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German in particualr (310) blacks to them were the descendants of Ham ..

since the enlightenemtn good mlskdj f to what is good for others .. and to imps it on ther (313) "the fact that missionsrs were sent norte educate, but to be in thier midst in a spirit of true selfsurrender, tended to take a back seat (3 I 3) Millenialism comes from reference in R vltn 20 to a 1000 year reign of CHrist Premillenialsm come the return of CHrist (imminence of Parousia) malt 24.14 led to belief that the end could be hastened (317) pragmatism" Dwight Moody .. Post millenialsm cornporrnise is btw apocalyptic & evolutionary less focus on the end. some apocalypticsi persisten .. but came under attack why? 1) bizarre behavior of shakers, millers 2) civil war.. misslksjd flkjconditions 3) tech-socialills 4) hist-crit method .. Hist Crit method suggested that books of Daniel & Rvltn were less reliable than originally thought. .. major missionary shifts .. I )other relgins were no longer thought to be entirely false 2) mission work meant less preaching and a broader range of transformationactivities 3) accent now on salvation for life in the present world 4) shift from indiv to society (322) Social Gospel a more dkfj s to a move from evanglsm to social concern, shift from indiv to society .. unitariansm, congregatiosm presbyteriams age of reason and rimary facts of human exp, rather than faith, religion of humanity (324) 1968 social gspell, termimonolgy was dropped, now development not civilization .. Peace Corps O=--it be a difficult to distinguish that church & peace corps (327_0 Bnlightenement --mission soc .. voluntarismrn .. Cambridge Seve an eduatio to the low educ rnissior post., (333) .. the Cambridge seven an educated exception to the low-educ missionry lsdkj " Paradigm verses =pazristic period (in 3.16) RC Msssion period (lk 14.23 Prot Ref (Rom 1.16) paradigm verss =parristic period (In 3.16 ) RC Medieval period Lk 14.23 (invite all) .. Protest Ref .. (Roms 1.16 first for Jews than for Gentile .. )--Missionary paradigm[[[more than one I ACts 16.9 (come help us) Man 24. 14 (Gospel will be preached and the end will come) In 10.10 (enthusiasts of soc gospel) Matt 28: 18-20 .. I 965 "latter half of 20th cent. may prove, he said to be as radical in its implications for the missionary outlook of the CHr church as the Copernical Rvltn, was for the scientific cosmology of tis day" (345) Emergence of PM paradigm 1) quest the validity of science of enlighteucmnt 2) progress was becoming regress.20th centry .. I) resurgence of world religions 2) Cr continues to grw Enlightenment realty "has, at long last, bell found to be an inadeq Idkj rs on which to build one's .. .life . .it has beena crippling efffect on human inquiry,has led to disastoruos reductionms and hecne to studentd human growth" (353) (353) this had led to rediscovery of sense of mystery & enchantment sldfkjs says" Frye says (see N. Frye's "the Great Code" )--the central doctrines of tradtnl CH.I can be expressed only inthe form of metaphor, every attempt to go beyond that and explain doctrines has about ti a smell fo intell mortality (353) .. 10 fact the early fathers such as G. fN. often delareda s heretics precisly those people who had claimed to have masted God by the powers of human reason (353) Best theolgian is not one who can give a complet logical account of his subecr, but the one who assimlts more of truths image & shadow ... (353) Dessarilosims "devciopmentalms" is used in a pejorative sense in Latin America Objecti vism says Polany "has totally falsified OUf conception of truth" (359) Augustine adage "nisi crediderius, non intelligitis"

Unless you believe, you shall not understand" (359) ... ff then he enterd the TL ... the one regular gal was there .. she was a special

gal ... one of the few who was not afraid to be literate and actuallyspeak. .. Polyania "our critical powers have endowed our

mind witha capacity for self-transeendence of which we can never again divest ourselves .. we have plucked from the tree a second apple which has forever imperiled our knowledge of good & evil, and we must learn to know this qualities hencefort the the blinding light over our .. analytic powers (361) Todays' world" it is not the Gospl has changed, it is that we have begun to understand it better "(367) Elements of Ermrgin Ecu m paradogm 5 major Ekklesialtypes I) as institution 2) as mystical body of CHrist 3) as ssacramenr 4) as herald 5) as servant Anthopocenrilc theois of liberalprotestants epitomized by A. Harnack and E. Troeltsch were found wanting (30) !MC 1958 1) church is iu emission 2) home base is everywhere 3) mission in partnership 7 metaphors I) sacrament of salvatin 2) assembly of God 3) people of God 4) kingdom of God 5) body of CHrist 6) temple of H. Spirit 7) community of faithful CHurch is essentially missionar 1 Pet 2.9 (372) ... Church as people of Ood , as pilgrim church, the conciliar church modelBiblical

archetype .. wandering people of GOd Dietrichh Bonhoeffer "the church is the church only when it exists for othrs .. " (375) Others amends this Ito the church with others .. New View 1) provisonal character" the gloryof God 2) not K of God, but the beginning of the kingdom 3) everybody is subject to social .econ & political conditions 4) pneumatologically "dwelling place of God in SPirt" 5) kingdom people 6) not border guard, but hospitality house .. Paul established churches not dependent missions (379) Three-selfs:

self gOY!. self supprt, slef propagation WCC 1989 church is both a theolgy & a sociology entity .. "inseparble union of di vine & dusty"(389l Mission Dei --mission as the very nature ofOod .. Father Son & Holy SPirit sending the church into the world (390) Mission mediarin salvation "Horizontal activites charity.educ, and medical help versus Vertical activites ppreaching sacraments, church (394) Salvation I) econ justc expoloitation 2) human dignity ag oppression 3) solidarity ag alienati 4) hope against despair inprson life (397) Three modes of slvtn I) indicative -- already a reality 2) subjunctive (yet to come) 3) imperative--get involved in the ministry of slvatin (400) Social Justice as at the abean of O'I prophetic tradition" bc mot of Israels kingdom at least professed to believe in Yahweh, prophets like Amos & Jeremiah could, ill the name of God .challenge them insofra s they had tolerated or perpetuated injusti ve IISocial Justice in NT .. however was different., Chr was not so strong, later church religion compromise .. Mystica (withdrawal) vs Prophetci (active)" .. Need balance .. brw fundamentlsm ,premillenialsm .. hyper evanglsm and or versus social gospel (403) Distinction sometimes made btw mission --a concern with first conversin, first presentatin verses evanglsm.which ahs to do with re-conversin, re-Chr ... (here.west) ... Ev.?Mission I) missiouis broader than evanglsm .. 2) evanglsm should not be equaled with mission 3) evangls may be viewd as an essential dimensionof total act of chruch Ev. mission 4)- evang. involves witnessing to what God has done, is doing and will do 5) evnglsm aims at response 6) evnglsm is invitatin 7) evangs as witness, not judge .. 8) evang, is indispensable (413) 9) evan onlypossiblc if church suupports and evidences truth of witness 10) evang offers salvation as a gift 11) evangsm is not proselytism 12) evangs is not same aas church extension 14) only in evang can be address only people can respdnd 15) evangsm is contextual 16) evang cannot be di vorced form preaching and practicing of justice 17) evang is not a mechanism to hasten the returnof chrChrist ... (why not? 18) evangs is not only verbal proclamaticn.e-Courexuahztin theol a) indigenization b) socio-ecoonol "all theolgy is contextual!" contextlznt sugggesrs the experimenta nd contingent nature of all theol Context issues 1) not onlyproblern btw praxis of theory, also nee dpoiesis, the irnag creation or representation of evoc .evocative images ... best models combine theoria, praxis and poiesis .. Inculturation .. Fourth self --self theologizing, rather than impose westen theolgy on a culture, the tbeolgy must be chosen by the culture ill ace with hermeneutis.How dos Howe does INC differ., ... I) agens as "compadres" not padre 2) emphasis on local situation 3) but also regional 4) follows model of incarnation (kenotic & incrntln dimension .. church born anew 5) double movement a _-illcltJ"ation of CHI & b)Chr of culture Not kemal (faith) husk (culture) 6) allcrnbraciug ... limits of INc (455)0 Interculruratiu-exchange of theolgies, Iearu from each other de-provincialized "creative tension" "unity'diviersy" sikjfsComity agreement .. areas to be evangelized were sub-divided.essence of heresy . .is the fundamental refusal to participate ill a common hisory (466) Couniours of a new paradigm 1) mutal coord of mission & unity is non-negotiable 2)



presupposes tension 3) churchs mission will never come to an end 4) end to distinction btw sending and receiving churcs 5) against new churchs whichare formed on basis of lskjf questionable distinctions 6) unity, in mission. and mission in unity, stand in service of human kind 7) unity is not an option, it is a command (467) .. Evolution of ORdained ministry .. .taizatiziton taiyicization of the church is an indicarionof the end of Consratntine .. 3-fold office of CHrist, king, prophet, priest, pastor, elder deacon .... Two pitfalls I)either the minster be a little pope or 2) congregatin regards him as their employee who has to dance ot their tune (470) Cath model outside the church .. no salvatinprot model outide the word no salvation (47) Why buddhism succeeeded in Asia was bc it be a mission of enfleshment=-it be Chinese Buddha, Thai Buddha, Japanese Buddha, etc (177) Chr in Asia by contrsr was mission of disembodiemnt No one "dared to break the Greco_roman ppot in which CHI. for centurcs has been existing like a stunted bonsai" (478) Shift from Chr exclusi vism 2) fulfillment 3) relati vsrn 6 formati ve factros in theology I) experience 2) revelatin 3} Scripture 4) tradition 5) culture 6) reason (483) Humility .. in face of other faiths (485) vulnerability .. Mission should be the theme of alltheolgy (he synoptic disciline .. Two-fold task 1) theolgia viatoru-vaccompany the Gospel ill its journey through the nations & times 2)

praxis .. Missionary vision is caught, not taught (498) eschatolgy .. be wary of quietism, sin of temerity, sin of timidity .. eschatology moves in past, present & future .. DOcs the already outweigh the not yet .. Pan missionism-Jf everything is mission, nothing is missiom(51I ) Mission-what it entails? I) the incarnation practice of JEuss 2) the cross, not cheap grace self-ernpthying .. humble servie.Il .love enemies .. 3) the resuurerection .. thcosis beg of Life church called to live the resurrection life in here & uwo 4) ascension=ecumenciat "for all" 5) Pentecost era of the SPirit 6) Parousia -future oreinatiou (518) mission thel I) mutli disci pi 2) integrative .. 3} definitional 4) anaytical S) truthful Mission is the people of God intentionally crossing: barries from church to nonchruch for thsdlkfj to proclarn . to participate, to reconcile .. (27)., "from above" Bible as source of commands form mission (37) Other =hermeneutci of relevance =not Bible, but contextual agenda (38) Rather thau herrn circle ... dfksj ItoBible as interwove tapestry .. whay .. why narrative theoVI spawned inlarge pan by the failure of form & redaction criticism or intepret the texr., the tendency to break the text into isolated unites is widely perceive as a counter productive and so scholars turned to the much more literarily aware field of narrative criticism (46) ... # of options .. 1) source criticism 2) [form criticism 3) redaction criticism 4) rhetorical criticism 5) structuralist hermenetucis .. Typoologies of narrative thel I) Godl berg M. 3 activites a) structuring the story) b Van Buren Green "dslkfjs thestory, c) functioning the sory .. 2) R. Grimes .. a_sacred bigo b) faith devlpment groups c_psy-bio .. d) character commnty e }bib narrative f) myth & ritual (50) 3) cornsticl 4) Facker.e. a canonical story b llife story c)

cornrnuuitystory .. Narrati ve dont deconstruct too far .. all that may be ileft is reader-response . .if'. 1) places God's self revelation in midst of human hisotry .. 2) is more than dogmatics, involves FP Approaches I )ethics 2) canon 3) educatin 4) stages of faith 5) isssus 6) FP (57) postive lemens l) whole test 2) text community intrelatin 3) canonical form 4) who lis tic 5) transforrnairno power 6) uselful in many ways .. Concerns I) minimizing sole .. misinre tauths intent overridint auths intent 2) to tum Scr into ficition 3) downplay contextual groudns . .4} Jose historical aspect 5) loss of truth .. New Covenatn Gods' hiddneness expressed in new ways (kainos) revealed hiddeness .. the pardox of divine self-disclosrue .. BC we know we knw we do not know all about God I Cor 13.12 .. Job 36.26 Psalm 139.6 Acts 14. 16-17 Romans 11.25 .. 33-36 1 Cor 2.2 Eph 3.3 Collsns 1.15 .. 26, [tim I. L7, 3.16 Rvltn 10.7 ... 1_)Contxtlanst as process of communication. "assuerns that the commonctrrs knw 7 undrstnad the message, but may not know or fully undrstand either the receptrs of the means by which they my 2) contxtlztn comrnunicatin Shreiters' triple dialectice of construcitn local theolgiex btw gospel church and local culture .. Contextualizatas cult revelance .. releavnce as liberatin, interefaith dialogue,

knowing God in coutext.i.New Covel Bibl modi for knowin g GOd in context.ri Covenant manifestations I) adam Gen 3.9-21

