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LAST RAME) fH CAPITA. LETTE leocosGeess| loocqogooes IS9CH989006) IBOCOO089G| lencaneodos 298 H9E89096E| 69C 8060006 IS9C 0990096 le06@O90006 COE H9E0RG! F 00990080 DeC8Oe50 OO 900090 R20e80008 mcr 95565585 2000809000 29999608 I8OdO 5606 egeeoesced BeBg885588 €996969606) gadivagd | lggegeses 9999900696) GO8G069686| ©890G000 ffj9eo00890 9999990098) 849d9GODDOTGSOQQIOOOGOGOE €8390609009999008 990060006 t 10 hPa tarp KO iter {Q mercananecp 10% io: lo! 101 ie 7 1 ite Number (STUDENT)! 00900000 flaceao ‘CHEMISTRY Sete Sng Corse Option Seton ape Tee) % PQOOOSSOOO|*. @UOOOOOHHO|» DOOOOOMODDO (- Je [ale To IsTe[e D9 9OOSOO |g 500901 YYOK OBL VUE 2099800000 B DOSDOOHOOO|a DHOOHHHODG|a. 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Ansurar Shost - Compr. .ansiva 2017 - BTEST-? Stent ands Rann FIRST WARE + LAST MAME) OW CAPITAL Bakliwal Tutori, +-iT SRE anne Bt ESET Usa only bluefblack ball pen for bubt "ag the circle. Answor Shoot - Comprehensive 2017 t g gf M7 pie Tey , 560 oesascoeng| es i,hti EEEE ZEEE, || | joeeoocce goeceoose | $595 eeeettey agagea peaed|l if BS SSe aa Hid! PE 00000000 jlowoccese [fe 5e6 208989998) eesbPSSER SEES ESSE i iB Hadao jeoodoGaCNC) BS 66a e 2800 0eC008 ||P Fe Hi 1060690068. 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1D meractac formic a JO vamconce:on Joiinato¥s mn) [orice pe) [Orasean-criom fo nrc pa JO nmasaceam Jonmucom kp sxans cre IOsanscoceipn| fo mnrcocc IS nwt) Orme || rsuztomecad [6 tins Hon fo nuaenc ptm ifoumecesn, | iE OOOO) DE9G9CeS96) 5089606045 ecacoeoced B6909E9990 9006569606 Seocoeooed 2998909099) gonGNGoess l=] Oooo De0e00 Bled] deli PAPER SET Oe® b i (sete NUMA 'GIOOOGOOHOG 9HONGGHHOGHDOO| 189906890080 99OH8S90060950| DOE OHOSSODOOSSHHOSOGOS, 9 2OQE9GOOCH9OAGHDIGOGHHSO 199 9DO9ODHOSHOOHGEHHOOSOS| 06390060086099000690006000| 99999990998GHO09GE 90006900] 66395600056095000890060000 992999G9Q9OG9HL9ESH99GEH9OO 90599SO855S900000699000856} 98390869008699096055006996| 999909909999G990S 090000000) €0990065550595096990000006} 99390080009990000990000906| 2O99056050009909099900899E GO#OOO999GOO99000990066900 29999005900099008999008900 €99900590G069900089S0HH55 #9 500009900090006 990000990} 99500608500699656990008006 G909009000G099000 080009008 €99999990999990HE9900HH90E 2] CODOOSODOOGOHOCOEHOOOOS OBO) e @ @ @ os o alee Bla j svowoese | E58 Bn Bsecocgoce go2oe ; Jroosocee He3¢2 BEN ocosseces ; E e388 = llolboeoocecaa Hooeeoese 20000060 E]o3e0 i Ppescossces fioeseocee 200eooes Be eee i eee eee ss @206 Bloleocooeoeod sddguged odes e[-eocooeoese) oaee [x F of j{ooeeoese fl |o500 Hie a | E gooce |S) fete f2 ge ooseocee gee |g chte nH i E nese (Ate! 3109900000 Bo200 «([Sleagt gifel’ ‘ Ah Se) R 9990000 lilacoa0ece [5556 [Bla GHEY 8590 eS ESSE ZEEE ddgdgasa | eesegees | leeed : 096900000 |.|ose0s00 Fagosoese | 18 938 |G, F 9599 iL gees ec900e00 Fa0ce0gse 9990 4 2 Bleske H | H9098 SS2 [ylstg3 goceccose Favecccec [52 388 aT on 2 5 Izis JJoscoesce 20990080 H8388 #2 esse 8590 85 [Fooe. sudiggse edged e Bakliwal Tutorlals-IIT SEs - BT ‘Answer. .2t «Comprehensive 2017 « BTEST-? 