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Miranda Blue

January 11, 2016

2nd Period
Honors English II
Option #1: It is a sin to write this. So begins Anthem. But by the end of the story,
Equality 7-2521 has a different moral assessment of his action. Do you think Equalitys
eventual assessment of his sin is correct? Why or why not? Explain.
As Ayn Rands story, Anthem, begins, readers see how the main protagonist, Equality 7-2521,
isnt like the rest of the people in his society. Equality is taller, smarter, and more curious than
the rest of his brethren. As seen in the beginning, he explains how society works, and how all are
one. He doesnt use the term I, but rather the term we, showing that nobody is allowed to
think as an individual. The act of thinking as one, as in Anthem is called Collectivism. The
Merriam-Webster definition of Collectivism is the emphasis on collective rather than individual
action or identity.
Throughout the story, the readers get to witness Equality 7-2521 grow mentally. He grows to the
point where he decides that showing the Council of Scholars his electricity might just allow him
to gain a better job, however, this plan fails as the Council wants his invention destroyed.
Through this action, readers are showed how Equality had changed. He used to be obedient
towards the government, as he knew from an early age that he should care for the whole, and not
the individual. By being different from the rest, Equality gains the trait of being rebellious, as he

smashes through the window and dashes into the forest. Here, he finds Liberty 5-3000 after
meeting her in the fields.
In the forest, Liberty expresses to Equality that she plans to run away with him, and follow only
by his rules. Together, the duo runs off and over the mountains, where they learn so much more.
They discover an abandoned home, where Equality discovers the word I. Rather than using
we, the book switches to the term I, as Equality finally learns how to put himself before

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