Benedictine University School of Education Interim Lesson Plan

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Interim Lesson Plan

Instructor: Ms. Carissa Jenkins
(Brief Statement)


Track and Field Day 2- Stations of 4 events including the high

jump, long jump/triple jump, shot put, and hurdles. 1 additional
station as a walk/jog around softball fence if needed.
[Use teachers guide or district documents for guidance, plus information at]

Common Core
or Illinois

19.A.3a Demonstrate control when performing combinations and sequences of locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative motor patterns in selected activities, games, and sports.
19.C.3a Apply rules and safety procedures in physical activities.
[Use performance verbs to identify what the learner will be able to do/use as a result of the lesson.]


Psychomotor-The students will be able to follow correct form in the long

jump, triple jump, high jump, shot put and hurdles events by the end of
the lesson at least 1 time safely.
Cognitive-The students will be able to compare and contrast long jump,
triple jump, and high jump.
Affective- Students will show a positive attitude while participating in all
track and field training techniques.

[List teacher manual pages, student text pages, worksheets, websites, teaching materials, technology,


Long jump/triple jump- Sand pit, measuring tape, rake

Shot put- shot put circle, 10 mini-cones, shot put balls
Hurdles- 12 hurdles
High jump- high jump pit mat, floor mat, 2 bar stands, 1 bar, 6 cones

[List specific things you must do to prepare (e.g., reminders to students, listing steps on the board,
distributing materials etc.).]


Assessment and
of Student

Long jump/triple jump

o Nail measuring tape into the grass next to the sand pit starting with
0 at the take off point.
o Place rake over at the station but in a safe location where students
cannot fall or trip
Shot put
o Place shot put circle in front of basketball hoop
o Put mini-cones out to mark every 10 ft.
o Put crate of shot put balls at station (make sure to count so you
know you have them all)
o Place groups of 3 hurdles on black top designated lines (legs/tripod
on south side), there should be 4 groups of 3
Be sure to place the hurdles about 2 feet apart
1 hurdle is raised low, 1 is medium and 1 is high
High Jump
o Place floor mat down, put high jump pit mat on top, poles go on side
of mat, pole rests on o-rings; put o rings about 3.5-4 ft from ground.
Formative (during the lesson):
Specific Feedback
Summative (later point in time - after the lesson or group of lessons):
End of the lesson discussion or exit ticket (homework shared with them)
End of the unit quiz


specific statements, procedures or demonstrations you do to focus student attention, activate

prior knowledge and clearly state lesson objective.]



Students change- tell them we are going outside and to dress warm
Take attendance- 1st period on power school and submit
Fitness Warm Up
Agenda, Objectives, Explanation of activities, Groups for stations

Allow 5 minutes at the end of class for students to get inside and change

[List sequence of instruction including relevant vocabulary.]

1. Agenda for the day/Explanation of Activities (Gym, 2 minutes)

a. Fitness Warm Up
b. Beginning Lesson Discussion
i. Track and Field skill review
ii. Lesson Objectives
c. 4 Stations of 5 minutes
d. End of lesson Discussion/ Exit ticket homework
2. Fitness Warm Up (5 minutes)
a. 10 Burpees
b. 10 Calf Raises
c. 10 bicycles
d. 10 push-ups
e. Stretch: quads, hammy, calfs, butterfly, arms
3. Beginning lesson Discussion
a. Track and field skill review/Stations
i. Long jump
1. Work up to a sprint, take off on 1 foot, land on both
2. Start approach with take-off foot, Run at top speed
before take-off, Plant take-off foot 2 to 6 inches
behind foul line. Drive knee of opposite leg (non-takeoff leg) forward. Arch back to lift your hips (and
center of gravity). Arms are bought upward and then
forward, Land on both feet with weight forward.
3. If you step beyond the board, it is a scratch and the
jump does not count.
4. After you jump, get out of the way so the next person
can jump. The next students needs to Wait for
student to leave pit and finish raking before next
student begins their turn.
5. How do you measure? The stake goes in at the back
most (nearest to take off board) mark made by the
jumper in the pit.
ii. Triple Jump
1. Same as long jump except:
2. Hop, step, jump (usually left left right together)
3. How do you measure? The stake goes in at the back
most (nearest to take off board) mark made by the
jumper in the pit.
a. Add 15 feet
iii. Shot Put
1. Enter AND Exit at back of the circle!
2. Wait for everyone to throw before you retrieve shot
put balls.
3. Hold shot in dominant hand, tucked under the chin
(keep wrist and elbow tight) Point opposite foot (of
throwing hand) at target. Have the back foot toward
the center of the circle. Squat/get low and rotate
body back. Explode toward target (explosion begins
at hips, non-throwing hand is used as a guide and
tracks the motion for the "putting" arm). Release
above head (up and out).

