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NAME: Ben Arteaga

Go to one of the following websites:

Answer the questions with the information you found on the website. Circle the website to indicate the one you
1. Job Name: Advertising and Promotions marketing manager.
2. Cluster: Marketing
3. Name one job duty: Help create an advertisement that promotes interest in a product or service.
4. Explain one thing about the working conditions for the job: A marketing manger works in a nice clean
office, but works nights and long work hours and on the weekends under pressure to complete a project,
and they usually travel a lot.
5. How many hours does someone in the job work? __More than 40_hours per week
6. What is the salary/wage listed for this job?

Annual salary $123,450_or wage _$59.35_per hour.

7. How much education or training is required?

A minimum of a bachelors degree, and multiple degrees in many other skills, usually depends on work
8. Name one personal qualification.
I am able to work long hours without getting tired, I am available on Sunday nights, and I dont get
stressed that easily.
9. Where do you plan to get this education/training?
At a college, and getting as much education as possible, and maybe work as an apprentice or intern for a
marketing manager.
10. What is the employment outlook for this job?
Employment outlook is good, it will have an expected 8% to 14% growth in about ten years, or about
61,000 job openings
11. After reading about this job, name one advantage.
One advantage is a large salary and a great outlook for this job.

Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.

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