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Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel 5263486 ¢ « CENGAGE «© Learning” Copyright © Cengage Leaming Printed: 9/18/13 21:44 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 Tn hin chap, the kates WW 1 , van Ril olen be oe reeset the bse number set define at the rig SteTION 2.1| Basic Proporios of Sots 5B eT Solution See page S4 POET wea won dss rhe (Mach, wo] ‘The following sets of numbers are used extensively in many areas of mathematics. Basic Number Sets ‘Natural Numbers or Counting Numbers.’ ~ (1,2, ‘Whole Numbers W = (0,,5,..) Integers f= (.-. 4, -3,-2.-,3.4,.) Rational Numbers Q/~ the set of al erminating or repeating decimals Irrational Numbers = the st of ll aontemminting,nomepeating decimals Real Numbers. = thes of al tonal or rational numbers The Set of natural numbers i also called the set of counting mumbers ‘The three os. ate called an ellis and indicate that the element ofthe ses contnue in 2 manner suggested by th elements that are listed “The inepes .. ~4, ~3, ~2,~1 ave negative integers. The integers I, 2,3, 4, are postive fntegers Note thatthe natural mmbers ans the postive itegers ae the se st of mbes The integer ers neither a postive nora neste ineser 1 & number i decimal form wiminates repeats « Dick of digits, then the umber is a Fational number Rational rumors can also be writen in the form 2 4 whet p andy are integers and 790: For eile, i $— 025%and are rational numbers, The bar over the 27 mean tht the block of digits 27 repeats without ‘ends that i, 027 ~ 027272727, |X decimal that neither terminates nor repeats is an irrational number. For instance, 0.38335333533535,.. ia noterminating, nonrepeting decimal and thas inavianal mumbo. Every eal number is either a rational number or an ieatonal number. XXETTIENBE Use The Roster Method to Representa Set of Numbers Use the roster method to write each ofthe given ts. ‘a The set of natural numbers less than 1. The solution set of + $= —1 «e Thoset of negative integers pester than —4 Solution ‘4 "The st of natural numbers i given by (1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7}. Ts natural num bers ess than $ are 1,2, 3, and 4. Using ie rst method, we write this seas ( 1b. Adding —5 to cach side ofthe equation produces x = ~6, The solution set of reS= lis (6) 4 Thoset of negative intogors greater than — 4s (~3, “th. Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 2 | sae a Tesla does ef Sines! etn ers and W denotes the set of whe amber: a eter 0) ) ‘tas one clement, CEEBBN Use tne roster method wo write each ofthe given ‘8 Thest of whole numbers less than 4 ', These of counting number larger than 11 and less than or equal o 19 These of negative imepers between ~5 and 7 Solution See page $4 Definitions Regarding Sets {Ase s well defined ic is possible 0 determine whether any given tem isan element ofthe St. For instance, the set of leurs ofthe English alphabet is well defined, The et of great songs i not a well-defined set snot possible to determine whether any given ‘song isan element ofthe set o isnot an element ofthe set because there is no standard ‘method for making such a jugment ‘he satoment “te a clsment of the sstof natural numbers” can be writen using ‘mathematical notation a6 4 © N, The symbol Es ead “isan element of” To sat that 53 isnot an element ofthese of natural numbers” we use the “is aot an clement of” symbol, &.and write ~3 € N. EXE ITMAb Appt detntions Regarcing Sets Determine whether sei stuerbet i truer false asepadn [a ben Ler The stoi casi tne Solution Sine san cenenta begins he steno iv, 1. Tee no nepal bey, ote tse ie, Sine tan ge to Store. 