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REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2002-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VIEW OF APL Re 7 CpueY & CODEWESTALL RT RESERVED OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION SRACTIGE QUESTIONS FOR API RP 571, DANAGE MECHANISMS AFFECTING EDCED EQUIPNE? ‘THE REFINING INDUSTRY, 3.4 Tes, Symbols and Abbrevietions, ‘when working wth austen ares steesin he S00 sees, what does the eter“ nate oer te umber, Le, S04L oF ST6L? Linage of nleket moleule. Low carbon ranges. *Lighiness of chrome sting 6. Lead requred for welding electrode, 2. what ype of steel does nt normaly hve oyng elements intentionally sed? fa. Duploxstanies steel E siaiiees ste oy aan el Frito staniees steel 2. What oes HAZ usualy stand for? «a Hyctogen Associsted Zoning. Host fected Zone. 2 Hardened Alloy Zone. >) ighenad Amine Zone 2) soevicton of tern une to dese sepwics lemal cack that connect ajacent hyoasn Fee sae ian panes in the mall ro the meta siace Is oH 38: " a HEL. BHA. hic. HOS. «5. Wien of te toes ltd below is considered 2 "Yow alloy ste”? 9 250r012N. B 145i 1200 agi eC ‘Which of tne ses sted below is considered tobe martensite stainless ster? 2. Als Type 97 B AISI Type 18H Ast Type 410 ‘Ast Type 321 “.whatare cettanclamine, metiysletanciamine, end monoethanclamine used fr reneies? qestey ar sein aibe ear of hyrocarbon sms to erore HS and CO Prey BE uted in amine vesing of water fo remove sos ) P ypeyare used namie eaing of ose fed Water lo revant corrosion nboers 2) S TRE) 26 teee in amine treating of hydrocarbon streams CaCO. common © 707 W COLEY& CODEWEST AL RIGHTS RESERYEDOO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIASION ) Ww [REVIEW OF API RP 57, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Me OF Ae Roya Wi. COLEY a COEWESTALL MIGNIS RESERED-90 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERRESEON ‘Ja. tony ofaoys contsring nickel a « mio oying olrnt greater than 30%) is known as nickel bese ‘hoya Which ofthe aloe sed below not rickel bese? Inconel ao 716 C20 NL log 628. 1 Nek aly 200 «9, Thre ave four categories of ssinlet steels that are characterize by their metalurgial structure stom hnparture. Four toms ae listed bow, The ofthe fur ae coect and ne f nt Which the incoxrect one? : a. Austen Denne & Ferc. “3 Maton. ~ 40. What oes the symbel COs stan for? 2. Cartonates ogen. ~~” 5, Carton menexi, aren dove ‘Catch onde 41 Wha des the ymbol HO stand for? a. Helum ede Hycrogen tix. wate Helm gas, 42.1 Graphitzation 4. Achenge athe micosrclure of certain carbon ste end 0.5 No stels fier longteim operation ithe ‘SouE Is 1100 range tak may cause ssn suengt, duty sclorceep resistance Is cele Graphite corsion, Graphitizstor ‘Granulation of ron nedues. Grete Phasing 2. Graphtizaon atc which ofthe sted motels? 1 Carbon tal Siaoss ste Tila 6 Nitel | The aditon of what metro cerbon steel and fow soy sce elminales graphiteation? 21.0% Mognesion Ba7% Chemin © 05% Sion, 06% Zine 02x corral? ©7007. COLE & CODEWEST-AL AUGMIS RESERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT FERHISSION ’ - 2009-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBEF RESERVED OG NOT COPY WITHOUT PERISH EW Or avira a. couey copewesTALL ST |). How many general types of graphitiztion sre there? peer ‘5, How do you find graphitstion? «Get cuent testing finds grapitztin wih eas, B Ei teeTer AE testing often succeestl inning graphitanon, Pee wes must be removed from the metalin question for metatogréphic eaminetion in abortion, Slanfrapecor can ofan fi the grapitzalion metal by hammer feing. (Pro vaetonarpen ‘9. Shortine exposure 0 high tomperstures causes carbides to change to carbon. Fenn rce im ne S00%E range cause carbon to decompose ilo earbiges. e Temeeraures inthe ‘000% cause wea reds to burn up and become graphite §Tempmaie ees cre poses hctbon ae Scpoas ho rope nodes 7. whettype of ay wil mitgste graphitation? «a. ices skoyed wih cvomlum shoud be used fr lng ter operations over SOO. BESS aby of molybdenum n can cee! wil protect & against grepitzaiion. ae ere of iicen m amounts not exceeding 10% wl protect cavban steel at emperatures > E00: |. utursrestited to omounts ot gcsedng 0.09% graphiizton wil be hed ) 422 Sottnina (Soherodization) sin the metostucure of stone ater exposure inthe S60 to 1400°F range, where the carbide Tiel te uneable and may agglomerate fom Het normal platetke form to a spre — se Achang hese in carbon {oxmis cated Metin, 2, Spneretzation 65 embrtieent 1 Bliplccizaton. 2. Whathppens fo tes! art undergoes softening? tt becomes hard and bite. becomes orcy Yo reduce residual dresses nd actually mekes the steel stronger. Itbecemes sand ioses ts shore. Ilocos strength anor ceep resistanes ‘3. Wich ofthe Inte materials are most affected by spheridization? 2. Tian, Db. Slahiese stew, 2. Garaon eel Nickel coPYRIGh 02047-..COLEY & CODEWEST.ALLRUGNTS RESERVED.OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION 14, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST PERSSON REVIEW OF API RP £7 i Cecey 8 cooswesrAL BONIS RESERVED.OONOT COPY WTHOA | orang ses take rprratn Wit pase? takes several years a 850". S thean ooour ine few pours at 1300°F © bo aan 1 None othe above. o ‘5 What ype of carbon steos i mere resistant io spherldestion? 2. Annesiog steals 1b Nomalaedstees. Fustbe sees, 1. Fine gaied stoels 6, What uns are usualy effected by spherisizaton? fa Hycrofeishers, Futur Unis, HF Aid Un, 8 Sivent cowaxing Unes, Aion Units, an Debutaizrs F 2 etiam Pe Stile, Stablizston Unt, and NMP Unit Focus, Colac Relorring Unis and Coker Unis, 7. How do yu tind sperization? a. Edy cunet testing finds sphericzson with ease. Aer Set Ae testing le often Suocessfl in nding spherozation - Oe wet janetalograpty or femove samples fo" matalngrephic exernation ina ab ., Ei henepesorean een nde soterad mest hare tse. ¢, How dos spheroitzaton happen to carbon end iw oy stele? a. At B28 ie caride phases change o grep, which in um becomes sof and ba shaped BA Gooie to 1eb0k cerion phases ere unstable and change from 2 rm toa spheolal form DLN gato HOUT cance tes ae eri hop separa spe a becasue FA Ret es of shout 600° carbon slats to Stororate andthe metal becemes peste. a “Temper Embritlement semper etiomantts the redvton in toughness di oa metallurgical change het can our in sme refs Suc sua result of lon term exposure inthe temperature range of about _f, 2 09 woson'F Bos 1 c00, e650'F to 1100°F SOF OTF 2. We ow oy tele subject tos loss. auahness due toa metlurical change thal occurs because of Tang iar expeure thigh temperate, scale as «graphite conesion temper embritlement © grapitzsion, 6 Rig tempersure onto, ccopvRi 0067 Ws COLEY 8 CODEWEST.ALLRIGHTE RESERVED.DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIMESION REVIEW OF API RP S71, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VIEW OF API RE: £7 4; Pout & CODSWEST ALL MIONTS RESERVED-OO OT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION ) The oss cf toughness of meta fst he effored temper embritemont isn yt mere oe ’ cette {Seas _ Mette | cimucnntece tmnt oan errs | Baile frecture is most likely to cocut during a start-up or a shutdown, 2 Seenac Rea eemer crag, = Benge mgt perc anette Ke syne! primacy tty toe embtenert? 9. 18Cr-9 Stainless sto, | Eseeitnjow ate st cee rts eh em | Qsinecton tetanic ro eon "6 7600 Sho and SCr-1Mo_ x | 1b. C-0.5iMo and 1.25C7-0.5Mo_ S € 25C7-12Ni and 26r-20N6 |: 80r0.SMo and 2Gr-8N-2Mo 2), seme temper emilrent can cee ring febiestion heat tesimants of low aby steels, bt most ofthe 7 et | eeeeyr tant tenant, ety st atte ae ae ran ar atic gape | SERRA eesti rome crmjoar nap spear ee seit omgeet Semearnate | ecanore site nts ot een reps ~ Sst etn | SSSR ue ome Temper embetement hes caused: ' «several uit shutdowns and isures. my inden ales over the years very few nus aur. {no nstial probleme. ‘0: tn vnat unts would you exert to nd equipment svsceptble to temper embritement? < . Vecuum Pipe Stile, Solvent Dewvers, and Allain Unis 4, EMlbirectain Unt Restore. Cea Reloriers, and Fiid Cetehe Crackers ) 2 Gl Plececsing Pans, Bolers, one Sutur Unis ~~! 6 FGcal Refring Us, Ethylene Pant, Use Uni copii ©7607. COLEY & CODEWEST-AL RIGHTS RESERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION 3 revgw or api Re a7, Fs Ebon, DECEMBER 20s SUEPLEMENTAL CERTTICATON TEST | toner oneness hare i 9) a resi Se mt Saale So pete 3 12, How may temper embritlement be conered? 1: Ihmay be confemed through impact teste E itiney be confirmed by laboratory chemical nays, © Itngy be canfmed by hammer testi, SLkmey be conemed by uasoni esirg 18: How do you miimize the possbity of bite facture du oYernperembrteent during slaps oF ‘huldowra? ‘Use a preceutzation sequence to fen sytem pressure to 80% ofthe maximum design pressure for ‘pertures below a Minimum Prescuttaton Tempersture (MPT). area cuanto eoquencs fo ln sytem pressure to 20% ofthe maimum desion pressure fr eee tures below a Minimum Preseuteation Tempera (MPD. ear escureation sequence fo im system pressure t 32.3% ofthe maximum design pressure for eS Bites below's Minimum Preceurzation Temperature (ME) donee ei salon saquence fo mit sytem proseure to 66.7% ol the maximum design pressure for ‘pestis below a Minimum Pressuzstion Temperature (MPT). Se et rete goer ohh eps of Mera Presson Teper WET)? wy 3.650% wo soe 7 eesdr wesot . 2 1S 1 3505 SF fo 180F ~ ue a! Waite love's of mangense, econ, phosphons, th, enimeny, and arseic are Bite nthe bese metal and “ne welding consumable fw soy mets ey wi ‘2. probably cause tamper embitlement 2S. Eiitze te tketnoed and extent of lemperembritiement totaly prevent temper embsitiemet ‘ S. Srahcerthe probatity oF trper embritioment 46. Where should you teek atvice to determine acceptaie compostion, toughness and abength levels, 25 well one se weldg, fbicsing sna eal eating procedures for new lw ally stl heavy wallequement nd low aly equipment eperaing nthe creep range? q «Tho advice shouldbe obtained from an expert inspector. 5. Tne sevice should be obtained fom a pressure vessel design enginesr ne seve shouldbe obtained fom s waidng engines. ‘The sauce sheald be obtained fom en expert metshurist coryloh © i007. W. COLEY& CODEWEST-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.OO NOT CO=Y WITHOUT PERMISEION REVIEW OF APIRP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VIEW OF APL REST ble” & CobenEST=ALL BakTS AESENVEE-OO WOT COPY WIHOUT PERMISSION dpc wnatis # corman method of mong ow syste equipment thats operating within te temperate "ange where tomer embiementiekes place? «.Diceesemtle pacts fom the operating equipment and impact est hem nthe abortion, Fee Beigel eat fhe alley stool tral nthe equipment & impact est them pera. + Climpact est the equipment on ste. Foe r e Lamplas” rom the equipment perodcally and impsc test them. 18. How does temper embritiement happen? | a.AAtermation of « metelugia phase called eigma can result in a oss of racine toughness in some high ‘hay tects 9 result of hightemperature exposure, pital stot Teage curd n carbon endow ay stees under the combined etl of deformation and ‘ang et an itorpedste lenperstre canst and ngheremperstures,ceusesembrement when the matarlcantans ferte Cr cata ngoeton suber! oii atre when handed a shat one ee rar GeO to 1100, causes a melalui charge In some ow ay stat thal esas 0 Lee nese and bile rece may occur during startup O shit down of equipment. 