could finish it,
there were only a few lines left and everyone was suprised, they had all witnessed it, Malcolm was was saddened, he
picked all of the books and everything else with him and walked inside his library, sulking. Teth tried to cheer him up
by saying that he was a big help, but he seemed to be more sad.
After that they headed back to the house and Teth had left for his army services, then Seth he counted grass
again, there was a lot of blades again, and Ten was left to sleep, he tried to piece this new insanity, he could not
comprehend this. Him, a dragon? He had a sort of normal life, so why must the world decide that he has to be a
legend. Ten slept, but it wasnt his normal peaceful sleep, the prophecy worried him, so much that it picked about in
his dreams. Well, Seth had quite the time figuring out what just happened. Seth was still worrying when he passed
He was in the middle of nowhere, in a black void of darkness, it felt distorted, the dark world was distorted.
But that was not why the world was eerie, it was because of the fact that every now and then, images would flash of
burned towns and cities, great empires destroyed, and in the sky, rocks of fire blazed and threw the world into the
ahsen and burned wasteland, and in the distant background, there was a dark serpent roaring with crimson eyes and
a draconic head. And then the dark world faded away, and took the image in front of him and turned it into reality.
Instead of being in the backyard, he was in the wasteland that the he saw before. And the dark serpent was gone.
First him a dragon and now its this. What in the world happened here? More importantly, where am I? Seth was
thinking, and he looked around behind him was a huge hole with sloped in sides leading towards a rock, it looked like
the rocks that fell from the sky tiny sparks and flames danced around the edges. He should not have, but he went in
the hole and he carefully made his way towards the fiery rock. And for whatever reason he placed his hand on the
rock, it burned him and he immediately pulled his hand back. It hurt a lot, then the pain died away. He looked at his
palm expecting to see a burned deformed hand, but it was fine, it looked completely the same before, however there
was a dark spot near the base of his thumb, but it faded away and it disappeared. His life was already insane, so why
not make it more insane, he looked behind and saw a what looked like a mirror of him, all you had to do was give him
a sword and some leather armour on him and you have him.
This is the future, I am you, control yourself he was breathing heavily,
Did you find anything Seth, asked a voice, over a near cliff Ten appeared,
The whole wasteland disappeared in an instant and he saw Ten headbutting his face awake. He immediately threw
him off and his body launched into the air and crashed on the soft grass. He was back at the yard behind the house.
Yep, hes alive groaned Ten, standing at the door was Cait, she breathed a sigh of relief, when she went
outside he looked like he was sleeping, but his chest did not move, so at the same time Ten woke and she was
panicking, but Ten just stood up and headbutted Seth and he was thrown into the air. Ten was twitching while he was
on the floor. It was almost time for lunch, explained Cait and she left and prepared to make the meal. Seth and Ten
were outside and Ten was still twitching even when he had stood up, no idea why but he is still twitching.
What happened? said Ten his fingers were still uncontrollably twitching,
Seth took a deep breath explained everything, and surprisingly Ten understood every word even though he was
talking at a lightning fast pace.
And there you have it, Seth took in deep breath, that whole story had took all of the breath in him that he
might as well be wheezing.
Right, okay then, he wasnt there so he had no clue what down in his vision of the supposed future, but
he believed him, after all the week was already crazy, and at this point, anything was possible for them.

Middle School Elaboration Checklist

based on Lucy Calkins
Action (plot/parts of scene)
___+__Complicated story elements (goal, conflict, disaster, reaction) flow seamlessly.
___+__Writer considers complicated story elements (six scene parts).
9th grade
__+___Plot contributes to main idea or lesson.
___-__Plot makes sense and is understandable.
__-___Basic story elements (plot mountain) are clear.
___+_Develops a beginning, middle, end.
Dialogue/Inner Thinking

Points Level

8th grade
7th grade
6th grade
5th grade



__+___Reveals character motivations, flaws and struggles

__+___Contrasts characters thinking with his or her actions/dialogue
_+____Conveys an issue, idea or lesson
___+__Establishes characterization
__+___Moves plot forward
__-___Contributes to meaning/lesson of story
___+__Blends dialogue and inner thinking
___+__Appropriate mechanics for dialogue

Details (characterization, setting)

___+__Uses appropriate emotion.
___+__Relationships between the characters believable and not contrived.
__+___Secondary characters are well-rounded and enhance the story rather than overwhelming the story.
___+__Develops central characters relationship to other characters.
__+___Adds complexity to character by showing virtues and flaws
__+___Shows characters relationship to setting.
___-__Writer shows what is meaningful about the central character.
__+___Develops realistic characters
__+___Purposeful description.
___+__Develops characters, setting.
___+__Uses well-developed word choice

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