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Assignment/Activity Title— Theater History Project _Year— Freshmen Skill— Media Portfolio Category— Media and communications This project was about different time periods of theater history. Niamh and I researched French Neoclassical Theater, made a presentation and put on a play called “The Love-Tiff” by Molitre. The media and communications category shows how projects help understand media's influence on the world. During this project, | leamed more about how theater, even theater from the 1600"s still influences medi today. For example, this time period was one of the firsts to let woman on stage. This assignment helped me change the way I think about theater. Before doing this project, | didn’t think much about how theater evolved, I didn't even know what neoclassical theater is In French neoclassical theater, some of France’s best playwrights were alive, for example Moliére. He was a comedic playwright and thanks to my knowledge of the French language I get to enjoy the plays in the original. That is why it's important to include this piece in my portfolio, To be able to combine my love for history and also French affected the way I think about myself and what | consider my identity. To do this project I had to focus on my multitasking skills as we were researching the time ating a presentation, finding a play and memorizing our lines. This was incredibly stressful but ate a plan to get it all done in time. Doing period, c we worked together to break down what we had to do and c this project, I feel like | may enjoy being a leader in the future, and not simply help others become leaders themselves. This piece brought to my attention the fact that | am pretty good at organizing and dividing up tasks even if Idon’t particularly like doing it, but one of my weaknesses is that J tend to remain in the background even if | have ideas that may be better than the ideas that were presented In 1600s France, woman for the first time, could act thanks to neoclassical theater. This was surprising to me because now, women are regarded in mainstream media the gender that spends more time in the theater. To think that at one point woman weren't allowed to act, and there had to be a point of time where woman were able to act, surprised me. Today, it’s completely normal to see woman in plays, woman as playwrights, but after doing this project, I realized that this is something I shouldn't take for granted. I found this project very enjoyable and I am proud of the result. But, if | were to have to choose ‘one accomplishment that I'm most proud of, I would choose the Fact that | was able to memorize all my takes a long time for me to accomplish, and I was proud of the fact lines. Memorizing information alwa r that I was able (o remember lines that were similar to each other just after a week after getting my part. TWysern b i Teacher Signature Advisor Signature

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