CH 17 Text Only

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Domestic Results of the Cold

Ch. 17

House Un-American Activities Committee

Red Scare/Red Smear- communists in
and out of America working to destroy
American life
Expose communist influence in America
Threatened people with the loss of jobs &
Hollywood Ten
Uncovered writers, directors, and producers
who were or had been communists

Truman v. Communists
March 1947, Federal Employee Loyalty
FBI screened for political disloyalty, 3,000
lost their government jobs

Smith Act- Illegal to advocate the violent

overthrow of the government

Communist Witch Hunts

1950 Senator Joseph McCarthy
Claimed State Department employees were communists
Never provided names
Senate begins televising the hearings, Americans are
disgusted with McCarthys lies and bullying of witnesses
Red Scare ends with his
downfall in 1954 along with the
Korean Wars end in 1953
McCarthyism- extreme
reckless charges

Spy Cases
Alger Hiss
communist spy
Julius and Ethel
Rosenberg- were
tried, convicted, and
executed for

the 1950s

Life After the War The Economic Boom

Wartime savings
New consumer goods to buy
GI Bill
Paid for college, home loans, or business loans

Interstate Highway Act

Baby boom
Dr. Spocks Common Sense Book of Baby and
Child Care
At the peak- 1 baby born every 7 sec.

Life After the War

Immense move to suburbs


Sputnik starts the Space Race

National Defense Education Act
Creation of NASA

Elvis Presley

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