(voctryover evel 2) noah Gen 6 ,9 preservation of life 3) abraham Gen 26 28 .. Abs send sldkfjfor nations 4) Moses Exod .. Coy &law .. nationformed 5) David davidic reign 6) Jesus H SPirt rdrnptiu 3 Covt terms Kaiainos & neos .. what was the there before what is new .. what is new in nature.btter than the old .. Pilgrim principle-vthe constantly deepening perspectve of NC in pi lgrim continuity (83) Beyond uncritical .. related by not by The truth .. e-the truth is tha much everyone everywhere ahs alwasyy blvd re thegospel (89)

why the city? urban rnissiolgy has ahad difficulty a with the whole system of the city .. micro-level bum outmacro level ivory twoer.istaggering compexiry of an metroplex Like Los Angeles is difficult (92) ... service systes vs capacity .. service systems teach people that their value lies in their deficience, buitt on inadequacies, acalled illiteracy, teen pregnancy, but cornmunites are built on the cpaciries of drop-outs, illiterates. If church is about commnity, not sercie, its about capacity, not deficiency (93) ... church not social agency, but of social signifiance, not city govt, but has polit sign. not a tank, but is an econ force, not a school .but called to educate, not a family, but is the family of God, not a building, but needs buildings, not eclusive, but is specially caleled ... Mistake of Lib Theols bring dskfd that own agends as to sScriptyuer and Newbign highlights local cong as 1) community of praise 2) community of truth 3) deeply involved 4) prepared & sustained in exercese of postdlkdjf 5) community of mutual respoblity .. 6) community of hope Mission Orientation 4 types .. I) tong as activist, 2) cong as citizen 3) coug as sanctuary 4) cong as evangeilst., The church>unified spirit Phil 2:.1-1 1 1 Cor 1: 12-13 .. Emph of growht a} growth in gretear onness b=growth through spiritualdevelpmeut c) orgn & sprtl growth .. b=incrs impact e) enhanced understanding .. SanLS but sinners Eph 1.1 Eph 4.17, Eph 4.17--5.5. Holiness of Church Eph 5.6--6.20 ... 5.8 .. Matt S ... Eph 5.19-20 .. Marks of church .. one holy catholic apostolic ... Reformer .preaching sacraments, dlscipllnet l I S).. 'the effect of ksdfj thinking upon the present must be seen for what it is .. one effect is that anyone who adheres reigidly to Ref concepts of church stands indanger of having a stationary or static view of chruch (119) New look at four words in light of gift-task.. ancit ancient attributes .. Holiness (sanctifiyin) slkdfj relational, purity, beatitues .. Unity-- gathering, invitin, incorporating, become "one" building up, preparing, pursuing 4 ancient attr's Holistic --teaching, disciping, receiveing instrc theolkcys to kingdom, wtinessing, mobilizing, sending carholicir ... reconciling, becoming accepting ambassadrs bridging. giving (123).. I 974-·Lausanne, crucial meetting convened by B. Graham many non-Ws re-affirmed evan, re-affirmed missions .. when everything is mission, nothing is mission ... 3 important periods 30's -recognucn of Need for relation btw church &mission 60's articutaton of relationship btw church &mission 90's two pronged loss of both church & mission( 145) .. Ch 9-- Uni versalisrn-vthe doctrine that ultimately all free moral creatures wil share in the .. grace of salvatin, .. Faith Gspel not westernms faith culture togetherLlnvirsauty of Gospel.. see Piet Road Ahead NT---- NT NEwbign Foolishness to Greeks Gospel inf'Iuralist SOcl... Univer, o Gospel for Jews not same as Gentiels .. Grks & non-Grks .. everyone who believes Rom 1.14-17, 16.26, 15. 8-9, ] 5-16 .. Ex Paul a) two kinds of people unrighteus ofall (Rom I. 18-32 .. "sinful in gen 2: 1-16" sin of Jews 2.17-3.8" HOV of judgment 3.9-20 ... b jsinfulness of all special grace in Cltnstunivrslt y a) grace to blvrs .. {3.21-31} b)particuLarit4.1-5.21 c) completeness of transformarin 6.1-23 .. l.divine human tension in transformd indiv (7.] -25) Ii Holy SPirit *8.1-270 J]] Universal age 8.28"39>. D) Israel after flesh Iv Pauls' new univ .. Uniqueness of Clirist Pluralism a) ssrng pt =creatin b) rltvsm to both culture &faith c) prior choice -vcommon humanity.d) re abt peopls of faith co-exist together .. e) Romans 5.12-19 "all created good:-- 4) horizonal ernph .. g)


reJig as indi v sub, h) low em ph 011 fall.ii) optms re culture faith j) Jesus gret relig leadcr.K) no recog of darkness L) lowuodialogue.vpluralists cannot dialoge m) missions irrelevant lnclusivism I) ult salvation of all 2) rom 5_12-19 __ 3) more vertical 4) Iw ernph of fall-sin 5) pessmes re insti ch .. ,6) no recog of darkness 7) i.e allare saved whthr they know it or not 8) intrs in ac view of reign 9) missions people they arealready saved ..... ,. eXCLUSIVISM I} STRT POINT CHURCH AS ARK OF SLVTN 2) ABSOTS REPERSONALLEGNC TO JESUS 3) SALV ONLY IN INSTlT CH .. 4) RE THAT ALLNON-cHRS BC cHR'S IN CHURCH 5) rOM 5: 12-19,. EMPH N allsiuned., 6--slrong vertical! 7-- beavyemph II fall &sin .. 8·- pessms re culture 9-- uniqe rship with CHrist 10-optimism re church 11·- triurnphalistic, dominatin, self-serving 12-- succes among folk religions 13--lack of succes among world relgions 4th perspctiv .. Evangelist.i ljstarting point confess Lord Jesus 2) absotsm re persona faith rshipwith Lord jesus, acknwldge rltvsrnm 3) prior choice, personal faith in Chirst 4) Rom 5, I 2-19 .. as in Adam so in Christ 5) equal vertic horiz emph 6) all cultures fallen 7) consders serious 8) cultural optims .. 9) Bible is Gods inspried word 10) emph on confesion 11) conversion -tranforrnaitn 12_ personal rshp 13--H_ SPirit 14-- moderat optimism re church 15-- aware of darkness 16-- creative Christolgy changing context 17--- succes among folk religions 18-- confrontation with world religions .. NA evang .. obstacles I) God's help neot needed 2)privatization of faith, 3) lack of clarity .. __ Mission , Post rnodernsm.i-vtransformatin from industrial pOaradigm to consciousness paradgim __ characteristics of PM ... A. Seligman .. "the debate brw modernity & post mod.iis essentiallya debate btw. reason & nihilism .. " Need for herm spiralthat offers ways of knowing .. the way, the truth, the life, through narrative poetry, widorn lit(218),. Less scientific, more herm of Gosp, neitehr purely objective.nor purely subjective, but botu 22J ... .Leadershp .. .ff ... then he left be

TI .. and sent out notice of concern to WshDo ..... perhaps they conld-wouJdhep..... Ieaderups sage.seer, student, sacrifice (239) Shifting paradigms .. fr ministry formati I) apprenticeships oledest paradigm 2) monastic discipline 3) knowledge based science language theol4) seminaries =monastic academe 5) professional ., Mission to whole community .. wisdom conveyed in stories of Hagar, Ruth. Esther, Daniel .Mission fr. weakness & foolishness I Cor 1: 18-31 .... Missiology of hope. Day of prfssnl minister is over .. day of mrnissionry pastor has corne.. (246)._ .. MM day of professional minister is over, day of rnissoury pastor is over (246) ..... missiology of hope I) means that Chr's care and will risk 2) means that Chris' dare to believe they can change world 3) Chr's profess certainty of that which they do not see(Heb 11. I} being alight., 2nd vatican .. acks mssionary charcrer of church .. missions no longer a western enterprise (5) __ one universal feature.all segments are making demans (6)., the right to life. , liberty, and pursuit of happiness" (7)., .. MOS1 urgent. .conte.prary mission field is to be found in own heartland in the develped world(10) Mission as justice 2) as personal conversion, takes self ceutrdness, ??I( I I} New qOO--what right do you ha ve to preach mto me .. ,. --ff .•. then he returnd to the TL 2:18 pm •. .it was a warmer day than us-ual ..... he had taken care of hk matters ... and was treated well ... he continued theograma 7·1·00 Counter q .. - "what grounds do you have for thinking you will come nearer to ,... solution of the worlds' problems by combining the insights of all the religions? (13) Auth of Jesus was not knowledge based but truth based (1.4) .. By what auth 1) Jesus as auth 2) Jesus as supre aurh 3) not of my will .. '1 I Cor 9:16-17 .. Chief temptation of anglo saxon theogy is Pelagianisrn ... 2nd Q--- c:some will ask "who Is Jesus" some will place him. simply next to other world relgions __ (l9) ... Who is Jesus? I) he announces reign of God, herald & bearer 2) acknowledgd as son of God (abba) .. 3) annointed by Spirit.icrucial point, in the man Jesus, God had actually suffered for the sin of the world (25) __ God's blessings for allnations . .Jesus tells disciples the secret f the kingdm will be riddles to others (55)._ warning re false Messiah Mk 13:5-6 Missionary theolgy I) beyond question that Jesus saw the final couss of God's purpose as an imminent, apssing, immediate realty. called for decisive actin 2) chruch inexistence 3) church (last thingsO 4) sending auth to forvie sins (In 20.23 .. Center of faith is the cross three poitns I) JEsus could not satisfy the vox populL 2) a part of hist 3) if true, its valid, must share in its power..4) hidden and revealed reality of sin it it 55 .. Mission as hope in action Spirit powerd, THe Spirit guides I) meeting of Phi lip wth finance minister (Acts 8:26-40 .. ) 2) prepares Ananias to receive Paul Spirit 1n 16:18-11. 12-15 .. ,. Little apocalypse .. the right words will be give "for it is not you who speask, but the Holy SPirit" 6\) .. 3- fold aspect of mission 1 )proclamation 2) presence 3) provenience Scandal fo particularity how to relate, universals to particular. .they require each other 67,.election covt promise lawl) added be of transgressions, not a contract, a law Romans 5L18-21 2) til the offspring shallcome 3) ordained by angesU Election must be guarded I) against perversion as a privelged status 2) against contract mentality3) by grace, not righteousness (78),. Things to reject a) rationalzrion-universlarns that leads from orninites of God's love to ultimate salvation for all b) refuse to speculare re salvationof thers c) prime target who are sure of their own salvation d) dent speculate on exact #'5 .. Mission includes justice., ... educatin dominatin or liberation Liberation theol..Theolf 0 action vs idealist philosophy .. Gustavo Gurtierez l jpolit liberariou 2) cultural liberatin 3) spirtual Iiberation __ Hman Experience I)death is a wedge. 2) Gspel releaes.B) patiens means suffering 4} exclusivist can oppress and opposed share toger in eucharist? Lib theol says no .. Marxism--understanding of human nature, extreme moralismextreme morals evil.always exteral to one's self not thought of reconciliation Two things follow I) whent he"oppresed' acquire power, no check exists upon their use of that power, .. do righteousncan jduge them .. (nlirnited self rightenso_ Committment should not be to cause but for truth, Christ * 120)0 Mission methods .. ff ... then he went aup he ascended to lofty place ... and there he began to take care of hk matters .. regularly weeding

things out sifting that which was less necessary and seeking to ... continue to uncover tile truth ..• in defense of self .• Prasie the

Lord for His Spirit fo truth .. thank you rfOrd Mission methods rnistion station i convert must adapt to missionarystands is

arlday culture whjy"? Misreading of great commisison I) disiple baptize leach, in that order .. (mission stations have mistakingly .. , emph teaching first.. ... HHMMMM?? ., 2) people's movement.does ut require social dislocatin (12S) ... Three Q's .. I relations of church gorwth hto rnessagcH Meaning of con firma ti conversion & realtion btw dipling and perfectin gIll Relation of Gospel & Chruch to cultures .. I.e. liI are not sole factor, senstiivy response discpl narions Pauls' methods __ modem methods a) once a chr comrn is built, contrast leaders tho to a local and move on b) no financial rships .. c) no paternalsrn d) does not irnpse self-chose ministry 130 .. rely hoon Hl..Spiril.. the time wwas moving quicll.. Rvltn.. Two contrasting ways A __ =-uuchanging propositions.,. vs personal meeting ... study of bible & interp.,. vs continuing process.i.thsoe called, obed to preach .... vs. no shapr distinction, point to God's activity . __ alll creation redeemdd ... build organization.iclery lead _vs, lay people significaut.. souls imporatnt beward of materilsm isolated .. vs _., meaning in realtion to othres.Jiurnans as person ... divintiy of Jesus ... vs hurnnaity.; Nee-d balance.. "I am pia pleading for the soverigny and freedom fo the Holy Spirit to bring the Word of GOd in Jesus in his own way (138) .. no a

persuasion to adopt to ethicla standars of teh evangels (138) .. Learning as weU as teaching Failure be church has failed to recognize

and honor cultural differnces avoid disruption of culture & social organiatio (141) .. nonetheless, it might be considered wrong to try to keep _. in their culture. (i.e, apartheid (145) 3-fold rship gospel culture ecumfellsowhsip objections a) Bible itself reprents one partie culture be or compel b) withingthe NT,.there are a vareity of inteprtns.cjcritic analysis says its difficult to be sure of anything (154),. Essential point.i.ecum ffllwship is didstorted by its dependence almsot entirely upon one set of cultural models (159) ..


