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Mea-Surely Test Plan #2


While building our prototype, we had to make sure the transmitter and receiver were
communicating using radio waves. As long as this held true, we could assume there
was a delay between the transmission and reception of the signal that was calculable.
To test if they were carrying out their functions, the transmitter and receiver were
connected to an L.E.D. After some meddling with the code in the Arduino software, we
were able to display 2 flashing L.E.Ds that appeared to be in-sync, when really they
were not. Another test we attempted to conduct was to calculate the time delay
between the two L.E.Ds by programming it to display the time. However, we were not
able to accomplish this.


Date: T.B.D
Location: Engineering Class

The test will determine whether our prototype is more time efficient than using a
generic measuring tool, such as a ruler or tape measure. The whole purpose of our
project is to create a faster, more efficient and more accurate form of measuring so if
it isnt more efficient than generic measuring methods, we need to revise our

In order to test properly, our prototype needs to work properly. We need to make
sure we know the proper dimensions of what we are measuring to ensure accuracy of
the test. The Arduino board must be powered.


Arduino Uno Boards

Very Precise timer
9v Battery
Ruler/Tape Measure


How quickly were we able to find the measurement using our prototype? If it is more
time efficient than the other generic measuring tools it will pass, if it takes longer to
measure using our prototype, it is a fail.

3D print out a rectangular object with set dimensions to be used as the
constant in the testing.
Have multiple people each measure the object with our prototype, a
ruler and a tape measure.
Have a stopwatch record the time it takes for each person to measure
the printed object with each device.
Record the times in a chart.
Compare the times of each device.
Make changes to prototype as needed to make it the most efficient it
can be.

Safety Considerations
As this project involves electricity, the user must be wary of electrocution from wires
or other electronic components. Sharp wires and other devices must be kept under
check and the user must be sure to avoid and fix these safety violations.

Once we are finished testing we will have different times for how long it took each
device to properly get the measurement shown in seconds. The device with the least
time taken will be considered the most time efficient.


What is the purpose of testing your prototype?

The purpose of testing our prototype is to ensure it is working as we expected and

that it gives us the results we wanted compared to other competitors.

What is the significance of test criteria?

There will always be error in any type of calculation. Knowing this, we can say that
as long as the measurement is within a certain tolerance, the accuracy can be
Is your test reliable? That is, can others repeat your test with the same
results? Justify your answer.
The test only requires being able to use a ruler, tape measure, and of course, our
prototype which is quite easy to use so anyone with basic knowledge of
measurement will be able to run the test. The only problem will be with how

precise each person that runs the test is. If they round to a different place value,
there will be a percentage of error in the results.

Why is it important to eliminate bias in your test results

So we know the results are truly accurate. Our project is about being more precise
even if only by a small amount so if having bias can alter our results in even the
slightest, we could have big problems with our data.

Why does the test procedure need to be repeatable?

So you can have multiple trials of the test to make sure your results are accurate.
How do you know when you have enough step-by-step detail in your test
When someone not in the group can run the test without having to ask any
questions about the steps.

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