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Questions to ask:

If 2v is put into 12.048 regulator, what happens

Variable voltage supply (outputs several values) vs. a limited battery
(connect in series to meet necessary value)
1. Calibrate multimeter by taking several values from voltage regulator and
comparing to multimeter
a. plug in wires between variable voltage supply and multimeter OR
measure voltage drop of one resistor vs two resistors (half drop and
b. values should reflect in multimeter
c. make chart for DC voltage(?) w/ range, precision, and accuracy (%)
2. Use voltage regulator (with value)
a. Connect power cell to voltage regulator, with 1k resistor in series
b. Reference voltage is marked
i. Input 2V more than reference
ii. Use this to output a fixed voltage (fully saturate the regulator
iii. Compare output value of multimeter w/ % accuracy to the
3. Set variable voltage supply to 8V
a. Design a voltage divider to = 8V
i. 2k
ii. 1k + 3k
iii. 1k + 2k + 1k
iv. 1k + 1k + 1k + 1k
b. Power rating calculation (check notebook)
i. Does not exceed
4. Construct voltage divider
5. Voltmeter acts like parallel resistor to the original resistor
a. Draws a small amount of current to measure the voltage drop across
the original resistor
b. Current in first resistor (parallel to voltmeter) is equal to current in
second resistor
6. Ammeter acts like another resistor in series
a. Lets current through without affecting overall circuit voltage
b. Negligible voltage drop across ammeter; has some amount of
resistance due to coils (think of wires, only TRULY 0 in superconductive
material, 0K supermagnet)
8. Ohms law, consider internal resistance
9. Use 2 batteries in series = 3V
a. Put voltmeter in parallel to measure volt drop; should equal 3V

10.Use 1ohm resistor; measure drop with voltmeter

a. Attain amps w/ ammeter using OHMS
12.Sub with different resistors, record resulting voltage drops
13.Time measurement; graph
14.CHECK W * s =Joules
a. Consider kilowatt hours (seconds)
b. 15 mins * 60sec/min
15.When battery is heavily loaded, means more than it can handle (in Watts)
a. Battery will drain at regular rate (consider opposite situation)

i. Small battery to large device

ii. Large battery to small device
b. Power supply will not be able to drive it
c. Fundamental: V * 1 = POWER (watts)
16.Ideal situation will always trump real; real will mostly never meet

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