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Primary Sources
An Anti-Evolution League Holds a Book Sale at the Opening of The Scopes Monkey Trial." July
10, 1925. Photograph. American Decades Primary Sources. Ross,Cynthia, Detroit, MI.
Accessed November 11, 2015. Gale (GALE|PC3490287686).
This is a picture of Anti-Evolutionist hold a book sale during "The Monkey Trial",where
John Scopes was arrested for teaching the evolution theory to his high school
students.From this source I used the proof that the evolution theory had a lot of
controversy.The source is credited because it was found in a data base and this picture fits
into the time sequence.Before seeing this picture I thought that by the 1900's the topic
would have died down and nobody would care much about the evolution theory,but
seeing that there were banners made for this case I understood I was wrong. I categorized
this as primary because it was a picture taken near the time period a short term after
Darwin's scientific theory's of evolution were released
"Charles Darwin." Gale Science in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2005. Science In Context. Web. 14
Oct. 2015.
This is a picture of Charles Darwin.From this source I used a picture of the person who
created the evolution theory.This picture is from the Library of Congress and looks like
Darwin,therefore it is credible. This picture made me understand that Darwin was old and
he truly was from the 19th century by the horrible graphics and no color.This is a primary
source because it is was taken during Darwin's life time.
Jean Louis Agassiz.
This is a picture of Jean Louis Agassiz. I used this source to show the rival of Charles
Darwin. The source is credible because it looks like him and it is from a reliable
encyclopedia. It helped me see how Agassiz looked like. This is primary because it is
from Darwin's time.
World History: The Modern Era, s.v. "Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species (1859),"
accessed October 14, 2015.
Charles Darwin wrote "The Origin of species",this reference material is the introduction
of his book.From this source I used the direct spark, that led to my topic, on how Darwin
influenced religion.The article is credible being a direct excerpt of the introduction of
"The Origin of Species",to check I found a website with the book copied down front to
back and the intro for both of them were exactly the same. From the article it made me
understand why the people were having so much controversy on the topic of evolution
and religion.I labled this source as a primary because it is exactly what Darwin wrote that
changed history.
World History: The Modern Era, s.v. "Charles Darwin: The Descent of Man (1871)," accessed
November 11, 2015.

The source is a excerpt of Charles Darwin's "The Descent of Man".From this source I
used how religion was confronted after studying human evolution for twelve years .The
Source is credible because it is a direct excerpt from "The Descent of Man".Through
reading Darwin's writing I could understand why society felt offended yet thought it
truth.This is a primary source because it is an excerpt of a book Darwin wrote.

Secondary Sources
Bergman, Jerry. "Darwinism And The Nazi Race Holocaust." Creation Ex Nihilo Technical
Journal 13, no. 2 (1999): 101-11.
This Source explained how Darwin's Theory survival of the fittest helped Hitler.From this
source I used how Hitler used the theory for his own benefits. The source is reliable and
is easy to reason with. The article helped me understand how Survival of the Fittest was
one of the roots to The Holocaust. This is a secondary source because it is not an
evidence, but an analytical journal entree of how Darwinism and the Holocaust relate.
Linder, Douglas O. "State v. John Scopes." Last modified July 10, 2000. Accessed January 10,
This had information on the monkey scopes trial. I used it for my encounter part of my
project. The source is reliable and has a edu. This is a secondary source because it
explains what was going on in the Trial.
McMillan, Dan. "Salon" [Hitler, Darwin and the Holocaust: How the Nazis distorted the theory
of evolution]. Salon. Last modified April 14, 2014. Accessed January 10, 2016.
The content of this article is how Hitler used Darwin's theory to cause the holocaust.
From this source I used to find exciting inspiration of one of the exchanges on my N.H.D
project. The source is almost not reliable at all, it is in a website that has random
information like celebritys, but it does include the articles writers name. This Article
helped me to understand some of Darwin's effect and why people reacted as they did.
This is secondary because it was written recently.
Polkinghorne, John. "Darwin's Origin of Species: a Gift from God." USA Today, May 2009, 58.
The article was about how Darwin and other priest faced the evolution theory.The article
was useful giving a different approach on how Darwin's theory effected history on
religious heads.The author wrote the article with excitement and in first person ,though
the author is credible being a scientist and a priest, I believe this article is biased.This
article helped me see through a different perspective of how the church saw it.I
categorized this article as a secondary, because it's reporting the findings of things from
the past.

Ruse, Michael. "Charles Darwin on Human Evolution." In "Darwin, Darwinism and Social
Darwinism," ed. Roger Koppl and Alain Marciano, special issue, Journal of Economic
Behavior & Organization 71, no. 1 (September 23, 2006): 10-19.
The journal entry is how Charles Darwin faced the topic of human evolution with his
book "Descent of Man".From this source I used the abstract and found more information
on his other book.The source is credible and written well.The source helped me
understand how Charles Darwin affected the society with his theory's on specifically
human evolution.The journal entry is a secondary source because it was not written
during the time ,but explaining and summarizing what was written in "The Origin of
Species" and "Descent of Man".
"Victorian England." Accessed January 10, 2016.
The artical was about the Victorian age. From this source I used as Background
Information.The source was credible and had an .edu ending. It helped me understand the
background and time period Darwin was in. This is secondary because it is about the
Victorian age not from it.
Voyage 2. Photograph. aboutdarwin. Accessed January 10, 2016.
The content is a picture of the H.M.S Beagle on it's second voyage.From this source I
used the picture to be a visual for my website so readers could follow his route.The
source seems not credible from a .com and being an about page, but I checked other
images and the content is the same.The picture helped me understand the route Darwin's
ship took.This is a secondary source because it came as a summary of the Beagle's
Weiss, Ken. "Darwin as anthropologist, anthropologists as Darwinians." National Science
Foundation. Accessed January 10, 2016.
The sources content was about how Darwin influenced Anthropology.From the Source I
used the defining anthropology and information for the little section in Encounter in
Anthropology.The source helped me understand what how Darwin's book "The Descent
of Man" had affected anthropology.It also cleared up what was written in his book.This
source is definitely secondary because it was an article written on Darwin's theory and it
is paraphrased so readers can understand.
World History: The Modern Era, s.v. "evolution debates," accessed October 14, 2015.
This is a summary of the debates that went on after the publishing of Darwin's "The
Origin of species" specifying on two scientist Louis Agassiz and Asa Gray.From this
source I used Louis argument on the evolution theory by supporting polygeny,where god
created the world and animals exactly how they are now.This source unbiased,stating
only facts,though a downgrade of this article is having little detail and only reporting a
summary of what went on.The source helped me understand of how well known scientist

were arguing on both sides of religion and science.This source is a secondary because it
is a summary on what went on during the 1860's.
Wyhe, John van. "Darwin Online." Darwin Online. Last modified 2002. Accessed January 10,
In this source there was a bibliography on Darwin and also copies to all his books.From
this source I used for background information and pictures.The source is credible having
a credible author and including his name.It helped me understand the time of Darwin's
journey on the Beagle.I categorize this as a secondary source because though most of the
website has primary sources, this website was written by a person from the 21st century.

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