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NAME: Nick Cuccia

Go to one of the following websites:

Answer the questions with the information you found on the website. Circle the website to indicate the one you
1. Job Name: Pediatricians, General
2. Cluster: Therapeutic Services
3. Name one job duty: Examine children regularly to assess their growth and development.
4. Explain one thing about the working conditions for the job: From immunizing babies to giving physicals
to teens, a pediatricians job is never the same from day to day. The career is rewarding for those like to
work with children of all ages and who thrive on challenges. The unpredictable nature of the job can be
difficult for those who need a steady routine. Patience and a sense of humor are good attributes to have
if you choose this career.
5. How many hours does someone in the job work? 4 hours_____________________________hours per
6. What is the salary/wage listed for this job?
78.53__________per hour.

Annual salary 163,350________or wage

7. How much education or training is required? Doctoral Degree

8. Name one personal qualification. You have to love kids
9. Where do you plan to get this education/training? Either the U of A or LSU
10. What is the employment outlook for this job? Occupational Outlook for Pediatricians. According to the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), physicians and surgeons, the occupational category that
pediatricians are grouped in, could see and 18 percent increase in jobs from 2012-2022 (
11. After reading about this job, name one advantage. In my opinion the advantages are helping little kids
who need help, and you get paid enough to have an amazing living.

Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.

NAME: Nick Cuccia

Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.

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