Paul Westhead The System

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LeTourneau University LadyJacket Basketball

I got this from Scott Monarch, the head mens basketball coach at Panola College. I
have adopted it in slightly to our situation. It is a very similar variation to what Loyola
Marymount University (Coach Paul Westhead) used to run back in the late 80s and
early 90s when they were setting all kinds of national scoring records.
Nathan Bedford Forrest (Civil War General)I want to get there the fastest with the

Panola College was second in the nation in scoring during the 2002-2003 season
using this offense. They scored more than 102 points per game. They also shot
50.8% from the field, 73.9% from the free throw line and 33.1% from beyond the arc.
The 2002-2003 Panola College mens team only averaged 9 turnovers per game
while scoring 102 ppg.

We want to get the good percentage shot by outnumbering our opponents, or while
they are adjusting into their basic team defense. The success of this offense lies in
its simplicity.
Get the opponents into a running game, which is normally not what they do best
Goal is to get quick and EASY scoring opportunities. The definition of a quick and
easy scoring opportunity is any time a player is open in an area that they have
demonstrated the ability to hit the shot. It is a green-light offensive philosophy, but
not necessarily for three-pointers. If you can drive, then that is perfectly acceptable.
The more we drive, the more opportunity well have to get to the foul line, which is
one of our specialties. Must attack and score (finish) against all out numbered
defensive situations. Take advantage of any defensive player(s) out of position and
recognize and take advantage of player mismatches. After awhile, the defense will
know what is coming, but we will consistently beat the defense to the spot because
we want it more, are more prepared, and are quicker physically than the opponents.
High energy fast break that begins with a great deal of structure, which then evolves
into allowing players a great deal of freedom.
This is not solely a primary or secondary break, it is bothits our main offense.
It is an offensive full-court play that begins with possession of the ball off the
defense. We expect to get an open shot with this offense every time we run it.

The key for success is the consistent execution of the play in a rapid fashion. The
defense may know what you are doing but you continually beat them to the spot.
Paul Westhead, former head coach of Loyola Marymount
Anytime that we gain possession of the ball, we want to advance the ball downcourt
as rapidly as possible, in an organized manner. Every player must run each lane as
fast as possible every time we gain possession. The player cannot run the floor in a
selective manner.
Pass for a score, not just to pass (the less passing the better)
Will fast break on every possession
First player that is open for a shot should get the ball
Unlike Loyola Marymount and Panola College, L.U. will play tenacious defense that
will create even more
opportunities on the
offensive end.
Transition begins
with defense (in
particular, the
boxout). Good
defense provides for
offensive mistakes
and errors which are
foundation of a
successful break.
Though it is
extremely important to get out and sprint as quickly as possible, dont do this until we
have gained possession of the basketball.
The offense is designed as a numbered break with each player having a unique and
individual assignment. These responsibilities are not to be neglected nor deviated
from until they are completed.
Numbering each player and giving them definite responsibilities helps to eliminate
indecision by each player and reduces the chances of errors or turnovers. It also
enables the players to react automatically to their responsibilities as soon as we gain
possession of the basketball. Both factors lead to a more successful fast break.
The more positions (versatility) that you can play, the more of an opportunity you will
have to play.
Anyone can bring the ball up the court, if its quicker and gives us a better advantage
It is predictable, but effective if executed properlyit plays on the fact that not all 5
defenders will play good defense on each possession.
As a coach, you tolerate nothing less than everything
Shoot the ball a lotexpect to make a lot of shotsexpect to miss a lot of
shotswhat you do with the misses will be the key to your success.

Attack every possession (offensively and defensively)

The offense requires total commitment to each of its rules and principles on a
regular basis. If one player doesnt execute their role on every trip down the floor
the fast break system as he devised it cannot work. It can only work if the team
plays as a 5-person unit and not as five individuals. To run this fast break most
effectively, the players need to have a feel for each other and know where everyone
will be in a certain situation.

