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GATE - 1999 Electronics and Communication Engineering Duration: Three hours a 12 13 4 1s Maximum Marks : 150 SECTION A (75 Marks) This question consists of 25 (Twenty Five) multiple choice questions, each carrying one mark. For each questions (1.1 ~ 1.25), fouralternatives (a,,cand d) are given, out of which only one is correct. (@5 «1 =25) Identify which of the following is NOT a true of the graph shown in the given figure is (a) begh = (©) ad The z-transform F(z) of the function fin) =0°T is ©) defy (A) aegh , 2 © oF If (f@)] = FOS), then [fit ~ T)] is equal to (@) eT FS) ) TFs) Fis) ‘A2 port network isshown in the given figure. The parameter I, for this network can be given by ( -1/2 V2 (© -3/2 ( +3/2 ‘The early effect in a bipolar junction transistor is caused by (@) fast tum-on () fast tum-off (©) large collector-base reverse bias (@) large emitter-base forward bias 16 wy 18 19 110 aan The first dominant pole encountered in the frequency response of a compensated op - amp is, approximately at (a) 5He () MHz (6) 10 kHz (@) 100 MHz, Negative feedback in an amplifier (0) reduces gain (6) increases frequency and phase distortions {e) reduces bandwidth ( inceoases noise In the cascade amplifier shown in the given figure, if the common - emitter stage (Q,) has a {transconductance gtt,,and the common base stage > )hoo a transconductance gym, then the overall \cansconductance g (= i,/2,) of the cascade amplifiers ) Sr a ©) Spa Ys * qe s o & t w & Crossover distortion behaviour is characteristic of (@) Class A output stage (H) Class B output stage (©) Class AB output stage (@) Common - base output stage “The logical expresiony=A+ A Bisequivalensto (a) y=AB ) AB @ yeR+B | @ynAsB ‘A Darlington emitter - follower circuit is somtimes used in the output stage of a TTL gate in order to (a) increase its Noy © reduce its hoy, (6) increase its speed of operation (@) reduce power dissipation 1.42. Commercially av 113 1a 115 116 a7 lable ECL gears use two ground lines and one negative supply in order to (@) reduce power dissipation (O) increase fan- out (reduce loading effect (@) eliminate the eect of power line glitches or the biasing circuit ‘The resolution ofa4-bit counting ADCis0.5 volts. For an analog input of 6.6 volts, the digital output of the ADC will be (@) 1011 (© 1100 nor w@ 10 Fora second - order system with the closed - loop. transfer function 9 Sedses the settling time for2- percent band, in seconds, is (a) 15 (0) 2.0 (9 30 (49 The gain margin (in dB) of a system ahaving the loop transfer function Ge He) = ry ® (0 () 3 6 @ eo The system moded described by the state “Eth Y=(ux (a) controllable and observable (8) controllable, but not observable (©) observable, but not controllable (@) neither controllable nor observable The phase margin (in degrees) of a system having the loop transfer function GG) H() = cat is @ 4 (b) ~30° ©) 6 (d) 30° 118 19 1.20 121 122 A signal x(t) has a Fourier ranstorm X(a). If x(t isa real and odd function oft, then X(a) is (@) areal and even funetion of (&) a imaginary and odd function of (©) an imaginary and even function of (@) a real and odd function of ‘The input to a channel is a bandpass signal. It is obtained by linearly modulating a sinusoidal carrier with a single-tone signal. The output of the channel due to this input is given by 4K@) = (1/100) c0s (1004 ~ 10°) cos (108 ~ 1.56) The group delay (1,) and the phase delay (t) in seconds, ofthe channel are (@) £,=10°,t,=1.56 © t,=1.56.1, =10° (© 1, =10%1, =156« 10" (@ t, = 104, =156 ‘A modulated signal is given by, S(t) =m, (1) cos (aft) + m,(t) sin aft) where the baseband signal m, (#) and m, (f) have bandwidths of 10kHz and 15 kHz, respectively. The bandwidth of the modulated signal, in kHz, is (a) 10 15 (©) 25 (a) 30 A modulated signal is given by si) =e™ cos [(, + A0)t] u(t), where a, w, and Aw are positive constants, and 0, >> Ao. ‘The complex envelope of s(t) is given by (2) exp(-at) explitw, + Aw)t] u(t) (6) exp (-at) exp (At) u(t) (©) exp (aut). u(t) (@) expljo, +40) 4 ‘An electric field on a plane is described by its potential V=20(744 ‘where ris the distance from the source. The field isdue to (@) a monopole () adipole (©) both a monopole