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Integumentary System

By: Spencer Shifs, Ben Franks, Aidan Evans, and Tony Nilsen

What is the integumentary system?

Used for protection
Largest organ system in body

Reference Numbers
The average person has about 120,000 strands of hair on their head
Hair grows approximately 1 cm in length per month
A full grown adult has about 20 square feet of skin
You will shed approximately 40 lbs of skin throughout your lifetime. Every
month, you have a new layer of skin
Your skin is made up of 7 flat layers of stacked cells

Skin Organization
It is the largest organ in the body.
Skin has 2 layers: Epidermis, dermis, (Hypodermis).
Epidermis - 1st layer that is essentially a wrap, covering everything inside
Dermis - 2nd layer that provides nerve endings for touch and heat
Hypodermis - 3rd layer used to attach bone and muscle with the epidermis

Skin diseases
Acne - A skin issue the clogs your pores and makes pimples
Eczema - red, itchy skin. Can be caused by poison ivy
Psoriasis - inflammatory condition that affects 3% of people
Skin Cancer - 2 million people in US each year
Hives - Caused by allergies, large bumps on the skin
Sarcoptic Mange - A harsh rash caused by a parasite
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - A rare skin condition caused by drugs
Stevens-Johnson syndrome - A milder form of TENS.

What types of cells/tissues does it have?

Keratinocytes - (skin cells)
Melanocytes - (pigment cells)
Langerhans - (immunity cells)
Dermis - connective tissue
Subcutaneous - fat layer underneath dermis

Skin function
The integumentary system works to protect the other organs and parts of the
body by covering them
The skin provides a tough layer to go against the elements and accidents
Also provides defense against diseases
Used with nerves to sense touch, heat, etc.
Helps with temperature regulation
Communication via facial expressions

Hair\Fur Function
In most other animals besides humans, hair is a way of warmth and protection
In some cases, such as the polar bear, it provides a form of camouflage
Extends out from the skin as an extension to our sensory function
Can be used for mating or to warn predators
Can be used as a defensive mechanism too, like in the porcupine or the hedgehog,
where the hairs have been modified into sharp spines or quills

How does it work with other organ systems?

The integumentary system works with the digestive system to encourage more
Skin works with the immune system to protect itself against harmful organisms
It also works with the circulatory system to allow substances into the bloodstream
Works with the body to maintain homeostasis (goosebumps, sense of temp, etc.)
Skin also works with the nervous system for the sense of touch.

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