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Canada: An Abrupt Swing Up-Right?

What would it take for Canada's position in the political spectrum to swing
to the far right economically and up to an authoritarian system of
Your assignment is to discuss and report on the conditions and/or steps
that Canada's political and social system would have to take for Canada to
radically change its place on the political spectrum.
This can be done individually or as a group and should include what was
presented in the slide presentation on authoritarian regimes and the
content of the film "The Wave."
Your presentation of the steps/stages/conditions for Canada's movement
on the spectrum can be presented in drawings, as a chart, in essay form,
song/poetry, some form of graphic organizer, or point form (with headings).
You will need to present your information by the end of class tomorrow.

Canada: An Ideal State?

Reflect on what you think are Canadas strength and weaknesses as a
government system and a society. Do you think that are economy is a
good balance of public and private ownership? Do you think that our
government does too little or too much to help its citizens? Do you think
that the government has too little or too much control over its citizens? Do
you think that we have enough freedom, liberty, and and equality? Do you
think that there is enough democracy? Do you feel that citizens have a
voice and say in the direction this country is going?
Your reflection is due at the end of the period.

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