424 Stain Ba. ~ ® ow much euminum race elsrnentin carbon soa wil prevent the bile cracks of strain aging? «9 Lets than 0.0150 B Greater tran 0.019 wie \ @ 00058 wi —) 20.50% 7 2 whet types of steetis affected by Sisin Aging? To and T-1A carbon steet wth iaige grin size and 7 Cr.0.5 Mow aly ste SEERA EAT carvn elel th nye gain size and 1.25 C-0.8 Mo ow ally see Oe er 8506) carbon ste! wih lexge sain size and 2.25 C-t Mo ow alloy stl, Mem ees ceoe carbon stew! wi large grain ote and C-0.8 Mo fw alloy steel, + TBivmnen wating where woud you expe san sang ose? ' «a: thcan oocur beeen wel layers of mut-pass welds n= suscenible mera Fan ct ced ores of sueceptnle mates because ofthe Neat of welding, Pea carn reheat ffectec zone in eusceptbi mater Face ear the win of aces end notches na sueceptbe materi ‘4-Whet can eliminate the elects of stain aging na susceptible materia? «a. Nething wil prevent sin aging in susceptible steals F Aen waldate coating fo he see o prevent sain soa © Use neo rds for makirg wei, ___ © Appipost weld nal eetment 5, Stain aging may a: be found easly by using racooraph, —— Bate found y inspection ané monitoring 7 be found mn nest caves by using magnetic parle eect soe aut Sein, however, #00) cutentinepecton hes been success in some Sates. conve 701 W. COLEY 8 CODEWEST ALL RIGS RESERVED.00 NOT COPY WTHOMT PERMISSION 0 be [REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST yey bv sacr. JW. COLEV & CODEMESTALL NOS RESERVED 0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERISSION 428888 Emiciement 1. An inspectr checks a Veouum Tower ina Crude Stitt hes been ehut down for inepecton The trays te ‘Guerre mace from an AIS! Type 410 materal (123% Cr. The Vays are located nthe lower pat of he tower where super-healedsleam is jected at 600° pis. Wie the rays ae i place, fey eppeer ‘SShicaabie andthe theknesser ere adequate, One ofthe tay ie removed to provide access to enather pan ‘tthe ower, One ofthe tray eeclons fs epped a tis beng removed fom te tower. Pars of he tay Steak off and cracks are found many places cathe dopped section, The prblem wth the tay s most ely fobe: asia 4 S382 ineent Faulty Manufacturing, {4 Hycregen Esitiement 2.tnvwhaturits would you most kel find 888"F Embitementin = crude cilreineny? «a. Any Chrome Kctonstr tay & Internals ofhigh tempecsure vessel in FCG, Vacuurh a Coker Unis. 5: Sthee 400 89 Factinetor aye & temas of ow lemperaure vessels in FCG, Vacuum and Coker Unis, Series 300 S$ factonstr ays & Internals of high temperate vessels In FC, Vacuum and Coker Units. Seles uo Ss tactonstor ays & intemal of high tempesture vessels n FCO, Vaowum and Coker unis. 2. Awelder begins welding a Type 410 tray part om a vacuum ower ons crude unit. The material begins to ast tna tmcomes impesste fo weld, The protlem = BE5°F embritlement What should be done alow {hemateria tobe weldee cuccossuly? ‘Heat tet the materia io 1100°F and col reply to de-entsitle the stra Throw tne mater! anzy and orcer new pats. 2 Pretest he meter! to S00" who wel. 5. Teke ine matoraltothe shop where ican be welded under clesn conirclled condor. 4. When inspecting, wile the most posite lnestor of 65°F embriiement? ‘9, Remove sampies tom th material for pact or bend testing 5 Magnet Parte check he pars for racks, 2 Uiresonicaiy shear wave tw pars for ne crac, 4. Visual het tne atria n pls for cracks. 5. When are mest cases of 885° embritement found”? 2. tis found during operations when products can nt meet specications. Bis found dang operation of units when towers a. IS ound eung taroends or cng startup o shuldown of units wien the materials below 200°. ‘Sis ound when the matarilis ested above S00"F in walcng operations. 4.2.6 Siama Phose Embritdement 4 An inspector finds numerous eres Inthe metal and he welds of igs supporting an AISI Type 304 Stainiese Seetehcione "the eytone isin ® FCC unt repenerator hal opereies cut 1280hF. What kid of damage mechanism wouldyou suspect? 4. Sigma Phace Embritlement B Grepnaaton. Sian Aon. Thermal sigue coprmiT ©0074, W, COLEY & CODEWESTALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMIESION ‘4 REVIEW OF APIRP 511, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2002-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST LO ae orf Couey & CODENEST AL Mots RESERVED BO HOT COPY WITHOUT PERAESION 2 yn meat nest et artistes ello tenprie of 1276, wel conceit 7) Teva ‘a The materia wil harden when slow codes. i. The cai wil go Into soln. 2 The hence ofthe material ould be resuee, ji | 1. Sigma phase cou form, 4 Ato sma formed stares tol, below wl emperture would the mster show compile ack of fracture toughness? \ 9.1278 1000" od 4.500 «Where wou you expect damage due to sama pe erbetemento appear in the form of reek? |i areuey ot rad ona char bosonet aoe eel Sate soci uate see apweson.d Sse , | RRS Sec erate . | GREE ES SRS AS decir ’s ener b |. How may you minimize sama pase in welts of 247 Saknese Stes? | _\a. control ne Crrorium to 128610 18%, Genta ine Cabices to 8% tos. 2 Sette tne Fare 0 $5 10 8% “6. Gontal the Hike! 1 6% t6 10% - ren best way lo check for Sigma Phase Embritierent? | ene et ne een eon, 2 Pete Seer onc | Reba een evcin ice |S Raters b sable Face | a. adden rap fracture under sess (residual o applied) where the material exits lie no evidence of \ oct or paste deformation i eld 1 2, decerburatin trl. 1 temper embrierent © lass tke fare 4 | Fed Bete race 2 fthace ofthe steels listed below are suscepibe 1 brite fracture, Pick the one thats not Carton stock 1. S00 sees of tines steels © Low ay ses 6: 4G0 en of esiiess stools 2 REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2002-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Seif tra W, GOLEY& CODEVEST ALL RIGHTS ESERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION "see fcr when eal combined tno cave rte ctu. Which fhe four fared below TP doenettsne? ' 2. The materas fraclure toughness (reieant to crack tke aw) ow, 4 sie, shape end svess concentration of af tends to lead tof, The temperate high enough to induce flr. 1 5. The amount of resi! and applied sverccs on the aw is enough to cause fracture, 4. inmost ceses, bile fracture curs onl at temperatures below the Charpy impact, ‘he pont t wien the toughness ofthe mater drops of sharply. temperature, 1 a.totore i enetion \ ' ceil fl sabe '5. wnat year ed the ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Code, Section Vil, Division 1 bagin to resure ouphnices os crtera fr vesses operat et cle temperatures? 2.1957 p bree ‘ 2.1008 3.1983 «6. Bite acre con cur during ambient empersture during a hydrostest due ta: ‘2, unusual oaeng and high toughness he testing temperature, =>) ihlhimpedt stesees aa pasty athe teeing operate 2 ESR SoesScs snd ow toughness tthe lesthg terper=tre : Gah Stengih mete and temperatures below 100 degrees F. 7. How do you mitigate bile rcture of new equipment? ‘2. Use ony 400 eos stainless stools. Use only 300 series stares stele 2 Use ateralepesteay designed for low temperature operation per ASME BEPV Code ___ Use material desiened fr high temperature operation per ASME BEPV Code, 2 at whet temperate does biti fracture usuel happen”? ‘a. Ttonly our a ermperstues Between 400%F and 900°. Bitvauely oncus at approximately 885°. 4 © tteceur on st embient temperatures duting shutdown, ‘SLiteccuts ony attemperture below the Charpy Impact waneiton «, What mechanicalnepeston method may be Used le detect he possibly of bie fracture of carbon, ow ‘aloyend 400 Series S87 2. Repliceton's method tat hes had some success In detecting bite fracture B Inspection ct notre used to nd bite fraeure. b Checking the Grnalhednsee of the material shoul give an inecaton of itl race 4. Sheer weve laconic eng wl reveal minute cracks pir tothe equim eure, coprijok © 2074, COLEY & COBEWEST.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION 3 pIRP 51, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFGATION TEST eras REVIEW OF A eer SY COUENESTALL RINT AESERVED:DO HOT COPY WITHOUT =n 42.8 Creep and Stress Rupture > nmermaes mec ai dc tthe or cl Sagem oom B aloes, temperature deformation. Gistess sr a. The tine dependent defomation of sessed components rled above, may evenualy ead 2 wap Bouter, © npr. ‘é.beeing 4. Wet met or aboys at afetes by ine dependent dforaton of sessed comsenens sigh {empertutes? ‘ Cerbon see! and 400 sees staniess steels i A300 serine tiniess stots. Altai and ays. —_ SAN Stoy cise snd sme 200 cere tsar sles seep defornaton' futon oe mae oa, eer, Angas of abot 26F 4, Therate fe Stan eu ne remain fe oF ote, gepending on e aly, ‘\ranineesee ie boast 50% eee% +: vats te"ceep Bests ampere or CMa see? erat a ‘d. 1000°F 6. creep damages nt hart b reverse permanent etapen nit) bexe acer 27 s,1mwesonic,Radegrey, Penetant esing Fes etitamttesing are cimensional measurement 3 Ey cer et reuescent Magnetic Parte tsing & Visual isting ofthe shove dope 0172.1, COLEY 8 CODEWESTALL FITS RESERVED-0O NOT COPY WIHOUT PameSION “i REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST EW or asker W. COLEY & CODENESTALL tis RESERVED-0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION |, Je.towarcep dutty is__for tiger nse sant ato and els. J ano problem Brmore severe more moderate deve omperste A thickness decreased on mister subjected to creep, tl shrtan the ime to flue because: ‘the area resting the load i nctesse. 1 the hin metals ess uct Othe ses i bo increase. the strain willbe deceased, a 429 Thermal Fetaus, 4. Thermal aque sth result of_. ‘caused by variations in temperstur, torsional stresses B ensle stesses oye stresses c 1 banding sresses 2. What ype damage is caused by thermal fatigue? ‘2 Damage is inthe form a savre oxidation and sean. 8 Botmade iene frm of racking anyuhere 8 movement or exeansion is constaed, E Bamage'sin the form of tense separcion of high sessed pais of equement. 