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Course Syllabus

Spanish 1-2
Teacher:Maestra Mrs. Amalia Spero

Phone: 602-449-6029 x 36071


Course Description:
Bienvenidos a todas y todos! I am excited to have you in my class. My goal is for you to acquire
Spanish. Acquiring a language is different from learning. Acquiring happens to you as you
listen to the language and gradually begin using it. That is why I want to spend nearly all of the
class time speaking Spanish.
The Spanish 1-2 course is designed to give you the basic communication skills that you can use in
everyday life. You will be using the four skills required in a language: writing, speaking, listening
and reading. In addition to the grammar and vocabulary, you will also learn about new cultures
where Spanish is spoken. The cultural aspects and products of the language include (but not
limited to) geography, history, artetc.

Classroom Expectations

Follow the procedures for entering and leaving the classroom.

Be respectful.
Be supportive and encourage others. You can help each other a lot!
Come to class every day prepared to work.

Participate actively in class: be engaged, sit up, pay attention, watch what is going on, ask
questions when you dont understand, volunteer.
Food and drinks are not allowed in class. Only water.
Turn off all electronics. They should be kept in your bag.

Grading Policy
Following the PV district policies, this will be your grading scale:
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79: C
60-69: D

Below 60%: F

Throughout the year, you will be assessed on your ability to read, write, speak and listen in Spanish. You
will demonstrate these skills through a variety of activities each week. Your grades will come from the
following sources:

Participation and Classwork 20%

In addition to the warm ups, each day, the student may earn up to 3 participation points for the
activities we do in class. Participation means:

completing your oral activities, giving answers and asking questions.

responding to questions or commands in class as well as asking about these if you do not
translations, group reading out loud with questions
using Spanish, making your own sentences, choral response, pair practice

Students who are talking, sleeping and/or disrupting the class will lose their daily
participation points.

Quizzes /Test/Projects 60%

Throughout the quarter, you will be given a variety of assessments: quizzes, chapter exams, performance
tasks and projects. Each assessment will require you to demonstrate the four language skills: speaking
(for presentations for example), writing, listening and reading.
Remember! There are two kinds of assessment. Formative assessments are for you and me to find out how
well you understand and master what we are learning. These will not be recorded in the gradebook.
Summative assessments, which show how well you have mastered the material when we are finished
studying it, will be entered in the gradebook.

Work Habits and Initiative 10%

Work habits will be worth 5% it looks like you are engaged in class, that you come prepared to class and
that you respect others.
The initiative grade will be based on a log you will keep of time spent listening to or reading Spanish
outside of class. This can include reading books or online sources; studying on Duolingo, or other platforms;
listening to music in Spanish; watching Spanish videos on YouTube; and others. It is essential to take the
time to review the vocabulary and any other concepts learned in class.

Homework 10%
Homework is designed to help you review and remember the concepts taught in class. It is essential to
take the time to review the vocabulary and any other concepts learned in class. This semester we will be
using Duolingo to practice.
Minimum time required per week: A= 50 minutes , B=40 minutes, C=30 minutes, D=20 minutes
You must log the time and what you did. The more time you spend, the greater will be your increase in

Bathroom Policy
Students will be given 4 bathroom/ emergency passes each semester. The students will not interrupt the
teacher but may ask to leave during transition periods and must sign in/out of the classroom, and then
hand-out the bathroom pass to Sra. Spero. Passes that have not been used by the student may be
turned for extra credit at the end of the quarter.

Absence Policy
If you have been absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. Check the folders to
see if any handouts/worksheet were given during your absence. You will ask a reliable classmate about
homework and copy any important notes you have missed. Per district policy, you have one day to make up
work for each absent day.

Make-ups and Extra Help

If you have missed a quiz or test, it is your responsibility to schedule a time with me as soon as possible.
I will arrange time to be available (typically at lunch on Tuesdays /Thursdays).

Course Materials
You need to bring the following with you everyday:

One Spanish notebook.

One expo marker and sock or eraser.
One folder for Spanish handouts only (labeled).
Pen, pencils and paper.


Avancemo s 1 textbook: your textbook will be kept at home for homework and for studying. We
have a class set of texts and workbooks so that you dont have to carry them. We will also be
using the Avanzemos 1 workbooks in class for guided practice and reviews.

Classroom Wish List

A bottle of hand sanitizer
Markers for posters
Expo markers
Bag of individually wrapped candies


Your first assignment is to discuss this information with your parents/guardians and make sure that
they have read and understood this information. Your parents must sign below indicating that they
understand the information and policies or indicate any questions or concerns they have in regards to the
policies in the syllabus. You must also sign this page, detach it and return it by Friday August
14 th !

Parent/Guardian Signature: 5 points.

Parent Signature

Course Materials: 5 points.

Student Signature

Parent Name - ____________________________

Email _________________________________
Telephone - ______________________________

Preferred contact method Email telephone call

Questions or Comments




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