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Lesson Plan

Instructor: Ms. Carissa Jenkins

(Brief Statement)


Softball Unit Day 2- Introduce/practice batting and pitching

[Use teachers guide or district documents for guidance, plus information at]

Common Core
or Illinois

19.A.3a Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games, and sports.
19.C.3a Apply rules and safety procedures in physical activities.
[Use performance verbs to identify what the learner will be able to do/use as a result of the lesson.]


Assessment and
of Student

Psychomotor-The students will be able to pitch and bat following correct

form and technique at least 50% of their attempts by the end of the lesson.
Cognitive-The students will be able to verbally explain the sequence of
movement for batting including batters stance, swinging and follow
through by the end of the lesson.
Affective-student will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that
respects self and others in physical activity settings.

[List teacher manual pages, student text pages, worksheets, websites, teaching materials, technology,

Bag of 16 inch softballs (at least 40 balls)

Bag of bats (at least 10)

[List specific things you must do to prepare (e.g., reminders to students, listing steps on the board,
distributing materials etc.).]

Get equipment ready

Formative (during the lesson):
Specific Feedback
Summative (later point in time - after the lesson or group of lessons):
End of the lesson discussion or exit ticket (homework shared with them)
End of the unit quiz
[Include specific statements, procedures or demonstrations you do to focus student attention, activate
prior knowledge and clearly state lesson objective.]



Students change- tell them we are going outside and to dress warm
Take attendance- 1st period on power school and submit
Fitness Warm Up
Agenda, Review of skills, Objectives, Explanation of activities, Groups for
Allow 5 minutes at the end of class for students to get inside and change

[List sequence of instruction including relevant vocabulary.]

1. Agenda for the day/Explanation of Activities (Gym, 2 minutes)

a. Fitness Warm Up
b. Beginning Lesson Discussion
i. Softball skill intro (5th Grade)
ii. Softball skill review (6th-8th Grade)
iii. Lesson Objectives
c. Skill Review
i. 15 catches and throws per person in partners
ii. 15 Fielding ground balls per person in partners
iii. 15 pitches per person in partners
d. End of lesson Discussion/ Exit ticket homework
2. Fitness Warm Up (8 minutes)
a. 16 Tuck Jumps
b. 16 Lunges
c. 16 Mountain Climbers



Conclusion /

d. 16 bicycles
e. 16 pushups
Beginning lesson Discussion
a. Objectives:
i. Psychomotor-The students will be able to pitch and bat
following correct form and technique at least 50% of their
attempts by the end of the lesson.
ii. Cognitive-The students will be able to verbally explain the
sequence of movement for batting including batters stance,
swinging and follow through by the end of the lesson.
iii. Affective-student will exhibit responsible personal and
social behavior that respects self and others in physical
activity settings. Pitching and Batting drills
b. Pitching Cues- Underhand only
i. Put the ball where the batter can hit it, in the middle of the
bat aka the sweet spot
1. Strike zone- between chest and knees (in the middle)
ii. Hand and foot opposition- the opposite foot of the pitching
arm should be forward and in front
iii. Hold ball out in front, swing straight back then forward
iv. Once the ball passes the hip, deliver the ball, palm up and
c. Batting Cues
i. Grip the bat so the hands are close together and your
dominant hand is on top.
ii. Stand with knees bent and your side to the pitcher, and put
your back elbow up.
iii. Swing the bat level while keeping your eyes on the ball
iv. Break the wrists (top hand comes over the top of the other
hand) on contact of the ball
Softball skill review drills
a. 15 catches and throws per person in partners
b. 15 Fielding ground balls per person in partners
Batting and Pitching Drills
a. Organization:
i. Groups of 3-5 (depending on class size)
ii. 1 bat and 5 softballs per group
iii. Spread out in grass fields, soccer fields and softball field
iv. Hit softballs away from parking lot
b. Drill Instructions:
i. Students rotate from pitcher to batter to catcher to outfielder
ii. Students bat 5 times then rotate
End of lesson discussion (5-8 minutes or homework)
a. See below

[Describe culminating/wrap-up activity and Include restatement of lesson objective and vocabulary,
directions for cleanup, and expected behavior when complete.]

End of Lesson Discussion or Exit Ticket for Homework

Achievement of goals/objectives (Thumbs up)
o Psychomotor-The students will be able to pitch and bat following
correct form and technique at least 50% of their attempts by the
end of the lesson.
o Cognitive-The students will be able to verbally explain the
sequence of movement for batting including batters stance,
swinging and follow through by the end of the lesson.
o Affective-student will exhibit responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Critical Thinking/ Application Questions:
o What is the sequence of movement for pitching and batting?
o What is the goal of the pitcher? What is their job/role?


of Instruction

What are some tips on pitching and batting?

What are some examples of how you exhibited responsible
behavior? How did you respect yourself and others in PE?

[Describe adapted input, output, time, level of difficulty, level of support and/or degree of participation,
as pertinent to your students.]

Decrease difficulty- softer balls (dodge balls)

Increase difficulty- strict strike rule

What was the impact of the lesson on student learning?

SelfAssessment and

What went well and why?

What did not go well and why:
What unexpected things happened and how did I respond?
What will you do next time to improve the lesson?


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