1st KeyGet the ball (preferably on a turnover or rebound)
2nd KeyOutlet the ball quickly and successfully
3rd KeyRUN (If you dont run, youre done)
4th KeyCrash the boards on the shot (2nd chance points are crucial)
Fast break begins with the blockout. Each man must find and maintain contact.
Instant possession is vital to successfully running the break
Timing and spacing is very important.
1-to-3 (for layup)

1-to-2 (for jumper or layup)





1 (for jumper or layup)

1-to-3 (for layup off drive by 1)






1-to-4 (topfor
jumper or drive)

1-to-4 (bottom
down on the block)

1-to-5 (for jumper or








1-to-3-to-4 (4 cuts to the basket)

1-to-2-to-4 (4 cuts to the basket or

catches on the block, making a move)






1-to-5-to-4 (4 steps to the

ball down low)

1-to-5-to-3 (for jumper

or drive)


1-to-2-to-5 (for jumper

or drive)






1-MAN (Best ball-handler and point guard) Main Responsibilities
1. Safe Outlet
a. The more you can get open for the outlet pass at the free throw line
extended to the hash mark, the better.
b. We dont want the rebounder or inbounder looking too hard for you
on the outlet. You should always be
in close proximity to the hash mark
or free throw line extended (i.e. the
bee on our court).
c. If you are fronted look at
sealing/holding off the defender as
the 5-man lobs the ball out ahead of
you, if you are defended from the rear, you may have to come back
toward the ball slightly. You need to recognize these situations
quickly and accurately.



2. Advance Ball Quickly

a. When you catch the ball immediately pivot/hesitate and know what
is immediately in your way. Decide your course of action and act
decisively and aggressively. We do not want you to turn the ball
over or pick up a cheap charging foul by just catching and going all
in the same motion.
b. Always go up the right side of the court
c. Push the ball down court as fast as humanly possible.
d. Put immediate pressure on the defense and make the play in the
foul line area.
e. First look is up the court to the 3
f. The usual rule of thumb is dont pass to 2 or 3 until they get to the
three point line (especially the 2wait for them to get to their
g. Must be very effective at doing the hesitation dribble, the pull-back
dribble and the inside-out dribble
h. Dont drive to the middle of the lane until the 4-man has cut to the
i. You need to be able to make the 1-to-3 pass for a layup after a
maximum of two dribbles (0 or 1 dribble is preferred) or else you
will not be as an effective of an offensive leader as the team needs.

3. Pass for Score

a. If you maintain composure and do what you are supposed to do,
you will get a lot of assists. Panola Colleges point guard lead the
nation in assists during the 2002-2003 season with 12 assists per
b. Pass to people so they can score, not just to get rid of it or to
advance the ball.
c. Keep your dribble. There is not a lot of movement and screening
built into the offense so it will be difficult to get rid of the ball if you
pick up your dribble before you need to.
d. You are in chargeact like itbe assertive and aggressive without
being careless
4. Shoot, if necessary
a. Must be very effective at hitting the 15-foot pullup jumper
b. A missed layup (or close range shot) is, in some cases worse than
a turnover.
2-MAN (Best shooter) Main Responsibilities
1. Sprint to Right Wing
a. As soon as we get possession of the ball sprint the right side of the
floor to the three-point line/free-throw line extended area
b. Generally there is no reason to look back for the ball until you get,
at least, to half-court because the point guard is not going to pass it
to you until you are ready to shoot. We dont want you catching
early and dribbling (it slows the break down).
c. Must sprint hard EVERY time even if you dont get the ball for a
number of possessionsrun for each other; no selective running
2. Be Ready to Catch & Score
a. When you catch it is normally because you are open. Look to catch
and score, whether that is off the shot or shot fake and go.
b. When 1 passes to 2, 2's rule is to "SHOOT". If he had not been
open for a shot then 1 would not have passed him the ball. So if he
shoots immediately and it is a contested shot, it is 1's fault not 2's.
3, 4 and 5 crash the boards.
c. If you dont receive the ball, be ready for a kick out situation or if
you see a teammate shoot the ball, go and rebound.
3. Pass to Open Man
a. If you dont immediately take the shot then look for the 4-man inside
3-MAN (Best athlete & 1-on-1 player) Main Responsibilities
1. Sprint to Left Block (ready to catch & score)
a. As soon as we get possession of the ball, you must sprint as fast as
you can to the left hand block area.