Coperuical Rvltn .. pp-toslove the probm of iuter-relig & underst by shifting from Christ-center to God at center, and all religions .. (113) Two points "no reason, no axion, no neccstyof though taht requires me to blv that a hist person and a series of hist events provide a less reliable starting point for the advenutru of knowing that does the highly sophisticacd consrr of aphiloopher.I 166) Hick uses the word "dogma" to describe the basic presuppostions of CHrs while his own.v-presuuppositonare simply a transcript of reality as it is .. Possible understd of other faith ajthey arc hwholly false, CHr d nothting to learn from them b) they are the coming wrk cunnng work of the devill c) prepartion for Christ, although other religions turn on differnt axis .. d_ prod values in other religns e) world religoind Christ at center t) other religions are paths for God's saving grace ... How to being to understnad othr religons? not all bad, not alltruhtKenosis a self empthying dialogue-the purpose of dialogue in the CHr is obedient witness to CHrist, wbo is at the Ikdj of the church ... might have to to go down to change perspective ... the church, liturgy, spritl decline .. leadershiop decline.. lksj pstr matchup financila problems (13) books re diagnosns & prescription 20th cent is over .. American sfkj people want to meet God, the power of Hs ... Less linear., Maker of perspectve matter of ... old paradigm right teacb-exp GOd Exp GOd--right teach .. (210". Lower domina .. what diffeere diverstiy Quote-- "is often frightens me to see how many kj lpastrs & churchleadrs attend conferecnes, read books and conlude they have theauswer to take hom .. •· 34 .. Learning shift., old=-ceatered on time & place seq & scope ... NEw ... info explosion .. sequence no longer fits ..... the 5th disciplien not just absorbing information .. getting to the heart, re-creating, regenrauve (42) discipleship will be outcome based, change lives. rather than learning a prescribed currriculrn .. Performance over credentials to do , not know everything (47) .. Rcachour network.New iconoclasm .. registring all change (51)" New forms & shapes megachurches 7 days a week house churches CHI' mosques.Tv churches CHr Creativiry.not detiall New leaders --know culure flexible, relation, .. good coommuuication, entrepreneus risk tkaers .. REason for failure I) unrealistc expectation , difficult churs dysfunctionfarnil inadeq training stress successs (60) hopeful signs 1) clergy dearth ... 2) fewer & new churches 3) new period of stability (70) ... What are successful church's 2) success is #'51 3) succes is representation? 4) success is fairhfulnes? 5) success is survival? What success is not? I) not achievement 2) not agreeent 3} not #'.1 a healthy church in declining community may have eclining #'.1 ... becoming pip may have increasing #'s". Recognizaing success I) right result (James 2.14) .. 2) using resources (Lk 14.28-32 3) includes standards, love, forginess, honesty (91)". Examples of success ski example .. parable of talents Matt 25.27 ... Set standars I) see success 2) be faithful (99) .. Whats dkdk story? eh. story .. How describe church .. ? what do others say? what's important! what shows? how does it fit? Matching stories .. people choose based on symbols & symbol systems (114) that much causes lst trauma .. Best combination, =pastor, church, community (115) .. Ministry begins =whether the committe adjourns (124) To eva I health-vcornpariosn, consultation, self -evaluatin (128) .. Health signs I) does it glorify God.,. ff (7-02-00) the next day he rose early and arrived at msspreopsite it wass a cool day.i.and he resumed theograllla"PGFWABF_ .. he Pdback on some of his ---and heprayed that the Lord would forgive him and give him increasing support .... presence a, love, faith, grace, truth .. .Let him be a positive representtative of the Word of God, .. 2)produce disciples 3) exercise sprtl gifts 4) socially positive 5) incarnationab- (well informed! iuvolved)-- 6) reproduction -- "body evanglsm" 7) incorporation of newcomers *) trust God what is contemporary? culture Differences old (confrontationl) ... new =relational.. Differences old ... confrontational, mass, general, goal-decision, membership, motive: guilt. ... New--- relational, personal, specific, goal--discipleship ... , discipleship motive: value .. pastorstaff enabler acri vty proprositional, credentials seminary vs. initiator achievement experiential performance congregatin Chr education Sunday school age. once weekly verbal paid, vs, small groups lifestyles numerous X's visual other.Senior dultts requires volunteers, caretakers, apathetic V.I. source of volunteer.s caregivers, intentional Facilities ... adequate vs. upgraded Worship -prsenation, intell.focus ou Chr's, vs, participation,e xpenentialfocus on nouChr's ..... Volunteers." sacrif self, members serve ..

volunteers vs. max self insitu serve memberx, paid ernphais ... Denom syst., resists change, centralized, bureaucrayc, served by

church vs insists on change regionalized, accountability, serves church Contemp church n are those that relate in terms of today's

culture rather than in terms of yesterdays traditions (152) .. Mega Church I) bickering is out 2) preaching music quest for

excellence 3) user friendly 4) constantly in flux 5) addressing human needs America 4 Quadrants 1) chr's who go to church 2) nonChr's who go 3) CLlf'S who dont' go 4) non-Chr's who dont go Genrations pre boomers (before '46 boomers '46-64 busters post '64 ... Shaping Mailing church I) variety 2) con venience 3) anonymity & LD 4} Limitation -Iocation (169) .. Younger Genration wants to stay anonynous ... ? (174) .. lnitially=-borad & anonynouys ... later=focused, identified (176) Like a collie vs big cat (178)

Pastoral exper small church myth,--small churches have less impact, less future irnpat (181) .. Key Q's «know limitations I) is someone else aready doing it? 2) will this fuLfill purpose as chrch 3) whose ends will be met? Needs I) soteriologica/knowledge .. 2) felt needs, need #2 before #1 ... (183) Who are we here for? cant just preserve, must exist for each other I,) denominations 2) building 3) pastor 4) memnbers 5) community (190) Blessing Principle -vnation of Israel wanted to be blessed, bUI did not want to be a blessing (192) Fishin meraphor--know the idfferent types (193) Four Gnrtnl Patters L) civic 2) reactive 3) ideast 4) adaptive (193) Avoid in house polss to determine decisions .. How to connect l) information 2} pre-evanglsm .. Effective Outreach I} now disciples are last .. 2) first people matter 10 God 3) church as mission 4) high expectatons of members 5) know what to do to change, what to preserve 6) understand" secular people 7) accept unchurched people 8) use message secular people understand .. Changing outward

1) be flexible 2) diide budget 3) accom strnagcrs 4) pastros' time 59) name of church (200) .. Sermon --beat up or build up Two

Traps to avoid I) inadeq underst. of Bib text 2) overload of infor (205) Goal-s- of good preaching is to Change lives (207) Old >-

oratorial • formal, loud, polishe intense, commanded, "ought, should" , must, deductive New-conversational, informal, connets, inductive .. MASH---preaching multiple levesl anecodotal.. 7 needs of . I) need for shelter 2) meaningful lives 3) community 4) apprec. respect 5) listened, to be heard 6) to feel one is growing in faith .. GOd Followers are as irnportnat as good leaders (225) .. Wisdom priorities, loyalty, support, are all important Balance=-faith-works .. Principles I) God is sovereign 2) Christ leads churhch 3) great commission continues 4) church change is normal S) circumstances require different responses 6) emphasis core values 70trust God (244) Final checklist I) pray 2) write contract 3) talk to church leaders 4) diagnose 5)prescribe 6) broader 7) reviewrecycle (246) Crisis of paradigms-the socially constructe nature of our various paradigms (318) .. Fai lure of En ligbtenrnent .. Rshp offer paradigm .. Less Effective Operational missiolgy .. church as instil, denom building, culture care vs privatized faith church renewal efforts (318) .. Why? Shadow of western christiandom thinking, modernist assumptions woven in to core beliefs (318) .. 3 Models .. Mcdieval=-fixed, teleological, substantive, hierarchical, dualism (spirit matter) kingdom ..... Newtonian-vchange, deterministic, atomistic, reducrionistic dualism ( mind, body)" machine 20th Centry .. evolutionary law & chance .. relational "systems organice .. multi-dimensionalcommunity .. Physical & Social interelated 9319) .. Truth --110 longer factual and objective, but incorporates values, inductive and motive (319) ... Church still Newtonian ... .context-vglobalization .. no common story, less elitism pluralism .. Two Issues .. de-ideologize Gospel Chr is not equal to nation .. theology of unified diversity .. Post modernism =-deconstr.


of meta narratives "all is relati ve .. " Modem Project has begun to unra vel (322( Attempts to resurrect a center based on classics fails be it once again wants to beging with reasons, and lead to unified meaning (322) Two Issues" building communities of faith 2) addressing fragmentatin (323) 3rd Theme =radicalized modernity multiplicity of choices "nowness'' mentality ... Two Issues I) constructing comm with a Hx cerise 2) creating relavant forms (324) IT Major Topics .. Gospel--l )post ness of theol studies .. obsolescence of hist rit more "text as Object" Rediscover Narrative character .. fialure of rational-literal.Fresh look at Bible Two Issues I) renegotiating Hist models of interp ... 2) developing theol model fo process (327) Natural use of Scripture suggested by G. Lindbecks' imag & behavior & cognitive ideology to engagement principles to participtn .... (327) ... t'f ... it had been a fruitful prayer weekend ... making several enoucragment pocs ... and hoping and praying that they would be received accordingly .... acknowledge limited knowledge of truth (327) Two Issues I) multitude of stories 2) rediscovering God's narrative (328) .. Wider Rationality .. Newbign "not to try to prove the existence of God .. but to let God prove himself 10 contemporary persons (328) Time to recognize that many contemporary secular persons accept th reality of the spiritual within their secular worldview .. " (329) ... Two Issues I) developing confidence, in the wider rationality "be aware of the transform. from the wider rtnly has under the influence of the Holy Spirit 2) display skills in the wider rationality (329)" What can the church do? (330) recognize post Chr context reviews secularization Two Issues I) acceptd changed status 2) develp public theolgy in which can relate the truths of the Bib and the wider rationality to the social order (331) Two issues I) re-thinking the principal of denominauosm 2) practicing the principle of unity" a united front" church as mission outpost (334) Twoo issuesl_ devloping kingdm oriented ecclesiology 2) developing alternative church styles ....

Thea II


Compares theol to children'S lit.. current theol gives evid of a central moral vacurn created by a dearth of serious & substantial reflection (4) Theol been relegated to the backwaters of a few theol serninaryes lk thr archeny R. Bultman .. evangs have begun to embrc " relevance" as a fundamental criteria of truth (5) schizopherenic " it would not be going to far to say that the epist of the typ mod person is essentially schizophrenic (i.e. pastiche pers) (7) Qv-what principle of org outght to be used in theol ? Frankena's boxes? Understanding your matrice-s-how you see things Two assumptions realism ---- individs normally know the world as it is ... bias--indivils never know the world apart from basic that inf their view ... Noetic effects of sin --well develpped inthe D. Reform tradition (22) ... Populizers "the theol vision of the evang mvment has been created in large measure by populizers, indivs with no other perceivable gift than the ability to communicate effectively (25) .. RBT --is this not a gift. Lbrtn theol --lbrtn theols have not been eager to engage in dialgue with .... The Fundrnntls=collecticn of 12 essays by noteworthey conservt bibl teachers, preachers and scholars was significant bc of the united front it painted .. the only enemy was theol liberalism (34) Fundmntlsm "a mosaic of di vergent & sometimes contrdcitory traditions and tndencies that could never be totally integrated" (41) Modern Evangs 4 Pnnnt trdtions 1) baptist trdtn 2) holinesspentecostal 3) anabaptist 4) reformed confessional., His contention that in atempting to pply the tricky gm of mss. marketing, excl truth, evangs' ironically ended up distancing thrnslves, yet further fromtheir theol heritage of devotion to truth (45) .. "evang was oriented toward productn of rsults while fidelity to the Bib rcrd was seconday )46) ... Core Evang Doctrines 1) SCI' has final auth 2) God does evan work in hist.. poss only rhrough .. 3) eternal salv. is the .... kj of Christ 4) receive slvation only through prsnl faith 5) evang & missions are critc important 6) importance of spirt transfrmed life (49) .. Evang Institutions ,tFuller, Trinity, G-conwell, Dalls & Westrnnster (53) .. Theol primarily abt Iistening--Iistening to God himself (59) .. WeI .. Wells again .. Gd is not a qnty that can be rnstrd, even though he can be known, and though he has rvld himself with clarity, the depth of our underst of him is measured, not by the spd with wich theol knowld is but by the knowledge of God=-our knowledge of God is impoershed to the extent that he is not always our first love (61) we hear the divine conversation only after it has passed thrugh several filters., our culture, relig trad, personal hist, etc (61) Gabriel Fackre "Jesus Christ is the expression of God's eepistemelogical grace" (62) David Tracy Cath theol 3 Publics .. l) church 2) academy 3)

culture .. 4) God ( ag the only "public" (64) Stages of Reorientat, .. 1) realization that the theol framewrk involves the entire cnsl of God 2) rlzat that God's rvltn is progressive 3) variety of lit styles 4) unity of God Interpretation (80) Schlierrnacher "argued that the pure teach of Jesus had been corruped by Grk Philos & Rom Lglsm, resiling in the tradition that is now called orthodoxy (89) Hist of heresy the imp hist in Christandom is the hist of heresy, be the dissident & the downtrodden are mark lielkleyto be uncorrupted byt he power structrs in any given culture & hence they are more likely to be closer to the t'Truth" (900) 3 C-stics of Evan 1)

Bible study 2) parachurch org 3) ahstroc dvotn piety Princp. led Pluralism .. based on the recognition of the reality of indiv biases isapprop the unifying theol of the Scriptures (98) ... Theolg--tbe best theol has an intensity personal nature doctrune must not only srve life by speak to life .. the dean sea breeze of the


centuries might help to refresh us ... AchuIIler--the lenes of selffulfillment through the scrs are now intermp in the new sy of theol ofR Schuller (103) The PProphetic Paradox .. partof the power ofthe prophetic voice lies in its distance from the mainstream values of the culture, but yet the underlyng value of the popular dissent in Am. sson tends to tranform this dis voices into mainstream( 112) Theol responsibiliites=the modern thea I must be congizant of the power of language & the contetntiosn taht accmpany words in the mdrn world (112» Missionar---- the missionry enc of th gsp with the mdrn world will .like eery tr mss,.