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OO 8900680 OSs: Lick ‘Answor Shoet « Comprehensive .)17 - BTEST-7 riveree: ‘Seca (Sing CORE OBIE depplicatte only if qualified for higher ment atch) (Q imrc-coc@i8-9.1390) © Mtn ub-c0c (7.00- anda) © Noearcucuancs: 8 ttramacoc' & OOS HHOHOOOO|" Preferred COC Cantor ktiwal Tutorials-117 ball pen for bubbling the circle. £ Use only bluotbla Fie _Sec..teatsss I o505 lene 0000008] euyigstbyegh lite | |g 90600 | 19598 lescoeocees| gob bag ccechgadeged|| |i 5.598 HUET: soos (Seas soeacasooe| SPSASESSESAEASS EE! |) H238 BTSooseesccse! i Hla coe Isacqeccsea| [SJesescos0ee||||Roeoces09 e0ee |; S}leoe 50080001 lalgesscesess| Hg go08 BS 582684" Tlowoeoz00 foeceoace [ls 358 taeasgeaseze slkel ©OEOSeSOSS| 2990 = |8ledceooeooa) So) OHSS OECE | lzuvzsasa | secvasee | |eeee BlHescooooess eS] @OOHOOSOOS||~ | = 8660890650 9909 |g § i Edsocosoogos| arreeoee’ J 99C00800 13388 is ake Ee ot @9QHO9HHSOE9O9ENGHOSOISYSOO e428 dee8 ey @BOOO9HOOGOHGOEE OOOHGOHHSOO peeooecoe 2eeoeeoe 88883 alge ay ehHy BaRSeeSSC SSIES Ileooeezos fosoocose (fl3g33 NTI ET: x li Heesssessecasecessessccessclit a pees Hg 8) 55000595000000C08000600006)| i es0csens looeocecs [8 g998 read £933 BE eo g 0909060 9OEOHEHOES9OOOSH990O 8H09 seeeseesess eS 890060 9G600930E6 90500658806 is steletolerstateteterel E |5 Fe gpegesegceseseccogoqge900¢ eggavacd|legedazes [lesen [ele 2 |: ASsqscoscoscoseccsenGe0800s | | 9999 7 i FElosssecscosscoscesoooeggooe|| g00POSOOO flewcowece | |ooo9 3 HE, & 98086 99G0909H9EO9900895900 u 290909 z afta PU BESoeee cre p]erocecoe geceecsoe e833 djegee 5 | §1:4189800898006590¢50900058006 ||8 gece SR 5 § |Apelsedeecscccossoccoososs soc. 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DDODDQOOOGS| 00900090 2009080 OVEVOXVOWY SSE AOE WAGE T SY © 9026859696 6006009856 gegivesa | leercavay & SSE anime Bakliwa’ Tutorlals4iT 0999999006] 6086549656 08000000 Heessovoess 29990989990990008099080000) 98300089000680008900006508 BgpQdqE9QQgOE9NEIOGOGOIOG 999000099000906QS900090906) 930909900090C6E090006006) 89200009000059696099000 990 88990689000050656000008500 99Nd9GNDOGEdSQCOEDQECGO90E 489080090806506969H0088906 2929099900EG99C0E990000900 geggeges 29999689900090E5E890908996)|- 89D99009G00090C09890606506|| | lagoeeaco 29N9909 BQDSOSdEHEIO00GH DG 89996069060639690900088900) 89990099800990C6E900008900 €3599089906690650990009909 69D986989000606058006068900 2999908 909G890C0E9900E 9900 8O998905009000699950608900 299990090068 9065E900098900 8999009 9EDS9DOEHHHHOCSHIOG 89900098906 9506E990000000 929909 9990E590698900000909 899989 9O006958C08980085006) sugsaged ca PA @ 30000000 eqgeoceo 90090600 Br 96800890 |/d000eG90 ARERR ‘Sector Sqn Cored Opto Seca anger Tp Oe99eG90 | D0G06G00 CVSLOUWVOD | "th Panga (oar) SW Ws-charpions 10 a) © rrmbecamomcranpena a0en| GD @ Hm Aunarcharpiere 8pm) ou or ou on ou Preferred Champion Genter [Mobi g¢edayves oe aoe ope 98900800 eoesecgea 08000500 /seeoeeee Ste Naeger Te) 99900859 90000680 SSSA TO a7 Mis COPA | —— SEER rw Wig Caray @ HHANE-coC BIS 85 pe, © mim Lacoc (00-80 pp Q tih Fo-00c (6.18-9:38 a) O ttm vecas (00. 