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Occupational Health & Safety Policy

Civex Pty Ltd is a civil electrical company working in electrical reticulation, transmission
and distribution services.
Civex Pty Ltd is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all personnel
and continually improve our project safety by adhering to the following principles:

Working towards a Culture of Safety and accident-free workplace at all times.

Comply with all applicable occupational health and safety statutory, regulatory and
other contractual requirements.

Minimisation of potential hazards and risks within all our projects during the design
and development phase.

Encourage of influence our clients and contractors to promote workplace safety

awareness and responsibility through the adoption of safe work design with the aim
of reducing injuries at all affected worksites.

Provide awareness on safety issues for all persons working for the organisation with
the intent that they are made aware of their OHS obligations.

Committed to the continual improvement of our Occupational Health & Safety

performance through effective objectives, targets and programmes.

Our commitment to Occupation Health & Safety is driven by senior management,

extending to all functions and all levels of the organisation.

Yours sincerely

Dan Tobin
Managing Director
18 December 2012

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