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Statistics n Econometrics:


What is Kurtosis?
What is Kurtosis for Normal Distribution?
What is Left Skewed and Right skewed distribution?
Relation between Mean and Median in a skewed
5 What is p value? How is this useful
6 What is the difference in confidence interval in the below
given scenario
7 H0 >1 and H0! = 1 (Define 5% confidence interval for
8 Define alpha and beta
9 What is percentile?
10How is percentile calculated?
11What is indexing?
12What is regression? Define alpha and Beta in this context
13What is OLS?
14Properties of OLS. Explain each of the assumptions of OLS
using a real life example.
15Define t-statistics
16Difference between z stats and t stats
17Define chebyshevs theorem
18Relation between Covariance and Correlation
Note: The above questions are just to give you an
overview and are not

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