1 The onda pee he ane sf V check vai TAM Determine whether each statement iste oF ile, ASIEUN23456) ber «2seW 4. The set of allintegers larger than isa well-defined set. Solution See page $4 “Theempty set, oral ets the se that contains no cements. The symbol Bor Js ‘sed Lo represent the empty set. Asam example ofthe empty set, consider the set of maura ‘numbers tat are negative integers. ‘Another method of representing se is et-buildr notation, Set-bulder notation is especially useful when describing infinite sts. Fo instance, in set-builder notation, the st of natural numbers greater thun 7 is writen as fellows “one la[xeNandx>71 elie oe Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 2.1| Basie Proporios ot Sets 55, ‘The preceding set-builder notation is read as “the set ofall elements such that x i an clement of the set of tural nurbers and xix greater than 7 Is impossible to list al the clement ofthe st, but se-bilder notation defines the st by describing its clement EXTECH Use Set-Buildor Notation to Representa Set Use set builder notation to write the following sets ‘4, Theset of integers eeater than —3 1b, The set of whole numbers es than 1000 Solution (el fande> 3) bi {rx Wand.e< 1000) ‘Use set-uilder notation to write the following ses ‘a Theset of imegers es than 9 bh. The st of natural numbers greater than 4 Solution See page S4 < [Ase is nite if the numberof elements in the sets a whole number: The cardinal number ofa finite set isthe number of elements in the st. The cardinal numberof a finite set AE dened by the nota AA), Roe inane if A™™ {1,4 6,9). then (A) = 4 In this case, A Nava cardinal miberot 4, which ssoymetimes stated as "A has cardinality of EXT Tay frie Cato Find the cardinality of each of he fltowing es AI=RS} BSHBAS67 3 & T= (3751) Solution Set J conan exactly wo clement, so Fhas a cardinality of 2. Using mahe- ‘matical notation, we state thisas (J) = 2. ‘Only afew elements are atl listed. The numberof natural nmbers Fm | 1031 js 3. we omit the numbers 1 and 2 then the number of natural numbers fom 3 ta ST must be 31 — 2 29. Thus 9) — 2 Elements that are liste more than once are counted only ence. Thus (7) Find the cain of the allowing set. A CHELSAILD) RD=(0) GERD Solution see page 4 4 ‘The flowing definitions play an important role in our work with sets ¥ Equal Sets SLA i equal to set 8, denoted by A = B, if and only fA and # have exactly the same elements For instance {ds} ~ fe.fed)- Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 8 2 | Sato YY Equivalent Sets Seis equivalent to sec, denoted by A ~ B,iFani only iA and have the same number of elements. HEEEEIIIE 1 oo sets are equal, must they also be equivalent KQED ITN qua sets and Equivalent sets s a {ae,h.0,uh {3,7 115,19} mh (42,7), {3.4,7,9) le whether each ofthe following pats of sets ae equal, equivalent, boi, oF nether Solution ‘& The sets are not equal. However, cach st has exactly five elements, othe Sets are silent 'B The fis set has thee elements andthe second set has Four elements, so the ses are ot equal and are not equivalent. CATCMTITETT TAT RMN state whethor each ofthe following pairs of ets are equal equivalent, bot, eater a. {xlx © Wandir= Site PF A,8, 1, {5, 10,15, 20,25. 3p, 89) rl Mand 617} Solution See page's MATHMATTERS Georg Cantor Georg Cartor Georg Cantor (kita (1845—1918) was a German mathematician who developed many new concepts regarding the theory of ses. Cantor studied unde the famoos ‘mathematicians Kar Weierstrass and Leopold Kronecker at the University of Belin. “Although Cantor demonstrated alent for mathematics, his professors were unaware that Cantor would paxdace extraceinary results that would cause a major sin the rathematical community Cantor never achieved his lifelong goal ofa professorship atthe University of sli, Instead he spent his active carer at he undistinguished University of Hale vas during this period, when Cantor was between the ages of 29 and 38, that he reduced his best work, Mach ofthis work was ofa controversial nature. One ofthe Simplest ofthe controversial concepts concerned points on line seement, Far