b. Generally you dont need to look back until you reach the threepoint line, then continue sprinting but while looking back to receive
the pass
c. You are the very first look for the point guard
d. Must sprint hard EVERY time even if you dont get the ball for a
number of possessionsrun for each other; no selective running
Pop Out to Wing (when 4 cuts to right block)
a. Once the 4-man gets to three-point arc and begins the cut to the
basket, you may v-cut out to the three-point arc looking for a shot
(normally when point guard drives to the middle and kicks).
Be Read to Catch & Score
a. When you receive the ball on reversal, look immediately to create a
scoring opportunity. At times, based on feel, you could receive a
ball screen for the pick-and-roll or the pick-and-pop by the 5-man.
You will then play a two man game (possibly a three man game
with the point guard).
a. You will normally have sole backside
rebounding responsibility. You will get a
lot of rebounds if you are down on the
block when the shot goes up from the right side. Be sure to box
out the defender underneath the basket and then run the ball
down. Dont push off, we dont want any cheap fouls. If you are on
the perimeter when the shot goes up, be activeyoull get a lot of
boardsdont be a spectator.
Pass to Open Man

4-MAN (Best inside-outside combo player) Main Responsibilities

1. Serve as secondary outlet or safety
a. You are the safety outlet person
if we can not get the ball to the
point guard immediately. You
MUST get yourself open without
a screen near the elbow on the
left side of the court. If you
receive the pass, you are to
immediately look to outlet the ball
to the point guard on the right side of the floor ASAP. If the point
guard is still guarded, you may advance the ball up the floor quickly
on the dribble (while looking to still hit the point guard at some point
during the sequence if the opportunity presents itself)
2. Sprint up court with point guard, eventually cutting diagonally to the right
side block
a. Stay parallel and to the left of the point guard until the ball is safely

3. Be ready to catch & score anywhere from the top of the key to the right
a. When you get to the three point arc, hesitate slightly in case you
are open and the point guard passes to you for a shot
b. After a quick hesitation and no pass comes your way, cut hard to
the block with the intention of getting the ball.
c. If the point guard drives/penetrates down the right side of the lane
ahead of you (they are not supposed to penetrate down the middle
in front of you, only to the right of you), then follow them up down
the middle of the lane for the pass once they draw the defense
d. As a general rule, stay on the block for a moment once the ball is
swung to see what the 3-man is doing to do. However, if you do
follow the ball and try to seal, then be aware that on a drive by the
3-man, youll have to adjust and position yourself accordingly.
e. Always cut to right block when ball is passed to the 2-man.
4. Rebounding
a. You will normally be responsible for all right side rebounding
5-MAN (Best rebounder & inbounder) Main Responsibilities
1. Inbound ball safely
a. Always take the ball out of bounds and inbounds it to the right side
of the floor.
b. No preferred passing method. Do whatever is comfortable and
effective for you.
c. Be smart on the outlet passing. Be very quick and aggressive but
not careless.
d. If the point guard is totally covered, look for the 4-man at the left
e. If the point guard is fronted look at lobbing the ball out ahead of her
(however, be aware of if there is someone waiting to take a charge
on her), if the point guard is defended from the rear, she may have
to come back toward the ball slightly. You need to recognize these
situations quickly and accurately.
2. Sprint up court
3. Be ready to help point guard against pressure
4. Rebound
a. On offense, you will rarely get boxed out. You should end up
getting the most offensive rebounds. Be aggressive but not
careless. Be smart (watch the ball and use your basketball sense
and intelligence) and pick up no unnecessary over-the-back calls.
5. Initiate offensive set if ball not passed to you for score
a. You are to trail the play slightly (no more than a step or two behind
the point guard) and be the reversal man (for your scoring
opportunity or to further reverse the ball to the 3-man) or possibly
the ball screen man for the point guard (or the 3-man).