enc .. call for radical convesion,t his willl not be only a conversion of the wiill, but a conversionof the mind (116) Evang Thel "part of the task of the evang theol is to lay bare the fundm assumptions of a culture-assumptions that characteristicaly go unnoticed by that culture (119) .. Paul--- "no one is able to claim ignorance in regard to a knowledge of God [some rebelagaint the knowing, others listen] Both Jew & Gentile rebel and distort the beliefs . .2nd --Gd God is merciful & brings redemption to the people (127) Innate human capacity ... many theolgin through the centures have suggested that there is an innate human capacity ... to believe in God, .. were it not for the fact that this innate human capaciy has been suppressed by sin, we would believe in God with the sme kind of Spontanieyt that we beleive in the ext around us (125) Trajectory of theol--a rambling chptr which only recaps a kdjs of philosophy .. Finally to the point "granting that the SPirit phy ansd subsrantil d decisiove roe in persuading us of the validity of belief in God, we might still ask what responsbiity remains for us as Christians to those who do not yet believe (131) Incarnate jesus . .if the scriptures declare theat Jesus was God incarnate, then it may be incumbered upon the bliever to wrestle witht eh Q of how this is possible, rather that if it is possible (e.g. toward a Chalcedonian defn & away from a kenoitc theory) .. C.S. Lewis--- a man who has lived in many places is not likely to be decieved by the local errors of his native village (139) .. Exploring pract theol Visions to skdj a more modern day relevant theol-vhowever he reminds reader" the best theolgy is intensely personal" (144) Luther (justif by faith)--Cal vin--emph H.Spirit in interp ... Calvin--how many masters of teh Word sees who are so poorly trained in Holy Scripture .. from the have neer made a habit of molding themselves entierely to the language of the Holy Spirt.a s good scholars .. (l61) .. More than J. Calvi, interesting & imp to note that the Reformation was formed m=nymore thatn just J. Calvin .. it i also included Vermigli, Bulllinger, Bucer, Zanchi, Beza, Hyperius, & Musclulus... Edwards Puritans .. redemption

theme Gerhard Vas .. adv Bibl theol as ksdjf Ito syst theoll syst theol organizes Bib in a thematic or topic

fashion Bib theol organizes rnterl in a hist framework .. "draws a line" (184) discuss the inhere of org

structe in the hist or drdemption revealed inthe Scr's comeback of theol--schlars of religon some to be gaining a better bearing .. churches iwth interest in such, hist doctrines as the incarnation & the resuurrection have flourished (192) .. Modern or post theol. .. "there is not single .. s.sdkdtheol movement of dominant theol movement at this time, so there is not singler fgr that towers over the theol field in the manner that a Barth, or Bultmann, or Tillich did (195) .. "seeks to avoid both the extreme of ignoring pluralism and the extreme of wallowing in it.." (203) Bibl teleolog "the conviction that hist moves in keeping with the purposeful plan of God" Enlightenement attacked this (207) Too much kdkdkd M. Tyler suggests that even subj auth must be kdj sin p-mdrn age .. --the ideas of slf allied with God must be rejected (210) Post mdrn nsm subjects everyting to crit (212) Rorty asserts pragmatism science inquiry rjects Enlight foundationlsm (221) Evang. Thea Framework not drive by the conviction of universlrns but exclusivism with respect to redemptive truth (240) thus as a result, it is driven by a desire to uncover te deceptive influences of sin, whatever the source may be, personal, cultural, traditional, or the like. And such influences are most easily detected in encounters with p. who are different (240) Pluralisrn=- evang's must resist the post mod .. fasication with pluralism which downplays the importance of truth (250) ... Libertn thel---- demonstrated a special fondness for Marxist pol theory, deconst lit theory ... Unfortunately, using a variety of lang theories which de-emph tbe hist read of the Bible the P.M. theol is able to enter into the intentionalit of the Scr[s [ in a new way]. .. unfortunately, tbis porcess allows the BibkJe to end up sayng anything the critic wants it to say (254) .. Evangs' have traditionally emphasized the speec of God to the neglect of the acts of God (264) Redempt. Theo-the essence of thel is the interpretation fa the hist of redemptin (268) ... Theol (x3) exegetical dealing with the lit analyiss biblical dealing with the hist analysis systematic dealing with a topical arr., .Exrnple evang theol may be inclined to make a logical consideration of the attributes of God central to their framework.despi te the fact that a descrptn of God's acti vity , ph y a more central role in the Scriptures than does a description of his attributes (272) .. Which epoch ismodern church in? clearly in th eperiod btw the two comings of Christ, btwn the incarnation and the parousia" (278) .. Comment---it begins to show itself as an overview oftheol...redemption, redemption, redemption, redemtion .. .Theol vision, -part of the intended goal of a theol vision is the demyth of modern cultures .. church proclamation "called to



preach the word, guarding the gospel and thereby retaining the standard of sound words ... faitfhul witness and endless praise .. but also, she must renounce the the evil that opposes the work of GOd (320) Three values of modern pop culture 1 )pluralism 2) confessional simplicty 3 3) cult of self (322) warns agaisnt spiritual positivism not east of understanding bt depth of understanding (333) Evang Cocoon evan books literally preach to the converted and writ off theose who are not (333) Value ofTlme .. ln summary, we need to value time, need to be more careful, thoughtful "logical: ????? Need for Revisionist model "can theol afford to relax into that attiude of lazy intellectual "tolerance" with which Marxists and Christian alike have changed our consumer society? (3) q-- can a theolgian really be a Christian'? Martin Heidegger--antiscientific and anti-technological works (12) Wat we need in place of such a one-dimensional view of human possibilities .. we need both the analytic tool of "negative dialectice" and the hermenetucal tool of mimesis for a retrieveal fo the symbolic & conceptual powers which can allow for the negation of private inrelletual , linguistic, and societal opression (13) Indeed, I think that th emore visual alternatives for analyzing this situation secularism v supernatusl, iteralsm vs conservtsm science v poetry conceptual vs symbol athism vs classical theism, religions vs revelation, spec revltn vs gen rvltn, all are inadquate ... Revisionist theory =must first look at others Orthodox model major strength of orth theol is the ability to develop sophisticated models for providing systematic understnd of the basic beliefs of his church community .. Orthodox Model--bis weaknes lies in his inabiliryt 0 make intrinsic use of other scholarly disciplines and the inability to come to terms iwth the cognitive, ethical, & existential counterclaims of modernity (25) .. Liberal model=schliermacher=modernism .. IINea-Orthodox --subject referent is not thebeliever" but the more radical model of the human being of authentic Christian faith (29) ... Neoorthodox, moreover, the self-real ity for the neo-orthodoxis not someset of belifs of the traditional believer, but hthe basic existenail attitudes of CHr. Faith" trust, and agape love .. wanting to move away from a sub. base of modern or liberal "sincerity" to illusionless Christian "authenticity" (30) Radical theo ..... Revisionist =only a radical continuation of critical thoery, symbolic reinterpreation, and responsible social and personal praxis can provide the hope for a fund. revision of both the modern & traditional Chr. self-understandings (33) Paul T'illich a major figure .. Phenomenological reflective analysis as they mediate the meaning of my experience or self-in a world (66) the two language approach . .limit str=ituations negative positive language limtis .. the theologian does not want to captiulate to fideim ... Allegory death blwoo Adolph Julicher demonstrated that parables were not in fact allegoreis , but a unique literary genre, recounting a story of ordinary life (127) Norman master is able to capture a new meaing in events by his remarkeable ability to produce dazzling metaphors, which exceite imagination ... (128) .. The truth was and remains that one's fundamental Chr. & hurnn committment is tot he value of truth wherever it may hlead .. and to that limit-transformaiton of all values sdkjs byt hte ChJ demand for agapic love (135) NT Mere Mortality

.. what is asks .. "not things wrote but simple things divorce tell a lie to hep a friend. "?'??? q of ethics .. Grace i the ultimate .. morality, the penultiamte .... Task, what the commandments of the decalgue tell us about the will of God today (5) He says a morality guided by the T.C . is not neec. legalism .. Talks about even Gentiles having a sense of law this is general revelatin says re humans 'the human conse has been cast over with an egotism so thick that it cannot recognize the altruistic demands of GOd .. " (11) in regards to this, some more than others=this is noetic effect Mood 7 Temper restates teh obvious ... the T.C. is a guide to help direct us, not the essence (14) Bible re suicide (indulgent?O I Ki 16.18, Matt 27:3-5 Judg

9:50 ... (Abimlech) ,Judg 16.23-3 (Samson) I Sam 31.2-5 (Saul) , II Sam 17.23 (ahithopel) .... TC 2 Fundarnentls a) justice b) act in love the T.C. point to a underlying purpose, which is the essence ... THe hoest Q =-oftehn te basic direct response to the T.C. is perfectly find, bot other times spiritual discernemtn is called for (17) .... Asks about j ustified "sins" J ustice=states the obvious, social, impersoanl iobligation etc.(bib justice may contradict ord, justice .... Righteousness Justive go hand in hand bible does not challenge our sense of justice, but it goes beyond mere justice, it focuses on need as weill as rights (32) Tow basic righs a) to be left alone b) to be supported ... (35) on merit Bible supports the idea of mert Q-- merits earned gained, vs merits inherited bs need Note=in a general sense no one should be preferred be of bith; however, it does not BiblicalIly support the opposite, prfer. for ldldkfkf birthplace .. New ch onlove "Jesus" all laws res on love-Philosophers "benevolence is bedrock of all morality" Agape vs Eros .. Nuygen says two cannot abide together .. some say otherwise ... why comlpetselflessness ishypocrisy ace t barth 9151) .. I.e. love is giving & taking Chr. Love vs Benevolence.Chr love asks, more than benevolence byond "good sense ' .. Legal j ustice=no society of sinful people achieves even the bare bones of a structure of justice through its legal system" (56) New Morality vs old .. he wants to merge the two .. not simply followig the T.C. , but not blithely/naively/relativizingly following law of love either 961)-- Fr. Negative rules to


affirmative principles (62) Breaking commandment-the justification requires a lot more data than love

itself can give All thse raise Q's . .Iove of what does it mean'? honor --what does it mean? Love honor

symbiosi s (71) begins to get didactic _- wlo the necc evidence to support. .on authority for exampe bc' pop

psychis .. nonethless makes distinctive btw authoritariansm & authority .. continues --on authority .. how derived a) tradition b) legalthy c) spiritual (77) acknowsldge children's rights (83) Good point --be does dkj the of loss of honor" due to fear, laziness.etc (85) .. HOnor eioi conflict..a )borderline--stands at edge of M. but still dependent (stage 1) ... stage 2-- equality yet conflict .. stage 3--role reversal]. .. Honoring Parents

is aking to respecting the govt in so much as it abides in God's love (88) .. to displease them must be free to displease them in orde robe free to honor them (92) .. re killling--sanctity of life, reverence .. may also be correlated with judgement command 4 kinds of moral suicide .. a) arrogance b) benevolent c) escape .. d) despair (116) ... the antonym is joy .. cap an exception could be argued as a self-defense to inhibit murderers (124) ... on abortion when does a fetus be a person .. notes Pslm 13.13 asks whether this should be taken poetically ora s more than that (l28).,or a soul is when it quickents He says it shoud be permited uduring first six weeks (143) .. no on CNB reasonably sure that the fetus sia person .. Other moral dillemmas permssig to die vs causin to die .. the covenant theme .. raises doubts abouttechnical fidelity" .... Justified "adulterey''"? divorce remarriage .. --contextuallly difficult from orig meaning today, .. it is a consent of wills rather than a metaphysical notionll note .. which he dioes not elaborate upon (179) right to steal? author gives unrealistic example of welfare recipients starving (202) moral impertiv of sharintreg .. Listening for the turht., long interfre with our message bf it gets to one's mind, thus our truthfuness can bc his falsehood (2i9) focus on truthfulness (22) on lying the absolutistss Kant, Calvin could not even

except. .... Rahab;s lie even though tiit was for a god purpose (221) .. Is calvin not being a bit extrme here? Justified lies' harmless lie .. »l'! Most convincing .. reglr Iyng even ost lies nturtures cynicism 9227) Chivalry Truth auth says "when we must, we are right to do sodoif life even if it requires a lie" (234) .. Gert thanks that stealing is wrong only be it violates the Jaw" (273) Lying--- Stamm & Andrewssay the 9 th comm refers exclusively to the court of law, only secondarily can it be applied to social, but false witness then be relevant (275) Today it is generally regarded as certan that the prohib of stealing referred orig to the

kidnapping of a free person (G. Von Rad Deuteronomy 54, 59, 272?) the Benedectine ~-spirituality

contrary to the opinion of those today who maintain that monastic spirituality is inherently world denying or even dualistic, presupposes an intimate link btw morality & spirituality in the daily events & encounters of the monastic life (3) Moral-spiritual cannot be separateed like works/faith (9) Ascetical theolgy--prayer contemp infused virtues (14) Mystical Theol development beyond what could be attained by human effort..grace 2nd Vatican=helped break down the dualism created by a two-tiered view of the Cbr

life .. moral theology for vast majority of average Chr's spirituality for an elite few (15) .... 00 .... the day was moving quickly already PGFWABF •.... he continued work on theograma ... and was nearby the Muslim Evang class as may be helpful. .•. Ten Trends towards adeq rship btw spirituality moral theoll 1) more holistic underts 2) not allow for dualism 3) interdiscipline 4) prayer and action 5) aware of ecol impact 6) recognizes insights of past., 5 Suggestions for unity of 2 : 1) catho must redaim broader & even trasc context provided by its rship with spirituality 2)point to grace as power 3) cannot lose touch witb insights an asceticai theology 4) Experience=authentic self transc in prayer & action .. Conversion--central to development ( as one ascnes the others are sublated) 1) intelect conversion--realiztion that knowing is more than seeing, it invovlvs ex, und, judgeing , believing 2) moral conversion-- begin to act for the sake of authentic values 3) affective conversion --for narcissitic to self giving 4) religious conversion--total & permanent selfs urrender, .. Not every Chr, has experienced Chr conversion, any authentic Chr. convrsion does invovle a nascent "other wordly" falling in love .. a true intention & committment to the complete totality of self-surrender to God (34) It is cclear that Chr. conversion brings. not merely an external imitation of Christ, but a deepeining conformof one's life .. (36)ff he heard the Muslim Evan. group gathering ... the Paschal Mystery see RegiRegis A Duffy ... the praxis of conversionin Initiation & Conversion ed. Lawrene Johnson (1985 ... Operative Grace is the replacement of the heart of stone by a heart of tles h. .ccoperati ve grace is the hear! of flesh be effectv ingd works dynamic integration (40) Continual conversion a)radical nco-conversion b) contin, verification c) can v fr venial sin .. Fundamental Option theory is the realziation that sin & grace must be understtd not primarily in terms of indiv acts for

or evil, but in light of the person's basic life orientation or direction (46) Rahner --freedom is the capacity to decide about one's self, and this trans level it is ultimately the innate human capacity to say "yes" or "no" to God (47) ..... St.A ug--there are two loves 1_ love of God. forget self 2) love self, forget God (47) 3 stage sprtl develpment a) purgative=the progressivepurgation and purification of the senses from attachments


which hinder the person from surrenduring self totally to God (50) b) illuminations=-deepening of prayer, from discursive to affective toLv Trans fr III to Unitive, Chr by darkness c) unitive=transcends the moral life, or the moral life has been sublated, carried into a higher level., mystics able to discern good/evil by intuition ... Theosis-v-orthodox is growing participation of human persons in th edivine life .. has tended to focus on greater attention on the external rships of trinity West-s-inner life of T .. Le. theosis=the full and final realization of the creation of tbe human person in God's image .. S. actualization .. Theosis =mvolves moral struggle (askeiss askesis) also social says "must always be rooted in liturgy" he contends that auth love of God is auth olove of neighbor. auth search=auth search for human rship 86-87 emphasizes justice ChJ· spirituality seeks justice is re for the poor, the marginalized .. Merton says" the more we love God, the more we will be dustrubing eople .. " (89) .. Liturgy .. prayer sacrametn wrship ... Authenticating the liturgy: failure to strive for good moral living raises doubts about the auth of person (101) (sophomoric analysis) challening the liturgy .. re for liturgy and justive (107) and social justice .. Praye & decsison making "a person actions are of hte ak reliable indct of the auth of persons prayer" (115) Discernment-the discoveryof God will in concrete situations" (115) Prayers as Response 1) grateful response 2) recmmottment of one's fundamental yes .. Thus in the moment of decision the person of prayers seeks to make the choice that can best be conformed to and integrated with his his or for her most basic fundamental optionL(117) Prayer 2) as surrender 4) as transcendence (cultivating a instinctive knowing of Gidls' willS) attnrv listening 6) as asking 7) repentance Praeras communion a) devlpping friendship-connatural knowledge 2) deep communion 3) enter more deeply into one's se.lf 4) identifying oneself with God 5) as communion with others 6) s comm with nature .. Notes an exception tose .. who have grown so close to God, so disposed to do good, and so docile to the promptings of the SPirit,t hat they canhave a reliable intuiton of the good wlo the use of other means Person of Auth Prayer-- bc more, not less, attentiv to reason, laws & wisdom of church, may asia reveal to chrs that God is calling them to move them . of reason & law, and to do more than what the church requires ... Discernemtn of Spirts-discernng divine will

