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Revision Worksheet Grade X

Features of civil disobedience
It demanded Purna Swaraj.
It aimed at paralyzing the government.
It brought women to the fore front.

Three causes for launching of civil
disobedience movement.
Economic causes: The great depression of 1929 had a
deep impact on the Indian economy especially on
agriculture. As the demand for agriculture goods fell and
export declined, peasants found it difficult to sell their
harvest and to pay their revenue. The government
refused to lower the taxes. So by 1930, the farmers
were in poor condition.
Failure of Simon Commission: The Simon Commission was
constituted in response to the nationalist movement. But
the Commission failed to satisfy the Indian people and
the leader.
Gandhis Eleven Demands: Gandhiji put forward Eleven
demands to correct the wrong done to the Indians. He
assured the Viceroy that he would withdraw the CDM on

British Governments acceptance of these demands.

Gandhis demands were declared to be unrealistic by the
Salt Law: Salt was consumed by both the rich and the
poor, and was one of the most essential items of food.
The tax on salt and the government monopoly over its
production revealed the most oppressive face of the
British Rule. Hence, Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch a
civil disobedience march known as the Salt/Dandi March.
Purna Swaraj


Main feature of national party.


Three functions of a political party.

National political parties:

a) There are some country wide parties, which
are called national parties. These parties have
there units in various states. They follow the
same policies, programmes and strategy
decided at national level
b) A party that secures at least six percent of
the total votes in Lok Saba election or
assembly or assembly election in four states
and wins at least four seats in the Lok Saba is
recognized as a National party.
c) E.g: Indian National Congress, Bharatiya
Janata party, Communist party
Parties contest Election

Parties put forward different policies and

programmes and the voters choose from them
Parties play a decisive role in making laws for
a country
Parties form and run the governments
Those parties that lose in election play the
role of opposition to the parties in power.
Parties shape opinions
Parties provide access to government
machinery and welfare schemes implemented
by governments.

Define MNCs.
What are trade barriers?
MNCs controls productions in other
countries. Explain.
How did people belonging to different
communities, regions or language groups
develop a sense of collective belonging?
The sense of collective belonging came partly
through the experience of united struggles.
Other factors that played a part in the
development of a sense of collective belonging
were: history and fiction, folklore and songs,
popular prints and symbols.

What are the characteristics of
production set up by MNCs?
10. What are the factors that have enabled
11. Why do we follow multiparty system?
A multi - party system consists of more than
two parties contesting elections.
Advantages: Makes the country more
Makes it easier to accommodate large
sections of the society.
Better decision making
Increases competition among parties and
hence gives out better reforms.

12. Explain three steps taken by different

authorities to reform political party.
Anti-defection law: The constitution was
amended to prevent elected MLAs and MPs from
changing parties. This was done because many
elected representatives indulging in defection in
order to become ministers or crash rewards. Now
the law says that if any MLA or MP changes
parties, he/she will lose the seat in the
Affidavit: The Supreme Court passed an order to
reduce the influence of money and criminal. Now, it is
mandatory for every candidate who contests

elections to file an affidavit, giving details of his

property and criminal cases pending against him. The
new system has made of information available to the
The Role of Election Commission: Election
commission passed an order making it necessary for
political parties to hold their organizational elections
and file their income tax returns. The parties have
started doing so but sometimes it is mere formality.

Differentiate foreign trade and foreign
investment .
14. 2 feature of MNCs.
15. Impact of globalization hasnt been
uniform. Explain.
16. Why did nationals start collecting folk
songs, legends etc. in the late 19th

In late nineteenth century India, nationalists began

recording folk tales sung by different bards and
toured villages to gather folk songs and legends.
These tales, they believed, gave a true picture of
traditional culture and it was essential to preserve
this folk tradition in order to discover ones national
identity and restore a sense of pride in ones past.

17. How did the demands of the Muslim

league worsen the prospect of attaining

18. What are the functions of a political

19. Why do we need political parties?
20. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of by-party system?
21. What is liberalization of foreign trade?

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