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Intro Writing Assignment Prompt

Prompt: Creation Simulation

As you close your eyes you feel as if youre being lifted. Yes, higher and higher until you decide to
open your eyes. You see a vast world before, one new to your eyes. A voice booms out: This is yours
now, craft it well. How do you shape this world? What inhabits it? Are there sentient species? Have a

As I think about what to create, it suddenly appears before me. A small planet, a model, full of vibrant
colors and patterns. It gradually grows in size, slowly engulfing the vast, empty space that Ive found
myself in.
I will myself lower towards the planet, and slowly set down, feet meeting hard ground.
That wont do.
As my eyes focus on the light pink surface, I can feel my shoes sinking into the now marshmallow-like
material. My grin splits my face as I begin to bounce lightly, watching the ripples that flow around me.
The gravity should be less than Earth,
I decide. My arms whirl, attempting to right my body as I begin
to drift away.
Definitely not that much less.
My feet meet the spongy ground again.
Now for life.
Small creatures begin to pop into existence around me. Little teardrop shaped animals with two legs,
one in front and the other behind, begin to cluster around my legs. They climb up, gripping my jeans
as they find suitable spots to hang.
Jagged spires shoot out of the ground around me, masses of sharp-looking stalagmites with
interconnected branches. They flicker between a few colors before settling on a deep violet.
Planted instincts cause the small creatures to jump from me, tiny limbs flinging their fuzzy bodies
towards the towering formations. The weak gravity causes them to almost float toward their new
They shall be Gruppers,
I decided,
and the trees are Spiros.
With the newly named Gruppers clinging to their protective structures, the Spiros looked like trees to
someone on a psychedelic.
Way too much neon,
I thought to myself as I turned away.
Oh well.
Lets have sentient beings.
A lithe feline shape came to mind, and consequently the landscape, molding into the final product. A
stretched cat, like a Weiner dog, only more graceful, with a suede coat of light purple-grey fur. It
stood on its,
, hind legs and looked down at me, head cocked.
and the being made soft tones, gesturing slightly with her foreleg.

I shrugged helplessly.
Of course I make a language I dont understand.
I look over my shoulder at the Gruppers on their spires, and notice the being follow my gaze.
She smiles at me and drops back down to all fours, trotting over to the Spiros.
I shrug to myself and think up more of the beings. Ill let them name their world.
Over the course of the next few hours, I help the beings create a small village, first by showing them
my power, then by allowing them to control my design.
I created resources for them to use as they expanded. And I left.
Let them be free.

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