requires openness & interior freedom Aquinas known for empshassi on reason, but also speaks abt

moral virtues .. Moral Virtues 4 creden!.. l)prudence 2) justie 3) temperance 4) fortitude .. charity Gnomre-. a fifth virtue used to apply in situations where rules do not exist///! not ..... deontoloigcal rule or duty

based ... notteleologicalgoal based bUL .. relational resp .. the q. what is God enabling & requiring me to do in the present moment? (135) .. authentic conscience --allows for a mature & critical freedom thus from this perspective blind & uncritcal obedience is not only not a virtue it is a vice .. not simply rn, Obligatin.--non rational=- not irrational, but affective imag dimensions ... Moral discernment 1) a "reading" of the sit. 2) persistent moral dispositions. 3) beliefs rules & principles (137) Foundaional Moral Ex is based on the affective response to the value of persons ... Jdgnd appropriateness .. l ) chr dsflksdj 2) in light of values 3) fundamental option 4) community 5) H. Spirit.. Gratitude as essential response (146) Note Chr's discover they cannot dispose themselves definitely or completely to ... God all at once (147)

woods-- Ch 1-- seminary "involves. acq. and refining habits of practices, enotions and dispositins appropriat to trust and loyalty to God" "(2) school of theolgy I) formation 2) understand i ng the faith 3) equipping for ministry .. Three Imp elements 1) prayer, 2) meditation 3)testing (p. 7) .. .Three componnts of Chr. Educ .. 1) educ in Chr. faith 2) educ in Chr life 3) educ for Chr ministry (16) .. "foster an apt for reflection" Church leadership requires a well-developed aptitude for theol self-criticism. for theol underst of teh Chr faith, and for theol crit of one's perf in leadership" (28) Woods opinion" a good theol school stresses their primary mission. to be theol, educh. then everyhthing else wiJl follow" 934) Kant "what is enlightenement' to dare to know (36) .. Facult gifts requiers certain gifts on the part oaf faculty and certain insights, about teaching and learning, and a certain environment if it is to bappen , to enhance, rather than inder (31.. Knowledg of God born of obedience =raises Q's what is knowledge? what is obedience .. how to know God/II one does not come to to a right knowledge of God by taking someone's word for t i1...37 ... Be careful. .we know that the more you are convinced of yor own sinfulness, weakness, stupidity, and the more anxious you abt that.. you may readilya ccept any solution ... Luther was not sggesting this (39)OHow to know God, one does come to know God by actually doing sornethig, that is by obeyeing ... (37 ... Hazards 0 f reliance of imagination .. (41) "in any case, the faily commont notion of imagination as a susbstitue for experience des not do justice to the complex relation btw imag & underst. (48)Classical Foundatnlsm "the logical rational systemof thought ste by Plato & Aristotle (70) Noetic Structure .. H> 0 Natural Theolgy "the attempt to prove the existence of gods'HO .. Calvin .... "CHristians dont need natural theol, eithr s the source of their confidence or to justify their belief" (HO 69)0 To be rational, then, is to exercise one's epistemic powers properly" Ho- to a strong believer, living to prove one's faith simply seems offensive' Reformerd thinkers belief in God



is properly basic ans the view that one who takes belief in God as basic can also know that God exists" (73) Dules REvelation ---Deists --held that human reason by itself couJd establish all truth .. Theolgy is the science of faith (5) In all of these phases OOcritical , polemical speculative apologietical..theolgy presupposes the existence and knowability of divine revleation .. Arguments aga rvltion 1) philosophical agnosticism --views rvltn as a myht 2) linguistic analysis=similar to above .. 3) modern epistemology-questions divine significance 4) empircal psy --tries to debunk 5) Bibieal Crit-- 00 proof of miraculous 6) Hist of Chr Doctrine=debunked some divine claims Arg ag Chr 7) comparative relgion can Cr relvation itself or set itself beyond all others? 8)critical sociology wlO revelation wo reevelation Jessu great relgiios leader. CHr faith--nothing special..God --transcendental freedom Barth "warns agains any tendency to equate God with teb unsubstantial, unprofitable, and fundmentaUy very tedious magnitude known as transcendence ... " 10 Jaspers --generally against CHr..rejects the idea of revltn "Cannot but hold with Kant that if rvlt were areality, it would be calamitous for man's fcreated freedom" (8) ... Drowning objections 1) the abs of any bib evidence and 2) the diff of using the wword reltn logically (12) also" argues that CHr recives not revelatin, but salvaiton" 13 .. Criteria for judgemtn 1) fearfulness to Bible

5 types l_revelation as doctrien --the Bible 2 -revltn as Hist., _God's deeds' 3 rvltn as inner expernce 4 - rvltn as dialectical presence the WOrd 5-- revltn as new awareness=shift of perspctv from large movments (i.e lib theolgO Lib THeol--"that GOd prernernintly reveals himself when believers enter into solidarity with the victims of racism sexisc, etc, and engage in the struggle to transform the social structures resp for these evils" (30) doctrine of analogy revelation as a divine mystery, supasses al that theoolgy can say about

it., "32 Root metaphors .. rship btw revealer, recipient, revelation .. animism mysticsm, forrnism mechanism contexualism organicism (34) the Unspeakable "revlation is known when it occurs, but this knowledge given in the depts of te human spirit should never be confused with statemets abt revltn" (35) .. Karl Henry .. conservati ve evangeliclsm .. bases revlaton on the word (410 catholic neo sch "rvltn is neccesry for salvation" RVltn is GOd's spech to kjd (42)0 Propositional thoery (45) the word is neccsry for salvatin pros=systm. logical cons system logica. 1) TAKES bIBLE too Lit redactinal2) relies on authoritaitve tradition .. rvltn as His! (53) rvltn throug deeds not throuh Bible hist events .. rely on God's coventant Three moments in rvltn process. the naked event, disclosre of divine plan, assoc'Three movements in Rvltn Process .. the naked event, disclosure of divin plan .. assoc of .. relkdfjs (56) .. Pannenberg .. revlation-indirect Pros & Cons Pros-- not so auth .. Cons not good ecumenically .. some hist cannot be proven .. Suggestion---would it notbe better to say that Rvont is a compex reality consisting of the inspired word as the formal e1emtna nd this hist event as material? Rvltn as inner exp .. God communicates personally (69) exp of grace (70) "reject any dichotomy btw natural & revelaed religon" (70) "the mystic knows, and all he intends to know, is God, and insofar as he is a mystic knows nothing else than God' (72) "Authentic relig iis deformed when faith is misconstrued as an intellectual adherence to a doctrinal formula" (73) Two types of Mysticism 1) myst of ntrl--pagan relgions 2) mystry of personality --Biblical faitb (75) "true Christinity, therefore knows only one authority, that 0 fpersonality" (75) .. The Criterion .. "the criterionis the quality of the experience itsefl' (76) Carl henry ... "whom we have already quoted as holding that the Spirit reveals only what the Bible says, takes great pains to align hisposition with Calvin's (76) .. Results-the merits "the experiential model came as a great boon to the churches" (77) " ... gave striking support to th elite of devotion" (78) "it be poss to hold that not only CRr, but all religions with varyingdegrees sof Puirty & intensity bore witness to the self-rev. of the living God, great gains for interreligious dialogue" (78) results --by shifting fromt he Biblic ff .. then there was a break and lO:38am and various persons

left .. he took a picture .. categoreis of the deeds and words of God to the psych categories of rei genious, and mystical experience, this model rejects the self -underst. of the prophets, many of whom insist on their ineptitude .. " (78) Dod" it is never suggested that the church of Gods elect consits of people with a natural genus for religion .. " 79) .. M. Webber .. if revelation relgion has to be an immediate interior experience is not revelation and consequenlty faith, restricted to a r priveleged minority" (79) .. Important-eeonce the dichotomy btw experience & intepr has been overcome the exp approach ceases to stand in stark contrast

wi th the pproaches the word & deed examined previoulsy' (83) R v Itn as dialectical "to express the paradoxical reality of GOd's presence and absence they had recourse to a successionof affirmations & denaisl, which seemd to respect the mystery of God' (85) Christological Con "thus revlation consits in nothing other tban the fact of Jesus CHrist" (86) .. THis ... "involves a rejection of the revelatory capacities of nature, or rei exp, and of non-Christain reI traditions' (87) Brunner takes sharp issue with Goethe, who in his poetry celberated the revelation given alwasy * everywhere (87) Simply --the idea of forgivness & reconciliaiont (i.e grace) is revelation by itslef.. Barth "Bible & proclamastion as such are not the word




of GOd, but the can become God's word and his revelation if and insofar as Jesus Christ the WOrd of God is pleased to sspeak to us through these chosen witnesses' (87) Thus "revelatio occurs whenever God's Word is eff. proclaimed and is received in faith, and never otherwise" (88)0 Emil Brunner "revelatin lieds byondall ratl arguments .. proof is out ofour hands" (90) Merits of dialectic has Bibl basis, emph Word & Spirit, open "enc of God" to all..Criticism lacks inner coherence, no proof, the paradox of paradox (97) rvltn as new awareness "revltn is a transcendent fulfillment of th inner drive of the human spirit toward fuller consciosness .. " self-transcendence .. the transcendent, the sound of his voice being made recognizable by the fulness and coherence it contributes to our indiviual andcollective ... (90). State of mind " .. God's self-revleationin the deptsh of the sp person occurs primarily as a state of mind, not knowledge, but a

consc .. (101) a new light "man ses the world through a new light, and commits to a new action" (101)

Rev. Events .. are always shaking, transf, demanding, sign in an ultimate way" (102) What abt the Bible .. ? .. "calls for an imaginative hermeneutcs" in which the text serves as a catalyst for our own imag capacities" (106) .. Merits=avoids rigidity, avoids senitimentalistc, .. active role of humans, full context of hist.."includes human respponsivenness and creative imagination" Criticism --not necc Biblical, prophets rev was spec message .. Interesting" adherents of our fifth model often have ambivalent feelings toward ecc auths .. ~ (113) Part II .. symbolic mediatin .. tensive symbols, steno symbols .. what is symbl "naturalobjects, historical persons, visible artifiacts, and dreams, can all be symbols" 9133) Ritual symbolism "R Sym ace to Mircea, effects a perm solid btw man and the sacred" and is thus able to carryon the process of hierophanization" (134) .. Exampe "kingdom of God" can represent or evoke a whole range or series of conceptions or ideas" (135) Plysernic "too seek to pin down some one dfinite meaning of the term K. of G. would be to overlook the polysemic character of symbolic cornm" (136) CNB .... ff ... this is one day after an eye opening parable ... that undoubltly had significane .. or willhave on the world ... Woods aptitue for reflectionon Chr Faith .. theoloy as grammar abt God .. How to knowan exp of God.mentions global village concpt.. parameic mentions a wide variety of sp exp's amongs Chr and non-Chrs alike .. what is a feeling vs what is truly God (credibility issues) .. maintaines eliz kubler ross 3things necc l)reality of God 2) God, humanity and across connection (i.e revlatin 3) faith ... Examine "theolgy as science about GOd, sacred doctrneas scien .. Thomas Aquinas. "diffrent than othersciences' Knowledge obtained is mediated, .. a derived science (i.e, it isrrot a hard science) heuristics=serving as aid to learning .. by experiment or trial & error, utilize self -educaiton techniues (as eval of feedback) to improve performance ... if it is a science you need poroof ... 1) reality of God 2) cpacity to perceive 3) means of perception This is apologiets others

say .. theoology is secince as revelation .. Berkhof "as heHe has revealed himself' in Scr .. s opposed to Dna molecule .. an in rvltn as wel!..a general revlation which cannotbe a source of knowedge about God .. Q can those who know onl y the O. T> trulty know GOd .. Theolgy as science of Pactso of Bible .. Hodge empahasizes "proper order" of Bible i.e syst the!.. the present order is narrative vs is this too much emph on the Bible versus an instrume to know GOd. Q-- is narrative order inferior to logical order? Poss resp .. narrati ve order is logical order.ias it to systetemaitz is better "theolgy is engagement" 4) theolgy -science of faith =Iimited 5) theology science of relationbtw God and Creation Calvin. most sound .. HO III PRolegomena--what comes before .. natural theol..thath which comesbefore proof of existence og God .. Plantitng one doesn not hae to prove to belive ..

Platninga .. the human quest for transcendence is simply a foundationof God (i.e a basis for GodO bolt "you have to work to be an athesit.. youhae to be a thinker., Barth "exam alII talk abt God for autehenticity Lib thol "theol req'd passion, notdetached Rfrmed Tradt "had rejectd the idea of nat theolgy'' Bolt..