120m) a ing Covet Cin © wo sarce cranae (eppltcabie onty # quetiied arhigher mari baich) ‘Answer Shost -Compreher. /0 2047 «BTEST-7 Preferred COG Genter 990 oe e° oe oe 90 90 9e OG 68 te 90 99 99 oe 99 a9 eo oo 80 99 fe 90 99 80 Ooo 90 oe 99 9 09 99 Ee Jal ilel is Talal feu a e Dd a 5 a a 2 a ¢ Bakdiwal Tutorials-IT ‘ec A AL Opead ct Use only bluefblack ball pen for bubbling th: wine ‘Sra et et tances oak a ‘rete, EU ‘Anewar Sheet - Comprehensive 2047 « BTES” . 1. a Eye r] q 9800 18a 569006] sheets 90490060 feseesoes | (S565 309 960600) gases ay oacccess [floesecces [Sones G869E 9009) ue Ba oes ees ceace: SO. 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Stork Concater Mare (RST NAME*+ LAST RAME) (CAPITAL o Preferred COG Genter 9399969950509009090990090] . 8039090990569900E080060006) seddegsd 2 CUSOYOOOVOVH]|# COVBYOWVUYY | WOSOT HOG ae uamten ee algiT AR nidtscoaeteh Bakliwal Tute. ay ia Br +BTEST? Use only bluofblack ball pen fork: lng the circle. Angwor Shoet - Comprahensiva 2¢ tect Candas Hare {PRET MAME LAST RAME] (H CARTTALA slofaly ‘al IG inna 36m) lo mec J0nasdicoara Joncas al [G antic ol [Q sneer Tel] jeoc 0980000 IGE 0060006 e396 98000 leo O900006 jenc00e0600 IeE9E HO00986 Jee He0090e JODEOCOQOOE JOE OO0G0e6 I9E H000008 OOOOC8O I 5e080000 #990890 eoeogce (O nepsanec ee fo neukcaten fo scree [Onnoesmssag lorie) Qnpanaoos1 IC mnuscoccems © frm ca, oO @ io @ : - O: o o 10 mrocarsce e| 2} OI | OI | | ‘| OG) BOSHlO9E96| QOS90e0Gos| SOSO900950 ]SSO9O9656) ©989090006 segidess | legedisses €989S99096 Hy 8880008006] |_loao0ce00 |oo0e0eso SOSeooovoe| G900OGO90GG99OTHEG VIS GI9OG| 99DOOH99OSHH9GEOOHHSGHOH9HOO| Q9HOOE99OCGOGGHOCOG 990089906) 999O90990E9009690 590696909! 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S tin poe (6180-159) © tim owen Cnn (102m @ sie1Aina,chareione (5 pm) 2 © tim Veo €.165.16pm) Sim Wencunin (6-159. $8Fm) Sl Liecheapions 0-0 a) Oi Mains (8 pm) Sm Lecharpone (6.139.386) Preferred Ghamplon Genter Mobile Number (STUDENT)| [Otis Pawd Ra groom) 8 9m) 88900500 |ke0080000 G9OOO900 | eeCooeee T [Oa or Opie Care, al Secor reget Type) DQOOGPOOOO|. ODVEDOHOOHS|% TOOOOSOOOE % DO ODDTWOGOG}#®. OYOSOHAGIOY|* COGYOHOOOO & QQOGSSOKVO}#. OC DOSDOHDH |" GHOODOHOHOOD & DHODSSHOOS|a GOTT HEOHA|za GHODODOOHD 90008900 500900080 ni nn Lc0¢ (7.00. 1000am) moe "Seco Sg COE! Opty © wo sarcncuanae fenplcable only # qustifed ‘ter €-C00 (8:95-9:15 om) Srwanhcoc es ‘© tmus.coc (200.806 pa Tor higher mert bsich Praferred COG Center il [sue Ganda’ tame -(FRST NAME + LAST HAN} (@ CAPITAL LETTER} cae et [0 neva em io eukc te 10 nando 90 1G mmuscne res [O wnecencin) [Q nmoree ey [C nna Io Io 0 lo a ry {sa} Tutoriats-IT a 3 rt q ® # @ a 8 i fo sara th cm te let I IAC IAC IEC) ecm one fg nawacarcon (sh hE Tols [ore o Q e @ 9 | @ | @ o oO Q @ oe: jeoceceoced @NG0809656 | 69Ge0096e| 29999999 5E58O5686| eoeoonsege| rv) PAPER SET O@2O Mobile Number Use only Mua/biaek bx" pen for bubbling tha circle, Answar Sheet «Compr. nslve 2017 - BTEST? 