1- >) Si Bama in he form of Bending ot parts at ae highly stresses. ~~ 5, what teria ae affected by thermal fei? 1. Carton steel B Alrmsteras of constuction € Lowally ee. 6:00 sent eianess stow, 4. Ky factors ffetng terra fatigue are the magnitude ofthe and te Ce «temperature; rate (speed of) ‘ equement sz; complet (ntrcacy of constuction) 2 Soar ening. se (inreace, decrease of eode) E iempareture swing: equency (cumber of eels) +5. Therma tlgue cracking has been @ major problem iy ‘2, depropane veecels. Boole orm ero 1 © bale foes water tanks, ‘6 catayeteorage ume 6, Themmalfetique ie best prevented trough to minimize thermal stesses and theemal cing. colton of mate's SB prevention of movement ) Sec and oreraton| / G ahowaoee a rave! corvniGtT ©2674 W, COLE # CODEMEST.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERISSION 18 1, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Aen oT DEC mans RESERVED OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERAISSION ricca connected, effective methods of inspection ar REVIEW OF API 57 D since cracking is usually Sut a. wou at .VEMT end FT. 66 AE, ET, and RT. +, Wat causes thermal atave? Ite caused by Incorect post nels hea restment, tls cused by fouty preheating dune weling Is cause by fang term operations at igh temperatures, ; is cused 7 yale esses bought about by varios in ernperaure. What temperture would yoy expec thermal fatigue tobe a problem. «Therein no set terpectre, A ni rn mayest en wears arated 20 Tete poral fats occare when the operating temperate excteds Genera ee oly ores when equipment is uenchad wih weet ef 2 fe g: Freel opera working ol teal preset, 29, brant recpceaing Pa Pn. 42,10 Short Term Overhsating-Stross Bupture ‘Aue ccs ned nieces ete, One of he tes na uae uptured onde Po 00 ae ca se estes shucoun ad the re extinguishes ter he hele Fas aos ete ne ee oo vere ens coor he upare be,The.ue made BET te sees at eos 15% andthe spit open and appears "eh mouthed’ There “ie rupture stool Th rupture eco bud ulate abe, so nach atthe fw Tad fo be ese of sopbes etoaee ‘What ype of fama ss? 1. Mechanical etre. 5, Decarburztion. Shon term overhestng tees Tope ‘6 Therral shock and sec ae citicl factors o short term overeating. Flame impingement and oc 2. Temperature, me, a es What wil tease te Ere fo tale of @ Dodero a free hestar ube? ‘oveheaing sre 280 o. The ye of ue used toi the neste. B.The age ofthe material of constuction, The se ote prezoute snd an increase in the temperate. Say of hea supply and te damper poston ine eater stack 4. pemneest elation lire ad lure) ocieg treave low tess Teels as 9 rea of vehesing igested: thermal iw six. overpressure 2 Shot term overheating ses rie 6. socarburzation. ur PERIESION corrmoi © 1079.. COLEY& CODEWEST-ALL RTS RESERVEDOO NOT COPY WT "8 ae) REVIEW OF API RP 571, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Me Obs stand Wi coxeY& COUEWEST ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.CO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERASSION How do you inspect dng operations ta possibly prevent short term overheating of heater or bler tubes? «2, Utvesonicaly monitor the tubes remotely dung operations, 5. Mechericall measure ute dsmetere when te heater is down for inspection 2: Vsuely obsewve fered rontor and check ube skin thermocouples while he equipments operting, 4. Change the burs paler os requited Guin opereions. +5, Hycoptocessing reactors may be suscepibletolecalied overeating because of high temperstures in the reactor bed duet a. excessive fotention tine ofthe produc inte esctr. B contami ofthe prozut gong through the reacter. fring the process heaters fo excessive temperatures. inadequate hydrogen quench or flow maldstbuton, 6. What characterises woud you lok erin stress rupture fae? ‘a Fanues are due to timing apd they av straight near operings of sever feet in length, B Rupiures ae Tehmoul” elves and are usual thins he recur surace € Falues ae usualy excurrental and go completolyeround heer tubing. &Bresksare emai wan sight bulging where they occur “tn red heaters during operation, now would you inspec for shor time overheating fare? «2, Statistical arlysis of sures, acovec emission testing, nd vations of prod rough 5: History of pot alures, provebstyaraiss, end operator mortxing, Lops of emperature excursions, operator feedback, and past inspetiin records. Visual obeehaton, IR meniorng, and tube sk thermocoupies 42.41 Steam Blanketing 4. DNB ie shert way of saying 0,0 epi Nucleus Bonding , Besrucve Natex Boing. Delsyed Noctear Balance, {Departure rom Nucleste Boling. 2. Ino steam generar, wal heppens if he heat flow belence Is csturved and an items blanket of steam is formed tera 2 the tobe sk? ‘a Excess tube cating wil eeu because ofthe steam binkting. B Tube uplre con occur spl due te short term overheating, 2 nating’ This anata ocoutence inte precess of generating steam, {Dice seum wilbeforsed andthe Sslance of operaions wal be cturbed 4. Tubes of what material are usualy stected by stoam blanketng? «AIS! Sees 400 class ste. B. Alsi Series 300 slalese soe Thani {Garton ste! ar low alloy ste coPvRGit1 ©2607. W.COLEY 8 CODEWEETALL FIGHTS RESERVED.CO NOT COFY WATHOUT PERMISSION 7 REVIEW OF API RP 574, FIRST EDITION, DECENBER 7003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST ae oe Al ona W. COLE? & CoabWESTALL RHTS RESERVED DO NOT COPY WITHOUT FERMION a: Steam biankting failures alvays show an open burl wt he tecture edges: ) ary sept om each er E See LSstec wih shoay sae eae eee. 2 Snooty lees edges. mba near toe , ssi Weta oe {what ype of material combination ie usualy fected by isintar metal wel racking? a. Low chrome stel such 2 2.25Cr-06Mo welded to carbon toa B Femite carbon and ow aly steel weed to austenc stainless stee 2 Soles 400 sisless cleo welded io Series 200 austeie stones lao AIS Type 10 (28Cr-20N) welded to ASI Type 2D4 (*8Cr-N) austenitic stainless sto 2, Where does the cracking occur in dstimiar metal wets? The caching cocus inthe HAZ on both sides ofthe weld between carbon stee and sustonitc SS, 2: The SSckog eccure inthe corer of he weld between carbon stee! and austenitic SS. P TRS SSetng occurs inthe susteniic id of 2 weld between carbon steel ad austenite 6. The Gacung ccour inthe fortis side of weld betveen carbon ste! and austentic SS. “5: ssinlor mt weld cng ors beeur ie coset hema expansion behsen oe tel See eet oo tec eroy nore. 19% a a som we temperature does carbon difuslon become a concem when coneidering dsimilar metal weld cackina? Poe secre eee «5, Actsiniess soo secon Is weed fo carton stl secon in igh temperature service. Where wouk! a crack inate? «2. Graces frm at the 18 ofthe wo Inthe HAZ ofthe terre meta & Gracre sre usualy randomly detibuted through out he weld surface area. Groce fom nthe patent metal ofthe terre meta 5. Creeks fom atthe toe of the wed nthe HAZ ofthe custo metal, 42.13 Thermal Shock 4. Thermal shock is 8 form of 2, Chloride sess conesion crecking Tecra itive cracking Court sees cvesion cracking 6. Temper embetlement. copriii 8 2075-W, GOLEY & CODEIIESTALL RIGHTE RESERVED.CO NOT COPY MTHOUT FERMSSION ‘8 J REVIEW OF APLAP 874 FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 7008 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Se oe eg coueY & CODEWEST AL Was RESERVEDDO MOT COPY VTHOUT PERIESSION ) 2, Whit metas re alec by thermal shock? «2, Carbon tet and ow chrome sys. 5 Als sees 200 and 400 loys. €¢-Alimetale and aloys ‘cThanium snd slurinum. 2. Atri, what mode of damage could you possi expec ton? 2. Caustic etess conosion cracking. Therma faigue cracking. Thermal shock fatigue crecking, 1. Carbutzton, 4, lnwhat ype of process units could you expecta ind thermal shock? 2. Futura unl, NMP uns, Solent Dewdng Uns 5. FC uns, Coker, Cate Reformers. Nate Unis, Alison Units, Aci Unt {6 Usex Unt, MEK Unis, Eye Chlerise Unit 65. Thermal hock damage le a ght acted and dct to locate ately widespread and easy t0 cote © agy tnd by redegraphy. ‘ony a concer ater 3 tre. 42:14 Grosion/Eresion-Comrosion +. Accoorted reeehanical removal ot surtace materiel asa esul of relative movement between, or impact ‘fom sds, guide, vapor oF any eabinaton hereot = krown 3s: 2. weathering Breese. 6. atin. 2. A serpin ofthe damage tht occurs when coresion corrbutes to ereson by removing protective tims certo y expos he metal erlace fe futher coresion under be combined action fereson and Coresion Sead: eure weathering. eosin otton. © erason-coosion @: sresionweat 2. Eqvipmentthal is expoeed 1o moving lds andr celeste subject to erosion an erosion corcon What unt ost fen eemaged by Ges bome catalyst paces? 2, Desoting Ui 2, Netor Unt © Crude and Vacuum Unt. 4 Fue Caaye Crocker. a |. wer yectnt sue cere son corosn di ensign Hs nome ce REVIEW OF API RF 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST EW OF ae Re an coLzY 6 CODENEST AL. RGhTS RESERVED.OO NOT COPY WIHOUT PERMISSION a cata Rtamer Rear oe. |” RRSBURsaiaasr ore Se eer ying St i ne ose |. eres goose, vores cancel Sate nog detest ee tarde of anne ars a | Riiewserscom 2S ice sSeieettcene | seein estes erage oes coe Saat | ‘2. corrosion inhibitors wear pats har fecing by weld overlays | tore coroion resistant ays “What typeof materia ters improved resistance to naphthenic oid coresion? | Hoe cae aang ao beter attests sor | Sift elena ea tos 1) ENS let eine soe <7 tnspecion methods for deecting the exert of metal loss due to ersion end erosion corosion ae: 2. AE, MT and ET BVT UT, end RT PT, ET. and AET ‘GLT.EF, and WMT ‘5, What type of en seem Inspection method cen best detect the loss of eectory on en opersing unit? 2. igual inspection Bnav sean © Ulrasonie sean. 6 eeay euent scan, “Jo. what ste pleat eosior-coroson rate in mpy of Monel immersed ina sestster fame wih the seawater ‘raveling over st tes? 2.02 my b, Sockel wes and sl bore ping at or near pumps and compressors ere often subject to vibration fata race becouse 4a. they sre nt sufiienty senatened by avsset pies. E:IRE3 Si Gove well supported and ezexe develop st or near the suppor y )@ neyatesnenared and prevented tom mevieg ) SIRES Stoety stot witout propa net teste. copymit 070010. W. COLEY 8 CODEWEST.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.DO NOT COFY WITHOUT PERMISSION 2 REVIEW OF API RP 71, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 22 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Te OF A ora, OOUEY& QODEWEST ALL Plows RESERVED OO HOT COPY WITHOUT FERMSSION ) Whats the cause of possible vibrato induced fetgue cracks sround or dowstesm fom rele vaNes? ) aston of let and cute Bock vos 1 Repettive popping or cater. 2-The weigh of he rll valves onthe ete png, Ge Wienure cress or dacrese wens et vaes are operating 4 Nome ical factors of vibration induced ative. 2. Se and ena of piping. Armpit and frequency ofthe vbraon. Age and temperate. ‘Numba ef eemectons and inspection frequency 6. Vibration induced fetigue cracks ae rested te: «Chloride srass corrosion cracking 6 Process chemical racking. € Mecharcal fatigue creck Amine see coresin cracking, (6. Yeh fe tems sed below the moet euscapbl to vraonnducedftgue? 