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Manual for REBATE PROCESSING REBATE PROCESSING Content 4. Creation of a Rebate Agr ment (VBO1 - Z001) 2. Creation of Rebate Condition Records Organisation Rebate Condition Type ZBO1 Turnover Rebate Condition Type ZBO2 Marketing Rebate Condition Type ZBO3 3. Display Overview of Rebate Agreements (VBO3) 4, Rebate Processing (VBO2) 4.1 Final Settlement 4,2. Interim Settlement (Manual Payment) ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 1 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING 1. Creation of a Rebate Agreement Definition A Rebate Agreement is a contract which is valid for a specific period in time, drawn up between two business partners, Roland DG Benelux nv as the rebate provider and the dealer as the rebate recipient. In this rebate agreement the type of agreement and the validity period are specified ARebate Agreement is an arrangement with regard to granting rebates/bonusses over a given period Use The dealer is rewarded with an extra bonus when he fulfilled a number of targets regarding - Organisation (Rebate Condition Type ZBO1) - Turnover (Rebate Condition Type ZBO2) - Marketing (Rebate Condition Type ZBO3) A provision for this bonus is automatically generated by the rebate agreement. Pay-out of the bonus can be arranged through interim settlements (manual payment) and finally settled completely at the end of the validity period of the agreement. The final settlement will close the rebate agreement. Procedure The condition type to create a Rebate Agreement is Z001 Access the transaction using: Agreements > Rebate Agreement —> Create B Transaction cod Select Z001 as agreement type by pressing the @ button. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 2 “SAP ECC menu Logistics > Sales and distribution-> Master Data Manual for REBATE PROCESSING _ Create Rebate Agreement ‘Agreement tps yp. Material Rebate xp. Customer Rebate Exp Hierarchy Rebate Press Enter. /ou prefer to start from a blank rebate agreement or you prefer to copy data from an existing rebate id Rebate Agreements Edit Goto Rebate Payments Create Rebate Agreement Agreement type [Poot [=) Complete the Rebate Recipient you want to create the agreement for and enter the Validity Period. The data you define here applies automatically to ‘every condition record that you create within the rebate agreement. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page3 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Agreement ‘Agreement ype Dealer Rebate When the rebate agreement has been created, you are ready to create the different condition records for the rebate agreement. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 4 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING _ 2. Creation of Rebate Condition Records Rebate — Organisation ZBO1 Press Conditions or choose Goto — Conditions from the menu [Valid Condition Types and Key Combinations yp |Description key combination Rebate-Organisation CustomeriRebate Group 7802 /Rebate-Turnover _CustomeriRebate Group ZB03 Rebate-Marketing —_ CustomerfRebate Group [ New Condition Record ||] Select the ZBO1 Condition Type and press | New Condition Record | or double- lick on it. In the below example the condition record for the Organisation bonus is defined at 3%. Enter the Material Pricing Group in the R column and the Rebate Percentage in the Amount column. Choose Enter. Create Dealer Rebate : Overview Rebate-Organisation (2B01) Folens 06 Genel [or Relend D6 Benelucnv (or) Rolend 06 Benelux Distribution Channel DNision mer [0068284] ALPHASETEPOL. SRO. Yala period [or.e1. 200 If you do not enter a value for the accrual (provision) rate, the system will automatically take the value you entered in the Amount column as the accrual rate. In order to link the condition records to an article, which will be displayed on the rebate credit note, choose the Settlement Materials i] button. Assign the right article to the condition record in the Matl. F. Settl. field. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 5 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Sales Organizaton DOletouton chanel (61) Roland Do Benelux win on Roland D6 Benet ‘Customer [#0068204] ALPHASETSPOL SRO. Valicty periog [01.01 2609) 1.12. 