Downgrading The Version

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In this example, the above model will be imported from Civil 2015 v2.2 to Civil 2015 v1.3.

1. Generate the mct file from the higher version Civil 2015 v2.2.

2. After getting the MCT text, open Civil 2015 v1.3 , go to Tools->MCT command shell and paste the MCT text into the command shell.

3. Upon removing and clicking on run again, we get some further messages:

In this way, different lines will need to be modified by trial and error testing through removal of last entries of lines of text. These entries
are usually printed as 0 or NO. Removing them will therefore not affect the model.
Depending on the versions between which transfer is being done, some lines of text however may need to be removed completely. One
such example is that of point spring supports which are quite different between Civil 2014 and Civil 2015. For such cases, it is much easier
to simply copy the point spring table from 2015 and paste it into 2014.

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