and a dipole (@) aquadrupole 1.24 1.25 2a 22 ng perfect conductors of a transmission Tine, pure TEM propagation is NOT possible in () coavial cable @ © w Indicate which one of the following will NOTexis! in a rectangular resonant cavity (0) TE 0) TE, ™ «)™,,, air-filled cylindrical wavepenide poralle! bwin-wite line in ait semi-infinite parallel plate wave guide Identify which one of the following will NOT satisfy the wave equation (@) 50 (H) sin fo(102 +54] (0) cos? +51) @) sin (a) eos This question consists of 25 (Twenty Five) multiple choice questions, each earrying two marks. For each question (2.1 = 2.25), tour alternatives (a,b, cand d) are given, out of which only one 1s correct. (25 2=50) ‘The Fourier series representation of an impules train denoted by soe Stu 1 T,) is given by j2ant ep- a om ant 6 op T rnt © oT jaxnt « op The Thevenin equivalent voltage V>y, appearing between the terminals A and B of the network shown in the given figure is given by (a) j16(3 -j8) (by jh60 +58) (ed 163+ )4) (@) 1603~ ja) - vot 8 23 24 28 26 27 ‘The value of R (in ohms quired for maximum power transfer in the network shown in the gavers igure 2) 2 we 08 i 16 A Delta-connected network with its Wye- lequivalent is shown im the given figure is . The resistances R,, Rand R (in ohms) are respectively wf Nye ig (a) 15,3and9 (©) 9,3and 15 ro) a 3.9and 15 3,15 and9 Anacchannel JEFT has Iy,¢ 2mA and V, = 4. Its transconductance gm. (in milliohm) for an applied gate-to-source voltage V,,. of -2 V is (a) 0.25 (05 () 075 (é) 10 An np transistor (with © = 0.3 p) has a unity + sain cutolf frequency f, of 400 MHz ata de bias current {, = 1 mA. The value of its C, (in pF) is approximately (V,, = 26 mV) (a) 15 30 (6 50 (96 ‘An amplifier has an open - loop gain of 100, an input impedance of 1492, and an outputimpedance of 100 2. A feedback network with a feedback factor of 0.99 is connected to the amplifier in > vollage series feedback mode. The new input and. ‘output impedances, respectively, are ja) Wand 12 — 10 and 104 fe) WO Qand 1A (i) 100kand Lhe A de power supply has a no-load vatiage "30 V, and a full-load voltage of 25 Vat a fisti- toad current of 1A, Its output resistance and load regalation, respectively, are tw) $Qand 20% ) BO md 2 (6) S@and 157% Gl) 2Aanl te 210 211 2az 213 pole An amplifier is assumed to have a single high-frequency transfer function. The rise time of its owtipatt response to a step function input is 35 nsee. The upper -3 dB frequency (in MUlz) for the amplifier to a sinusoidal input ts approximately al (a) 455 «10 (9 20 (a) 286 The minimized form of the logical expression (ABS + ABT + ABC+ABT jis (o) AC +8C + AB &) AT + BC+ AB ( AC+ BC+ AB () AT +BC+AB Fora binary half -subtractor having two inputs A and B, the correct set of logical expressions for the outputs D ( = A minus B) and X (= borrow) are (a) D=AB+ AB.X= AB ) ©) @ D=ADe A AB+AB +A4B,x=aB AB+AB.X= AB UX=AB The ripple counter shown in the given figure is works as a (@) mod -3 up counter () mod -5 up counter (©) mod -3 down counter @ mod -5 down counter MCS= Ay, Ay, A,qis used as the chip select logic of a4 K RAM in an 8085 system, then its memory range will be (@) 3000 1-3 FRE H (©) 7000 H-7 FFE HL (©) 5000 H = 5 FRF H and 6000 H - 6 FFF H (@) 6000 11-6 FFF Hi and 7000 H-7 EFF H 214 IF the closed-loop trnsier function T(s) of a unity negative feedback system is given by @ (@) zer0 «) 2.5. Consider the points 5, = ~3.+ ands, =-3-2n the s:plane. Then, for a system with the open-loop transler function . K 6) Hi = Tye {a} 5, ison the root locus.but not 5, (0) sis 0n the root locus, but not s, (©) both s, and s, are on the root locus {d)_neithers, nor», is on the root locus. 