PNB PNB Symbol 'the meaning of the symbol, therefore anot be precisely nailed down in terms of categ thought & language. Yet it is not w/o value for the serious quest. for turth" (137) .... symbols many of the deeply ingrained in the archetypal forms of human consciounsss , have an integrative and reconciling power, far greater than any explicit statement (141) Examples-cross , eucharist, light.. Riases the q_ is Christ to be simply a symbol, roor the real thing? Both .. Baum "declares that Chr' truth is by nature symbolic" (170) Thus=symbolic CRr has pro's & con's when (jed to the five modes I (I72) Rvlton o/s Chr "models three & five, which favor the symbolic approach, find it easy to ack that rvitn is prsent in all relgions; the first, second, and fourth models tend to be reserved toward the cat of symbos and o/s Chr'

(I 77).. the church as rvltn Carl Henry" the church is neithr the locus of divine revleation nor the source of div insp, nor a seat of infalllbiiyt, He rejects what the he takes to be the Catholic post..that the eh is an ongoing locs of revlation .. (propositonal model) .. perhaps "the church is where revleationis mulled over" ???'?? WIll revelation continue to occur? "in all five models of revelatin theolgy, revelatinis closely connected with the eschaton Some say yes (235) some say no (234) 1 Tim 6.14, Tit 2.13 .. Other Spinoffs'



"in recet lit there is much concernfor world unification ... Biblical eschatclgy fosters cosmic consciousness by its symbosl fo new creation .. " 238) .. Be caerful inspeculation of farmulatin doctrines beyond hist ... we must stretch the limit and areal ways in danger of failing to keep the right mean btw excessive literalism and agnosticism (240) ... Barth's apology 'in his exegeis foROmans 13> 11-12 he admitted, he had overlooed the dstinctive feature of the passae, the telogoy which it ascribes to time as mit moves towards fortward forward towards a real end ... WIthout htis, confidence in God's future accomplishments, CRr hope is severely cru curtailed (244) acceptance of revleationof th e paradox of (246) Fideism .. "revelation cannot be validated by reason, it must be accepted inblind faith, even though it seem absurd .. " FOur positons 1) reason ... 2)faith less than knowedge 3) fideism 4)balance .. CRr wlo revelatin=two kinds of faith in rvltn .. l)orthodox --God reveals in exclusive way to certain people, fixd in past, must be uncrit acepted. breeds intolrance and fanaticism (276) ... 2)liberal--rvltn is a mystery .. Existentialsm-Jaspers particular

philosoph .. stance wt., its Kantian and existntl points precludes the idea that God could make himself present, in a permanent or cognitively significant way .. However "some contemporaries ... philosophical exisentialm highly compatible with revealed religion (277) Determining truth "only within a framewrok of commitment can truth be affimred at. all" (278) Significance of R vltn .. Q's of what comes first, faith or revelation (279) Finally, revelatin, rat hen thanbeing presupposed sfull kdlkffrmthe start, isprogressively elucidatedas theolgy carries out tis task (283) God in wasteland modernization 1) capitalism 2) technology 3) modernization 4) modern tel-com .. Global Cliche Culture i.e global viUage connected synthetically by

T ,V> "it is a generic culture, this culture of the TV age, of asphalt, advertising, uniformity and waste .. and those who feed on it, thiose who live by it, be generic people who are also thin, who strethc far and wide and blong nowhere in particular .. they are in the depest sene, the "homeless" If our adem world (10)., Public dimenison 'the truth is that the public deminsionof our kdfjdk and plastic world has 00 interest in the divine, seeks no grac,e as for no forgiveness' (10) analysis of obituaries .. dernif of Info .. Modernaization "it has blighteoud our lives, by cutting our connection to place & community, eLeveating anxiety" (12)0 Yeat's falcon oblivious to the falconer (14) T.S> Eliot "Hollow man" Modernandlor CHr "This century has demonstrated witha kind of ruthless insistence that the eeffort to be both nmodernand Chr. produces deep and perhaps insoluble problems" (16) The Evang. Mirage (10) "evang golden years are over .. " aid serisly hobbled by its entangelments withs modern culture" (18) ... Prot liberalism "sought synthesis btw Chr faith & modern culture .. God witin iaall humanbeings .. " Mainline churches "no longer ableto fashion a meaningful and compelling faith congruent with modern culture" (22) Christian orthodoxy an important element forkeeping people convicted" (22) .. the key 70's evan conses to be a for of civil religion-theprobelm . .it is civil & non offenseive .. thus, "it has no edged be it is driven not by a passion far God's truth, but by the politics of the day" Inessence .. evang has brought cultural acceptability by emptying itself of serious thought, serious theolgy, serious worship, and serious practice in the larger culture (27)( .. Worldliness is what makes sinlook normal in any age, and righteousness seem odd (29) Fundamental porblem.the in the evang world today is that GOd rests too inconseq. upon the church ... (30) Not of this world . .it is only those who are not of this world intheir inner being who have the reason and fortitude to resist the charms of the word and are ablt to be culturally pertinint.. theol sense why worldliness is sos frequenty being missed, or misjjudged in the evang church today" it takes theol sense to recognize it (37) Mouw-oConner.. "holy engagement" "Holyworldless'" "Cherish and endure the wordl"'i.e. in but not of the world (39)) Quote .. "the triumph of theself is always pyrrich .. " (40)0 Avoiding Accomodation "the deeper the chasm, the greater will be the need far the believer to evelp the characer of a desert saint" (41) Truth ==to be inthe truth is to be in God, to be free, to have life, to be separted from truth is to be mired in darkness, falsehood, and thestink of death (42) ff ... then he left the Muslime Evang .... lectsite ... at 12:00 pm .. and continued onward .. he enterd the TI... Truth. to be inthe truth is to be in GOd, t be free, to have life, to be separated from truth is. to be mi. red indarkness, falsehood, and the stink of death )(42) ...

the Word TMNt.. Bbilical authors see everything from a tehocratic vtewpot.secular wants see everyting om an athrpocentri (44) .. About secular writers .. theis staemts nees tobe fotnoted, tiit tneds to generalize and stereotype] too braodly (44) .... two ways of thinking (45) world way thea way modern-post mode .. by end of 60;s modernsm had lost its enlightenemtn soul, post mod began to emerge in the 70's (46) Post Mod autors on the one hand post mod authors have made the CRr critique of moderity easier, but on th other hand" their virulent attack is not merely an enlighrenement meaning, nut on all meaning has made CHr faith less plausible inthe modem world (47) "i.e, nihilism) Post -md onslaughtall boundaries and distinctions rapidly fall" (48) .. the ironcage "a self-enclosed and this-wrodlystem the ethos of which is produced entierly by competition on the one side and anonymity and bureacratic structures on the other"




(50) Idolatry "internal spritual configurations, as susbstitutes for God" (52) New age--"tjey m; ... maintiant hat tbe changing relations btw the sexes are openine new realms of meaing. however their purpsoe, is gorunded in the destruciton of distinctions btw good & evi. Creator 7 Craation, " men & women .. Displacing God .... can long longer guage the depths of their sin, and it assumes the strongest forms" (People of tbe Lie (53) Consumer Aspect 1) orig church polity 2) sales rep (clergy) 3)product (rei doctrine life) 4) marketing (evan church growtn ) 63_-- Finney --"despised sermons that put content ahead of communication"Mooody .. E. And Finney both vigorously opposed the formal study of divintiy" (65) their style" Sermons were colloquial, story telling, humor, etcl" (65) Early evan "was areaction against the orthodxy "aristocracy" of certain den oms Calvinistic orthodoxy seeming to be anchord in a world of hierarcy & privelage was put to flight before Arminianism "(66) Challenges "succes" we cannot assume that success in a cultural market in necc an indication of the presence of truth and virtue (68) .. Modern pastoral barna "the modern pastor must be an efficient manager, or perhaps, mor to the point, a cpaontle CEO ... II Revolving Dar . .it is here wher WEsl begins to sbow his opinion and perhpas enjjoys being righteously indignat but he begins to stray from the trut..bc in more th the mag church, the real wor, goes on behind the scenes (75) Well opinion "simply put the church is inthe business of truth,not profit" (75) Barna's Answer to chruch grwoth .. "The key to success in this endeavor is to make the transition frm life in the world to life th in the church as invisible as possible .. " (80) .... it seems at points that Wells tends to over-react, rather than analyzing the possibl of churches being more friendly .. he condemns them in totality, not does he deeply study the role of the church o.s Sudnay A.M (Sophomoroc) For some reason it begins to sound more and more like an armchair QB spouting sourgraphes rhetoric (84) Good point"whe success is purchased by setting aside the truth of God, by dabbling in ecclesisastica engineering, open to

all .. when itinvolves, transforming spirituality into organization, the pastor into busines exec. and genuine Chr hope into churchly amusement, and fraternity, then it is putting the evang. soul at great risek' (86) .... W I am divided "there is a ruthless truth to what he says, however, it needs to be tempered constantly ..... 8-18- 96 .. Buolldfkjsl OUtline lectuers .. The gospel is much roe than ideas or morals .. "it is the story -history of the savingActs of GOd Peter said "God promised" ORth ChI' Belives Chr is systematic historic .. PEriods ORth 18 C mode p modern. early church augustine cnc of e.C, periods-Greeks began to transit scritp into rnr abstra.ct Platonist idea that poets are not truthufl reason logic is .. gnostic .. transce kdf materilaty through knowledg. Bolt "whywould anyone want to give up pizza &icecera" 1IIIIIIIskip forward ... What fundamentalsm » 1) Bible as jigsaw puzzle 2) "essentialsm " is a specific Idld di cpate fro allt iems the Bible truth 3) neglect of culture 4) self-conf.. bord on hubris 5) apocalypic (127) .. Is M. a fund? DA> Q-whats so great iabout intellectualsm? Soz as opp to Peretti .. soz believed the line of good & evil runs through the eheart of every indiviual (140) Pereti depiced secular as evil vers ChI' as good (140) William Jennings Bryan .. opp of abs principles witha fervent appeal to millenial Pass (159) Murphys Arm

observ .. "Those who dont learn from the past are condemned to write endtimes book" (174) Baconian Science 1) no spec wlo emp proof 2) ernpirca evidnce (197) opinion rasises relvant topics, &

awareness .. relatively balnaced., ionce again, however labelling can be dangerous .. Mouw 'concerns for transnational norms of justice rootd in the great acts of salvation Hist. has added a thoughtful new element to evang pol life (224) urges ecumenc politeness. to Learn from each other (246) .. addatance from God in Wasteleand .. how to resist modernity "additicont to modernity can be resisted by a strong and passionate mind that his beend shaped by God's word fo truth, need infused with d snse of what is right (119)0 Churrch identify identity vanishes when transcendence melts into immanence where theocentric faith be anthropocentirc (122) what bappened ? a long serious of power revi vials sought to produce dep exp of the God within but all too often ignored the ols God (129) 4 pots for doctrine prmtrs .. 1st trinity comps are = 2nd Father son equality 3rd incarnation =we know God only through Jesus 4th respect the rship btw what God has revealed and hwhat he has kept bidden Paul declares that fallen huamn nature sis hostile to God (134) Holiness of God (138) Church surnmcccumbed ... relationaover moral rnysticsrn our conviction self over surrender .. self imag over character (give evidence) God's holiness 1) demands exclusive loylty .. 2) god alone is holy "in his holiness God is not something to be trifled with, familiarty brred s contemp .. More wO holiness grace s not grace, faith is meaningless, sin merelyfailure (144) Stephen Carter spration of relig state was meant to protect rei frdm reli g fromthe state not vice versa ... Doctrine of Providence assets " God's control over all life evens 9-25-96 CNV ... certainty of God vers talking of God DOooyerwerd re that theolgy is only a science like the others .. (i.e. faith is not equal to theolgy . .id e dont let theolgy steal your soul .. whateger yer profession, integrate thining Chris into profession .. the problem science demands veriifcation, theolgy cannot necc. Tillie a secular theolgy .. Kyuyper does not follow Dooyewedr


schliermahcer .. theolgy relates to revelation tbeolgy at university .. Dooyewerd faith theolgy is science of faith .. Foppe Ten Hoor --opposes Kuyper..prior to fall Is shad capacity to think godly , .. after fall, knowledge of world is not equal to knowldge of God, knowledge of GOd is given by GOd thus theolgy vs

cosmology .. insistts that CRr afaith stands or falls on knowledge fo God. Bible church .. thus theolgy at seminary Bolt equivocates on his position .. Calvin College needs to be truth to both Kupyper and Ten Hoor .. Barth "Nein" rejects the six cretria he gives his own criteriall..Brunner point of contact btw divine & of human natuer (would this be closer to pan-entheisrn) II evaluation "barth is correct in repudinting natural theolgy but Brunner is correnct in positing th relaity fa antural revlation .. Barth is too direct

fromabove ... Bolts' concerns cl)demystify science 2) use science to support 3) the real issue theolgy -universal or unique "grace" barths'defn .. "as a theol discipp dogmatics is the scientifi self-ex of the Chr church with respect to the content of its distntinctve talk about God IlBolt's thoughts" modern sickness wont accpt anything wlo reason ... " How then do we knw" through narrative before worldview .. thus theolgy today is posible be God stillspeaks (know our family hist the CRr story .. ) then cries out fro grace TIl relation btween Bib dog and Bib theology .. theol sticks up tsticks to the Bib canon .... dogmatics goes beyond the canon of scr., CNB new Ho L7 .. Method options deductive v inductive a priori v aposterior .. Deducitve --tends to summarize the CHr faith though the part. filter (i.e, lib theol, justif by faith, etc) Inducitve ''true method" factrs laws mind .. synthetic method starting point is God, considers eeverything in light of GOd, treat each other in logical order, and ever .. s truth must be judged byt he prev accepted

turth ... Orrs these "far too neat" bolt says .. aone could argue that hte way the doctrines unfolder were not necessarily the perfect way .. Varietes of Orders, Orr, Berkhof, Aw , Calvin, Barth, Berkhf .. Spykrnan, Erickosn .. Cal sem adheres to Berkhofs method .. ( a condensation of Bavicnk) class discussion of Noll..--self -evident. anti-intel!.. promiseds reford tread for avoiding evang strains and has hist, tradition coming from Europe ... Are Reformed evang? Gamble --anti-kuuyperian, Bolt --pro-kuyperian ... CNB---- 10-2-96 - -knowledge of God.revelation ... bow to talk about Rvltn. with, this with have no God Ex Kierkegaard, mainden parable.i.e. God comes into ow: existance incognito .. Promise at CR of rvltn .. Bavinck "I wiUbe thy God' Three attacks on rvltn .. Deism--reason, Kant --God unknowable, Hegel---Hist.. Six objections 11) agn. 2) modern Epist. 3) modern Psych 4) Bib crit 5) camp rlgn 6) crit sociol., Summary a) Bible is imperialistic ....