2. FCCU sie vas. Large diameter pipeines. © Salty rolet valves. (,Vereal ine toa fae. )Irymien tte tte inspection metho wld you considera he most railway fo inspect fo posse ‘Mirabonsndvced flue? 1. UT the equipment while tis in operon F Loolsrdsion tor sane of vibraton when equipment operating , Acaustemsecion fest te equipment wile open. Depend upon operator repos of ibrating equipment 4 Galvanic Conosion. {Many tires when diesimiar metals are joined together and they ete n'a moist enwronmen, Crrotion may take lace acide Blosnenic sour water .emne 2 ingeverccerroion, how many condone must exist before the corrosion takes place? corinck ©0874. W.COLEY 5 CODEWEST-AL RIGHTS RESERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERASSON ‘2 [REVIEW OF API RP £71, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL. CERTIFICATION TEST Me OF a sonra. COLeY & CODRNESTALL NOHTE RESERVED.OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION ‘a. The more noble meri (estos) is protected by corteson of the more active mattal (anode. a less B secre! cade afte 4, Which one ofthe meter sted below would be consicered 2s the more scive material? 2. Lead bss Magnesium Stet ‘5. Which ofthe materi sted below would be conidered the most nab? 2 Nore! 2 Tienlum Copper 1S Type 8165S (ace state) 6, The same alloy may sctas_ané_éue to suraoe fins, scale, andr local envronment. 2. magneto, negative pole Brenelecrotye, current agent recover 6 en anode, a cathode Dy wich one of the flloting woud be more susceptiis fn gavanie coroslon? «2. An underground pipeline that is cathocicaly protected. BAtank btlom wit © sacrificial anode © Atal exchanger bundle wis carbon etal tube eheets and bees and brss tubes 5 Goten'a water box nat ore cathodealy protected by induced current andes. £8. How would you inepect for galvanic eonosion? ‘8, WEMT end measure the elec potent, BET and AE etir and PT SVT ana UT 43.2 Atmospheric Corrosion, 4. an what ype of envizonment wauld stmosphete corrosion be most severe? «Marine environment, and melst polled indus environments B Desert envvenments, and cal ly rural envronments © Arees exposed tote moming su and prevaling winds For nonttcnvitcnmants wh maximum exposure fa col and snow, lecles most by mosphere ctresion? 2. What metros 2 «Nickel 200, nconel sn Incooy. 5 Monel. Tent, uranckel oy 20 © 00 eels etanlese sels ana aston ) 6 careon see) low ley sles, 2d copper sloyedstuminum, coPrmoHT € 2007. COLEY § COOEWESTALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0O NOT COPY YHTHOUT PERMISSION d evi oF APLRP EFS EDITION, DECEMBER 7002 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VIEW OF Ae ory coLeY 8 CODEHESTALL RIGHTS RESEAVEDO ROT COPY WITHOUT PERMSEION Jia bare carbon stoe ine is ated next 108 cooking tower wih it rom he tower on the fn, what woud ou expec to happen fe pps ony potced by lui past? ‘a Severe extemal oxidaton ve lo stmspherccondions £: Fhe\pent wi protect te tre and no cottesion wl occur. nor atnaepherc coresion could be expecied. F Nang mi rappen. The condone for corosion are not present, «4 Hw many mis pet year would you expecta carbon steel ine to lose exposed toa marine envionment? a.20mpy bi my e10mey 3 5mey ‘whats he amaepherieconoson rate ferbon stelis exposed ina dy rl ervronment? Lege than 4 mpy Less ran 3 mpy © Less than 2 mPY 6 Lees than t mpy «in arnoephai coresion aha ratty cecarng substan, Iitgetson equipment, wll esueeacctersted owracion and stains? a. Rain Bid feces, Saw. Dost “What can prevent stmesphere corrosion? 2. Build plans in dy rural areas &: Stitateprenoraton ard proper costings applied corecty Use sais stee! exuipment Foes a moaces exposed ia the tmeeshere with automoble unéercoating 1. Whatinepecton methods ar used for nspection and montering tmaspherc corrosion? 2.AE and RT bept and WEMT eT and MT Vr and UT 43.3 Comosfon Under Insultion (CU 4 Whatis the cause of cortosion under Insulation (GUN) of refinery and chemical plant equipment? «a The conosion ie coused by net having an ongoing and complete Inspection program, 8. TRS Gerecion ecoused by long tem ack of maintenanes, _2: The cosine cazad om ine ute othe wrong metro te equipment clon resi om water Vapped wnder insulation and freprooting. com ni 920874. COLEY 8 COOEVEETALL RIGHTS RESERVED.OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION 26 VEG 4 ET EN EERE PA a |.) tare ce eu tc by CUP ) a caster tt 20 Amin | / BSB Are Sore 2 Mert ty and ree, Fee yes, 20 sees nd apes vanes ea |. wet tperties cise Cio be mest severe? 1 Betwoen 108 and 104F | Bie foe aa 1 Between 250% and 200°F | parma mntate cet nie enol acon neg ven et en td Sierra ee tg leech | ‘found. What type of corrosion would this be? Heavy erosion rom cetast 5 chide atsck. €¢ Norma! weathering ofthe column. 4. OUI leoosion under insulator). 6 rineloon has eos Into cauee CUI related to stress corrosion cracking, wht ype material or cuipment would be tha most susceptible to darmage? >) 2 400 series of stainless stools ) $300 Sees of stainieresteos © Carbon endow soy sles. 6. Duplex stale ste. «6: Tvee of te our tems Inte bolw sre locations where CUl may be 2 problem. Which one ofthe four tems ‘would not be of eancern? 4. Insulate ping opertng at 350° Areas wih sameged insulation, Insult enupmet cown-wind frm cooing towers t Echipment vith leaking steam tracing. 1. Amal pressure vessel made of 316 stile soa sto be insulated, operates 2t 20°F in an ares Par tot water vapor The Inpector chess the ruin tet fo be Used fds at corals ‘hlordes, What should ne do? «Stop the nstataton of the Insulation and meke srtangements to have owino chlor insultion iste. Fete te aves is covered curing the Inealiton of he insulation Io avald moisture being Weppes Nothing reste ta ulti is satisictry. Heat ne veseel to 300'F ouig he installaton ofthe insu, 4: ltwel nelson le euspected on a vessel orf damaged and missing insulation is suspecied beneath an dhoninum jacket on veeel, wal Inspection method would be best to find the labors? =. Ship henson complete and renew interes eros 5) ecogrph ne earn ) Megnetetaxestoe ys. W COLEY& COOEWEST-ALL RIGHT RESERVES.0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERAISSION . REVIEW OF API RP 57%, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL. CERTIFICATION TEST EW OG At Sorat Wi coLey & COcSWESTALL RGHTS AESEAVED.00 HOT COPY WITHOUT PERMSION |.) emmatine nereoonet dane deo CU Knlan onevetem carbon and way el? Data par 3 goer tring ite sal win ser evens eeson | itis @ carbuncle type plting thet may have cracks present. 2 LE Reseed pty ond clone corto ecg year ole tty sei cong be comes eea | 13s oe Condete Cons, ‘in cegetd tothe use of cooling water, whist would neppan io carbon sloe ithe oxygen content of the water | were ncteased? a Tor woe oe an be oresn oReguaieenr eg maa | ERE te cee ere i ae | 2-vebetes i colng water Dew abut _ a lyf resi ntolng,sedmentitnsrinerases | Coresion ines and brackish ter 6m 1 23h babe. che 66h 3. Coppin loys can sifer__In tosh, brackish and eat water cooing systems, LO) satan )) EESStatoton i pete gaan coosien 4. Winer cooling water coresion most key io bea concern? a Boer foce water tanks Wate cooled heat exchangers and cooling towers Water esing Facies, 6. Acoolrs on hycrocarbon uns 5. How would cooling water cosion srpear en carbon leel ERW pe? «Genera ar unfotm corresion B Greovng along the wold fuson ln, © Steee ooresion cracking. Lecatzed pin. 6, Cooling water corrosion (nd fouling can be prevented by prove design, opersion and, of cooing water eytors .catnaie protection period backwashing ©, coating equement 4. chemiealeatoent Vey of A SS BC STS 7 Wit very few exceptions, cooling water should be on the__to minimize stagnant areas. De. dounsteam se b shel eke 2 tbe ee ‘upetcam side 2, What equipment most susceptible fo coling water condencale corrosion? ‘Stearvvater sipping towers on crude refring un. | ] J} bs. Heat exchangers and pipelines in fining fecities, ae eee Ocelot natn | | | | {io box cols pror trun down tanks a alsa the related piping, Boiler Wat {what ueualy causes comosion in bolle: feedwater and condensate tum systems? 4. Comosion piting isthe result of deinciication of the tubes. 6 Gomosion le the es of essoNved hea) water (030) nd carbon monoxide (CO), © Goresin i the recut of HCI and HS nthe system Comes ie the result of desoled gases, xygen and earben donde. 2. Wat ype of corrosion eusulystibuted to oxygen in bller water condensste corrosion? 2. Ping B Snot omer canein, ©. Rosh uneven cots. 4S eeettttatwla az. 3. Smecih groaving of pipe wal isan incieton thet Is the causative agent ' 2. carton monoxide Boween , © eaten diss ¢:yiochon or sue ace 4. Deoeator cracking rcblems ae vel evalisted offi at shutdowns of bolle, What Inspection method : iused? ‘2. Radograhic inspection. 1 Wet vesceresmepret er inepecon. Dye penerentinspecton. ‘864 eurant inspection 46.60. Conoston, 1.00, stands for Chrome Oride Bitar ¢-Caleum Ox. 6. Calcium Bicarbonate REVIEW OF API RP 571 FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2002-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST LE a ae TW coLEY & cOSEWESTALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOT COPY WITHOUT PERSON ), what ype materia is affected by CO, corosion? 7) tyra anes te ors peuemanias ee Seo ere Sein ie aces «a, Length of service te, pH, nd percent oxygen present -Atmaphere presse tie and temperature 2 Ranelpressure of CO, pHand iemperstre. (0% ‘atmosphere ime, and CO preset < 4. vi ofthe sos unis oregupeent se affected by CO, corrosion? ‘a Overheed systems of reacts on FOC un ate atic eee 2 ateat oe andcandenasi joteme'nalunis re alec, | 2 ee eettcnes ed drbuon seer in 8 regenerator of @ FOG unt Tread ngs of aevun owes. 5, CO, presen appears 28 2. smeath generalizes coroston. 8. Seep ping and grooung in areas oftubulence. ligt rough iting a areas fw __ bubbles tha ate sometimes spl esi crake. De, wnat mater hig resistin te 60, covrsionn most apnea? VP son series 8S pect B.Gaton tee! 22scr0sio stel 1. Coron ay see 4.3 Flue-Gae Dew-Point Corrosion. +4 suit and ehorne i fue wil form sur dxide, uur one snd hydrogen chloe within combustion «FS anc tomperaures, hese gases ond water vepor i fue gas wilcondense and form: | Chine gas, and HO ©, Garton Sexe, Catton Monoxide, ©, Saurus, Sure, 2nd Hyéochlore oct 4G: Sourwate, Chiro of Sutra Hycrogen Suite. What metals ae atleced by Flue ges Dew-Poit Corosion? «5 Lowalloy tees Carton soe Series 20D stainless steels 4. Alatihe above. 