4. You are not throwing, you are pushing.

5. If you step on or outside the circle, you are
6. Measurement is where ball first lands not where it
rolls to.
iv. Hurdles
1. APPROACH: Approach the hurdle with speed to gain
momentum; (your take off should be about 5 meters
from the hurdle.) LEAP AND EXTEND: Push off the
ground with your dominant leg, and extend the non
dominant leg forward keeping is slightly bent. CLEAR:
Stay close to the hurdle, the heel should barely clear
the bar to allow for maximum speed. LEAN: Body
should lean forward with opposite arm to the lead leg
horizontal to the ground at a 90 degree angle. TUCK:
Tuck the trail leg (back leg) horizontal and flat at
about a 45 degree angle to the side of the body.
SNAP: Snap down the trail leg as it clears the hurdle
to resume speed.
2. First leg over should be straight. Second leg over
should be bent with the knee to the side. Opposite
hand is forward.
v. High Jump
1. 3 methods: scissor kick, western roll, fosbury flop
a. scissor- nearly upright, scissor legs over; plant
the outside foot
b. western roll- face down and parallel to the bar;
requires the jumper to plant their inside foot to
jump of off.
c. Fosbury flop- backward twist, plant outside
2. Purpose: jump and clear the bar at the highest height
vertically. MUST take of using ONLY 1 foot. In
competition the bar is raised progressively as
contestants succeed in clearing it. Entrants may
begin jumping at any height above a required
minimum. Knocking the bar off its supports
constitutes a failed attempt, and three failures at a
given height disqualify the contestant from the
competition. Each jumpers best leap is credited in
the final standings. In the case of ties, the winner is
the one with the fewest misses at the final height, or
in the whole competition, or with the fewest total
jumps in the competition.
3. On the high jump, if you hit the bar on your jump, but
it doesnt fall off until after you get off the mat, the
jump counts.
4. No superman over the bar, no jumping under the bar
vi. OPTIONAL: walk jog
1. Walk inside of fence, jog outside
b. Lesson Objectives:
i. Psychomotor-The students will be able to follow correct
form in the long jump, triple jump, high jump, shot put
and hurdles events by the end of the lesson at least 1 time
ii. Cognitive-The students will be able to compare and contrast
long jump, triple jump, and high jump.
iii. Affective- Students will show a positive attitude while
participating in all track and field training techniques.

4. End of lesson discussion (5-8 minutes or homework)

a. See below
[Describe culminating/wrap-up activity and Include restatement of lesson objective and vocabulary,
directions for cleanup, and expected behavior when complete.]

Conclusion /

End of Lesson Discussion (exit ticket for homework)

Achievement of goals/objectives
o Psychomotor-The students will be able to follow correct form in the
long jump, triple jump, high jump, shot put and hurdles events by
the end of the lesson at least 1 time safely.
o Cognitive-The students will be able to compare and contrast long
jump, triple jump, and high jump.
o Affective- Students will show a positive attitude while participating
in all track and field training techniques.
Critical Thinking/ Application Questions:
o What difficulty did you have with shot put, long jump, triple jump,
high jump or hurdles? Why do you think that is?
o What are the differences and similarities between long jump, triple
jump and high jump?
o What are some examples of how you participated in the track and
field activities with a positive attitude?
[Describe adapted input, output, time, level of difficulty, level of support and/or degree of participation,
as pertinent to your students.]

of Instruction

Decrease difficulty- lighter or smaller ball for shot put; lower hurdles; no
scratches or DQs on any event; use a softer bar for high jump or a rope
instead of a bar.
Increase difficulty- raise hurdles, raise high jump bar

What was the impact of the lesson on student learning?

SelfAssessment and

What went well and why?

What did not go well and why:
What unexpected things happened and how did I respond?
What will you do next time to improve the lesson?

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