2609) {yp Saloe org. Distr. Chi Divieton Custoner Yoluno rebate group z01 1009 ot 40080204 Bt atts BATE - ORGANIGATION- COLOR-VERSACAYM (typ alee org. 1S fSion Custoner Yolune rebate group 01 1009, 40080208 62 allt sot > REBATE- ORGANISATION COLOR-PROII {yp Sales org, Distr. OMT Division Custoner Yolune rebate oroup. eoi teo0 ot o___ 40050204 3 Nai-sett_ _ REBATE 0 PRO ITT )REBATE- ORGANATION -COLOR-PRO‘I {yp Sates org DIET UNTUITISTon Custonar Volune rebate oroup 2eo\ 1000 ot oi oneoro4 es Matif sett REBATE. 0 CAWN-2 REBATE - ORGANISATION - ENGRAVINO-CAMM-2 CTyp Sales org. Disth—cMTUTVTston Customer Volune rebate group zeoi 1000 =e) cantnmee _GEEATE 0 vONaT —RearTE oROAEATIN-HoBEY When all settlement materials have been entered, choose | © the next condition records. Create Dealer Rebate : Overview Rebate-Organisation (2801) to enter ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 6 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Rebate — Turnover ZBO2 [Walid Conaition Types and Key Combinations B [Ciyp [Description Key combination [No.ofGonds| 2801 Rebate-Organisation CustomerRebate Group 5 ‘CustomenRebate Group '7B03 Rebate-Marketing New Condition Record ||9¢] In the above example, you notice that 5 condition records for Condition Type. ZBO1 are available. ie Select the ZBO2 Condition Type and press [New Gonaiton Record | or double- click on it. In the below example the condition record for the Turnover bonus is defined at 3%. Enter the Material Pricing Group in the R column and the Rebate Percentage in the Amount column. Choose Enter. Roland 06 Benelux NV Foland 0 Benelux NV Foland 09 Benelux NV (49080284) ALPHAGETEPOL SRO. ‘Valaiy petiod (1.91 2009), To 15112-7008) If you do not enter a value for the accrual (provision) rate, the system will automatically take the value you entered in the Amount column as the accrual rate. In order to link the condition records to an article, which will be displayed on the rebate credit note, choose the Settlement Materials ll button. Assign the right article to the condition record in the Mati. F. Settl. field. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page7 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Create Dealer Rebate : Conditions Overview ‘Agreement Description (ot o1 2008 ie tail or Serer CIyp Salar 2801 1009, ‘oFG, Distr. Co Division Custoner — Yolune rebate group eo: 100 tot (santa ct wate [REDATE 0 CAR-2 | REBATE ORGANSATION- ENORANG-CANI-2 yp Sales org. Distr. Chl Division custoner Yolune rebate group neo: 1002 katate ce Maton __ REBATE 0 WOEBY —] REBATE. oRcaNIGATION: HOBBY yp Gales org. Distr, Chl Bivieion Custoner Yoluae rebate group (Geodon at c—doononee 81 Mati. sett REBATE T VERSACAMM] REBATE - TURNOVER - COLOR-VERSACAMM yp eles org, Distr, GAT Giviefon Custoner —Yotuae rebate group Gaon o1eopezee 2 Maceo REBATE T FRO 11 | REBATE. TURNOVER-COLOR-PROU! The Settlement Materials which were entered before are also displayed. When all settlement materials have been entered, choose | Sonsitions | tg enter the next condition records. Rebate — Marketing ZBO3 [= Valid Condition Types and Key Combinations a [typ [Descrintion [Keycambinaton | [y|[ New conaition Record [38] Select the ZBO3 Condition Type and press [Nev Condition Re20°4] or double- click on it. In the below example the condition record for the Marketing bonus is defined at 2,75%. Enter the Material Pricing Group in the R column and the Rebate Percentage in the Amount column. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 8 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Choose Enter. Create Dealer Rebate : Overview Rebate-Marketing@ If you do not enter a value for the accrual (provision) rate, the system will automatically take the value you entered in the Amount column as the condition rate. In order to link the condition records to an article, which will be displayed on the rebate credit note, choose the Settlement Materials button (display of all settlement materials for all available condition records) or select the condition record and choose the Details & button (display of settlement materials for selected condition record only). Assign the right article to the condition record in the Mat. F. Settl field ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 9 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Create Dealer Rebate : Details Rebate-Marketing (2803) Save the condition record by pressing I, The system shows the message that the Dealer Rebate has been saved, as shown below. (© bovis Rebate Freed PRD wow ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 10 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING 3. Display Overview of Rebate Agreements In order to get an overview of all rebate agreements that have been created for a customer, access the transaction using: SAP ECC menu Logistics + Sales and distribution-> Master Data Agreements > Rebate Agreement — Display Transaction code VBO3 Press the [@) button and select the Rebate Recipient whose rebate agreements you want to see. [ela (DIES [GReatictVaive Range ( [Bil so0s0z04 |] Sale Oiganzaton [1000 | Disibton Chanel Division vals From Vakd to. _ ‘Aaeemert Status J] oo aT _| MosimunNo offs [500] [w]e [ie] ea Press Enter. In the example below, only one Rebate Agreement (Agreement nr. 55) is available for the selected customer. [i= Restrict Value Range (7 ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 11 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING If you want to check which condition records are included in the rebate agreement, access the transaction using: SAP ECC menu Logistics > Sales and distribution» Master Data. Agreements -> Rebate Agreement -» Display Transaction code VBO3 Press the {) button and select the Rebate Agreement for which you want to display the condition records. Display Rebate Agreement Agreement Choose Enter or press the & button. Select Goto ~ Overview of Condition Records from the menu. Organizational Data Constions nner atrial for 8 avr Rebsteretipint ayment Data “Cunensy | Seale PamontNefed —] Valu Penods External description Tovts [Sse (oF 20) 70 Be ee | ‘Agreernent satus ‘open \erieaton levels F) Display totale by payertmaterial A detailed overview is displayed. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 12 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Display Dealer Rebate 55: Conditions Overview i 1600 fotand 06 Benelux wv Dietbuten Chanel 01 fotand 06 Benetux nv Drision RoTand 06 Benelux NY ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 13 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING 4. Rebate Processing Use At the closing date of a rebate agreement, you can partially or fully settle the rebate agreement. The system uses the billing date to determine whether a billing document qualifies for rebate processing. In order to qualify, the date must lie within the validity period of the rebate agreement. Please bare in mind that the rebate agreement cannot be reactivated anymore after final settlement has been arranged. If e.g. a rebate agreement is valid for five years with yearly settlements, you have to choose the Interim Settlement option for the yearly settlements. At the end of the fifth year you then choose Final Settlement to close the agreement. 4.1 Final Settlement ‘Access the transaction using: SAP ECC menu Logistics > Sales and distribution» Master Data Agreements -» Rebate Agreement -» Change Transaction code VvBo2 a Enter the Agreement you want to settle and close and press Enter. As you manually need to release the Rebate Agreement for settlement, please change the Agreement Status — which is Open — into B Agreement released for settlement. Change Dealer Rebate 4 : Overview Agreement 49 v } ‘Aareemerttype [2001] DeaterRebate Description [Dealer Rebate 1 Rebatereciplont __[¥49089078 ) _Alphaset POL 80. ‘curoney aR oe ‘Ferment Method Edemal description, ‘Settlement has been crested Final setiomont of agrocmentaroady criod out Open Press Enter and select Rebate Payments — Final Settlement from the menu. If the rebates can be settled as calculated by the system, choose Automatic. