Bookreportq2 2015-Estefaniavillicana-Albanil

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Plot Overview

Briefly, but using the entire space, discuss the plot,

conflict, and rising action to summarize the plot.
Use your own words.

Ponyboy Curtis, a fourteen year-old

Greaser, who lives with his older
brothers after losing their parents in a
car crash. Greasers are low-class
adolescents, who have conflict with a
group of wealthy teens called the Socs.
After having a big fight with his oldest
brother, Ponyboy runs off with a fellow
greaser/ close friend named Johnny.
They ran into trouble along the way and
Johnny does the unimaginable; which
causes Johnny and Ponyboy to go away
for a while to hide from the cops. While
hiding from the cops, Ponyboy and
Johnny are rushed to a hospital after
saving children from a burning church.
When they come back to town, everyone
thanks them for their heroic actions but
the Socs want to get back for what
Johnny did. The Socs and Greasers set
up a rumble to settle the deal that; If
the Socs win everything stays the same,
but if the Greasers win things finally get
better for them. At the end of the night,
few deaths take place and Ponyboy
makes a meaning out of their deaths.

About the Author

Include important information about the author. You
may want to include what inspired them, other
works they have written, significant life events, what
time period he or she wrote in, and how the time
period influenced the writing.

Susan Eloise Hinton has written over 15 books

from 1967 to 2007. The Outsiders was the first
book she published and has been her most
successful book, also had it turn into a movie.
Hinton wanted something realistic and relatable
to teens, eventually she wrote and published
The Outsider in 1967. After selling over four
million copies in the United States, she used
the money to attend the University of Tulsa to
get her degree. After having writers block after
publishing her first novel, Hinton got married in
1970 and later had That was Then, This was
Now published a year later.

Historical Context

Include information on the time period, social,

economical, cultural, and other significant
influences that characterize this novel.

The Outsiders must be set in the sixties

in the South, for the type of slang they
spoke throughout the story and
conversations about rodeos. The story
shows conflict between low class teens
and wealthy teens that have everything.
Later they realize money isnt the only
thing, but values that set them apart.

Novel Notes
The Outsiders
S.E. Hinton
Estefania Villicana
January 10, 2016

Essential Quotes
Add two quotes that capture the essence of the
novel. Be sure to cite the quotations properly.

Maybe the two worlds we lived

in weren't so different. We saw
the same sunset (Hinton 41).
I lie to myself all the time. But I
never believe me (Hinton 18).

Add Work Cited Here: S.E. Hinton. Famous


Character Analysis


Motifs and Symbols

Identify each major character in the novel.

Describe the most import traits that characterize
this person. (Speech, Thoughts, Effects on other,
Action, Looks)

Identify and analyze some of the significant themes

in the novel.


Identify and interpret some of the major motifs and

symbols in the novel.


This book tells about a rivalry of

Greasers, low-class teens and Socs, the
A fourteen year old greaser that lives
rich kids. It seems like they are complete
with his sixteen year old brother,
opposites, but both groups have
Sodapop, who are under custody of their problems.
twenty year old brother, Darry. Ponyboy
does great in academics, but has no
common sense which leads him into
problems like almost getting mugged by In a short period of time, three deaths
have occurred; Johnny, Dallas, and Bob.
a group of Socs. Throughout the story,
Each death affected Ponyboy differently,
he learns to judge someone as an
individual not on what group they belong he eventually learned to find out the the
value of their life and death.

Watching sunsets is what Cherry and

Ponyboy find in common. Eventually
Ponyboy sees a connection between
Socs and Greasers; despite the
differences between the groups doesnt
mean individuals dont having something
in common or should hate on each other
without getting to know the person as
who they really are.

Sherri (Cherry) Valance

Having greasy hair is like an essential to

being a Greaser, it showed pride and
dignity to their gang. The hair really
represented how they honor to be a
Greaser and sets them apart from other
groups. It somehow gave them an
identity as a Greaser.

Ponyboy Curtis

Sherri Valance, most known as Cherry

for her red hair, a cheerleader who is
friends with Ponyboy which happens to
be a Soc. Unlike the other Socs, she
believes that everyone has a good side
even in greasers like Dallas, doesnt
believe in violence and watches the
sunset. Cherry helps Ponyboy to see
things from different point of views.

Dallas Winston

Dallas is known as a very troubled teen;

who is the tougher, colder, meaner
member in the greasers. He helps
Johnny and Ponyboy through their time
of need.

Prejudice is really big on this story
because the Socs and Greasers hate
each other without any reasonable
reason. At first, Ponyboy only liked
Greasers: eventually, he went out of his
comfort zone and got to know people
like Cherry and Randy.


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