2 Lona ti dou ptt ote ck? JY a nisnpcaty about 0 Bitte piety about 10°F. - fe Riespicty about 280 Sn temperate ongaton oly tegures intermediate Temperatures espocally slaiees steels, eo. High temperature oidation takes place al 38 temparetires andon all materi A what temperature does oxdaton become @ significant factor wih carbon stee 1 Pe ove stout at I Above about 500° -Abore sett. about 6, Does high emperatre cxdaton affect meta loss in carbon ste? Meta ise in ctbon steel stop alr tempereturesresch 1200. B: Meta iss enon steele content in temperetures stove 1 2 Meta los in ctbon see] inceases wth te erence temperature, {i Metal erin carton steel d orbec fe "emperstureincreaees the oxygen decresses, “7. What temperature may 200 Series Sia used without major seating? w 2. 10008 = Bb 3s00"F 5 18005 ) 2000, | sews or apanr ry ene amon osenmen a up eutnra.cennmcaron rst VEG CE EL RSE a AEN 4D 1 3/Usng Tate a9 001 871, what corrosion rate does 9 Cr stet have at 1200°F. wt bampy e 2my 4.3mpy 18, Where does high terpersture oxidation occur? apse Fired healer, bois another ) PARES ISI ASSETS on con Ae nareie nrc ease ome of the meters affected by Ntising ee carbon see! anew alloy steels. Which ofthe meterals if! Fetes tom vould fier more resitance to Nise? 5 ” a rye sre Se oe sepemomert sw SIS eo , Gast A240 Type 521 Stainless Stoo ers Nisding eevely confined on stected motes? a. unusly appears itera where voids occur BW enome oe eracke across the gains themselves, The oran boundaries. The surace. inside of on eight olefin unt neste, nds 9 tla. as 6 an napetr checking he nse of Tn 6 SS estar {tenes Some spain has dose. Whol coud have caused hs conden? ie ayer of meter si 2.00, Goreson 665 embritement © Oxiaton, 14 Nisin, =) _covymgT ©2070. COLEY& CODEWEST-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED-0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION rr REVIEW OF API RP 874, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST, |_| “obvi 2200 W.cOLET&COUENESTALL Rss AEEERVED OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERSSON, 5/7 ate eat rue preventing? «2 Hest reat the material thal coultbeaftected 1 Lower the temperate of te process. Mody he process condone fo reduce the trogen part preesure Charge tho material to 9 move resistant soy wih 30% 19 60% nickel [Prema fected surtacae or checker herds, whet BHN reading would you expec? ‘2.22510 280 HN Net ad 400 to 600 BHN ist 700 !6 800 BHN Stes oN ‘28. Ghlride Stress Comrgston Crocklng (CLC), {chloe stess corrosion cracking (CLSCC) s sure intsies racks found in: «2. carbon ste ‘5 lowenrere aloy see. 2.0 genes SS and some rick! bese loys 1 rike! base aleve. temperature and en aqueous 2. THe CLECC surace e-aeks appear under the acon of, ‘ride envienment os ) Meee ) pressive cbess Stone eves 5. The presence of what other element nereases the popensty for GI SCC cracking? 2. Carbon conde Oxygen Carbon monoxide, 4 Nitrogen 4 What percent of chlorides i eta fr exposure to $00 ares etnies ste? 2.195% Bom coe 0% /s, SoC uevaly occurs al pH values above: Pelee | seveyoranne se conn oncowen re surge cenmmenpoyes ve nag yor evo ce WEN SE 6. oxees corrosion cracking vsvally cous at metal temperatures above about | 2008. aioe eHOe ag 1 Nickel content ofan sly above _ percent makes Itighlyresistantto SCC. ° | eg | 18, What kind of ste! snot suscepti to SCO? | ‘3. Ais Type 347 8S. BASIType 5165S. 12 Carbon stock | 4 DuplexSs. 6. Characters stress coroton racks have: | a. generally random pater and they do ato together. | [ighinng bol appestance and are usually singular in nature. ERR et and maybe vievaly detectabe by acaze-cracked eppesrance. LA) Stew branches and ae ot visual detecebe ~~ +0. annepectori ropstng to fetes equipment thats made rom AIS Type 34 sts steel. One of 7 "atest ‘ use of ow onygen content est water, Buse ctlow er no enioride water and dy out thoroughly ens auch. © ype of sevice ta be used to pressure te system, FPS Srchemnial tobe placed inthe wee: to retard elects of chores, {Whats one ofthe preferred methods for finding SCO? aut BRT, en opr 45:2 Corrosion Fatiaue. 4 Wat fom of otpue erechng eccurs when cracks develop uncer the combined effects of eyelet ‘and coresion? ‘a, Chere cracking B, Gonosion fatigue crackin. © Almosphereereckng 14 Sass corosion erseking ccopyniGi © x W.COLEY 8 CODEWEST-ALL RIQHTS RESERVED-0O NOT COPY WITHOUT FERRESEION ‘@ J REVIEW OF AP! RP 571, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Mey be soe. coueY & CODEWEST AL RaHTS RESERVED-00 NOT COPY WTHOUT PERAESSON | 2. wnat ype materials efectos by comesionfsque? {8 200 series stiles soe All metals and boys. Carbon ste! £6400 sees slailess ste 8. Where does corrosion fatigue excking normaly occur? ‘2. Cracks usualy cccur becouse of temperature chsnges. B. Gracks may sor enjure ere ls & smooth sriace ‘Grocks inilate whore stesses concentat, els, rolches surface detects, an et welds, Cracks start ary ston, because al equipment is subject stress and fatigue. usr eit nbc ion __ rat c.f eet planar HAO ae eens CoN eae sone ne tours vy pe corer ig ck een Wn et spp nt econ emcee sds Stirs pao coul toc oo tecomosontabque cocks? __/ Da ett ine renal expense § Use moreso renee ae frathepcn ates dioica een s.utonat Sof 4 ferme CS tea co sra “7-When inspecting deaereors for corsion fatigue ereckng, whet would be the best inspection method to we? aut, 8 wen evr Er ninspectng cylng hols in highly stressed eres fo cortoslon fatigue caching, what would be te best Frspecton matted 10 vse? SLT oA, Breen, UT or EMATS eT oT. COPYRIGHT © 2074.W,COLEY CODEHEST-ALLAIGHTE RESERVED-DONOT COPY wmTHOUT PERIESSION “ 4 EvIEW OF API RP 574, RST EOITION DECEMBER 7002 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VIEW OF APt Ror. COLETS CODEWLST-ALL RahTs RESERVED-0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIESSION 6 at ees cocina cas okie? ‘a The cracks are usualy nated sub-suceoe similar to hystogen embaiement, but surface end they ooo in high ail sessed areas beets maybe trangranuler cr negra similar to ammonia SCC, but surace racks may show aly they break the ‘leh cotesion prodits. 0 Tho books are ihfergranue similar fo caustic cracks, butte cracks are usually paral tothe wel in ‘adjacent base metal. eer ec wansgranqlr snl to SCC, bu the cracks branched, but may have msiple patil eracks. sti sion Crack Emr +. Caustic embetiomentis aform of __characerice by surace-itcte cracks that occurin Sais Sicequpment exposed to cavete, pal edocantnen-PWHT welds. galvanic caching ‘trees coreson cracking © Chlerde eecking 4 fetigue ecking 2. Primal, whete woul yu inepeet for enusc embrtiement (cause stress corrosion cracking)? Examine the piping extemal in fog sight rons. Look at ateae coved by insti, © Check the piping intemal, away rom weds t=) inspect neitio nen Pwr wet. ~~ 5, win matrae ae atlected by caustic embitement? «2 Monel andineonel ae suscep to causteembrttemant. = 5: Gatton see snd 300 saree SS ae suscepti ta cavetc embritiement Tan end Nek 200 a susceptible to couse embrtiement. 5 tnesoy and Nekel sloye ae susceptible Te cauete embritieert. ‘in caustic emblem, what wo conditons, I changed, wil promote more severe crecking? ‘Change the location fom Inside to ouside and decrease te termperaue. B.Dectesce he temperature ard the caustic concentration nereese the tompersture andthe caustic concentration, 5:8 Subjea the equipment fo more exposure to water end increese the sees level, eee sae et Joe seme 20 REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST see er Aes Rew. COLET& CODEMSTALL loNTS RESEAVED-OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERAISION ) ~ 6, Pos weld nest testment tose relieve the equipment can help ffectvly in preventing cavstc _) © Gobsitiement erecting of carbon stel What temperature shouldbe used for PWHT? ost tsa este 7 Annapectr cals for ow pressure steam out of equpment het has contained cau in preparation for ‘ack eeate The nepector requles that he equprent be washes thoroughly with clean water ror to steam (oa What does bie prevent? ‘Amin eves corrosion cracking 2 Chore cracking 2 Cavele embetioment cocking {Carole acd onvtonmental racking. 16, What method NDE Is nt effective for tnding couse embritersent cracking wien Kis tight &sesle-led? ear, evr et. ewewr 8, What ae wo other sine forms of skal sess coresion racking mechsnisms? 27) & Aine and carbonate rocking. ) B tyarogen and perovide cracking ~~ C Hpperehonte ane orale acid racking _& Forme sea ene pes racking. {0.Whatmaalmum temperature of$0% by weiaht concartaton of caustic an you operate carbon stect ‘eulpmen witout case reliving Ue welds? 2. About 200% B about 180% © About 128° 6 About 17 11 How do youinapect or caustic emitiemsnt? «a. Cracks mey be seen vsualy but crack detacton ie best pesformed with WEMT, ET, RT, or ACF, Usuay ‘Srcce reparation requis by gto igh pressure wate blestng. , Crske bre not cotestae vouay 202s minimum tn eurface must be chemical clesned and poshed in ‘Sepe'ston for epeston for sborter testng. PT is sometimes also efectve. co Grscke are eesiycetected usng visu! nepecton of PT. Lite or no surface reparation srequled, Light Geenig prior fo using the dye penetant Is al hat nec=ssar. 6. rcke te easy detected using visual lepecton; however, minor manval ening of he surface in ‘Seston expeies the Inspection. ‘coPrmiit ©2074, COLEY& CODEWESTALL RIGHTS RESERVED-0O NOT COPY MTHOUT PERKISSION st [REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Tee a ory COLEY 8 COBENESTAL RIGHTS RECERVEDDO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMESION 42, what equipment is etfecied by cause sess cortesonerecking? ‘a, Caves cracking is etn found in equipment on fui cetlc csckng us tht used to hkl orensport the calsyt used in te processing of gs al eee eg i ofen found in saupmert hat handles caustic, including HeS and mereeptn removal ‘Sie so wel es equipment that neuvatzes sci n SO, 2nd HF unis eae cee ei cen oud in pment on Fura ending units snd in uns processing meta os hatuee Neethy/Pyreion which promotes cavst cracking. Cea ee eerie olen found in equpment on continscus eal refining units COR’. Cracks a emod from the "causte Be" catalyst uses on these uns 484 Ammonia syous steams cortsning ammonia may cause Stess Corrosion Cracking (SCO) in some: i wor”, ow come oye B.copper alloys 2 OW ge? sahles eee! ileys wit no malyacenon. Oe st Snel aioxe ds * 2 Whatenhances the protebiy of ammonia SCC in susceptible copper alloys? a The ok of water phsee contacting the allo. The nickel content of the alloy. © The lack of ehome inthe aly. The pretence of resitval sens nthe ooy 6 catenin preset fee thn _hwatrlexptmr anya ammonia 860 Yow 020 2200 poi709 4 The suscepti of mest common steels («70 ketene strength) to ankyrous anenonia SOC can be 7 eliminated by 2 post weld heat reatment i Seising ow carton content inthe tei 2 iRdung Lure ste wold harness docs not exceed'241 Bh, 6: Somcing tne molyocerum content to less than 0.15% spl? punta” ‘5. Ammonia is ede to Some process sveams te: «control sour water sresenee bactas sccalet prevent crustc bul up. (Fa naeaize acd (control te pH) "dan iespetris checking he coper tubes in an overhead cooler (exchange!) The tubes have cracks ends PAIS rese rots Wet a pet case i rage? 2. Anhydrous ammonia be High pH ) € Aqueous ammonia 7, Presenco ot HO. copynyot 67007. W. COLE & COPEWEST-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED-OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION ‘ = REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, D=CEMBER 2008 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST View OF lseana Wi cOLEY & COBEWESTAL RIGHT REBEMVED-00 NOT COPY WIFTOUT PERATSCION ), +7. Severel copper sloys ere neal immune to aronia SCC. One ofthe four toys sted below is not rune. 2“ wwisn one's 7 a. s0-0CuN B Red ara, ©. 