Interview 3 - Stephen

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Interview Simon

Interviewer: Hi, thanks for doing the interview and could you tell us a bit about yourself?

Simon Faraday: Yeah, my name’s Simon. I’m a dude, obviously *laughs*. I like to play a
lot football, hang around, listen to music and just hit parties and what not.

Interviewer: Sounds great, and what kind of music do you listen to?

Simon Faraday: Anything really, I mostly listen to the stuff in the charts ‘coz everyone
plays them at clubs and raves and that.

Interviewer: Cool, and what is it you like about this music?

Simon Faraday: When mainly that it’s like easy to access. Like for example you get all
those people that are like ‘I spent a grand looking for an album by this really old band
and I got it for only 400 quid mint condition’, you know, bla bla bla. I don’t tend to want
to waste that much time and money, all the new pop music gives you what you want
there and then. It’s advertised well, in shops nice and early, music video is on like 15
different channels and already being played on the radio.

Interviewer: And which of those play mediums do you prefer to use most?

Simon Faraday: Definitely video, no doubt.

Interviewer: Can you explain why?

Simon Faraday: I don’t know really. Its just like sometimes listening to a song on its own
is like not enough for me. But watching a video like makes the song seem a lot more
alive because instead of just hearing you can see.

Interviewer: So what is it about a music video that you like? Is it the way it’s put together
or the way it works with the music etc?

Simon Faraday: I love a video that gets you going, like dancing along or doing whatever
it is the performer is doing. Like it gets you feeling what it’s like to be in their shoes but
not to the point where you want to be them but you imagine yourself giving your own
kind of rendition and feel to it. I think that’s brilliant, and what helps I think is definitely
the way the video supports what happens in the music. I mean if it didn’t it would just be
weird wouldn’t it.
Interviewer: So your saying you don’t like un-conventional videos?

Simon Faraday: Nah not at all, I mean there are many which are pretty good like ‘Like I
should’ by Fat Boy Slim, made a really low budget video which kicked a*** but in a way
it’s like sending out two messages rather than just the one that most videos do. But I
think it takes away from the video and the song ‘coz they are like both working as two
separate types of media rather than one powerful video, you get me?

Interviewer: Yeah fair enough, you say you like the easy access does this mean you
don’t really purchase the products?

Simon Faraday: Nah don’t get me wrong I love buying the albums and stuff. Well, not so
much the albums but like those exclusive ones that come with bonus features and that.

Interviewer: Can you elaborate on what these features are and which ones you enjoy
the most?

Simon Faraday: Well for me I’d say definitely the live videos, they’re brilliant. Coz like it
makes you feel as if you’re like actually there watching this person perform their song in
real life. And like the similarity between the way they perform on the live video and the
official music video like makes you understand the music more.

Interviewer: Do you think that these Digi-Paks should relate to the video in any way?

Simon Faraday: Yeah in a way, I mean you can’t have like a happy colourful design and
then like a really dark music video you’d just think the artist is a psycho or something
*laughs*. Nah honestly they should be the same because I’m buying a product of the
music and if it’s completely different then I might as well just buy different album art.

Interviewer: Ok, well thank you for your time

Simon Faraday: Thank You

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