2.16 For the system described by the state equation fo ° sll lu o x=] 10 on 05 12 Ifthe control signal wis given by 1 =[-05-3-5] x + &, then the eigenvalues of the closed-loop system will be (a) 0,-1.2 ()0,-1,-3 te) -L-2 (a) 0,-1,-1 2417 The z-transform of a signal is given by ata a Cle) = Its final value is @u © zero © 10 (@) infinity 2.18 The Nyquist sampling frequency (in Hz) of a signal given by {6 x 10* sinc? (4008)*10° sin (1008) is (a) 200 & 300 (© 500 (a) 1000 219 220 221 222 2.23 2.24 The peak-to-peak inpul to an 8-bit PCM coder is? volts. The signal power-to-quantization noise power ratio (in dB) for an input of 0.5 cos (a, #) is «@) 478 498 © 96 96 The input toa matched filter is given by i= {¥sine@a 10%) 0-1 <0 see otherwise The peak amplitude of the filter output is (@) 10-volts (8) 5 volts (© 1millivolts ——(@) S millivolts Four independent messages have bandwidths of 100 Hz, 200 Hz, and 400 Hz, respecively. Each is sampled at the Nyquist rate, and the samples are time division multiplexed (TDM) and transmitted The transmitted sample rate (in Hz) is (@) 1600 () 800 (©) 400 (@) 200 Inatwin-wire transmission line inair, the adjacent voltage maxima are at 12.5 cm and 27.5 em. The operating frequency is, (@) 300 MHz (©) 2GHz ()) 1GHz (a) 628 GHz A trasmitting antenna radiates 251 W isotropically. A receiving antenna, located 100m away from the {transmitting antenna, hasan effective aperture of 500 cm?. The total received by the antenna is @ 10,W ew (© 20nW (@) 100 new. Im air, a lossless transmission line of length 50 cm with L = 10 4H /m, C = 40 pF/m is operated at 25 MHz. Its electrical path length is @ 05 meters (b) Ameters (©) 2/2 radians (@) 180 degrees A plane wave propagating through a medium [e,=8,v,=2,and o =0) has its electric field given by E=05 % e-/sin (108t- Be) V/m. ‘The wave impedance, in ohms is (a) 377 (0) 198.5 2 180° (© 182.9 214° (@) 133.3 SECTION B (75 Marks) BC3. EC 4. ECs. EC6. This section consists of TWENTY questions of FIVE marks each. ANY FIFTEEN out of them have tobe answered. (155 =75) In the circuit of the the switch ‘S' has remained ‘open for a long time. The switch closes instantaneously at t= 0 (a) (b) Find V, for ¢ <0 and. as t > Write an expression for V, as function of time for st <0 (c)_ Evaluate V, at = 25 psec For the network shown in the given figure 1s evaluate the current | flowing through the 22 resistor using superposition theorem. oir oat a A.coil with a quality factor (Q) of 10s putin series. ‘with a capacitor C, of 10 uf, and the combination is found to draw maximum current when a sinusoidal voltage of frequency 50 H7 is applied. A second capacitor C, is now in parallel with the circuit. What should be the capacitance of C, for combined circuit to act purely as a resistance for a sinusoidal excitation at a frequency of 100 Hz? Calculate the rms current drawn by the combined circuit at 100 Hz if the applied voltage is 100 V (rms). A bipolar junction transistor amplifier circuit is. shown in the figure is Assume that the current source |,,,, is ideal, and the transistor has vary large b, r, = 0,and1, 920 Determine the ac small-signal midband voltage gain (V,/V,), input resistance (R, and output resistance (R,) of the circuit. Assume V, = 26 mY C7, AJFET having 4 = 50 and r, = 10 K® is used ina common - source configuration as shown in the given figure. The JFET capacitances are C,_= 5pF, y= 2PF and C,,= 2 pF. Determine the ac small signal midband voltage gain (V9/V,) and the upper -3 dB frequency of the circuit. Me 0 Sa, ifs Be ECS, Neatly sketch and label the de transfer characteristic (Ke., V, 0s. V,) ofthe cireuit shown in the given figure as V,, varies from 2 V to +2 . Assume ideal op-amp, and the diodes have a forward voltage of 0.6 V and zero incremental resistance. ECS, A transistor LC oscillator circuit is shown in the given figure. Assume that the transistor has very high 6 (So that you may neglect r,). Derive an equation governing the circuit operation, and find the frequency of oscillation. Also, state the gain condition required for oscillation to start. EC10. Inthe CMOS inverter circuit shown in the figureis the input Vi makes a transition from Vou (= 0 ¥) toVgy, (= 5¥). Determine the high-to- Jow propagation delay time(t yy) whenitisdriving a capacitive load (C,) of 20 pF. Device data: NMOS: Vyy=1V5 y= st, Coy W/L), =40WA/V? 2-0, LV, k,=15.Co (W/L, = 20 wA/V?, Neglect body effect EC 11-The circuit diagram of a synchronous counter is shown in the given figure. Determine the sequence of states of the counter assuming that the initial state is ‘000". Give your answer in a tabular form showing the present stale Qu, Quay oye KK inputs Oy, Ky Jyy J K), and the next State Qnivery, Qnensny Qcyqsiye FtOm the table, delermine the modulus of the counter. EC 12. Ina