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Sara Anandji

Prop notes

For our production, we used props within our film to help create a
significant meaning. Our props consisted of a ring and a gun. They both
symbolised many different meanings on its own and together.

For the use of gun, we had

decided to choose it for the
suicide. This was because
the connotation of death is
clearly obvious when the
gun is seen. Throughout the
film, it was not obvious to
whether it was going to be a
suicide or murder, so from
this, it was to keep the
audiences suspense alert to
if anything
For the
use of the
ring, it
was originally the actors
own personal ring.
However, when in the
process of writing the
script, we used the ring to
connote the brotherly love
they had. It was to show
that there was love in that
family whether it seemed
like it or not. In addition to
this, the ring was also ring
that had a biblical
scripture on it, which was
about love and
compassion, so we took
parts of the message
engraved on the ring and
had converted it to a
message that the actor in
the film had engraved for
his brother in the past.

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