in- ance, consider the line segment AB and the line segment CD in the igure st the lll. Which of these 0 line séements do you think contains the mest points? Cantor was able to prove that they both contain the same numberof points I ae, he was able 1o prove that any lie segment, no matter how shor, contain the same ‘numberof points 2a line, of plane, or all of thee-imension space. We will {ake a close look a some ofthe mathematics developed by Cantor in the lst section ofthis chapter. thy ahhh Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 seer 2.1| Basle Properties ot Sots 57 Fuzzy Sets. PSTN tratitionat set theory, an element ether belongs to a set or doesnot belong to the set cis For insance, let A = (|r an even integer). Given x = 8, we have x © A. However i Lat Zatch xt = Iahen @ A Foray gen integer, we can decide wictert blogs to. Zasehisworkinthe Now consider the set B = (x isa number close 10} Does 8 blog this sr? acest tinny shes Does 99 long ote st? Docs (DUN blo othe se? Des Ilo othe Does ledtoanew rect” “Sp peor tothe se Given he mprecnn fthe words "ote 9 impose orem mater Lacy which numbers belong ws ‘aheampung or ieapesiet Sn ek Zak he Uy of Calin Beh, paper saaeertcconpunnptet sake id Fey Sern which be described Une mathemati of zy et hor. This theory SRevedteond fudeompuong sot proposed tat io some degree" many ofthe mbes 8, 99, 10.001, Ian ~50 belong {Snputngmed stan scomme- set dined inthe revi paragraph, Zadeh proposed giving eich lem of set aon th hepervsveimprecion membership grade or membership ale, This valu sa naber fn Ot 1. The closet eftnerel oid hsb ung” he mombahip va tthe gst he crs that an cle bongs othe eel oaf caut 10% o The coer the memes abe 00, he es th cei tha alee lon Shetolemneferimprecson nee Se set Elen offzzy sts ate write inthe form (lees, membership Yale) Yaculiyebusness owsauven —Hereisan ample of faze et Coutandbete appr whe trina aay ood or = (0.04. (09,09), 10001 ‘oteamputg then mind 99), (10, 1), ($0, 0)) ‘An exumiation 8 the membership vales suggests that we are certain that 10 be longs to-€ membership walle i) and We ae-certatwat ~S0 does not Belang to C {inembership value is Every gir element belongs (0 the set“ some degree” ‘The Gonéopr fa fuzky fet as bebo ust in many real-world applications. Hore are afew examples * Cont of heating and air-conditioning systems * Compensation against vibrations in camcorders + Voice recoznition by computers * Conirol of valves and dam gates at power plants = Control of robots * Cont of subway tins * Automatic camera focusing V AFuzzy Heating System “Typical hecting systems are controlled by a thermostat that turns a furnace on ‘shen the room temperate drops below setpoint and tens the furnace af when ‘he roo temperature exceeds the se point. The Furnace ether uns at Fl ovee ‘rit shuts down completely. This type of heating system is inetficint and the frequent off and on changes canbe annoying. A fuzzy heating system makes use of "uz7y" definitions such as cold, warm, and hot to iret the Furnace ofan at lw rmedivm, or fll fore, This results n'a more efficient beating system and fever temperature futuations, Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 licensed to: Parth Patel ppatelt 5263486 ‘ith a membership value. The results areas follows Marks Af = {(4,1).(B,0.79).(€.0.), (0,05). (FOF Bricas = {(4, 1), (B80), (C,0),(D, 0). (F,0)) Lamy: b= 14,0608, N.C, D.