Newcareer Research

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Go to one of the following websites:

Answer the questions with the information you found on the website. Circle the website to indicate the one you used.
1. Job Name: Lawyer
2. Cluster: Government and Public Administration OR Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
3. Name one job duty: You have to be able to represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal
proceedings, draw up legal documents, or manage or advise clients on legal transactions. You would have to have
access to legal documents and be able to have a flexible schedule. Also, you need to be able to represent your
client in court and be able to provide practical evidence to help your client.
4. Explain one thing about the working conditions for the job: You are most likely going to be indoors and have a set
schedule to work with. You wont really have any room for adjustments. Sometimes the work hours are irregular
and they have to be able to work under pressure. You have to be pretty open to ideas and have a some-what free
schedule because you may have to travel places to meet your client. They could be in a different state or in a jail.
5. How many hours does someone in the job work? About 50+ hours per week
6. What is the salary/wage listed for this job?

Annual salary $114,970 or wage $55.27 per hour.

7. How much education or training is required? You need to have a doctoral degree. It usually takes 7 full years of
study after high school. You need to have at least 4 years of college followed by 3 years of law school. To get
accepted into schools to be a lawyer, you have to take a LSAT (law school admission test) to get in. You also need
to have good grades (most likely a 4.0+ GPA)
8. Name one personal qualification. I think that I should be able to become a lawyer because I am good with
numbers and standing up for people. I can stand my place in an argument and not get upset about the outcome. I
have good grades and I can work well with being on-time and having a schedule.
9. Where do you plan to get this education/training? I plan to get a doctoral degree from The University Of
Arkansas. They have a special building for law school. It isnt far from my house, so it would kind of be a money
saver to not have to stay in a dorm. You get to practice representing clients in a real- life situation at the School Of
Law @ the UofA.
10. What is the employment outlook for this job? It has a good outlook. There is anywhere from 15,770- 19,650 job
openings a year.
11. After reading about this job, name one advantage. One advantage about this job is that I would get to help people
in need. If a person cant represent their selves in court, than I would get to help them with that. I love to help
others get through their situations and I can do it by becoming a lawyer. Plus, I would get to have a schedule
which I love to have. It would be easy for me to represent someone in need of help.

Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.


Answer the questions on ONE PAGE. Put in your own words. No copy/pasting.

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