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Lesson Plan Template

Serap Dinel
Unit Title
Grade Level
6th Grade
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
After this lesson, students will name the most common beverages. They will how to
express their preferences and needs relevant to this topic with the usage of related
grammar forms.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media
and Materials)]
The materials that I will use in the class are prepared in Prezi,,,
Goanimate, Studyblue and Google Forms, which are all Web 2.0 tools.
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and
In this lesson Presentation, Direct and Grammar Translation will be used as methods.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and
Require Learner Participation)]
First, with the help of Prezi presentation, the most common drinks will be shown to the
students and they will note and learn them. Then, they will read Beverages Around the
World as reading activity. Then it comes to the animation. After they watch it, grammar
rules (want, would like to, need) will be given and watch the animation again and try to
write down the conversations. They will make a role-play with using those conversations.
Then, tomato juice recipe will be given. The students will be asked to write a short story
(similar to the animation they have watched). In the end of the class, a short quiz will
take place. For homework, they will asked to memorize the vocabularies in the
Studyblue flash cards.
Individual Learning Activities
The students will try to write a short story,
they are expected to use newly-learned
grammar rules and vocabularies.
Group Learning Activities

Writing down the conversations will be done

by the whole class.

Vocabulary will be given by Prezi presentation. With the Beverages Around the World,
the students general knowledge will develop. Animation activity will develop their
speaking and listening skill. Short story writing will develop their writing skill. The
evaluation will be done with the quiz and the evaluation of the short story will affect
their grade.
Measurement & Evaluation
Write the measurement and evaluation methods you will employ in that lesson.
Measurement & Assessment
Quiz and the short story.
Activities for Individual
Measurement & Assessment
Dictation of the conversation in the animation.
Activities for Group Performance
Homework (optional)
Studyblue flash cards.
Write the points regarding to the measurement and evaluation which you want to

explain. (If any)

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
The lesson be held with the order that Ive mentioned under the under the headline;
Teaching methods. In case of a technical problem, I will have the hardcopies of every
material that I will use in the lesson. I will encourage the students to speak as much as

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