7OSDGUNT loys. 4 Type 3t6 188 Chen 0, When carbohstee is PWHT to contol ammoris SCC, whal Bhn hardness should not be exceedes 218 250 ett 1225 19, Whereis the rst plce for copnersleys te chow evidence of smnmenis SCC if you are inspecting exchanger ubg? ‘2 Theareo round the impingement plete on tre exchanges Tne area in and rund the exchanger tas, Te and of re ting thats old io He exchanger tube sheet. The bes near the exchenge outlet. AES Liguid Motel Embritiement (LIME) 4. ATType 204 Sines Ste! nes ha fee, The fre snot of long éution; however zine malta above the + Ae kod and Sopped ent the stanizes tel ine, What coud result fom tis exposure to melien zine? «2 Hyctogen Embritlement Cracking. 5. Lgue Metal Embetterent Crackng Pasion Act Cracking. 4. Carbonate Sess Coresion Cracking 2. Amets suscepibie to LME that hae bean In conact wih lew ming point mal tow temperatures and as nt eackes: a may rack ner when the temperature rises above the meting temperature of the lw meting oy Bima crack immavatly or ltr at ambient teperatures, maybe cleened an throw be no ure preter rom LE. {Ln be afte n any way nthe future. 1, Once cracking tom LME has sted tthe cracks re only allow, they maybe ground out and the ares pd welled. B iteen be miigtea by arncing aut ne efectee are. © gindng out he alened res snot an acceptble fix is preventon may be es sno 2s horoughly leaning the ares and pad welding. 4. High strength sees rin donger of LME they ave exposed to which ofthe low meting ellysIsted beiow? Ze B Mercury © eae 1. Copper cory ©0074. W.COLEY 8 CODEVIEST ALL RIGHTS REEEEVED.00 NOT COPY WTHOUT PERMISSION 3 REVIEW OF API RP 67, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2002 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST EA ee -COLEY & CODEVEST-ALL RTS RESERYED-00 HOT GOPY WITHOUT PERIESON y ‘6, What wit contribute to & LME cxack's propagation rate? ‘a Begoeure to HO. © Temporture fctuaton ec stress Tensile cress. 45:6 Hucrogen Embritloment (46) 4 oes in duty of hgh strength steels defo the penetration of lori hyrogen can leat: «brite cracking (HE). 2 distorton of he sleot warping of the ste Slot of erbon due to bonding withthe sone hysrogen, 2. nyorogenEmbritlerent (HE) cen occur dung tres of he four te ways below. Pik the one that oes not ‘belong ‘3. Manufacturing Contact wth bling #20. 0, Weld, PG Gemostn thal exeates hydrogen } (3 ica ote meter sted below woud nat be sybject to HE? Fs caton se ) Bitewatly sae {4 una con tappen if wel welding eloctodes are used for welding carbon see? Natting. Nerd wat be filed wih voies caused by the fashing ofthe moisture to steam. 2 rajogen canoe charged it re sce hd delayed HE cracking can 2cU, SRSSES? stocied zone ofthe weld wi be minimized and te wel witnet be tong, ‘:hydeagen i expected to have been dfesed into tne meta, what maybe done pir to welding? a. The metal shout not be weed It shauld be discarded o unk. F rreetedemperetute above 400" or higher may be used lo div the hycrogen ou ban eer iyelogen clolodes wil mile tne affects of the cflesed hyogen, Coe aire et weet 212° wil bol the aiftced hydrogen out oe metal, 6. Refer hee 2 Hysiocracker Reactor ("thick 2.250hr-1 Mo.) in sence st 1900 etin® and temperature Ate Se minimize hyregen embiierent (HE) what can Be dane dung ster-up or shut-down? ‘The tempercture must be kept low unite maximum operating pressures resched. AT erraslon sequerct 206 he nceaseldeciecce operating empersiure must be contoted ann ieee Coeled, Tae low ey ee nt affected by hysropen emrtiement (HE). Fe ool vl nt be eecie te tompesture Is rol ress unl the pressure reaches 800 It. copy ©7004. W.COLEY 8 COPEWEST ALL RIGHTS REGERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION REVIEW OF API RP 474, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATIONTEST VEN G5 At ara, cover a CODEWESTALL Rss RESERVEDOO NOT COPY WTHOUT PERMSSION ~ yTmlne eeprom lecatg sutace hydrogen embritlement (HE) race? apr bar ert, ewent S4.1 Amine Corrosion, ‘Amine corrosion refes to the ganaral andlor eekzed coreson thet ocurs principally on Inamine tresing processes 2, Amie.corrgsions caused by ‘amine combined vith HyO that produces corrosive ace B lean amine elilons wi ow pr. Gssoved sad gaces (CO, and HS), amine degradation products & contaminants, ‘lower temperatures and rich amine, ‘5, What type serial ighly resistant to amine corrosion? a. High azengh carbon see <) PERSE Sine (Grace inssnve non asgmse trcrn 06a BLMER DEA MOEA Which of he fling the most cone? 4 Rich amine solution are generaly not corrosive. 2 Lean amine solitons ere general not erosive. Amie ls nl coreeve fhe ain salts (HEAS) is shove ebout 2% ‘Lami solutena itn low pH are generally nat corrosive, & conosion rates increase with increztng temperature, particularly in rch amine service. Temperstues above Fon Georaes cen rent i-2id ges festing anc severe localizes conosion. 5100 b20 e180 an corynii 6987, W. COLEY 6 CODEWEET-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.0 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIESSIN 6 REVIEW OF API RP 571, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008.SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST YE Oe ee er Cbisy 8 cooeuestaLA ROSTS AESERVEDOO NOT COPY WITHOUT FERIESION| 1 rsbrocess stream veloty wllintvence the amin coresion rte andstue of stack Coroson fe generally 1 Fetter, nowever, high veeces and ubulerce wil cause localized thickness losses For carbon stl, 1 Lance nee ime se general Files te fps for sch amine né__ fps or ean amine, a.s16end20 | b.2to4and10 y | ebtesandts Or Sttosande we | amine units te used in refinees to remove __,__and_ tom process streams ' 2: Hes. and mores 5. H:SO,, HOI, and methane ' ©. C80, HF aid hyronies KCL HNO, and carbonates |e. tighvetcies end urbleaein stan contring amin can esa «localized corrosion. ! 5. general corosion. © ho corrosion 1. deop seated pitng | 40. oragen neskage causes high crresion eles and conrbutes to hea ible sal formation. Storage tks ‘ond surge vesses shouldbe: +1) can and the eres no them shou be fired 7 8. Gpaned nepected snd leaned every 24 mens blanketed wth inert oe. F Silos wiles. +11, What kinds of inspetlons ere used to detect amine corrsion? ' 2. AE, LT, snd ltaoataphy. BET, My, snd FT. VE UT, a RT. SMT, A nd ET (54.1.2 Ammonium Bisulfite Corrosion (Alkaline Sour Water, 4. Ammonium bsuids corrosion occurs in tydtapreceesing reactor efent streams end in units that hance i 1. ace water. 1. H,S0« (slic set. alsin cour water. ive ei 2 What materials fected he mest by emmerium bisude corosion? ‘a. Chrome Neke! allo Nihal base sto. 300 Seraectaness steels. 6. Carton ste! ccopvruht ©017) W-COLEY 8 CODEWEST ALL RIGHTS REEERVED‘DO NOT COPY WITHOUT FERIISSION 36 [REVIEW OF API RP 471, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2009-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VEY OE om. coLEY& COOENESTALL RKTS RESERVED OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION |) kane sour water concen cesses with increasing NHS concentra nc: B cecreesing chrome content ofthe material contsning the process seem. € Ineeasing veloc. lace oF eyanides 1 help provide a protective fim in he ppg er vessels | 7 stereo enact | nn pean eaten tye eee ee age ltlehates pe meter seers | ge, lampertres bow stow 150 F, depending ante coneertzaton of NH ane Hy. This cases: \U igi the degradation of the products and the streams must be treated with an inhibitor. tnt sec er areeasr | EES wicm eae rset coresin a he pine. Seances nc cee econ tees 15 pric of te sts units or equipment ls no affected by ammonium bisuiie coresion? «a Gren ing tom terete vacuum ove Sistas: Stingers (ws) ovetieo ing, condereers,sumdtor ane re pg. |B thet reganetroverssce are expo. SG Hfstpoccsng ute cover hear ner vapor es oh High pressure separa | ‘6. Ammonium bisuiide corrosion of carbon steel appears as & general loss in thickness with the potential for ‘Struma high eles tes of wal lus at changesin ection cr turbulont flow areze when the Concentiaon oF NHGIS Is above concentration, ) e2m% Dak eoz%m Soczwe tithe steam velocities ineraste above 20 fp, what can be one to mitigate he tects of ammorium bsunde comocon? 2. Use caron-0'5 Melyoenum soe. Use eematy brass tubing. Use restart materia of constuction (eg. Aloy 828, plex SS). 14 Use aluminum exchanger tes, £8, How would youinspectnon-megretc alr cooler tubes for ammonium bisufie caresion? aur byt eer aRT In making span to inept fis wth possible semonium bsulsecortcsion, which would you corso ‘termine sponte areas of vuinrabity? _2, Construction engncers sn operating persone. © Inaustil enoncer ard ch design engineers. Salety engneste and equipment msinienance engineers. Process engineers end materelscortosion engineers coprwoH ©7070}. COLEY 8 COPEWEST.ALL RIGS RESERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION o ) a REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST oe Ae Re rw COsEY& GoDEHESTALL ITE RESERVED-00 NOT COPY VATHOUT PERESSION| Ammonium Chloride Corrosion 4, What ype damage would you expctio see 2 a resul of ammonium chlrise correslon? «a ttconbe generat or alized coraion,ofen pling under doposis of NH. or amine sal depasts, SURES Shtstorzed os rendom seep pitg, of]en occuring in seight run of iin. E igeneay appears as Seep grooring inthe inet ines to rude unk slcspherc towers SA SSRe lutein the feed Ines of FOC reactors and iteppears as erosion corrosion. 2. commonly used materials are surcepfe fo ammonium chore coresion Which f the materia sted otow would fesiet ammanim chlorigecoosion mere? «2.200 Series Ss. b.Ttsnum. © Duplex SS £00 and #26 Alay 626 ‘3, What hapene if @ small amount of water's ced to ammonium chloride ss? «2. Adding the weter forms ammoclum hysroxde which is nt coresve. B: Adding the water cles the scts and reduces ther corosive ec. dng the water can lead to very agressive corrosion GcAadng he water cauees tbe sal tobe washed away orneutreized. 