89090999009990G09990089000 999909 800008H0CGO998E08H0 999900 9000G009EH9900800006 999990999990 906HO99O9HH90O 999900900G6090E09906E88000 99090999990 999CO999999H90 G909098H508506E65906099608 99890099009 9906Q90900 99009 9DQ00099099O0HES G9OHSO0HH0 BQ3OSEHOGESOONEG HEOSES9OOO, #9Q9OHH9OSSISOEOHHOSESOGOS| 899GEH990099G0ES 9990049006] 29QOSS9990S 900E 6 GEOCG E0006] 9999S69550E005E69909098008! 9999G099OES900EO 9908650006) 293 OS69S00C999ES 9999890000 99500090008505E60006686050 DOQOOGHOOEEIOOEGOQNLGOOOE 9900809998E095ES 0005059008 B9QDOGQOOCEDGOEQSHOEGHHOOS 9900G6995E9999E98005000909 89998699O8S990E 09008690006 BO09SG9d09S 990 90009900900 8800689560G550E 99800685006 veer 8 T 9360 Ppejeocooseocg gjoneeceee }eocoo9e0 12338 ilsssceeesoeg = = c jlecooceos ecenocse [12938 zleseeousoes $ E9990 | gEIeOG frvvenoe neous FE EDs esee |§hieoe ipeseess “BS AIBSSeBssee8s gadadesg ||secaeses ijeess [g[leocoooce J °c0oee00 fowsocece gsee z Z % apo Sl aeky ih ag eeeeeeoe poesocsce |FJoo00 |g af tH EF Bacee 3 is e000 |geegiizeezcs Feeetesa0 | soscsace 3333 ib ay Jieoooeoee 5800 |B gail dbee a | 9609 ie FEEZESE eaag _|e(e000C000000 ; 3888 2 |i, HH 9909 yas [2/282 ! eaeeeage 19909 2 |élgas? | Heooo | ss2 |j)beee ooeccese | 29998 38) 8) 888s H i 8808 3/8239 E ]d008 2 32 floweocece BO G00 A Elsees ©0008 Oss s)c000 feed — Bakliw. 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Answor Sheet - Comprehensive ai i... :... 3. g,, 2 #366 joodeoaooos] 1 ishiyitics | Joeoccee ffescesoes | 8265 Biricegcgagess pibeds | 1 iH Hit 02900090 fleessoece [esse lafeee0969999| | SESLESLILEEEEEIAE: Fld Hoses eee ecod =] Eijoceeceso Gecesoces [8888 elioaceacacod i 88 ef fs388 [S[sooeooeoced % 5° ale o3 jjecseooce Fleeooe F}g229 leleoceo99908 Bls}9OCOOQ8OOE| ae Ese || [sveveess ||eeeseves ||sze8 [Bfrlescoodsoed| ig Ze Hg Lt aae0 |s f feleoseooecse|| | Jeccoece aoceecso | 5585 |e j < E gesee |s gE SEESESSESERIESIRESEREEESE| |focowocee feccwecco Pose Ie INE dill 85 SEESIESGSEGEESE1235[[Nloesoocco fleoccoces e355 |p BH sa paesanasea s3eessos00208 IIE : Hoses hal 80399050 0000900099950668000 i josaecece Bleoceocan (8]328o [al BH 9999006 9000092000 999089900 9590 2 £222 €999G995OO6S990HS9SGGE 5900) s 00C0 299000 G9B80CO S900 0000808900 sigigagsa geeagyss peed $8350890000050006080808500]| 9098 i $$990009000099009900089000)| g|°O0OOS 0° peccwesoe [9996 Bie 839.9906O9590999G0F959008000 i 3 90908 ms aseg 8939000 8900809000 6900089900 eec0csoe eogoosce [15005 i eeSt asiesstessecssesassssieass| ah : seo | age lata 2 C & | z & genggagsocessoaneeza6e900e||f|secooesco | neccecce [313088 3 i Ssonscsc0ecoocoss9q0 99900 EB Hss3s | 58 dil 903986990509080060000 00000 f SBOOGIOO 0808809 [815596 3 ‘ gece } 29000990000 09060 0900009000 e009 fe) 3 jOoe@oO 9OD9GO9DOSSIDOCOEGVWIOISGSOOS| = t §9890609906000606856000006|| | |ssaseaua |laeeuszes | lee ea Bakliwal “ utorials-IT ‘mean 5 tara BC raat str a ose Fae TED ‘Answer Shoet-Cemprohent 32017 -BTEST-T Use only bhiofblack ball per-“or bubbling the circ ¥25 iy 5 9009 jwaeeesenea) yee site {[oe00cee0 floeaceses | |8988 Soe pooeboo gegese 8 ghegea8 g88s3 leseecocos| dgga72c:2 eed 22085 89000900 Koseocoee |F10900 G9OO00E0 0556 5985200800059 : : LEP er eeetreree [ fesccecos floceocace i 3333 ! epegossoee RIES tc ceaegezz| ffreeecoe jlowsecnse W200) Gr poesencnes Sle aS [a|_ |6060600006) Ie © IlaloScocecccs| | [eeeeuree ||eeeouses | lezen [8 ooceoocoe9| _ 85650950090) 3 OE z he z@ BRcosceeces jpooereee pooreceee ooc0 i 3, gf geo |S fete fo eg 9999OS99O9S9GOE NODOOGI9OOS 3 SEni a B8G86 99600898GE 99000050008 gjproceesee gececooee Heese Slee ni a SQOSG 9IOVSEIOOE HGHOCEISOCE i | ee REF gt BO9O0H9OHSS9OSEHIHSSOHISOS||E 18199006000 | ecdeaooe [2/9999 eee ads a5 ee aeresseasscesst cssecastens[ il 5 pees Bae EF |sgescasaacesaeebsaecea900s |" locoseees fecsocoos eet BRINEBH q SOOSHOSSGOOGISSEHEOOOIIOOOE|) |F | 8600 SResiseeFe8 B9OSEOH9ONOOBOHE HOHOHH4HHGHES if loo0ec 000000 5 QIOOEGOOOOGOOGOE HOOGGIOHOOCG| Bigagdged | |¢eedeeee gedg je Issa eas eau esSE SSRs 5553 ; ¥ lesceddsocsesccessooceoo0g| [g|oOO°F90° le 806008 | Joge0 zB |slie | 89OSG990956000655900599000 2 9000 as 2 Sites g <| POOSEOHOOEGOGGEDOOOAHHOGGE 99000508 Seesoasoe 9900 as Bleges * [2] 9999990090 9dOE Q9000 999000 ale Foeo0 SB gies § a] S9OOC 9008059606 59060900008 3 | EO000 ? 8 e QOOSSOSOQHOOOGE HOSE DBQOEY soc@oecoe geeeoceee [2/20 z i o Ly Segceansocsooscoso0csao0CG| FI esse | 22: | ; =| 5980659d800900E 99506900006 flesoee eo jesse 948 Ho 000 5 bjebe2 § [F] ooqceoo0gcenooc ds00cseooee. 9000 oss $]o0e0 j =| 990699990C00008 03000900006" . . ° £8 |G [2] 99OGE9OOGGSH9GSEHHOCOSOSOGE)) | |eesasess | [eesaiyes eg¢ea , DOODODOODS, ay SOGOeGOEDC) } SOG NSC8O9C) |} JGOSOBGOCOG| | SOQO9C8O9G} JoeaHdG0006 199O9G9E96) |©9909G9006 jC9aNoe8O9G} 160009090060 | JQ9CO069G08) 890000 F)98008000 OOB90090 fi ne0eecco AFR) lo smuxc rm [ora [Oren [tnt [othe 6m) IO rareccpam) tke er Ioana sme 1 PIID 96990090 fa000e000 8099900000 5086869654) OE OGOO9O| Ses3ee58 eeoegeogeg EEESER ESS = eerie res 106900096 ro] © IFloogeoeocoe| GO} 9OOGH9O9GOOOHOGHOOSOGOO! 6439860 9990E990006099600500! i © eQoeesoaod 3 b Sector ieger hee) ébTofite]4 OG 9OOC9O fl BedceaeD oo ew 9ODDODOOSD, B DOODSODOHG |x. DIDDDODEGS|a ©OGOHHDHOHS| ‘Basow (Gn Conroe Ono Piel ofale afi ALCL OR SN it Bakilwal Tutorials DiGi Number c-1080] Canter [Mobile Number (@TUDENT)| POO | DPDASHOOOS |». 455900 293909999099 990089 90008900} 98999SO8H056H5006999080899) $89909809909 9000 090000890015 9939990H99999900ES O5HOH0990} 99990958900O85000599000506| z 98900890 3 q 8999009999999900E 990008909 & 3ice. Et ‘Seca roger Te) %. GBOODOOSDOGO|s. OTHTOOODOS|a 1 LA-champtone (24 om) Qua ieee 96908680 ‘Seid Binge Gare Opiea) “Hos Paud RaC7-0am) A101 Lik charpions 0-10 rm) (© tie ecanerin chargers evgey © timtwrn cueing arg. 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