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Action Point

Look around the location.

Quiet house, just the model and myself

Talk to people there, organise filming


Family allows for me to use a bedroom in the

house to take photos

Identify the equipment you need to


Nikon Camera
Props (knife)
Costume (hoody)

Examine and identify any potential

health and safety issues
(e.g. crowd numbers being controlled,
being set up in a sensible location that
does not block access points or that
damages the environment or frightens
livestock, any road/traffic issues etc)
Check the position of the sun and
lighting conditions.

Sharp knife- my model has to be careful the

way he handles this sharp object

Look for interesting shots and camera


Side angle shots of my model looking in two

different directions
Shots used of his face covered by the hoody

Check the electricity supply. (For the

majority of exterior locations you will
be using battery power)

Main bedroom light used strong enough to get

some good quality photos.

Daylight not used main light in the bedroom


Check the nearby car

parking/transport routes

Photo shoot done at home

Is the location suitable for production?



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