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 14 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING ‘ales Volume Vertieation Lvet Da-sowm Rebs [5] Change Dea Documents Agreement fal aia (by Catia Renvest | Rebate Recipient ~ es SBeie2.. Rebotorecbint __ (149990079 [@)wpnaset POL BRO. eee] yy Setlemertperods |_| Valistypenog __([@1 04.2008] To (31.12.2011) Aovemertouus [8] Ayton leased sutinert em “Vertetion els [F] Display otal by perecmatea | If you want to change the settlement amounts, choose Using Payment Screen. Then the following screen is being displayed and the accrued amounts can be adjusted. Sales Owanzaton 1068 Rotana 06 Deneve RV Distiwen chamael 91 Retand 06 enews RY Dvsion a bn | x cnty custoner vas {112801 a4g99e07e 1 cotor-versstann (12001 140000070 82 cotor-Pro 11 (C)zs01 Mg9ssors 63. Cotor-Pro 111 (Chze01 maoesere £1 Engreving-c Ch2e01 mgoseore £2 enaraving-Hoboy {Cy2901 mooesora F1 20-Roee1T ng (12801 Aaggsse79 F2 30-Scanning Cy2902 M40090070 81 cotor-VerssCane (Chz902 a4soeo079. 92. coter-Pro 11 (C)za02 A49999079. 89. coter-Fro 111 (Chze0e M9072 £1 Enaraving-Cann-2 (Cza0e a49999079 £2. Enaraving-Hoony zane a49000072 1 s0eMocett ing Cize02 ae 079 F2 30-Scanning (E2002 149009070 81 coter-vors 48850078 62 Cotor-Pro IE 2 ‘Condtonfies —] [“Adrinisvaie Data] [_vonatyPeross Planned Values ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 15 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING A message is being displayed, informing you that a credit memo request was created. [= information Press Enter [¥/, The Agreement Status is changed into C Settlement has been created. ‘Agreement [fe Agreement type 1) Desler Rebate Desecration Dealer Rebate Choose Save 8. ‘The system now informs you the number of the Credit Memo Request which was created. ROLAND DG BENELUX ny Page 16 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING 4.2 Interim Settlement Access the transaction using: SAP ECC menu Logistics +> Sales and distribution» Master Data Agreements > Rebate Agreement -» Change Transaction code VBO2 Enter the Agreement you want to make an interim settlement for without closing the agreement and press Enter. Change Rebate Agreement eS 8 In order to view which accruals have been made for the rebate recipient, press the [sales Volume button. Change Dealer Rebate 3 : Overview Agreement Rebate recbient __(N0047188 _[@)NULTE-PLOT EUROPE OMBH ‘ourency Payment Method Bemralscerian [id dena Setlementperits [| ‘alist peas (01.01.2009) To —i5t-12-2000 ‘Agreement Status pen Voriteaon rele __(F)_Dispaytotale by payermaterial, The accruals per Rebate Condition Record and per Rebate Pricing Group are displayed. ROLAND DG BENELUX ny Page 17 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Sales Volume for Rebate Agreement 40047196 MULTI-PLOT EUROPE GHEN, EAD EN 81.01.2000 31.12. al June rebate group +000) k 8,00 UR UR 000 772,80 EUR 2,000 6.760,00 EUR \ 772,80. FuR 1000 ot o1 | asotri96. 845,02 EUR 3,000 % 31.500, eu /st.s00,e0 cur es, 0z/eun Ds DeaTer Rebate 40047186. MULTI-PLOT EUROPE GREN, EAD EN 1 61.2009 31.12.20 2502 Rebate-Turnover Seles org. Distr. Chm Division Custoner YoTUne rebate group 1600 Ot oO aeOK7Ia6 BT 0,00 EUR 0,00 UR 25.700,00 EUR 772, 80> EUR 31,500,80 EUR 048,02 EUR 2 Dealer Rebate 40047186 MULTI-PLOT EUROPE GHBH, EAD EH 01.01.2009 31. 12,201 2009 Rebatesnarketing Sales org. Distr. Chi Division Custoner YoTUne rebate aroun 100 Ot or aaours86 Bt Go back by pressing the & Back button. In order to proceed with the interim settlement, choose [B& Pay), (@is] Change Dealer Rebate 3 : Overview Agreement [Vf EAIER) | [conations | fal) (2) Rebate reciint 0017185 [3MLLTIPLOTEUROFE OMBH Suro ee) Pamantnotnod | Etoral descipion = BE) L) | [BE crue [BE ay | (al The accrued amounts are displayed in the Max.amount column. In order to transfer them into the be paid column, choose [EI Select Ail and then Propose payment amount. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 18 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Change Dealer Rebate 3: Conditions Overview (Sis) Ge .2 a) Sales Omanizton 1000 fctand 06 Benelue mY Disbuten Channel o1 foTand 06 Bene luc nY Mision 0 fotand 06 Benelux mY XK Gnty Custoner ¥RE ‘Amtfobe paid Maxamount_ 0 (1.2801 40047108 81 Color-Versacann Ea (2801 49047186 82 Color-Pro 11 I (2801 49047195 89 Cotor-Pro 111 [ (2802 4o047109 81 Color-Versacena f (2802 40047186 82 Cotor-Pro 11 [ r (jze02 40047186 83 Cotor-Pro 111 ()ze03 40047186 81 Color-VersaCann ()ze03 40047186 82 Cotor-Pro 11 (C2803 40047186 83 Color-Pro 111 The Max.amounts are now taken over in the be paid column and can be adjusted (decreased), if necessary. Change Dealer Rebate 3: Conditions Overview OG) sie ea | aey) Sales Organization 1000 Rovang 05 Dietibuten Channel Ot Rolang 0 Dhision ot Rolan¢ 05 Benelux NY = X GnTy Custoner RG ‘ito be paid Wp Maxamount 0 (2801 49047188 81 color-versacann 8,08 [2001 40047108 92 cotor-Pro 11 i {C2001 40047188 99. cotor-Pro 111 f C2002 aoour1a8 Bt cotor-vereatann c { Clzs02 40047188 52 Cotor-Pro 11 (Cizs02 49047186 83 Cotor-Pro 111 (2s03 40047185 81 Cotor-Versac (Cize03 40047186 82 Color-Pro 11 (za03 40047188 83 Color-Pro 111 aa 8) oS aie | Condon Rates ‘ministre Date ‘ality Periods Planned Values. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv : Page 19 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING After the correct amounts have been entered, choose Save EI. ‘A message is being displayed, informing you that the Partial Rebate Settlement request was created. [i= Information Press Entor [¥/, The system now informs you that the Rebate Agreement was changed and the Partial Rebate Settlement Request created. bate has changed (Parfebet Request 60000512 hasbeen rete) o ROLAND DG BENELUX ny Page 20 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Release of the Credit Memo Request In order to retrieve the Credit Memo Request, access the transaction using: SAP ECC Menu Logistics + Sales and Distribution + Sal [es | Change Se Transaction code | VA02 _ Enter the Credit Memo Request number and press Enter. 8.00 em ‘o a unretows 7.06. 208) 1) Plenseom 7-05-20 A Billing Block is automatically activated on Credit Memo Requests. Release the Billing Block by selecting the blank option. 200,00 300,00 You may want to enter a PO Number, PO Date or Header Text. ROLAND DG BENELUX nv Page 21 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING ~ Sales document Esit Goto Extas Environment 9} ooh HHO shipping contract Dat ining Payment card Bing plan Accounting Conditions ‘Account assignment Partner Billing Dat Biling block Purchase order data Status ‘Additional data A ‘Addtional Functions + Pe | On the Sales Tab enter an Order Reason as this field is obligatory. In the below example ‘External Sales’ is chosen, as the advanced bonus was a commercial decision. Change PartRebSettl.Request 60000512: Overview J Netvalue [525,00 [EU || MULTLPLOT EUROPE GMBH/ INDUSTRIESTRASSE 1 /-3430! ‘shina pany |] MULTL-PLOT EUROPE GMBH /INDUSTRIESTRASSE 1 (0.24901 2ONumber [ADVANCED BONUS ——|POdate (27.05.2009 2] Billing block 'B| Pricing dete Order reason Sales area [zor CUSTOMER Biling Date _}793 INTERNAL SALES Sentendered date |704 PRODUCT |205 TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT |z06 TRANSPORT |207 WAREHOUSE |z00 WARRANTY |z09 MISCELLANEOUS DEBET NOTE 2009 Benslix NY, Roland D Choose Save Bl. (@ Parmesan Reeve coo05 anes been see 3) ROLAND DG BENELUX ny Page 22 Manual for REBATE PROCESSING Create Credit Note Access the activity usit SAP ECC Menu Transacti code Senvrendered Pricing date Enter the Credit Memo Request number and press Enter. Rebate Part Settimnt (B3) Create: Overview of Billing Items. Reba Pate |SOG0000001) Net vane 525,00 ER] ULTHPLOT EUROPE GMBH NDUSTRIESTRASSE 1 A preview of the Credit Note is being displayed. In order to issue the Credit Note, press Save (© Deauraneooos7evhas teen sve 3] ROLAND DG BENELUX ny Page 23 Invoice with discounts ‘Pont Freie of enetS06-23 Pepe 60005 of 0002 fee|iREA GES (ieee [Deep m| ee [Ree Accounting document Invoice FR oH Loe REAR ES |v Duco [Rocneen. |e Fiera Renmens| fo |rmetta.| |e Accounting document Credit note bonus settlement adie we 960 else Re oS Ree Re IR ge niga ne Posta Roland DG Mid Burope - Cartelle stampa Amici di Brugg @=™ Roland Cartelle stampa Amici di Brugg Vittorio Neri 46 maggio 2011 22:03, A: Sonia Feliciani Ciao Sonia hho bisogno per cortesia che mi prepari una trentina di cartelle stampa per la fiera Amici di Brugg con la seguente documentazione: depliant Dwx30 € Dwx50 pr partecipazione amici ci brugg e Dwx50 dealer folder libro cuore Ti ringrazio e per qualsiasi cosa chiedimi pure. Vittorio Neri ‘Communication Manager Roland DG Mid Europe S.r.1 Tel, +39 0736 586558 Fax +39 0735 576176 E-mail www.rolangdg it ‘sent from Galaxy Tablet 17/08/2011 8.52

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