Literary Style Analysis Chart - Morgan Garrett - Sheet1

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Literary Element



In Sabature by Ha Jin diction is mostly literal when describing events and

scenery. The vocabular used throughout the story is educated and there
was very little colloquail language. Figurative language is not noticibly used
at all and overall the effect of word choice on the reader is not very strong.
However, it is effective in carrying the meaning and discriptions within the


In Sabature by Ha Jin, the authors use of detail is very denotative and there
is a balance between lavish and sparse detail. Description of the scenary
and charactors is detailed enough that the reader has a very clear picture of
the events and where those events are taking place. The emotions of the
charactors are well described however detail is not a prominant feature in
this story.

Point of View

The point of view that Jin uses is third person and it gives a clear idea of
what every charactor seems to be feeling. While the narration is following
Mr. Chiu's story it shows the actions of all the characters involved and dosn't
give any special insight into a particular character. This gives the story a
more factual standpoint wich in turn gives the reader a broader picture of the
political and moral issues associated with Chiu's arrest and revenge.


Jin's use of organazation is fairly standard with a clear chronological order of

events. Theres nothing striking about his organzation that would make it a
prominant feature of his writting style.

The sentance structure that Jin uses in his story Sabature has a nice
balance of simple and complex sentences. Likewise his phrasing is not long
or drawn out to an extreme. There is a good balance of descrption and
diologue and he uses both long and short sentances throughout the text.
The sentace structure used dosn't seem to have any deep or parallel
meaning to the text. Overall Jin's use of sentece structure and phrasing
Sentence Structure/Phrasing does not stand out and is not a prominant feature of his writting style.


Irony has a large impact in Hi Jin's story Sabature and is conveyed directly
to the reader in the title itself. The fact that Mr.Chiu is falsely accused of
being a Sabatuer in the begining and in the end he becomes one to exact
his revenge for the treatment he recieved in jail is very ironic in itself. The
idea that police brutality is spreding through China with the rise of the
Communist party makes it so there is irony in the act of Chiu's revenge
when he spread his disease throughout the city. Irony is a very prominent
feature of Jin's writting style.


JIn's bacground in China gives you a very good idea of his tone and attitude
towords his story. Through his story he not only addresses the moral issues
of Chiu's revenge but the political issues going on in his homeland with the
rise of the Communist party. Through the story the reader gets an idea of
how Jin feels some anger about the rise of police brutality in China and it's
governments attitude towords scholars like himself. This personal
connection to the story makes it so that tone and attitude are major pieces of
his writting style.

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