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Rules and Behavior Expectations

I understand that I have nobody else to blame for my behavior but myself. I will take
responsibility for my actions without blaming others or using distractions to avoid being held
accountable. I will accept my consequences and learn from my mistakes.

I will be respectful to others by treating them the way I know every human being deserves to be
treated. I will speak appropriately to others. I will respect the property, privacy, and feelings of

I will be responsible by completing assignments on time and working at grade level or above. I
recognize that the quality and accuracy of my work is how I earn my grade.

I will follow the rules of the classroom, and I will do what is expected of me. I will avoid noncompliant behaviors such as arguing, complaining, or sulking.

I recognize that Mrs. M. Harris needs my cooperation to help others and myself be successful in
class. Therefore I will follow all of the class rules listed below.
1. Arrive to class on time
2. Come prepared with assignments completed
a. Attach a ticket to any late assignments
i. Write LATE on the top of the assignment
ii. Place late work in the front basket by the computer desk
iii. Late work is accepted for one week after the assignment is due. Half credit of score
earned is given to any late work without a ticket attached.
b. Write my name, hour, and the name of the assignment in the top margin
3. Stop talking when the bell rings to begin class
4. Raise hand to be recognized instead of blurting out comments
5. Throw away garbage and clean up around desk area
6. Food is allowed if
a. Empty bottles are put in the garbage
b. Food does not distract from listening and/or working
i. Teacher may eliminate the privilege of bringing food to class at any time and for any
7. When absent, write ABSENT on the top of the assignment(s)
a. Place work in the front basket by the computer desk
b. Absent work is considered late if not turned in within one week of returning to class or unless
other arrangements have been made with the teacher.

I understand that noncompliance to the rules may result in my making a phone call home,
removal from class, and/or a visit with the vice principal and possible permanent removal from
Student _____________________________________________________ Date _____________
Parent ______________________________________________________ Date _____________

M. Harris
Rm 218

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