Raising The Bar

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Raising the Bar:

Working to Improve the Chocolate Industry

Your assignment is to draft a letter to encourage change in the chocolate industry, particularly
around the slow progress being made in eradicating child labour in the cocoa farms. Your letter
can be directed toward either (i) the Canadian government or (ii) a major chocolate
The letter should include details and facts that either encourage the chocolate manufacturers
to honour their agreement to the Harkin-Engel Protocol or encourage the Canadian
government to take a stronger stand against child labour. Choose the facts and figures you use
carefully and be sure to state their sources in the body of the letter (e.g. there are 25 000
children working in Ivorian cocoa farms according to the 2012 UNESCO Report on the Status of
Child Labour). The letter should be roughly a page in length and be addressed appropriately
(i.e. to the CEO of the company, or the Federal cabinet minister responsible).


Company chosen:

Compelling fact #1 to include in the letter

Compelling fact #2 to include in the letter

Compelling fact #3 to include in the letter

Compelling fact #4 to include in the letter

Compelling fact #5 to include in the letter

Raising the Bar:

Working to Improve the Chocolate Industry
Interesting/Significant information from Shady Chocolate
first significant piece of information

second significant piece of information

third significant piece of information

fourth significant piece of information

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