5.2.B - New Conclusion Questions

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Name:Eric LeBron

Date: 12-9-15


5.2b Conclusion Questions

Please answer these questions just below the statements. Please put
your answers in RED.
1. What advantages do CAD sketches have over freehand sketches?

If you drop water or juice on it you can just print another one as much
time as you want. You can scribble over a printout and take a look at
it without the final drawing having to redraw it. The scale will be more
2. What disadvantages do CAD sketches have when compared to freehand

You can have total control of it, that will help you edit it and make it more
precise. The CAD sketches are very easy to correct, every feature is linked
to each other so you can control it better.

3. What types of constraints may be applied to sketches?

Freehand drawing is easier because if you are making a rough draft, you
can quickly go back and erase it and do it all over again. You wont need to
worry about the size until you get your ideas down
4. Explain the difference between the Fillet sketch tool and the Fillet placed

They have different curved radii precisely placed at points between the
start and end of the edge.
5. The Fillet placed feature is used to create both a fillet and a round. Describe
the difference between a Fillet and a Chamfer.

A fillet normally increases the strength of metal corner because a

rounded corner cools more than any sharp corner, so reducing the
possibility of a break. Rounds are edges or outside corners that have
been rounded to prevent chipping.

6. Could the Shell feature be used to create the opening in the Automoblox body
passenger section? (You probably used the Extrude tool.) Explain your answer.

No because then the Passenger Section would be

created/looking correctly.

Name:Eric LeBron

Date: 12-9-15


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