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Plot Overview

About the Author

The Book A Tale Of Two Cities has been separated

into three books, Recalled To Life, The Golden
Thread, and The Track Of A Storm, All written by
Charles Darwin.

Charles Dickens was born on February 7th, 1812.

His Father, John Dickens was sent to jail along with
his family because he was in debt. Charles Darwin
had to drop out of school so he could work for his
family to help them out financially, but Charles still
had a love for reading and writing either way.
Charles then became a reporter and leaned to write
by himself. Soon Charles began to write short
stories. He wrote many well known stories such as
A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two
Cities, and more. He was known as one of the most
famous writers in America and all around England.
Dickens suffered a stroke and died on the date of
June 9th, 1870.

In the first book, Recall Of Life we are

introduced to the character Jarvis Lorry which he as
sent to reunite Lucy to reunite her to her father
Doctor Manette that has been a prisoner in the
Bastille and the things he has experienced in the
prison have caused him post traumatic disorders.
Slowly Jarvis and Lucy help her father recover.
The second book, The Golden Thread this part
of the book takes place after the first book. The
second book introduces Charles Darnay. He gives
up his aristocrat life and the wealthy lifestyle to
move to England. He then meets Lucy and they
decide to get married. Before the day of their
wedding he decides to reveal that he is a French
The final book Charles Darnay goes to France
after he has gotten a call and when he arrives he
was accused of being an Immigrant and gets
arrested. Doctor Manet helps him win his first trial,
but the he is sentenced with death on the Guillotine.
Sydney Carton decides to take Darnays place
because of his love for Lucy. Sydney gets executed
as Lucy, Darnay, and Doctor Manette flee back to

Novel Notes
A Tale Of Two
Charles Dickens
Alberto Vazquez

Historical Context
A Tale Of Two Cities takes place in the year
1770 all the way to 1794.The novel was affected by
the economical and cultural influences of France
and England throughout that period of time. An
important influence during this period of time was
the French revolution, The fall of the Bastille, the
september massacres, and the reign of terror. This
massively affected the storyline as the series of
events influence the role in the plot and the history
of the novel.


Essential Quotes
"I am a disappointed drudge, sir. I care for no
man on earth, and no man on earth cares for
me"(Dickens book 4).
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it
was the age of wisdom, it was the age of
foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the
epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it
was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of
hope, it was the winter of despair, we had
everything before us, we had nothing before us, we
were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going
direct the other way (16).
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A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Darwin

Character Analysis
Mr. Jarvis- he was introduced into the story in the
first chapter. He is a Banker with a purpose of
reuniting Dr. Manette with his daughter Lucy. Once
they befriend each other he stays with them for the
rest of his life.

Sacrifice- The most important theme throughout the
story. The most important characters sacrifice
majorly for love. Charles Darnay gives up his
wealthy lifestyle and family for his love for Lucy.
Sydney gives the biggest sacrifice his life for
Darnay, Lucy,and little Lucie to live happily.

Dr. Manette- father of Lucy. He comes into the story War- The French revolution, and the storming of the
throughout the fourth and fifth chapters. He is a 50
year old man that was sent to the Bastille for
helping out an enemy of a wealthy and powerful
family. During his imprisonment he was taught how
to make shoes so when he remembers of his time in
prison he finds a shoe and starts to work. Only his
daughter can take him out of his trance.
charles Darnay- Or may we say Charles St.
Evermond he is an Aristocrat belonging to a corrupt
family. He decides to leave his wealthy lifestyle to
become a teacher in France. He meets Lucy and
they fall in love and get married and soon they have
a daughter named Lucy. He then gets accused of
treason and gets sentenced by death but with the
help with Sydney Carton he escapes.
Sydney Carton- He was a good for nothing drunk
but he is one of the best lawyers there were. He
falls in love with Lucy, but she marries Charles.
When Darnay gets sentenced to the Guillotine

Motifs and Symbols

The Guillotine- This weapon was to behead people
frequently used during the French revolution. The
guillotine represents some ones fate ending in
death but the way Charles Darnay did it it was a
acts of heroism.

Sydney takes his place for the love he had for Lucy.

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