Bible is demannding .. Bib trms fr Rvtn Prpts of rvltn .. Warfield a) theophony b) prophecy (what entails prophecy what is false prophet c) inspiration, ernph work Of Holy Spirit Bolt proposes imagination .... Imagination "the human ability to make present to consciousness that which is in fact temporally or spatially absent" .. Revltn in elude imaginate, however not to reduce to only experieion dlsjfls content.. Postman =-Paglian mours that the literate are not as phys active, Postman calls it a Faustian bargain. You

need balance Paglia "people born before WWII cant understand those of us raised inthe fragmented idJdJd ,/ \ h1Jl world of ... we ca shift off on part of the brain and activate another Postman agrees, but calls it omin.ious.. f(. a qv~1e

quotes Bertarand Ruseel " the purpoe of educ was to teach each 0 f us to defend ourselves against the l .

sed uctions of eloquence' (47) Postman .. what worries me is that we have not yet fi gured out how to build t'" ~

defense against the seductions of imagery (47) Moses with the commandemnet frbidding graven images, ))j1,I\ ~

Moses be the first to say "dont watch tv" Paglia .. the history of western civilization has been a constant \ -

struggle btw these two impulses, an unending tnns match btw cold Hippolonian categorization & Dionysian

lust & chaos (48) Paglia =to me the ideal educ should be rigorous and word-based--logocentric .. educ is, ~ ~ I

by defn repressi ve, so if you're going to repress them, repress like helLI dont believe in the Dewey or ''\. \J'V6\.,J

Montessoris method .. "we want to make this pleaseant" (54) but also TV culture gives the mental flex that

a word based educ and tv culture can develop (54) ?????? Post man-when our young student is watching

danrather say that 500 people died in earthquake in Chile and then dan says "well be right back" I would

like our student to say "hey wait a minute, how could he ask me to make such an emot, switch?" (54)

PagJia--"jf you fulley respond to every disaster yu Isis s youd be a mess .. in fact you d be a perpetual child ...

wisdom by defn is phil detachment from life's disasters ...... Pagila " I want schools to stress the highest

intell values & ideals of the Green-Roman & Jud-Chr traditions .. nowadys "Iogocentric" is a dirty word. it

comes from France, where deconstr is necessry to break the strnghold of counties of Descarte & Pascal...,

the French have something to deconstr, but to apply Lacan Derrida & Foucalt to Am culture is abs idiotic ..

"Neil we agree on this "we need to reinforce the logocentric and applonian side of our culture in the

schools (55) CNB--- disc Dulles as rvltn doctrine .. v .... 1) as Rvltn doctrine all inteUectua12) Rvltn as

Histo .. God as trans agent hist events actual deeds trust in God that acts .. 3) inner exp .. God as divine

visitor, exp God himself, rev=slv pious affection 4) dialectl presence =Barth , God as merciful judge,



world=Christ God himself rvltn = slvtn .. accepting forgivneesss .. Bible dead wlo event, but is auth vehicle .. 5) new awareness ... God as Ibrtr., Raised conscnss., no content, kingdom of GOd, committment to human community Two ways of responding 1) choose one or 2) take all together .. but then says it should be

eclectic aot R vito as doctrine teaher , propositin, superntrI truths, .. Critiera .. 1) faitfhulness to Bible

in Chr addition .. 2) internal coherence 3) plausible 4) ade to exp .. 5) theoretical fruitfuness, practical fruitfulness 6) value for dialogue ... PN --post rnderusm values internal coherence, it however must reset a certan aspect of it be of __ intell bt trite .. 10-9-96--- first, general rvltn & ntrl theol... affirmatinof a believer .. IV --Scriptures' testimony on Gr 1) the Word of Yahweh is a command, not the same as a revelation 2) the natural response to natural revleation is Baalism, idolizing nature .. the Fruit is still ignorance & idolatry .. Suppression--cretion is a perfect revelatin, yet humans suppress it..the why do unblvrs do good? Paul: that even this have not escaped God's majesty & grace ... Calvins View--the order of the world is the Spirit which keeps things from collapsing ... Gifts are given to all people good & evill 3 ways

1 st-- all move & exist by Him 2nd- moves "the wicked" ace, 3) saanct of elect. ... 3 Ack's 1) belgrc 2) Westmnster 3) Canons of Dordt.. bol t Smmary .. mm movement to make data of science to be reconci led with Bible? "be careful" dont trty to make sci data the main thing .. remember God .. (dont let sci kill beauty)--data is not equal to gnrl rveltn .. says Bavinchk is wrong .. ff .... then, the next day, (7·5-00) day after Indep day ••. he rose early and arrived at msspreopsite .• it was a cool day ... and he took care of hk mattes .. .it had been a fruitful prir day .• with a potential preevang op •.. and then he returnd to inla nd .••. he revolved arond the 4th of july Rose Bowl Firewords crowd ... then retired... ..• Historic.--Bolt says that whatever ha ppens in histo is not necc determined by God .. V. Conclusion 1) reform blvs ina gnrl universl .s.s.s 2) this accounts for remenat of goodness .. 3) elicits human response 4) intend to persuade believer of General goodness of church 5) salvation restores creation Ho Rvltn story .. main point--grace common grace a story of cornmon grace? who deserves to got a heave? but yet int'a bit of goodnes .. tryint to gdo good better than not at all?l preocupation with exernall 10-11-96--- symbol is asign pregnant with a pleni tude of meaning .. New Guinea makes known via symbolic referenece (i.e sacri fico Iamb, market .. court, reconciliation victory .. blood is symbol of both life & death Quest Reference Kuyper---wored about the influx of image-oriented worship "need the Word'Misinterp .. O-- "sea shall be no more .. " need to expand our underst.Zwingli --iconoclast... Calvin, less so .. story discc .. lpreoccupation with external self deception .. classifcation sterotyping. OConner uses the "abnormal" for revltn .. she goes to Wellesley Epiphany via pig metaphor .. Rvltn--comes in all shapes, sizes, & forms, q could her rvltn have occurred wlo a previous build up of becoming was divine? Bolt agree with aBarth that there needs to be a breaking

in .. Rvltn that connects vers rvltn that goes unheard -unaccpeted .... 10-18-96---- spcl rvltn .. (-- .. 1st necessity --is not owed but, but it was his pleasure, even ... knowledge of it is an aspect of spec rvltn .. Mediation-- even other religions pf to the necessity of asort of spec rvltn .. (6l) 2nd --primacy of Scrptr .. bf tradition, bf personal exp, bf personal interp., bf communcal culture .. (i.e.everybody's down,. Scritupre is not the world it gives directio for the word ... he notes the insuff tof the prop .. 3rd purpose of scr revltn .. a) spcil rvItn b) Idldldldldld of Bible .. xogdfi soteric ... balance 4th sufficiency--- yes 5th problenm of .. discussion of Lint "fabric of theol " cap to modernity .. emph on self, emph on self-esteem Problems Prutze ... Evang - sociol..phonnomena rather than thea I phenomena ... "(ex amy grant exampe ) framework

(Biblica) Vos & edwards (strctruaI narrative) vision .. continental & American essence fo theol = analysis of it hist of redemptin (265) 10-23-96 lect .. written sources .. selection & purpose for you to belive .. why written? not oral belgic confession .. holy Spirit as final auth ... Inspiratin 2 Timothy where put esti? inspired or inspiring important Warfield--a sould arg for God insp scripture .. "theopneustos) active passive combnt., II Peter h. Spirit is intermittent with the text .. Theories of Insp a) dynamic has an effect like other great literature (literary insp ) B. mechanicall-writers = slsl c) organic --people us in persona cultural

context., Bolt's expresion pro nobis On our behlaf== extra nos outside of us .. Christ did it on OUT behalf rP)~

outisde of us .. laments Arminian emphasis on our role .. what about faith? "synergy' cannot exclude the ~. /

agency of human, along itih H. Spirit.. Infallibility Two key words plenary a& verbal... Is only the

autographa infallibile (the Grk original) matt 13.32 .. --a good exammple of how the NIV has attempted to

harmonize to thenth degreee .... inerrancy see chicago statement... 1O-25-96hermeneutics .. 1-- how is SCT

auth? 1) like all literature, threere is no sacred content deconstruction pssblty) 2) prir prior committment

to text as Scripture ( no detachedobjective reading 3 options II what difference does it make A--primary

context is church b. text of scriptures as sovergnty -auth ... c) scir as canon as crit standard III issues IV --

hist of hermeneutcs a --a difficult passage is inteppreted in light sof scr faith as a whol..the linek btw text

and reader 1) early ChIC 2) reformation .. B--Criticall--the move to get "behind" the text 1) hist criticism not


face value division of literal from historical 2) Schlierirrnacher-vinteresetd in the H. Exp of the autho (i.e, like David --go out with sheepp ) 3 Bultmann "we are anxious" thelang of all 2nd coming is mythological, must have "pre-understandingr-our underst & Bible are high er understanding IT •. the day awas going quickly ... itwas a cool day ..... he had made a lep a7& a bound with phy spec phy site .. or so ohe thought, he rpayed to the Lord that there would be some soert of special meaning attached to it .. according to the will and purpose of Godl... was this an S & G needed edeliverance or was it a enlightened communtiy? Hist not ... Hist of 4) fusions 5) assmnt V Reformed Hermenetuc .. Rfrmed Prspect -- gramm, literary, hist, theol, canonical, pneumatic 10-3-96 Tradition, develp.emt of doctrine .. why high countries be Lutheran? why low countries bee Reformed? 2 problems ignore histo 2} overemphasize history c) social context of theolgy .. Reformatin roots .. --the historical divie is growing bigger..Amneisa .. =loss of sense of continuty in tradition .. Return to His virtues .. (i.e, book of virtues -Bennet, Bellah, Bloom, Hirsch .. )--Devlpment of doctrine . .Newman--there are trd. indep of Scripture, butconfused by & large withsld Athanasisu--most at home in Rome .. Newmans analogy ... Orr, Progress of Dogrnan .. bolt dont stigmatixe the notion of truth, you cant build a case for morality without a foundatin for turth .. .lect 18--ethics .. bolt ack's moral dilemmans in vitro fert, charting interest..lmportance ofChr narrative develping character bolt asks" is thol only true if it dmonstrable has moral effects?/ Is the truth determed by its moral effectiveness (i.e, lib theol, black theol, etc) bolt says --controlling stries told to children are most imp shapen .. NT Today .. there is nowere the equivalent of a Jon Edawards in tbe 18th cent... or a hHorach Bushnell in the 14th cent.. or a Reinhold Niebuhr in the earlier half of the 20th centur (557) Modern Theolgians are so wrried abut being kicked in the ditch by the modern world that they hastily jump into it to avoid this fate. (558) any consesus in theolgy NT HO Oh God, Poor God 1989 Wm Abraham any consensus in theology today begins with the rejectionof the classical Christian tradition (558) the key issue to be faced in the present is the distribution ofpower .. Crucial in this view is a hermeneutic of suspicion that u that unmasks the rhetoric of normality, probes beneath the surface to expose the true forces at work in the world, while at the same time yearning for a vision f fthe cosms that will lead to radical social transoformatin * (559) Soc 7 Phil claims expressed succinctly one might say that social & phio claims one and advanced with a maximum of certainty, and a minimum of evidence (540) Disrnissial be of social order--contrary voices are screened out of serius discussion as a tbreat to the new consensus and as enemies of the politics of Ibrto .. aJternative postions are dismissed be of the persons who present them, rathe than the data or warrants that support them 9560_ In tell lazy as a result, the most astonishing claims about the nature of society, or about the relation btw interests & truth, or abut the character and meainng of religios discourse, or about the fundamental character ofall knowledge can be advanced wlo n any sense of internal self-criticrn and with unchallenging dogmatism (561) In essence, moral passion dispalcess intell rigor (561) .... rigtheous indignatin & thinly veiled anger do service fo r analytical skill (561) Noted Philosophers .. M. Dummett, Basil mitchell, Peter Geach .. J. Lucas, Keith Ward .. R. Swinburne .. England

W. Alston, G. N Maurades, P. Van lnwagen. R. Adams, A. Plantinga,. , N. Wolstertoff, E. Stump, .. A. Donoyan .. A. Macintyre (561) .... a true & Chr theol will surely be deeply rooted in rvltn & trdtion, worship, prayer, fear & trembling *562) .. language "3rd world' "pp poor" " intellaxy'''' 1

Bowdlerize .. altering NT Language for God, Frrninist Language, Problems & Principles RoJand Frye ... Bowdlerize " .. altering language to meet some desired social purpose, east as it is to laugh at this, bowdlerizing can have serious consequences (44*) hilary ofPoitiers--warned against what man cannot understand God can be .. people must not meaure the divine nature by the limitations of his own, for his tis the best student who does not read his thoughts into the book, but lets it reveal its own .. (457) Toda, our century suffers from a chronic raging fear of misreading .. fevera of misreading, and people often grossly misunderstand how figurative language operates (459) .. while metaphor in genera!, .. a metapor is a designation, and uses language at full stretch, to establish a fuller represenatin, but not a reproduction of their subjects, ... simile on the other ahnd, is a likening or comparison (homeosis .. ) (467)--tbus the maternaJ association remains that of simile or homeosis .. never that of applation or metaphor..i disregarding these five distinctions can lead to many superflouous i contentions says Calvin. I.e. to introduce inclusive feminist language for the Deity or the basis of homeosis is to replay the controversy between the Arian concptionof divine similitude (468) Niehbur Christ & Cuture Christ Ag Culture Christ and/or culture

