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Yarelis Flores

January 11, 2016

2nd Period
Honors English II
Option #2: By the end of the story, Equality has changed his mind and has become very
critical of the leaders of his society, denouncing them in moral terms. Do you think he has is
right to do so? Why or why not? Do you think he would agree to the advice Rand offers in
her short essay How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society? Explain.
Anthem, by Ayn Rand, describes the life of Equality in a collectivism society. In this novel, Rand
explains how Equality went far beyond to explore objects and vocabulary no other knew existed.
By the end of the story Equality changed his mind and became very critical of the leaders of his
society, denouncing them in moral term. In particular, the reader can conclude that he is right to
do so and that he would agree with Ayn Rands short essay, How Does One Lead a Rational
Life in an Irrational Society?
The reader can conclude that Equality has a right to denounce the leaders of his society in moral
terms for a good reason. Equality was only a street sweeper who wanted to experiment and
discover knowledge from the unmentionable times. He discovered the light bulb and wanted to
show the Scholars because he believed that it would improve the way of doing in society;
however, when Equality shows the Scholars the light bulb, they are quick to send him into
punishment. Equality saw that the only option left for him was to run away. With these points it
is easy for the audience to conclude that Equality has a right to denounce them in moral values
because he did not do anything wrong in his eyes, yet they punish him anyways. Equality was
only trying to improve the societys technology. Yet, they reject him. Lastly, he realized that
scholars were hiding a completely different world of individualism from the society that Equality
believes is morally right. These pieces of evidence convince the reader that Equality has the right
to judge the scholars morally.
Due to those facts, the reader can also conclude that Equality would agree with Ayn Rands short
essay, How Does One Lead a Rational Life in an Irrational Society. In the essay, Rand believes
that one should judge everyone morally. Ayn Rands definition of judge is to, evaluate a given
concrete by reference to an abstract principle or standard. Essentially, Ayn Rands main
objective is to Judge or be prepared to be judged. She not only states to judge but to do
something about what you judged about the object. Because of this we can relate Equality to
agree with Ayn Rand. For example, eventually, Equality judges the scholars of his society due to
the way they are leading society as a collectivism society blocking them from individualism,

hiding them from their true identity. This causes equality to want to create a society, in the forest
he ran away to, that is individualism. With action, Equality can take the wrong moral judgment
of the leaders of his society and change them into something right where he could teach all
people the truth behind the closed doors. This example shows that Equality would agree with
Ayn Rands short essay.
The character Equality, in Ayn Rands Anthem, developed in such a way that he learned what
was morally right and wrong. Through all the situations Equality experienced, he observed what
it was like to like to live in an individualism society with himself and his love, Liberty,
essentially being free. All in all, Equality had the right to be critical of his leaders and judge their
moral values.

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