4. Wich of the units oF process vessels listed below would not normally be affected by smmoniurh chloride Geneon? +. Crude Tower overneads (tome op, Lays, overhead piping, end exchanger). ERioigwocesemne Ceactoretfoontsvearne and th felted exchanger). Eline ace unk ssuete regenerairs end har associated pina Si ROOU and coker fraclonster overheads and top punperounds. 5, Whats Be appearance of ammonium chore salt depois? 3. The salts have o which, gresrish or brownish sppeerance. Te sais hve 2 lsh oF Back appearance E-Thecaishave a 67a) color vith stesks of whl, Too sas heve a voddsh rust color wit isc streaks. 6. How ay you lit emmonium chloride carresion in crude unit almospherc tower overheads? «Adel adional ammonia to he overs to neue the eats. 5: Cisne sts troug deceling tne crue charge enclor edd caustic tothe desated crude. 2 neste ine smourt of sate where the eonceniatonf high enough to prevent coresion. EASG ticone one seem to coe! the Ines, ec. and act 2 8 casio inhi. “Which ofthe ways liked below lean effective way land ammonium chioride coresien? 2. Check ore deresss in pressure crop through the system, ber or ae esting. © RT or UT for mickness, ET e ET lectin ccoPynih ©0874 W. GOLEY & CODEWEST ALL RIGS RESERVED-DO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMESION 8 & REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST He or ae ora WCOLEY 8 CODENESTALL RGHTs RESERVED-OO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERNSSION I. ) gan operator calls an inspector and complains of high pressure drop incresse through the overhead stream sonts of the atmosphere over What ms have caused tis pressure drop increase? | rani ete so tte nt ey tte coaer arbi toh S PeSeiaess aot ws Son erage cours 2 beta yy emg ogra he hora kee |G beets Srsmmonn crests, 118 Asia | 7 cmap eee ton nec et ant can ced Sv pcos nih pe SE st ited i ecbon | caution mina pn ns cue ame etn Sterne os a B generar aha | 6 reflux steams of @ vacuum tower on vacuum pipe stil, 2. Hylachiorc ais eotrasion fects which ofthe fofowing refiner materials? learns sie | SSB £8, Carbon ste! and low lo steels af subject fo excessive corcson when exposed te any concentration of “Heese poaues ap te sb ass B70 | eas eas “what ype terial hat good reitancs fo lute HCL eck in any refinery eppcaons? ee " nares ee area Gil Sees ‘5, Thantum performs wellin HCl servos in axing conditions but alts rapolyin__ HCI servic, ae fe emesis Sets si cin ao wo aueses a. Ping or chloride stress corosion eecking 6 Geral ining ¢ Lecsized mnnee, {5 Deep groare ype cortsion coPynight ©2001. W.COLEY & CODEWEST-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED-0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIESION 4 sere orn eee en | ‘a. The damage usually appests es grooving in the hea sffected zones of welds, c sae 8, How would you inspect local thinned args caused by HC! corsion? ny 2. AB and MT Detand PT Automate UT scans or profle RT i ] yaa . . / ] | | {Tne presence of hydrogen in HS streams inezesses the covery of hightemperature suid corrosion at AX. “remperstures above about ‘segtees F 2.200 Sa © 400 q ace 7, vic ofthe material sted below has the most resistance to high temperature Hlh:S corrosion? 1) a. gion oe 2) Lewreteystet e500 Sens SS 1. a00 Saree SS | “Ryusseaegees and anise he vous be ne rei cones apr ofcton sel om bigh tniperature slide covossn? Saeed 0 os 1 cressing chromium contant of the soy improves resistence to high lempereturg sufdation corrosion. What ‘She expected cortesion re mie por year of Chrome-1 Movyodenum in 800" service. 542 mpy eo my © 100 moy 4,50 mpy 5, What refinery units would you expect to find high temperature Hs corosin? 2. Furfural uta, 0420 uns, and HF cid unit Cruse sil, cent dewering unite, and Udex uns C nyploteatere,deeuPumaers, and hyatozecking unit Fu Ceti Croking Unts, NMP unte, and Cotalyle Reformers, corvneht ©7007 W. COLEY& COOEWEST-LL RIGNTS RESERVED.0O NOT COPY WETHOUT PERHSSION AEVIEW OF API RP 67, FIRST EDITION DECEMBER 2s SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST WEP A S01 Wi oskY £ COUSHESTALL RIOHTE RESERVED HOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION ) 6, Crosion fom high temperature sulide corrosion appears 2¢ 2 from the process side and is Sczomparied bythe formation of enon slfee scale «hea ped conaton 2 unfor foss of thickness t (deep grooving sila 0 erosion _pSisoattes deepptng (ve carrsion damage tem high temperate suid conosion minimized by ung 5 200 series ss. A b.8ch-1.0 Moy. © Carbon tal Stee 225 che 0.5 Moy. Hydrovore Acid Conosion. 1. Coreson by HF acd can resulin high ates of =<, ‘corrosion and may be _Socompaniad by hyatogen caching, Bistoring analor WORSORIC 2. erosion and grooving ®:pting or eroving © Genarlorocazzed Galler above 2. Carbon stew conpernickel, ane Ally 400 ar affected by HF sid carson, Some other mattis are fisted ‘low, Pak the one hat he bean ured suceeesuly in some polo. “) asmseiesss a) Rye eeeres'ss 8 Be ste 4 8. Wat percent of if-inwater below 160°F has carbon ste! been use fr al equipment except where close (2oeerances sre required fr operation? 2.50% 5 Tom P56 © 7% to 20% ‘5 OY snot recommended 4. High corosion ries nave Been observe in carton steal pling and equipment operating above: 0. Baer ‘ te ose 6 OF, 5. etry srr ou ea enters anit of sip and epropaie twee tase tHE ‘conosion? «2. ron frie caneson prosucts Bon nie cevresion produce 6 on sue covtesion produce A 6 Iron nite coresion product | some snare ene re erates oe steel operating st 200° in HF sence, Wet metrial woud you use to reduce the Cairn pee Os, Cucmi tase ani k bent Be, © Aly 400, 16 200'Seres $8. +7. Cemosion rom HF con be preventes by cael operation ofthe unt to minimize: hem © iogen. e sacone, water. What are two metheds may be seedto mentor loss of thickness ve to HF acid corclon? auranagr teat | SAM Sean | mtestontonapiner: At Conein NAC) wt ese TAN and fo? ye ramen ent te ) S Tae agetetorany ee? Ertan Tin aos Newaty ee cee renee cee rent ar eeee eer an we Chrome y € foosenur Veae Boi a ‘8. What ype of refinery ume are usualy affected most by NAC? Fi Osta Creking ed Armat un. Shy & Rromstts en Cantus Cay Cracking unis, 07) © Gre aa Vacuum unite We {1 Fos, ane HF et us 4, Naphienic Ae Coresions 2 form of cortosion that oocuts in crude and vacuum units, and Une downstteam thal process certain Wacbons 6 cs thal contain Nephiene ec «low energy 2 insu grooving high tempersture dangerous serecsve conan 6n.¥. COLE COOBESTALL RS RESERVEE.OD NOT COPY WHHOUT PERSON 9 d | REVIEW OF API RP 871, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST PA a ican nL 5. NAC nonally cooure in Streams above _ degrees F. [7 s22 ae ois 6. Wha isimum percentage of molydenum shows resistance to NAG? | 2.05% 161%, JB. Nolbscnum does not help vi © 0% 025% | 5.2% 1025% i La ee 3 5.0000.5 Mo. QL ESF Senet st Wh Secret me JO GS Sa tat He} Wai GBS CO ters i Pen: eld) Corrs 4. Which ef the materials ited below offer the most resistance to phenol acid cortesion? | Bb SoaL Staines Stoel Le) © S161 Stanss Stee! ) G She seniess Stes! 12 poove na emperor does con sie and 94 Staies tel cao pin pel eve? ant base pend 1 cere 28, What ype of fectyususty is afeced by phenol coresion? ‘Lube plants B Crudeunts © Catayie rsckere Acid penis 4 Conetion sppesrs 3: «2. general r localized carteslan due to eresioncorosion, heey selective ting. © grooving ae pitig ight hubbe type beste al cae. ‘5. What nother nore for penal acd eorosion? 2. Gerbote aca corrosion © Phosphote soa coresion _) e Pabiysiogen ace corosion, ) 6. Pres a0 coesion ‘COPYRIGHT ©2007, W.COLEY & CODEWEST.ALL RIGHTS RESERVEO-00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISION ca ) . ~~ REVIEW OF APIRP 514, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2008-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST VIEW OF A sobrs Wl GOLEY& COUDHESTALL MINTS ALSERVED-0O HOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISION ” o, wnat inspection method woul you use to check for phen ed corrosion? 2. Ur andaT DAE snd ET out and PT S.LTane RT Phosphorte Acid Corrosion, wre ssh aoe ten ued ten oan? ss neta a xian pynton ut i ete acer bec Me tase ure te Bens ecm cece nts [Pyar ctencsen x phase wt ncetn dest {Dw samy appears 0 form ot erences foun rpms ao ans cco an ee pe foie Pel oac and open spy tack Co ee orcng on Pe cuacs alee a. weet be maar doesnot pac op phosphor nt cae? i ia sae tet ae ) 2 Bil Sng se 4. Apomerzaon unt can sie esclr thet sed wth catalyst hes water introduced into. What would ‘xpect toheppen? 4. No corrosion wil ocr because the water neutrons te cata 5 Severe corosion should be precent nthe reactor wherever wateiacd contact the wal. ight ped fype coresion wi cccur around the suppor fr the catalyst beds, leteted geep ating wil ozeur where thre fs tigh veloc. 5 Increasing te tempersive of 100% phesphérc ci fo 120FF willave what elect upon carbon steel? a. The coneson rte wil docresse at his temperature The coresion rte wil nat charge unl temperatures greater than 120°F ae reached © Noting wal happea. The high purly acd i ol cortosve. 6: The coresion ate wil peease grey. 6 the acid concenieton ie cuffient ane the temperetues are high, estimate how long wilt iske to panetrste 1 ak carbon steel plate? 2.12 houe bos noure Bho 6.17 hows “contac € 2. W, COLEY & CODEWESTALL RIGHT RESERVED.CO NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIBSSION | pny ran yt arc oscenaee ncn cemprnnay esr veer aga, ne EO EES SHARAN SS 77. corosion doe to phosphate ci usualy: ‘a inbigh velosty ereze wire eresioncorsion wil bea probe, Bway light when the a6 concentration is ester than 88% impereeptble wnere wate Is pesent ode | {Limbw veloety stees whore theres lie oF 90 crovlaton, tao sosiie | can see were tetonse so at ig eae 9. 120and 140 b.asend 79 e10erd 90 “4 100end 120 | i lst below i the lesatescicart fo sour water conosion? 2,304 Stainless Stee! . ', Copper alloys. nS ae oy ee bow 2: The presence t___mey increne the corrosion cue to sour water and tus usualy prodoes ping or undecepost stab >) ewater ) hain ~~ Cntrosen ‘icon 4. The 300 series ssileescteos may be used etfecbvely to prevent sour water corrosion ithe temperate is ‘ess han: cae Na ssote Rao , eb. “ aie 5. Sour wale st a pl sbove 4.6 can form hick porous sulfide fm over the surface ofthe metal containing. ‘Wien is happens what typeof tick could occur? 