(D, 1) (FO) Jennifes J = {(A, 1), (8,08), (C06), (D, 041), (09) 8. Which ofthe four people considers an A grade tobe the only good grade? '. Which ofthe four peoples most likely robe sisied witha grade of D or beter? {Write a fuzzy set that you would use ta deseribe the st of good grades. Consider ‘only the Kter grades A B,C, D.and F 2. In some fuzzy sts, membership values ae given by a membership graph oe by @ Formula, Foe instance, te following figure isa graph ofthe membership values oF the furzy set OLD. Y Mepierip ave a7 pS) peo Age in ote ‘Use the membership graph of OLD wo determine the membership value of each of| the following. ara, beso ess 4. Use the graph of OLD to determine the age x witha membership value of 0.25, ‘An ordered pair (x) ofa fuzzy sei. erossover point if its membership value isos. Find the erossover point for OLD. 23. The fllowing membership graph provides a definition of real numbers x that are “abou”. o ABOUTFOUR— ‘Use the graph of A BOUTPOUR to determine the membership vale of x22 bx 35 er-7 4. Use the graph of ABOUTFOUR to determine its crossover points fopyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 SECTION 2.1| Basic Proporios Sets 59 4. The membership araphs in the following igure provide definitions of the fuzzy se COLD and WARM. Ms ‘The point (38, 0.5) onthe membership graph of COLD indicates tat the member Ship value for x = 35 is 0.5. Ths, by this definition, 35°F is SO cold. Use the above graphs to estimate a the WARM membership value for x = 40 bythe WARM membership value for x = 50 the crossover points of WARM. 5. The membership graph in Exeursion Exercise 2 shows one person's idea of what ages are “old.” Use a grid similar to the following o draw membership graph that you fee defines the concep of being “young” in terms of a person's ge in years, Amsinyer: Show your membership graph toa few of you friends. Do they concur with your Aefvition of “young”? JEXERCISE SET PAl * In Exercises 1 1012, use the roster method wo write each of, The set of whole mumbers les than 8 the given sets, For some exercises you may need 10 CONSULS, Th get of integers x tha satisty x — 4 = 3 reference, suchas he Inert or an eneyelopedia. se . 10. The set ofigers x ha satisfy 2e — 1 = 11 1. The setof US, coins with a vale of less than 50¢ 41. These of natura number x tha satisfy x-+ 4 = 1 2. The set of mont ofthe year with aname that nds with 42, The set of whole numbers x that satisfy x— 1 <4 tho ery 8. The set of planets in or solar sjsem with name that starts wi the leer M 4. The setof the seven dwarfs 8. The sc of US. presidents who have served ater Bil 1 In Exercises 13 © 20, write a desription ofeach set. There ‘may be more than one cocret description 13, (Tuesday, Thursday) 14, (Libra, Leo} Clinton 15, (Mercury, Venus} 46. (penny, nickel, dime} 6. The se of months with exactly 30 days WE (2.345,6.789) 18. 1. The set of negative integers greater than —6 1M. fev Nand eT} 20. (rlre Wandx <5) Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 60 curren 2 | sae ‘Tn Exercises 21 to 30, determine wheter each statements true or false. Ibe statement is fae, give a reason 2 belane 2. 0eN 23, {b) Efa.bed 24. (1.5.9) ~ (RIL) 2. {0)~o 26. The set of large numbers i 4 well-defined st 21. The se of good teachers ia well defined se 28. The sot s|2-< 3 = 3} 6 well-defined se, 29. {re N= (leew) woes "Tn Bercises 31 1040, we se-buler notation o write each ofthe folowing sts. BH {L2.3.4.5,,10,11, 12} 32. {45, 95,68, 75} 33. (5.10.15) BA {1 4.9, 16,25, 36. 49,64, 81), 36. (lanuary March, May, July, August, October, December} 36. flowa, Ohio, Ua 37. (Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska} 38. (Mexico, Canada} 39. {pring summer) 40. {1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904... 1999) Chat Seals Te tonne za br ah @© revs trounce nt be genes mnt of cheer tefae 3, hie nga Sates withthe Greats Number of Charter Sshoos 2010 ‘= Use the data inthe above graph and the oser metho 10 represcat each ofthe ses in Exercises 1 to 4, ‘4. The sto stares thar have mor Chan 200 bat es than 300 charter schoo, 42. The sot of states with more than 350 charter schools 43, (cL xisa state that has between 325 and 450 charter schools 44, rls atte with at east 425 charter stools) Asin fusing fowing ph © irre pl ndiepysen newed tse an merge peeing hone de tie Sets rte yea en 2002 208 "SES SSOLS cas » Use the ata inahe praphandbe rosier method 0 repre= snl each of he sets in erees 45 0 48. 