HM116 Pages To Be Referred To in Samuelson - 2nd Insem

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Pages to be referred to in Samuelson:

PPF: 10, 11, 14, 15

Role of market: 26, 27
Role of government: 37-40
DD and SS: 44, 45, 46 (not the section on Behind demand curve), 47, 48, 49 (not the
section on Behind supply curve), 50-54, 55 (not ss, dd and immigration) 56, 57, 64-67,
(not price elasticity in diagram), 68, 70, 71 (not application to current issues), 73, 74
(not minimum floors and maximum ceilings)
Diminishing returns: 104, 105
GDP: 390 to 403 (not the diagram on 403)
Saving and Investment: 414, 415 (not diagrams) 416-418
Multiplier: 447, 448, 451, glance through the section on Impact of Taxes
Inflation: CPI, WPI, Hyper inflation, index nos, demand pull and cost push inflation:
Mainly from the notes
Origin of money- 465- 467, 476-481, 493-501 (not financial regulation)
Theory of production: 102-107 (not short run and long run)
Analysis of costs (115-124)
Perfect competition (137-142 and 151 two cheers for market but not three)
Oligopoly, kinked demand curve, game theory not well discussed. Refer to notes
Monopoly and natural monopolies 154 - 166
International trade, comparative advantage, determination of exchange rates, FDI are
good or not, central bank controls exchange rate (fixed and floating rates), balance of
payment (current and capital accounts) 677-680, 682-685, 688-690, 698- 700, 705-706,
glance through 708. Many issues are not amply discussed in the text hence please refer to

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