2, Genera thing Groove ype crrsion. Piles type corrosion, 6. Unceseepost cracking S.L.11 Suture Acid Corrosion, + Sur ac promotes general anc lecaines corrosion of carbon stel and one aos, Where isthe most Veneta somes for severe cortosin in carbon steel? Turbulent areas near throttle valves D.Aleas tht have been sessed euch es weld els, \, @ Heat affected zones ofthe mets )) & Scpant ster whee eee or now conve 0 0074. W. COLEY& CODEWESTALL RIS RESERVED.00 NOT COFY YATHOUT PERMISSION 38 REVIEW OF API RP 57, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003- SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST Te OF Ae bs. COLEY & CODENEST ALL RIGHTS RESERVEEOO NOT COPY WITVOUT PERAREEION } 4 ncoording to API571 te material most redeant to suture acid corrosion used in consiretion at iste is asiess. Bley © carbon Stee 6 cat fon, 4 Using APIST? predlt he corosion rate of carbon steel whan you have &70 percent soon of suric cid at 228hF eae) a 40 mpy 735 mpy ©.225 my 16.200 mby {4 Whet happen tothe caneslon rate of catton stetin sule acd soklon if your few vel is 8 fps? a. The corrosion rate inreates signicsnty. 1. The corosion rate reduced. The corosion rates vitualZere {The comosion rte increases sity ven were wh ci 2 wht happens? The coneson ate ls reduced. Bo the acid ted. a0ed, ‘6. The damage covsed by suture ac coesions most general in nature; but stacks one leston rep. ‘Whats this locaton or stea? ‘9. tstkes the booms and shel of tanks nese the produc it Bi atecs areas neat beck valves to tanks, (Zoe Mattocks carton steel wold heat seed zones, Git Saoses heey cortosion nthe sums of ark. A Gtr eld may cause what ype of damage n ow flow or stagnant ares such asin storage tenks or ral 2, Hydrogen orcoving i Ps win ts. ©: iting, genera shatow. 14. General sect corrosion, 6, Sulu cid aso stocks 2. staging support stroctures, lag lef om welding iy ereas tet in the tan, 6. auzomatic gage mechanism Lcopyslent © 00 W COLEY& CODEWESTALL RIGHTE RESERVED-00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION 36 |. * pewew ofan 7 fm Emon DeceMBEn cue eUerLEMENTAL CERTAIN EST . So onsen oir Sneek V2 Le inserts cain ‘2. Moir the produc wih coupons >, Reap eubetances that contaminate out ofthe product. ( Weeh the proguct wih causteto neue the acc. 1. Stop using on the processes h ener re es | | f |_| Prner dor sitynt petont ot ckin? | | «I may be found on the sets of pressure vessel that ae constcted of carbon steal Its uovalyfoune secant to weles high stress areas n 300 series stakes siee's. Elson end n the 8 Ghreme-8 Nctel steal used on poihionle acid units, itis found especially in slabved grades starlessslels such 8 Type 821 and 947 2. In order for pohthionie sed stress coroson cracking to cccut in 300 stainless stees, thee cite! factors ‘mut ooo These factor: ae! | ais see te oon ox cer coosin cock nope haath watts tee ke "7 ) a ermatior of minutes or hous LS) see Beet inoe | Repetto 4. ante 50 sae ek ecm iibe___ tempat re ssa oz | See paren ) abereaer \ a 5. Which one ofthe peces of equlpment sted below would nol be atlected by PASCO? (La. Stanles toe! side vaves on Fd Cataje Crackers 1b Plan found one solvent evaxing unt AP See CUntregenertor SS cyclone. "jy Stales soe neste ng on hyerorocessing units, 6. Why would fing PASCO cracking be @chalengeto an Inspector? «The inspector may nol know whee to lok forthe cracks The erating fe very ht ed when using PT. The cracking may net eccur unt wel ino 2 trnaroune of unt The cache eve Uanegranular and ean oly be found by repitn, COPYRIGHT ©2074, W. COLEY 8 COREWEST-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.00 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERIESSION ‘ | evga or ata res om, oecegeR 0 SURELEHENTAL ceRMEATON TEST Neca ee a) Tame etegis tomar iteAmine Stes CnssonGcn, | ayn atc 2 eGR dee cores ocr E Selves covosnerscting | See SSS ret een crctng 2, incatbon ste! piping, where would you expect to find amine tess crtosion racking? | natin wer ng cere smn plea ce eres ee ret | SS RSERAES :ttmgy be found ot beste In eiaton Where moisture rapped. 5, Thee eit alors in causing mine tess corrosion erackng ae atine concentration, ad temperstures. 1. amount of compressive force DB. age of be material € level of tensie eress ‘8. amount of wbrson (4:/Amine cracking is most ohen sssociated with: J 8 teh amine sence 5. case content in the product © etemine comic. Seite content present -~4 65, What iss goed way tomtigete amine sess corosionerecking carbon steel ping? 2. Pean the wes 2. Use a igh ickel weld ro to mek the welds inthe carton steel ©, Preheat ll carbon sea wes Post weld heat eat a cabon steel welds {6 What API document covers the prblems of emine sess carosion cracking? 9. APLRP 1107 DLAPIRP STS GAPIRP STS SAPIRP O¢8 4 129e (Bs evsce /.Hyeogen stome hat collect ine eiscentinuty in steel (Inclusion or smination) combine and form hyéregen " cench sonata sn acess ise The tegen alms bet en «.hydegen ges rom the process stream, — Bletosion nthe system. weg wah HO present thes, ersting hydrogen. + dinignlonpereure srneclieg of he equipment thu, releasing hydrogen, | sewew oar a st Eonok pce ts surrLEuera,ceRTmeapON TEST Ce a ET nee ) 2. sycrogenbistrs can frm al menyferant depts in ste, n some cases, neighboring or adjacent J“ patra reat sigh deren dep (pines) may develop crocs that nk them together. | Irreannecing acks beeen te bites ofen have @ sar sep eppeerance. This pe of wethyS damoge i oten refered to 28 «plana yetogen induced eackng. 1b HIG or hydrogen induced eccking. HCC or helum caused cracking Intefockng bist ereckng. 1 esi eines open nae ming (SH) re deo om tok an cia iNest SPL Laer eC Cm ah Pac ‘2 appeain the weld mete nthe cone ofthe weld where thy nate fom HIC or ther crack or defects Inetuding sue sess racks. > sppea' inthe base metal sway from weld hea flected zones where they nse from HIG ox aher ‘Sooke or detects ncualng eutce sess cracks. appecr inthe base meta ‘veld heat atfected sane where they loa trom HIC or other ctnca octets 6. ppea! inthe wold met ke o defects clucng sulfe sess cracks. } ] | (4, suite sre conesion cracking (SCC) can nite of stool nigh lcalnes zones of igh haraness in he weld metal and Rest tected 25065. t stars ie in the center q ) pam, 2, 4 near the corer ‘ | s watered hares ands stesso el acpi SSC? ‘a. Poet weld het eaten 1 Use atleast 2 9Cr Mo materi 1 Use of igh rieks!eonsumediee. 1 Use of tempered materia. | vata tet Berghcrsonesce AR 00 sere stenoses see! shed duplex stainless soe © Carton and aw aly sees. 1400 scree stainless cel and high nickel toys, | Al metas an ars | TThe mostimperant vetablee tha toc and diferente the vious forms of wet H,S damage ae Heed elo One fe nctrect Pik ho Incorrect one «a Envronmentconions (pH, 8 lve, containans, temperature) B. Enghesing cepabiies (realy fbicted, resistance fo ovation and carburization). Matera properties (raréness, mrosirucre, stent Tense sese lave! epplog or rectal, COPYRIGHT € 20-17, COLEY & CONEWEST-ALL RIGHTS RESERVEO.0O NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION 8 LD 4 Je, at wet HS damsge mechanisms are rstedto the absorpion and pemmeston of instocl 1 Bes Som ) toe _f ettze pretends mshve be ee tt apie. cate PME, pHa, 10, Hyeeogen permeation o: usion ates Wereese st \. pH lowerthan7. Rr B pe igher tan 7. pH higher and ower than 7 pa egalto7. ‘Goma cl te coi ht are koom opromete isteng, 19, SOIC ang SSC ese cetang “TSS sg emt ee sea nor bee bee | reentry eto ange sce eer 2 Permeable tice arosome i eee ay TEES ere fi Sees doco FON newt vin sme is peso. g Reattnsris ade dasshe She or war 4a. an arbiary velue of ___HyS in the water phase is oltlen used os the defiing concentition where wet | (Sdarage vecomes3 Feb. 2.20099 . B0Mpem 2 ompem £4 S0Nb—m 1s. HC on EMC cage ve tee four occur beeen amet ons_sereue F.07 | one " y Sy ort \ Cc 7 44--BSC perierally occurs below about _ degrees F. a.s40 Vo Me s so > CCoPYreGAT ©7871. W, COLEY 8 CODEWEST.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED-D0 NOT COPY WITHOUT FERIISION 70 | sevewor ap np art, Fnsr EoMoN, DECEMBER 2002 SUPPLEMENTAL CERRAICATION TEST EPS A Sy Uy & Casement hans estaesenorcon wer se Ue) aap a in pala ten ce nn 7 SielidteStnttod posse net taoatsesthon re 238 | étee ‘ttn, Cand SOHC dose tees | as nearer vison opie pet | SERRE Es maa 17ers drags a hr lt ye tere tran nine wh | “woe Shs a hyseogen bojanice oxygen ‘é mttogen Tne flowing wet Hx S damage develops withcu applied or residual stress co that PWHT wll ret prevent : them om oosuring. = SOHC and sc. )) 5 steing ana wc usec ms csce. G.eTHA and CUL 18, PWT i igh effective a preventing or eimnting___by reduction ofboth harcness and residual sess. anc liter esse aurea zn _navenbyoces sess ca PNT sera ete cig age ene LBS eee fae a oncamy inerease the probebity and severly of blistering, HC and SOHIC damage Wirogen bOngen Gyanides 16 Chioraes REVIEW OF API RP 671, FIRST EDITION, DECEMBER 2003-SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION TEST YEW OF el Seora Wi covey & CODEWESTALL Rls RESERVED. NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION Oy iz appear es buges on the ID or OD surface of the steel and canbe found ane in 2. Hic racks ne b.ssC eects ie SOHC atacks F Hydrogen Bictore a 23, Aloy lading and cootngs, process changes, MIC restat sce ing steel hardness, PWHT, and ‘corteion hibits ete al means of. wet HES damage. ‘promoting inrsssing roventng or mioting © linaing oF changing 4. scerinatng or moderating 24) inspection for wot HeS damage general focuses on: rg and pups. Shel plats aed tank booms, vessel heads and MW cours (keld exams and mez. “26. wnat en acceptable method for determining the crack growth caused by wet HS atack? 2.AET >) Bur wen wo oat ‘ High Tempersture Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) 4. High temperature hytogen etsck (HTHA) rele fom exposure to hycrogen at elevated temperatures cee eGica: The njtegen tests th carides in eee fo erm methane (CH,) whieh cannot dituse rough be steel Thelese of causes an overaliss of cvength carte B carzonate eesleum aken 2. Which of the materia ted low ete ess eletant to THA? 200 eee stares tes. a0 eels starese see. 12. Using he curves in Figure 6.55 of API RP 571, for 2 hyrogen cata! peessure of 2500 ps, and 3 lempatatre of 800 depees F., what metal should be poked for us 2.225000 Me, b Serie 8 128cr0 sto, Carbon ees. corvRiahT © 200.1, COLEY & COPEWEST.ALL UGS RESERVED.90 NOT COPY WITHOUT PERMISSION > L perms nseesesmnrmnseoes sn V4 Some unis affected by HTHA ae sted below, One ofthe ones ised is ust not considered serge. ieee un ¥ 2. Hycrocracker. / .Crue st. © Cale Retormer. 4. Hyororeater. 5, ary stages of HTHA can only be confimed though advanced: wet fuerescent magnetic prc testing. © ulissoni techniques such os SWWUT. 1. metalogapiic analyes of damage sreos. 6. Cracting and Resuring caused by HTHA are inatton seo. i occur exacent fo petite (ron caride) areas 1 | et en tig ] | 8. sutace ovinted | Dsubeurece © fminatons 1. intergranular | manasa i 4 ce seg nck te mga sre 2.1010 20

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