45, The seta years which he monthly principal and eres payment, fora average: priced existing home, exceeded $1000, AB, The stot yeat i which the monthly principal and in- ‘eres payin fora averaged existing home, was berwcen $900 and $1000. 47. (rlxis a year for which the monthly principal and inter es payment, fran averape-piced existing home, vas between $700 and $800) {x1 isa year for which the monthly principal ad iter: ext payment, fran aerage-pice existing home, was Jess than $950) Gasoline Prices ‘The flowing graph shows the U:S.cty average unleaded repular gasoline retail ses fr the years from 20) 6 2008. ont nde pron) SESS SESE SS US. y ate needegu asin el Pes Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 Licensed to: Parth Patel ppatel1 5263486 ' Use the information in the graph andthe roster method to represent each ofthe ets in Exercises 491 52. 49, The sot of years in which the average unleaded regular gasoline retail pice was more than $2.00 but less than 5300 per gallon 50, The so of years in which the average taleaded ruler gasoline reall price was more than $2.40 pe gallon 1. (xl.cis a yea for which the average unleaded regular tzsolne retail prices were more than $1.75 but ls than 2.50 per gallon) 52, [x .cisa yea for which the average unleaded regular sone retail prices were more than $300 per gallon) Ticket Prices The following ble stows the average U.S. movie theatre ket pic fr each yea from 1994 1.2009, Average US. Move Theatre Ticket Pies (ndalln) ‘Year [Price [Year [Pre rr ET 17 | 439 | 2005 [eat |] ie [paen | 2006 | ess 199 | S06 [20 |] eae ao | 5392000] 7.08 aor | ss a009 | 7.50) * Use the information inthe table andthe roster method to represent each ofthe ses in Exercises 5310 56, 58, The set of years in which the average ticket price was less than $5.0 | 54, The set of years in which the average ticket price was rear than $700 55, [x.ris yea for which the average ticket prie was rear than $6.5 bt les than $675} 56. [Lx isa year for which the average cket price Was less than $7.00 but greater than $6.00). 1 In Exercises $7 1066, find the cardinality of each ofthe following ses, For some exercises you may need 1 const a refereace, such asthe Internet or an encyclopedia. BT. A= (, 10,12, 14, 16,18, 20,22} 5B. B = (7,14, 21,28, 35,42, 4, 56) Copyright © Cengage Learning Printed: 9/18/13 21:41 seer 2.1| Basle Properties ot Sots 61 the set fall dogs that can spell “elephant” eset of al sates in the United States 84. J = the set ofall states ofthe United States that bor ‘der Minnesors 2. T= the set of all stripes onthe US. Hag 1 = the set of al baseball teams in the National League I. C ~ these ofall chess pices ona chessboard atthe star of aches game 65. (3.6.9, 12,15, 363) 86. (7,11, 15,19, 23,27... 807} 1 In Exercises 67 to 74, state whether each ofthe gven pals of sesare equal, equivalent, both neither. {7 The set of US. senators; the set of U.S, epresentaives BB, The set of single-digit natural mamiers the st of pins sed ina regulation bowing game 68, These of positive whole numbes: the se of count nambers TD. The set of single-digit natural mambers the set of single-digit integers 7A 002,3} (1 0, 72. (6,8, 1012) ( 73.42.54 (0.1) TA. (10) In Bxecises 78 fo 86, determine whether each ofthe sets is a welldefined set he set af god foods 15 1B. The set of hess mt evil populated ies inthe United Stes The tol ings nthe of Chicago The st fates tt Rader Coker The se even meses 9 The tf toa mers ofthe form, whee pi counting number ‘The se of former presidents ofthe United States who ae alive at the present time The set of real numbers larger than 89,000, ‘The se of small counties ‘The set of great ci 5. The set consisting of he est saa drinks The set of fne wines Bass sin which olive

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