certain application, four inputs A, B, C, D (both true and complement forms available) are fed to logic circuit, producing an output F which operates a relay. The relay turns on when F (ABCD) = 1 for the following states of the inputs (ABCD): ‘0000", ‘0010’, ‘0101, “0110, "1101" and "1110". States ‘1000’ and ‘1001’ do not occutr, and for the remaining states, the relay is off. Minimize F with the help of a Karnaugh map and realize it using a minimum number of 3 - input NAND gates. EC 13.An S085 assembly language program is given below MVIC, 031, LXIH, 2000, MOV A,M DRC INXH MOV B, M, CMPB JNC LooP2 MOV A, B DCRC JNZ LOOPI STA 2100H HLT Contents of the memory locations 2000 H to 2002 Hare 2000:18H 2001: 10H, 2002 (@)_ What does the above program do? (6) At the end of the program, what will be (i the contents of the registers A, B, C,H and L? (iipthe condition of the carry and zero flags ? (iiithe contents of the memory locations 2000 H, 2001 H, 2002 H, and 2100 H. Loop LooP2: 2BH. EC 14.The loop transfer function of a feedback control system is given by K(s+1) GOH) = Fe Tye KO Using Routh - Hurwitz criterion, determine the region of K - T plane in which the closed - loop system is stable. EC 15.The asymptotic Bode plot of the minimum phase ‘open-loop transfer function G(s) H() inas shown in the figure is Obtain the transfer function G(s) Ho) sa/mste ero EC 16.Consider a feedback system with the open-loop. transfer function, given by Gis}Hs) = 52s Examine the stability of the closed-loop system using Nyquist stability theory. EC 17.A baseband signal mit) modulates a cartier to produce the angle modulated signal, AC cos [2 2% 108 +k, m(t)], where m() is shown inthe figure is Determine the value of &, so that the peak-to-peak frequency deviation of the carrier is 100 kFz (ss EC 16. Input to a linear delta modulator is a sinusoidal signal whose frequency can vary from 200 Hz to 4000 Hz. The input is sampled'at eight times the Nyquist rate. The peak amplitude of the sinusoidal signal is 1 volt (@) Determine the minimum value of the step size in order to avoid slope overload when the input signal frequency is 800 Hz () What is the peak amplitude of the input signal, (o just overload the modulator, when the input signal frequency is 200 Hz? (©) Isthe modulator overlaoded when the input signal frequency is 4000 Hz? EC 19.The power spectral density (PSD) of a noise process is given by eee) fleto® au-{ 0 ie fl> 10" The noise is passed through a unity-gain ideal bandpass filter, centered at 50 MHz and having a bandwidth of 2 MHz, (@) Sketch neatly the PSD of the output noise process. (6) Determine the output noise power. (©) Using the bandpass representation for the output noise process, sketch the PSD of the inphase and quadrature noise components, and determine their respective powers. £C20. A plane wave in freespace with E = (vx) (0.0 E4118 §). exp i4xx 10%t- He), where = and J are unit vectors in the x y~ directions, respectively, is incident normally on a ‘semi-infinite block of ice as shown in the figure is For ice, = Hy @ 0, and &= 94 (1 ~]0.001). (a) Calculate the average power density associated with the incident wave. (b) Calculate the skin depth in ice. (c) Estimate the average power density at a distance of 5 times the skine depth in theice block, measured from the interface. EC 21. 100 m section of an air-filled rectangular waveguide operating in the TE,, mode has a cross- sectional dimension of 1.071 cm x 0.5 em. Two pulses of 21 GHz and 28 GHz are simultaneously launched at one end of the waveguide section. Whatis the time delay difference between the two pulses at the other end of the waveguide ? EC 22. The average power of an omni directional antenna varies as the magnitude of cos6, where 0 is the azimuthal angle. Calculate the maximum Directive Gain of the antenna and the angles at which it occurs. ANSWERS L1@) 12@) 1.30) 14@) 1.50 LUG LRW@ 1130) 14 115@) 121 () 1.22 (c) 1.23(4) 1.24(a) 1.25(0) 2.64) 27() 28) 29(d) 2.10(a) 216 (a) 2.17(b) 2.18(d) 219(c) 2.20(a) 1.6 (0) 1.7() 1.8(a) 1.9() 1.10@) 1.16) 1.17(0) 1.18(0) 1.19(@) 1.200 21) 22d) 230) 24@) 250 2AM) 212) BWW) 214M) 215 2.21(b) 2.22 (b) 223(d) 2.24 (a) 2.25 (a)

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