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Rose McQuay, Principal

Mr. Graeme Daniel, Vice Principal
Mr. Ian Stang, Vice Principal
Mr. Mike Kelly, Vice Principal
Mrs. Mandy Reed, Assistant Principal

50 Lees Street,
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
T4R 2P6
Phone: (403) 342-4800
Fax: (403) 343-2249

January 11, 2015

To whom it may concern:
I am writing this reference at the request of Lianne Pascua. I have known Lianne for a year in my capacity as a
teacher at cole Secondaire Notre Dame High School. Lianne is currently taking Mathematics 20-1 from me.
Lianne is a bright and attentive young woman. In class, in her work and outside of the classroom setting, she
demonstrates that she is an intelligent and capable student with great potential. During the time Ive known her,
Lianne has worked to greatly improve her own confidence in her abilities and reach beyond her comfort level to
continue to grow as a math student and a person.
Lianne is an active member of the community and sets a great example for all around her volunteering and
raising money for different organization. In the last two years Lianne has volunteered with the Festival of Trees
and the Childrens Festival.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend Lianne Pascua. If her performance in my class or in the community
are any indication of how she'd perform in your position, Lianne will be a positive addition to your organization.
If you should ever need any additional information regarding Miss. Pascua, please do not hesitate to contact me
at 403-342-4800 ext 263389 or by email at


Patricia Shoemaker
Teacher, cole Secondaire Notre Dame High School

God is our power, knowledge is our strength

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