V-Sig Leadership Application

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V-SIG Leadership Application

Name: Aaron Smith

E-mail address: asmith27@uw.edu
Position sought: SVS Chair

Interest in Vascular Surgery, why youre interested in a leadership position:

My interest in vascular surgery actually began in the years leading up to getting into
medical school. During this time, I was working at St. Vincent Healthcare in Billings,
MT on the Cardiac Telemetry unit where I was a critical care aid/telemetry
monitor/EKG tech/ward clerk (it was awesome!!). It was here I met a former
cardiothoracic surgeon that had recently transitioned to vascular surgery. I began
shadowing him and many of his colleges; I not only was able to be in the OR for
vascular procedures, I had the opportunity to learn the day-in and day-out life of
each of the doctors. These opportunities solidified my interest in vascular surgery
and were a great way to familiarize myself with vascular surgery as a career.

Ideas for possible activities this year?

Initially, we could organize a vascular surgery 101-informational session. For the
luncheons we could have speaker panels i.e. research, career, and residency match
panels. Additionally, I was thinking that maybe we could get involved with the VS
residents and have them do case presentations.

Reason you are interested in this specific leadership appointment?

The chance to become the SVS chair will provide me with leadership experience
and the opportunity to work with like-minded students and vascular surgery
faculty to increase awareness about residency and careers in vascular surgery,
research opportunities, and to engage in vascular surgery related activities.
Lastly, I will have the opportunity to be a key point of contact for interested
students here at UWSOM.

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