b. You are to replace the 4-man once she cuts to the ball side block.
Whether you step into the left-hand elbow area or stay near the
three-point arc is based upon your shooting ability and/or where
your defender is positioned.
c. At times, based on feel, you can set a ball screen for the pick-androll or the pick-and-pop for the 3-man. You will then play a two man
game (possibly a three man game with the point guard).
You could still run this fast break from a dead ball. Most of the time, when the
official hands us the ball, we will have a special play set up to guarantee that we
get a specific person a shot or a specific type of shot from our offensewhich
the fast break doesnt normally do. Though the fast break is neither a primary
nor secondary break, we will look to go into some kind of continuity or secondary
option if we exhaust the options from the fastbreak. This is usually just an
extension of the fast break with the offense beginning with the players in their
current fast break finishing positions.
1. Stick in some easy baskets before the defense can get back.
2. Create potential mismatches against a transition defense.
3. Open the window of opportunity against defenders who are scrambling to pick
up their offensive players or to get to their spots in a zone defense.
4. Put continual pressure on the opponent. They will constantly be worrying
about getting back on defense. This thinking may cause them to be less
aggressive on the offensive glass and may keep their point guard from
penetrating as much.
5. An aggressive team attitude on offense will often carry over to your defense
and rebounding.
6. Will favor the team that is well-conditioned.
7. Use more players in a regular rotation. This, oftentimes, leads to good team
harmony with many players getting playing time.
8. Players and fans enjoy a well-played, entertaining, up-tempo game.
9. Practicing the fast break can be fun and useful as a conditioning opportunity
without the drudgery of running sprints.
10. It teaches player alertness and opportunism.
11. It teaches quick-thinking and decision-making skills.
12. It teaches teamwork.
13. Makes your opponent prepare to stop your transition game, taking away from
working on their plays.
14. Spurtabilityit creates opportunities to score in bunches.


1. Runners (not necessarily great athletes) that hustle
2. Depth (10-12 players)
3. A point guard that is:
a. Tough
b. Quick-Thinking
c. Unselfish
d. Able to hit the pull-up15-foot jumper
e. Good at advancing the ball quickly up the court if no pass is available
f. Can throw a pass from the far hash mark to the block on one-dribble.
4. Total commitment
5. Understanding of everyones role within the system
1. If someone does not run the floor hard because they wont get the ball, this
will hurt another players chances for getting an open look (run for your
teammatesno picking and choosing when to run).
2. Slow point guard ball-advancement
3. Slow outletting by 5-man on made baskets
4. 5-man trails too far behind the point guard making the point guard wait too
long for the 5-man to become a viable offensive option (e.g. a ball screen on
top or hitting the 5-man for a jumper on top because the defender has backed
off to help on drive). Trailing too far behind also hurts in the offensive
rebounding area. The 5-man will not be close enough to hit the glass.
5. Point guard penetration and poor shot selection will kill you because of the
lack of transition defense, as well as the poor offensive rebounding position
that is available on a layup attempt.
6. 4-man cutting to the right elbow and then down, as opposed to cutting
diagonally to the right block
7. 3-man not running to the block but just to the left wing.
1. Duke 2-Man
2. 5-Man Series
3. 5-on-2/5-on-3
4. 2-on-1 Fullcourt
5. 7-Second Shot Clock
6. Cycles
7. 1-Man Drill (LMU dribble dribble)
8. 5-1 Continuous
9. 2-Guard Shooting
10. Fastbreak Position Play

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