.. the establishment changes thus a sociol model be inadequate ... Thomas s Sowell =constraiued ... made do, do best anti-utopian .. unconstrained--solve problems social justice Marxismconclusing claims --bold constraned vision is mor compatible Bolt be there is injustice does not mess mean there is an unjust

framework .. gives smoking example smoking-c-opray i, pray--smoking Stewards of Word BerJinJ---


debate .. mentorship obj ministry .. attntv to God .. are seminaries important? Superficial Coverage .,,' A church which is not strong enough to motivate a person to martyrdom is not a church" (Bolt) B. Warfield -- addrewss to the students "grand doctrine of vocatin .. that the best service we can offer to God is just to do our duty .. 4 pt-- apt to teach, godly & learned, doctrine of vocatia, study ... NT --the Enquiring Mind .. makes references to learning, which is meaningful, with no goal in mid, some learners engage in learning which brings joy in & of itsef, definying the pscych .. these learners defy the system by rising above it (16)11-8-96 Spiritual convrsn communion "with others" ? laments postmodernism ... no concern for truth .. Bolt wonders why Calvin serninry has rumors ofr stifling spiritual life ... suspicion of faculty piety? too much academic .. cornpetion ... ? 11-13-96 Trinity .. Bolt d says he co culd not be PR be its at fuly trinitarian ... Being of God is a communion of persons .. Disc --Humlity afraid wh of what the world thinks .. i.d. of church, no quick fix, no community, pastor Care of Soul..theology is to the gospelas a book reviw is to a book .... God at Harvard .. anecodotalism .. Ruby .... fireplace empathy sntmntlsm .. Bavinck .. Catb of Chr & tb cburc .. Catholicity 1) ur church as unified when "the local ch can however..lgtrntly call itself catholic be it attaches itself to the universal church" 2) unity of church as insclusive of all believers from every nation, in all times & places, in contrast with the natil identified peale of God --15raeI3) it embraces the whole of human experince Other --inner catholicity-sa religion that encompasses the whole person in the wholenss of flife ... CHr. knows no boundaries beyond those which God himself has established .. Couns Council of lrslm .. --the uity & catholicity of the church was sacred ... Discipline ... rna never be applied in order to get rid of someone .. this .. extreme meaure, is to bring the stubborn & recalcitrant sinner back to the loving care of teh Saviour .. Le. it may never lead to karthaspesis but rathr to oixodome .... , not kataires .. katharesis.(katharsis?) n but oikodome... NT HO Catholicity of Chr & the Churchmicro-catholoicity .. you could extend the temr catholicity to aspects of the trinity or other aspects of the church in regardds to "wholeness" Protestant .. " no Protestant dares to restrict salvatin to his own church" 9240) nor can we establsh the exten of knowledge that is absolutely essential for salvation" Labatism-pietism --reppudiates all existing churches as "babylon" Sesecter Sectarainsim, leads to erosion & disappearance of church consc the sene that separation from the church is a sin has all but disappeared, one have or joins casually, exercise of disciple thus becomes virtually impossible, it loes its very character.. Intra .. 1) distinctin btw orig and transc .. 2) distinctn btw .s.s, NT Infall/Insp .. doct of Inspirationn ass ume " an inspiration of an organic nature which extends not only to the ideas but alo to the words of Hly Scipture so that "Holy Scritpure in its entierty iis the wWord of God written" Doct of Intf Infallibility O'I' & NT are two canonical books "against whicb nothing can be alleged" that we are to belive wlo a doubt all rings contained in them... that Scr in its whle exten is the infallible & indid Word of Gdo (239) Divine Autb--on what matters does Scr speak with divine auth and trustowrthiness.? On all matters which have direct or indirect bearing on the self-disclosure of

God .. " Spiration ---God be the supreme auth ofall Scr (267) InfaJlible (283) a) non-failingnness?? b) non deceptivness .. AI Words of Scripture, speaking inthe ordered sequence are to be received as wholly trustworthy (286) Canonical vs Apocryphal., canonical is sacred, apocrypha is non-sacred Plenary & Verbal.. Historical chracter..--we have acknowedge that the hist charcter of the divinely inspired Bible and have been wiUing to use the Idlld of sci resrchto illumin it meaning (515) talks abt necessit of hist, linguistic, contextual hermeneutics .. NT REport 44 Nature & Exten of Bib Auth (1972)


NT Anself why God be man .. aka Cur Deus Homo is life born austria .. intial grim educ exp . .later gave in to wordly amusements .. saved by Islsl monastery .. bee allowed fr camp con on God bc abbot., be archbishop of canterbury ... refused to pay simony .. kig refuses to grant him Rome visit.. Anselm defies be exile .. finishes WGBM in .. cone wants to excom king. Anselm pleads no , new king exile (2) later returns (9) after death honored epitorny of a saint "rectitude of will, justie' (13) writings onprayers .. 1) change in prayer style effusi veness .. on faith 1) on the s essence of God and attributes of God (15) monolo giaon .. rationale of the faith--would describe much of his writings well..uses Augustineas reference, but is original in additon On God 1) Faith seeking understanding all about exit of God, attributes of God, on Grammar, On truth cone: that there is one supreme truth (18) re Freedom of choice Freedm "the power not presrving rectitude of willfor the sake of rectitude itself" [rejects the view that the power of choosing evil is an element of freedom] (18) the fall of on ... the dv. shows keen insight into the nature of evil, and the relation fo the free willto be an attraction towards good & happiness (19) the incarnation of the word, actually more

about tbe trinity, Ion the procession of the Holy SPirit. on predest & grace & free choice .. On Cur Deus



Homos .. what needs to be proved is that the salvationof man cannotbe attained in any other way .. RCP argument 10 for man to be reconciJed to God. thos to .. sin must be claerd 2) thus, salvation is necessary 3) however, this satisfaction must be made in proportion to the measure of sin which is enormous, beyond human power 4) thus i twas only by God's grace and honor that an enormous sacrifice was made .. for man (viz. Christ) 5) thus a god man was necessry .. Characteristics of god man 1) human & divine nature 2) of a virgin birht 3) woman --begat sin (Eve) , Begat salvation (mary) fitting he saysy IF 6) his death prevails over all sins "even for those who slew him ... be theydid not have full knowledge of His divinity" 928) "it was necessary that .. Christ's rdemption be nbeneficial, nt only to his contemporaries, but toall human

beings, including Adam & Eve. (30) Inte ... dfns' orig sin-Jack of justice .. passed down to human individauls .. vs orig justie--state of moral goodness that coincides with the beg of a person existence .. ie. onJy A & E had orig justice? (31) no .. orig sin or justice cannot exist in an infant until he has a rational soul..Other 1) being born of a virgin was not necc imperative, but symbolically necc. 933) 2) there is orign in in infants ( or lack of justice) but will be judged differntly than personal sin .. 3) sin of anceestors can affect 3rd & 4th gnrtns 7) baptized infants are unable to preserve rectitude of will be they have not the use of reason .. Special difficulty .. the author notes the fact that all "arguments are purely rational--with faith Is exstence of Christ being set aside as if nothin were known of them )40) Purpose-- by arguing in the" rational ,; realm "it his aim to show the Jews & Mohammad that if hty ponder the implication of what they admit in common with CHristians, thy must logically admit that God's taking on human nature, is not unreasonable" ( a primary emphasis on faith seeking understanding' 941) .. In proportion .. he argues that the satsifaction must be made i proportion to the measure of sin" (45) .. HI Objetios not supported of course not ANselm is attempting to go beyond Sct. to deduce God's ultimate plan (45) .. #2 .. the "satisf theory" is based on analogy with Germanic law .. not Chr .. Response --divine justice is Biblical.. repeants Anselm adding tiwas not necc in sense of lextensive agenet forcing" n but was necc on supp that proportionately was necc (47) re orig. sin "he conceives of it as a deprivation of justice or rect.itude of will Anselm v Aug .. much diff ernph on orign sin, defining it as the deprivation, as a result of the disobedience of Adam by which we area I children of wrath, of the justice that should be in a human soul (i.e. orig sin affects the will (abandonment of rectitude) thus leading to sin, misery, etc .. One Inadeq .. Anslm does not elaborate. on grace, thus leaves moral rectitude of will to be potentially a natural ability .. AQ--expounedd on this fact saying that "orig justice" requires grace (50) ANselm--- the extramental existence of human naturea s awhole Q--whether Church's humanity contains orig sin? Anselm: No be his existence does not depen dupon human gneration & human will.. [important Anselm does not equate O. S. with concupiscence, as does Aug]]] However, he says Mary was born into orig sin. THus he does not agree with the Imma Conception of Mary, However, does believe in her "purity" at time of Christ's birth (52) ChI.. acknowledge ratinal argument is for unbelievers, but believers as well, not for belief, but for common pursuit of higher interest .. re justice of devil tormenting analogy of man hitting .. avenge--- injust avengeance, just taht man was hit back .. a duality .. i.e. it is just that he devil torments us but injust that we capitulate ... Anselm & Boso argue about whether Christ chose to die or was compelled by obedience .. Quotation Rotation A-- why persecuted to pot of death? B. unswervingly devoted to truth & justice in his lfie .. In essence he didn't choose to die, he chose to persevere towards justice (77) Anselm when we someone endure pain, we dont desire and approve the pain, but the necc willingness to endure (82) Sin --to not to render to God what is due .. Why not mercy only? bc that would allow for no punishment, which would be inordinate an injustice tooccur, imposs for God (85) ... Why does God allow his honor to be violate? --actually he does not m , man attempts to violate it, but the order constantly recompenses for it? 991)0 re fallen angels .. e believes there will be more human beings chosed for salvation than reporabte angels (100) would make sense according to .d .. d of just icel good works (10) Copares man to heaven with soiled pearl... saving of a soiled pearl, in such condition, not likle satisfaction must be made 91050 Impossible for man to make satisf for his sins (108) Ansem --it is evident that God demands satisfactionin proportion to the gravity of sin" (l09) If man is unable to satisfy for sins, should he not be excused? no gives analogy of man told not to go in pi (1130 No sin-no death --God graciousness as opposed to necessity .. Why God man? not God not his oblig. not man. doesnt have the ability .. 4 Ways God can make man from 1) man & woman 2) man --eve 3) woman =Christ 4) neither--Adam//// Man's sin was more against the God man .. who had the likeness of God ... b Son is claiming an unwarranted likeness to God .. Boso dares to raise Q bat why GOd did not create A & Eve SinJess .... Boso aks .. if God man is like man, should he not also share our ignorance? A. Wisdomis crucial., What abt the slayers of CHrist--sins of ignorance vs sins of knowing, vastly differ (temp insanity?O)O (142) .. how life ofCHirst is paid to God=for justice, for honor, because he ought to (158)


Whit his death brought salv. as a reward, but since Christ posses everything it must be given to someone else (i.e manking) 9160) Anselm addresses fallen angels, and the fact that theywill not be redeemd (this corrlates with good works doctrine & Sciptural references (162) End. NT V.c. as .. on Orig sin .. depending how you qualify OS it is possible for an infant to have OS but to be free of sin .. Sin & Justice are related to the willl (this is NT Virga Caephia & Orig Si!l)Absence of Justice he says, has no essence, because essence iffrorn God and everything from God is good Why sin is blamed primarily on Adam, not Eve 9183) Diff btw the Immac conception of John versus Jesus is great, the former was an oddity, a great occurrence, nonetheless perhaps intent willed by God, but surely does not wit the virgin birth .. re death after baptism bf able to repent Anselm does not give positive yes or no .. no supportling logic eithe way .. ( Is the Q of inability raise) (211) Greg. the Great also talks about necc of baptism, for relief from O. S. (243) He asks whether it is even possible for Chr's to write obj about Chr ... ? re objectivity --objectivity is not measured by a canon of abs truth, it arises as the stand ofrship btw data & its interp (49) 13th & 16th centry consdered apostasy ... 18th century .. and before was non-critical church hist.i.aka Bab cap NT Luther Bab CaptivityofCHurch .. factors for writing I) withholding oc cup from laity 2) Luther had s d excomm (249) 1520 AD. pre-Script .. he regrets writing re indulgences r, .. eralizes they are a sham (250) says "they are evils designed by the Toadies of Rome" He says" in my folly I belived the sacraments in both kinds should be administered .. but the friar corrected me'" Friar "be CHrist said Irn the living bread and not Irn the living cup" he concludes it singnifies on sacrament for the laity (253) However, he overlooks the next phrase which includes both (253_) After condemnng the others for their selective inclusion of certain Set, he says that it is "most impious to deny to the laity the use of both kinds of communion" (25) He denies

that there are seven sacrament, but claims there are three" (256)-- First-s-the Lord's Supper., he quotes Augustine "why do you make you teeth & stomach ready? Believe and thou hast east (257) then says Christ's word & example stand here as firmly as possible. Later he says "all ye drink of it , He is not giving a permission, but issuing a comand' (258) Romanists-be refutes tbeir claim that it is the judgement of the church .. He speaks of the signs vs symbols of the sacraments and laments the hypocritical stance taken by the Romanists " who fight for ceremonial, but oppose love" Heretics & Schiss II if anyone tobe called h. or s. it is neither the no the Grks, who take their stand on the gospel, rather your R's and hereitcs and improve schismatics .. My desire is only that no one should be able to uphold the Roman dictatorship as rightly . to the laity (261) Bread & WIne he says" no one may fear being called a heretic if he belives that teh bread & wine are real bread & wine, [as opposed to the actual flesh & blooed at the Thomist believe without endangering the souls salvation, may believe & thank either one or the other (266)My standpoint, he says, is based on Scripture, the proper & literal sense 9266) thus, the authority of the word of God goes beyond the capacity of our mind .. the bread is the body, and wine the blood (27) .. What is a testament .. a testament is a promise made by a man in view ofhis death a) anticipates deat of testator .. b) embodies promise of heritage c) appoints heirs .. Jeus my blood for sins of many Today, he aks, how many know that the mass is Christ's promise (276) He wonders whether it is sprstition or blasphere for us [the priests] to repeat the worda fter we have Ist belief in them (276) thus wlo any doubt, all the priests and monks today, together with the bishops and their superiors are idolators and in a state of peril on account of thi signorance, abuse and mockery of the masses (277) Simply Belive says Augustine and thou has eastn, but what is believed is nothing less than the word of the prorniser .. thus I am able sl:flskjf an daily and indeed hourly to have the mass, for as of en as I wish I can set the words of Christ before me .. and nourish & strengthen .. this is the ture spiritual eating and drinking (279) Two defects which prevent our understanding the fruits of the mass 1) we are sinners 2) such high rewards. such timorous nature Loss of Faith caused by perfidious teachers leads to a substitution of works (282) He notes that each man must stand for himself (283) and ungodly priest who gi ves sacrametns .. they are still valid, buth the prayers are not (290)re previous /I th is would assume a priest is necc as intercesssor (291) Sacrament of Baptism --good except for popes & bishops who are not even aware of what bishop ought to know or do Points 1) he that believeth. baptizes, saved, 2) in Lord's name 3) sign, sacrmanet .. Master of Sentence at best they write only about the material and form of the sacraments, but their spirit, life, and use .. untouched .. Not the sacrament, but the sacramental faith is what justifieds (299) .. ff ... the day was moving quickly PGFWABF ... he thought he might begin to fast following his pax rom celebration of sorts ... he had not made it throught the late night celve ... but was around, and was aware ... the voice of the professor continued to roll own .. he was more informative than he may have ever thougth ... Again, he condemns the

Romans who follow the sacraments by the works, no! by faith (301) Baptism signifies life (lift out) and death (water, not necc washed) One Point--no vows should be made .. the detract fro the due value of


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