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Plot Overview

About the Author

The characters in this story are

demigods which a children of gods
and mortals.The demigods Reyna and
Nico and the satyr, Coach Hedge, are
transporting a statue called the
Athena Parthenos from Rome to
Camp Half-Blood in New York to call
a truce between the Greek and
Roman armies who plan to fight
when Gaea, the Earth goddess, wakes
to destroy the humans. There is a
second group of demigods however,
Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank,
Annabeth and Percy. They are trying
to prevent Gaea from rising, they are
trying to reach the Acropolis because
that is where Gaea is supposed to
rise. Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge
arrive in Puerto Rico to take a small
break from traveling and Reyna
reunites with her sister, Hylla. Reyna
is then found by Orion, who is
working for Gaea. The other group
seeks out the goddess Nike
who gives them a prophecy telling
them that one of the seven demigods
in their group will die but advises
them to seek out the Physicians cure
which can revive someone shortly
after they die. The ingredient needed
are the poison of Pylos, a chained
gods heartbeat, and the curse of
deos. They seek out Apollo and
Artemis who give them the last
ingredient needed for the cure, and
find Apollos son who creates the cure
for them and they head to the the
camp. Nico, Reyna, and Hedge
escape Orion and head to Camp
Half-Blood. Everyone gets to the
camp and the Roman army arrives,
the statue also arrives just as Gaea

Richard Russell Riordan Jr. was born

on June 5th, 1964 in San Antonio,
Texas. H graduated from Alamo
Heights High School and the
University of Texas. He ten taught
English and Social Studies at
Presidio Hill School in San
Francisco. He later married Becky
Riordan who also was born on June
5th of 1964 however 30 minutes
earlier than Rick. They had two sons,
Haley and Patrick. He is most famous
for his book series, Percy Jackson
and the Olympians, more than 30
million copies of these books were
sold and the first two books became
movies. He also wrote some of the 39
Clues, as well as the Kane
Chronicles, The Heroes of Olympus,
Magnus Chase and the Gods of
Asgard and is starting a new series
called the Trials of Apollo. He also
wrote four crossover books between
the Kane Chronicles and the Percy
Jackson series.

Historical Context
The book takes place in the present in
Greece, New York, Rome and San
Juan. The book includes GrecoRoman ideas and beliefs such a their
gods and powers.

Novel Notes
The Blood of
Michael Martinus

Essential Quotes
Seven half-bloods shall answer the
call. To storm or fire the world must
fall. An oath to keep with a final
breath. And foes bear arms to the
Doors of Death (Riordan ).

No one can hate you more than

someone who used to love you
(Riordan ).

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation.

Web. 11 Jan. 2016.


Motifs and Symbols

awakens. There is a line in the

prophecy that says, to storm or fire
the world must fall meaning that
either Jason or Leo will die saving
the world because Jason is the son of
Jupiter, the god of storms and Leo is
the son of Hephaestus, the god of fire.

Character Analysis

Friendship: All of the demigods are

friends and because of their
friendship, they are more capable of
taking the necessary steps to
defeating Gaea but because of their
friendship, they try to find loopholes
in the prophecies so they can all
finish their mission alive, defying
their give fates.

Fate: The book series revolves

Identify each major character in the around the Prophecy of Seven which
entails the death of one of the
novel. Describe the most import
demigods and the fates of the six
traits that characterize this person.
(Speech, Thoughts, Effects on other, others. They all do as much as
possible to stop the world from
Action, Looks)
ending however they are all trying to
escape their fates. When Leo finds
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano: Reyna is
out that he is the demigod fated to
the daughter of the Roman goddess
die, he finds the Physicians cure
Bellona, the goddess of war. She feels
which can revive the dead.
guilty for killing her fathers spirit.
Reyna lends her strength to Nico so
he doesnt die she also allows Nico to Sacrifice: Sacrifice is necessary for
the world to end and as well as to be
help her get through her guilt.
saved. A demigods blood is necessary
to wake Gaea and her minions plan t
Nico DiAngelo: Nico is the son of the
sacrifice a demigod to honor her
Greek god Hades, the god of the
wake. Also, a member of the seven
Underworld. She feels like an outcast
demigods must die in order to defeat
because he is never accepted around
other demigods. Nico has the ability
to travel through shadows so he uses
that power to transport h statue even
though it's slowly killing him.
Piper McLean: Piper is the daughter
of the Greek goddess of love,
Aphrodite. Piper fears that her love
for Jason isnt real due to the fake
memories of their relationship given
to her by the goddess Juno. Piper
uses her charmspeak to persuade her
enemies into doing what she wants
which benefits her quest.

The Curse of Delos: This is a flower

only found on the island where
Artemis and Apollo were born. Hera
made a deal with the nature spirits to
turn away Leto, the twins
mother,from giving birth on any land
rooted to the Earth. Delos was a
floating island and gladly welcomed
Leto where she gave birth to her
twins. Hera was enraged so she
cursed Delos to be rooted to the
ground bit Delos was happy so it
grew flowers that were named the
Curse of Delos. The flower was an
ingredient for the Physicians Cure so
the demigods needed the flower.
The Physicians Cure: One of the
seven demigods are fated to die, so
the seven search for the Physicians
Cure. The cure will allow them to
fulfill the prophecy but it gives them a
loophole, because the doomed
character can just drink it and they
will be revived.

Jason Grace: Jason is the sn of the

Roman god of storms, Jupiter. Jason
feels like hes going to die due to the
Prophecy of Seven. Jason is stabbed
with imperial gold which is deadly to
demigods and must heal himself by
solving a very scary personal
problem, his dead mother.
Leo Valdez: Leo is the son of the
Greek god of fire and metalwork,
Hephaestus.Leo fears that he will
never find a way back to Ogygia, the
island where nobody can go twice to
free his love, Calypso. Leo struggles
in finding a way to return to Ogygia
to rescue his love while the same
time, helps his friends save the world.

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