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1. Basics Student Checklist

Teacher name:
BASICS QUEST 8: Email Etiquette
The goal of this Quest is for your class to create a classroom guide to Email Etiquette and Safety.


Watched the following video episodes

a. as part of a small group (names of others)
or b. individually
1. Attachments has this ever happened to you or a friend? Send a
document with an email
2. Email FWD FWD = forward, sending an email from one person to
3. Flames to insult or criticize angrily in anonline post or comment.
4. Quick to Respond -5. Caught -6.

Spam its not a food

Worked with a group or full-class to create or contribute to the Email Etiquette

and Safety Classroom Guide, presentation, or alternate type of demonstration
for it.
My part:
Shared this completed guide/presentation with:
Checked this off on the 21t4s roadmap

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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