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Evaluation question 3
By Sumayyah Bailey

What kind of media institution

(publisher) might distribute your
media product and why?
I think that Egmont group would publish my magazine. Egmont is the worlds leading
media organisation in more than 30 countries. They publish books, apps, magazines and
films. I think my media product would be published by them because they dont aim their
magazine at females between the ages of 16-24. They do publish We Love Pop, which is a
pop magazine aimed a 13-15 girls, who are obsessed with fashion, YouTube and
celebrities. I think that if Egmont were to publish my magazine, I would be a challenge.
This would target a wider audience based on demographics. My magazine is around the
same price as We Love Pop and a lot of the topics are similar. If the audience were to
recognise the publishing company, this will compel them to comsume the text.

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