Museum Art Analysis

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Olivia DAndrea
Mrs. Lucarelli
Comparative Civilizations
13 January 2016
Museum Art Analysis
Lamentation: This piece of art by Cornelis Engebrechtsz is a perfect example of
Renaissance art. Lamentation is a depiction of the moments after Jesus was taken down from
the cross, and put into the arms of his weeping loved ones. It contains signs of secularism, which
are evident in the artists use of a non-heavenly background. The artist also removed Jesuss halo,
and painted him as the size of the other humans, which is a great example of the emerging artistic
styles, and is a major characteristic of Renaissance artwork.
Road to Calvary: Road to Calvary is a perfect example of Renaissance ideas, artistic
styles, and concepts. It portrays Jesus with the qualities and proportions of a normal human
being, and has realistic perspective. Although Jesus has a halo, it is not overwhelming or very
prominent in the painting. Lastly, Jesus is portrayed on Golgotha, in a very natural setting, which
was a popular theme in Renaissance art. However, since Golgotha is a holy setting, this painting
still contains traces of style from the Middle Ages.
Holy Family in a Landscape: This painting reflects many humanistic ideas and
concepts, which are mostly shown through the natural background, and by baby Jesus and John
the Baptist being nude. In Renaissance art, the human body is highlighted in paintings sculptures,
and sketches. Also, the background is very natural and earthly, which can be attributed to
secularism. Lastly, all figures, no matter how important, are all depicted realistically, and with no
halos. This is an important part of Renaissance ideals and concepts.


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