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Deu meme geC rors — cmt = Lea @ Olefin unit startup Pay @ Online optimization eo Evaluating piping dynamic stresses Use these calculations tor a quick, accurate analysis K. 1. Truong, The Ultragen Group Ltd, Qushee, Canna ining vibration can be a concen to utility owners and operators as well as Togulatory agencies, ‘Many programs havo boon developed fo assure ‘liability and plant safety with respect to vibration, all fro alco mod at minimizing cost and delay during plant startup. Arceptabilityof piping system vibration Ibaffected bythe maximum vibratory stress nthe pipe. ‘his could be determined by either vial observation of, obviously, by more elaborate instrumentation-baced ‘measurement and analytical techniques. ‘neither case, the dynamic stress should not exceed an allowable level related to permissible alternating Stress values given hy the ASME Code fra given num: Der ofeyeles, Since direct dyaamic stress measurement ‘sa complicated process, vibration is mainly monitored Dy using portable instruments that capture frequency and amplitude. ‘The following approach presents a rapid and reli able means of evaluating the harmonie dynamic Stresses of simply supparted pipeline from data cl lected in the fel. Moreover, itlustrates how aes culator or personal computar might he all that's needed to determine dynamic stresses in piping This may come infbandy ifthe analyst is expected to provide anewers without being able to resort to computer software ‘Alor explaining th calculation basis and underly sng equations, we wll highlight the simplicity and ve ative accuracy of the “emergency caleulator approach” incase history. Basie equatlone. Free vibration oscars when a aystem is diplacod from ia state position and le free to orl: Into. Under free vibration the system oecllates at its natural frequencies. The natural frequencies are dynamic characteristics ofthe system speciied by ia stiness and inertia properties, Natural frequencies arocaleulated with modal analysis. Foreed vibrations are classified as either periodic or nonperiode. Ta peri ‘die vibration, the response repeats itself at a regular time interval, called perind 7. Harmonic excitation is a sublase of periodie bration and is described in this Srtcle as an analytical approach. "ig 1. Unamped SDOF sytem suneies 0 aha ad Consider an undamped single degree of freedom (SDOF) system that i subjected ta harmon fae, P, ‘with amplitude Py and dreular frequency @ Fig. 1 The ‘equation of motion is given by My by = il) o ‘The solution of Ea. 11 H0)=Asoat Bent Bly sar ea where is defined asthe ratio of the eireular frequency Uf the externally applied load tothe natural ereular frequency of the aystom, that i rel @ or ‘The solution given by Eq 2s the superposition ofthe ‘hee vibration problom and the offs ofthe exiting ose exposed by the last term of Bq. 2, which involves only tho harmonic load frequency. For frequency response lnalysie or stoady-stato harmonic analyaia, aly the ‘eady-stateresponae is considered, and Eq. 2 besonies 0-H pans a ‘The solution for maximum displacement from an ‘unphased harmonic analysis is then: at © See 7 Lala tin Srl . where & isthe piping structural stifness and Bug 8 the static defletion ofthe system For the simple hinged support pipe af mass inten sity;m, we introduoe the botndary conditions ° ate Fe. 3: pen econot ge ipo ba J=0 mh an0b wc Bena ae an na $e. on and the natural frequencies! are: Vm where = Youngs modules, pt Pye SSE Pen ner, mais inten bese Pps lengt maaan Whatte ips oaded with force Pat mid pan, tne ate be efleioncquntens ig Dae wll Roped eon os o o o Deflection is symmetrical on both sides of the con- ‘entrated load position and the dynamic deflection ‘ould be evaluated using Bgs. 6,8 and 9 ‘With typical dynamic deflection profile as shown ia Fig. 3, to detarmine dynamic stresses one needs only apply the well-known relationships: went and o= MP an for bonding moment and bending sresses, "The soond derwvative of Bg 10 could be solved sing the finite differences technique. Since we are inter- tested in the maximum stress evaluation, the second Serivative at mid-spaniecalevlated ax: oY at as ao Where A = Bquispsced argument st Dyn fiona = L) ‘Dynamic deflection at -L/2 8h) ‘the dynam peak stress ia then, using ge. 6, 0 and 12 ED __ (a?e-4s>—12) (18) tan aye?) Y zw =. ope PB) beeing relation 1 iis intresting ome that the rat of ami dein to dyna ens ee Stan fora pip sin ender and Wise Pendent offic pipe mal thors a wel atthe ha ‘Saison eens and nd “he same tachnsque cal be ened to develop agn- eral an there lis concntraio ad ogee) pont Steen dae bre supporte ig 4). The beam sate (ctlcton uations ae: Pate? aw Alon a= as) Wiensce an 2 2-1-2) oo ae Oe Woensre a= 2 ‘The moment duo to a harmonie Farce exstation io then: on 222940) ‘whore tho torm in brackets could either be measured irectly onsite, or ealeulated using Bg. Gcombined with ge. 18 and 17, Case study. Our ease stady shows the application of this mathematical development and compares the seals with those prodaced by typial piping stress ‘ware that has dynamic analysis features incorporated, "The piping model shown in Fig. Gas the lllowing characterise: ie 2) a as) “Total length 240 in Outside diameter 4.8 Wall thickness 0337 in, Modulus ofelasticity — 30E6 psi ‘Mass density 0.2828 Ibn? Number ofelements 22 Boundary conditions Simply supported ‘Ahharmonie fore of 200 lbis applied at ts mid-span with an excitation frequency of BH, In reality, these Toads could perhaps he an inline pump with tx own ‘dead weight, bolted into the piping structure and run hing at aeortain rpm. Let's evaluate the maximura ‘dynamic stress and peak displacement. Tn situ measurement and evaluation: ‘Use a vibration probe and measure peak dis. placement at the contr ofthe pipe epan to get, and at fn adjacent lation of distance f from the canter for ‘You0ryioy The distance is usually selected tobe 4 or $5 ¥imes the nominal pipe size, "Use Bg. 12 to caleulato 9 1 Use Bq. 10to calculate the moment M-Ely? Chelate (Key-lat) n syn, dollars 1, a degradin ‘chemical in ion redox systems, See also money down the drain Cheigtes Crencriees reir Peco arar rere PREC TTICIEL EM 11 toevaluate the peak dymamie tres, Analytical calculation 1 Fundamental frequency: Ba 70h = Sy EE Moment oferta 1 =004005;(0"-<*) Mare intensity Isp a Fundamental frequency Frequency rato Evaluation of dynamic stress Using the equidtstance fof 12 in Ba, 18 = 04 =) arose) 4. Dynamic peak defletion (Gonna 5240 008) —a08 oy 739685? 1. ay (3568S) Computer simulation. A harmonic dynamic anal ysis ofthe system has been performed with a widely ised pipe stress analysis program The harmonic load if 200 Th witha agency exstation of He wee spp ft Nede 12 tmidespan) A mede shape analysis was alee performed to evaluste the fret three natural frequen: ton) ond Seer oni’ Seed eee er oma 4 a” as Pasemymee equa sss rere coceted i Oo coee meres i aga nee es coe, which were found to be 8.15, 925 and 72.76 He, ‘Tae computor output is listed in Table 1 fr comparison ‘Werte thatthe displacement a well as dynamic tress resus re nearly identical in both caleuetions Stress: ‘ + Displacement: « P8#01= 03

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