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Unit 30 task 1

Matthew Brienza

Advert: UEFA No to racism

This advert has talking heads as the style as throughout the advert it is
always cutting to different faces of famous footballers and the camera just
captures their faces. It is a close up shot of the footballers faces as well
straight angle, this helps display the dramatic tone as you can see the
serious emotion on the footballers face. The style of this advert is also
dramatic because the topic is saying no to racism so the advert already
brings quite a serious topic.

The music in this advert also sounds very dramatic which really sets the
tone of the advert. The Editing is just cutting to different famous
footballers, so they say No to racism in their own language and then it
cuts to the next footballer where they also say it. This helps display the
dramatic style because it shows that these big name footballers all from
different ethnicities are all uniting to stand up against racism.
The identity of this advert is UEEFA and they are the head of football in
Europe so they use these big name players to show that racism is wrong.
The iconography shown in this advert is the use of including world class
footballers in the advert because they are well known. The unique selling
point of this advert compared to other anti-racism adds is that they use
famous footballers in the advert to show that these big names dont
tolerate it and since many of these footballers are role models it means
that they can lead as example to everyone else but especially to a
younger audience.

When the footballer is shown the backdrop is in either black or white, this
could potentially display the acceptance of races and ethnicities which
therefore further displays the topic of racism and furthermore
demonstrates the dramatic style. This advert also shows concern about in
the advert, it does this by having the footballers faces have a solemn
which shows that that they feel concern for this matter and it also
contrasts the facial expressions they show normally show in the eye of the
public which are usually happy when they celebrate a goal or win in a
game and when they show an angry expression when lose or concede a
The target audience for this advert is supposed to be for everyone
because it shows that racism is not acceptable for anyone and that no one
should have to tolerate it.

The advert shows Ethos because the theme of racism is an ethical issue
around the world and the footballers persuade the viewer to say no to
racism. The advert also gives an emotional response of which everyone
from different ethnicities. The Geo demographic for this advert is aimed
at everyone because it is meant to show that racism is not acceptable for

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